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Pack Mates (Were Chronicles)

Page 8

by Crissy Smith

  “Simple. A challenge. Dylan and Fred. Winner takes Alpha position.”

  RJ went to step forward, having heard enough. There was no way he was going to let his brother fight some feline they knew nothing about. Dylan cut his eyes over to him and shook his head. He was going to ignore his brother when Brandon gripped his shoulder.

  “Dylan needs to handle this,” Brandon said quietly.

  RJ shook his head. This was unbelievable. They had a problem with Dylan leading so they brought in a cat shifter no one even knew? Dylan had been in town for months getting to know his new Pack.

  And it didn’t matter what anyone said. RJ would not be convinced that the fight would be fair.

  “I accept the challenge,” Dylan stated, his voice strong and proud over the crowd.

  “No!” Ben cried from the crowd.

  RJ agreed with his brother. “Absolutely not. How can we even ensure it would be a fair challenge? There is no one here to judge the feline,” he protested.

  “It’s a good thing I made it in time, then,” another voice rose from the crowd.

  RJ turned and saw the members of his military unit standing with Mike, Nikki, and Ben. The Prince of the felines stepped forward.

  “I believe I am able to judge the challenge fairly. I also have the ability to take down one of them if they choose to use means not approved for the challenge.”

  Activity picked up when everyone recognised the power of the strongest cat in the world.

  Cameron nodded and waved the Prince forward. RJ met the gaze of his friend and the Prince’s mate, Casey Williams. He cut his eyes to Nikki in silent meaning. Casey looked surprised before he smiled. He nodded and placed his hand on her shoulder. RJ knew Casey would protect her.

  “The terms,” Prince Zachary called out.

  RJ walked with Mike, Brandon and Justin to his brother’s side.

  There would be a challenge and he’d be damned if he was going to lose his brother. He would give the man every single piece of information he had learnt over the years of fighting next to the cat species.

  Some of his best friends were felines, but this was a fight he wouldn’t let his brother lose. He just hoped Dylan knew what he was doing.

  Chapter Twelve

  Nikki couldn’t believe what was happening around her. The parents of young children had been ordered to take the kids away and anyone else who didn’t want to witness the challenge was free to leave until it was over.

  It didn’t surprise Nikki that most of the Pack stayed. This would affect the entire Pack. She wasn’t sure what exactly Samson’s plan entailed, but she knew it wouldn’t be good. Bringing in an unknown feline shifter to lead a Pack of wolves? It was beyond crazy.

  “If you will step over here with me,” the man who had introduced himself as Casey asked.

  She looked back over at RJ but his attention was wholly on his brother.

  “Please, let RJ help his brother now.”

  She followed with a sigh to where she would still be able to see but there was no one behind them. Mike had already explained their appearance. He’d been on the phone with the unit leader off and on since RJ’s shop had been destroyed. That was when the unit had decided they needed to be there.

  So the Prince of felines and two other men had shown up.

  She stood beside Ben and they both watched helplessly as Dylan and the feline Fred entered the circle.

  “This is wrong,” Ben whispered, grabbing her hand.

  “I know.” She held on tight.

  Cameron and Prince Zachary stood between the two fighters as the others backed out to give them room. RJ stood with his arms across over his chest, directly across from Samson.

  Samson sneered at him but the way the man’s eyes darted back and forth revealed some of his worry. He’d also had a heated discussion with Fred before the man had stepped into the circle.

  Obviously, the arrival of the Prince had been a shock to them. Nikki just hoped it would keep the challenge legal and fair. Everyone knew that the Prince would have no problem bringing either man down if they cheated but what about the damage before that?

  The challenge started without any ceremony. Cameron and the Prince waited until both men had stripped and shifted before they backed out of the circle.

  The tiger roared but Dylan just shook and growled. Nikki had never seen anything like it before. Dylan in wolf form was impressive. He was fully black and big. However, the tiger was huge. The feline swiped at the wolf, who just darted out of the way. Okay, so Dylan was quick—that was good.

  The two animals came together with a clash of fangs and claws. Nikki had to close her eyes several times as the fight continued. The sound of bone-crushing hits and blood spraying was just too much to handle.

  Ben started to shake beside her and she wrapped both arms around his waist to hold onto him. Their guards even stepped closer to them.

  Dylan bit at the tiger while the massive feline claws scrapped down him. All attention was on the two fighters so no one noticed Samson until it was too late.

  Samson had shifted and he howled before he launched himself at RJ outside the ring.

  RJ only had enough time to cover his face before he landed on the ground with the wolf on top of him.

  “No!” Nikki screamed and started towards him.

  She was caught around the waist and lifted off her feet.

  “Don’t,” Casey ordered, holding her tight.

  Nikki panicked. The other cats that had arrived with Fred started to shift and so did the wolves with RJ. Brandon, Justin, Max, and even Mike. RJ still fought to hold Samson off so he could shift himself.

  “Do something!” she yelled at Cameron and the Prince.

  “We can’t,” Prince Zachary told her, his face revealing regret. “As long as they don’t cross into the circle they are not interfering with the challenge.”

  RJ managed to get away from Samson long enough to start stripping off his clothes. Mike lunged at Samson but was blocked by a cougar protecting the wolf.

  Inside the circle, Dylan growled out a warning as another two felines tracked RJ’s shift. As soon as he was in wolf form, they attacked.

  The distraction worked for the felines. The tiger was able to pounce on the wolf and pin him down for several moments. Luckily, Dylan managed to avoid the powerful jaws but only barely.

  Nikki didn’t know where to look. Both her brothers, the man she loved, and her future Alpha all battled while she was held back.

  “Let me go! Let me go!” she demanded, digging her nails into Casey’s arms. She had to do something. Her entire world was being threatened and her wolf was raging inside.

  “Don’t shift,” Casey told her sternly. “Hold on. RJ needs all of his attention. If he has to worry about you, it could cause him to get distracted.”

  Nikki knew Casey was right but she just couldn’t hold it in. Her body shook with the effort to hold in her animal.

  “Calm down,” Casey urged quietly. “It will be okay, just breathe.”

  Nikki followed his instructions. She didn’t want to be the one to put the ones she loved at risk. She wouldn’t be putting just RJ in danger, but Brandon and Justin too.

  Dylan had somehow figured out how to get the tiger off him and was taking quick bites before backing up. The tiger was starting to tire.

  Nikki watched in shock as Samson was knocked from going after Justin and the wolf flew. RJ followed, growling and stalking.

  RJ was just magnificent. Inside, her own wolf started to calm as she watched him, noting he was okay.

  “Good, that’s better,” Casey told her, loosening his hold.

  She had forgotten he still had a grip on her.

  Inside the circle, the wolf finally managed to pin the tiger with his jaws locked into the feline jugular. Dylan shook his head, biting down, and the tiger fought even harder.

  “If you wish to submit, start to shift,” Prince Zachary stated firmly. “Or Dylan can end your life.”

sp; A collective gasp travelled through the Pack as the tiger started to shift back to man. Dylan released his hold and back away a few steps but stayed in wolf form.

  It was only a few seconds before Fred lay in the centre of the circle, panting.

  “The challenge is over,” Prince Zachary declared. “Dylan Cross is the winner and new Alpha of the Pack.”

  A cheer rose from the Pack, drowning out the howl of one lone wolf. Nikki turned in time to see Samson coming at her while RJ’s back was turned as he looked towards his brother.

  Her wolf had had enough. She ripped out of Casey’s hold and finally let her animal take control.

  She only managed to get out of her pants before she was on all fours and changing. Samson knocked into her and she could hear RJ and the others start forward.

  She snarled at them to stay back and faced her foe. She wasn’t going to let anyone else get hurt. She launched herself at Samson just as the other wolf did the same. They slammed together, but Nikki was smaller and quicker. She turned in the air to put him under her and as they hit the ground hard and rolled, she clamped down on his throat.

  He kicked at her, the claws of his back legs digging into her stomach, but she wasn’t letting go. She bit down until blood started to flow. Samson went limp in her hold and whimpered.

  “Nikki.” Dylan knelt down next to her. “He submits to you. You need to release him.”

  She shook her head, tearing more at his throat. Didn’t Dylan understand that all of this was Samson’s fault?

  “He will be taken care of,” Dylan assured her. “Let him go now.”

  She didn’t want to, she really didn’t want to, until she caught another scent. The scent of her mate.

  She dropped him down to the ground and stepped on him to get to the other side. RJ was still in his shifted form and was crouched down, pawing towards her.

  She fell down in front of him and turned onto her back, exposing her belly for him. She didn’t want to challenge him—she wanted something else.

  He nuzzled her neck and belly and she let him. He licked the wounds she had gained in the battle but they were already starting to heal. When he encouraged her to stand, she followed his direction.

  “Please, everyone, let us get back to the celebration. Brandon, can you take care of our visitors?” Dylan spoke above the crowd.

  Nikki didn’t get to watch what was happening around her. RJ was nudging her away from the pack towards the woods. He nipped her hindquarters to hurry her along. She took off in a trot once she was sure what he wanted.

  Away from the Pack and alone, he stopped and head-butted her. He started to shift back to human and she followed suit.

  She stood and stretched and found herself yanked up and into his arms.

  “God, baby,” he breathed against her. “You scared me.”

  “RJ!” She grabbed the back of his head and brought his lips down to hers.

  They kissed, mouths mating, claiming and biting as every emotion she’d felt came back full force. The strength of her love, the worry, the fear—she let go of it all and devoured him.

  They fell to the leaf-covered ground, rolling around naked, hands mapping each other’s bodies, need pulsing through them.

  “Please,” she begged. She needed him like never before.

  RJ slipped down her body and buried his head in her sex. He didn’t waste any time—opened her up with his fingers and started to lick her pussy.

  “Oh God! Yes!” she screamed. She grabbed the back of his head and arched up into his mouth. He feasted and teased her with his fingers until she was panting and tingling.

  She came, crying his name. He tore himself away and flipped her around. She had barely managed to settle on her hands and knees before he was thrusting inside.

  Her inner muscles clamped down around his hard cock, holding him in deep.

  “Never again! Never again will you be in danger,” he promised as he continued to pound inside.

  She met him, pushed back into each of his frenzied plunges.

  “You’re mine. No one else will ever touch you!”

  “Yes!” she cried out. “Yours! Yours!”

  “My mate!”

  “Claim me!” she demanded. “Now, do it now!”

  His hips snapped and he yanked her head back to reveal her throat. He bent down and closed his teeth over her. He bit down and the mating mark sent her into the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced.

  He rocked into her, hammering her though her climax, until he stiffened and emptied his seed deep into her. They collapsed together and she started to laugh.

  He rolled over and grinned down at her. “Damn, baby.”

  She brushed the hair off his forehead, staring into the eyes of her future. She wouldn’t put herself in danger, but she wouldn’t sit back and let her loved ones suffer either.

  She brought her mouth down on his. “I love you.”

  He closed his eyes briefly. “I love you too.”

  She let him gather her close as they lay beneath the canopy of the trees under the moon and the stairs. She had found her mate. There was no doubt she would be coming home to the pack and would stay by RJ’s side for the rest of their lives.

  And she was okay with that. She was home and loved. She couldn’t ask for more than that.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Three months later

  RJ locked the door to his shop before sliding onto his bike and heading home. He waved at Brandon as he passed the sheriff’s office. Brandon lifted a hand with a smile on his face.

  The last few months had proved that Brandon had been a great pick for Beta of the pack. He was protective and kind, and he was a voice of reason to Dylan when he was needed.

  The unmated inner circle members had moved into the Alpha house, so since Dylan and Brandon were now roommates along with a few other Pack members, it was a good thing they were getting along.

  The Pack had dealt with the issue of Samson and the elders well. They had arranged for them and any who others who wished to join them a place with a Pack they would be happy at. Well, as happy as possible. The elders had accepted the move while Samson had stormed off without a word. He had moved out of his home, and they had not seen or heard from him since.

  The attack on Nikki still angered him, but she had handled herself well and all of the Pack kept a watch out for Samson’s return. He would not be welcomed back.

  The drive home was now familiar and he grinned at the sight of the front porch light on. He parked his bike in his usual spot right next to the old Jeep.

  “Honey, I’m home!” he called out, stepping in the front door.

  “In here,” Nikki called back.

  He made his way to the kitchen of the house that had seen many changes over the last several months. Dylan had moved into the Alpha house, which had left RJ and Ben in their home. It wasn’t a week after he’d moved Nikki in that Justin and Ben had told Dylan about their relationship and Ben had moved into Justin’s and Nikki’s childhood home. He’d just had lunch with his brother and was happy that Ben had found what he wanted and needed. Justin was perfect for his little brother.

  “Hey, baby.” He greeted Nikki with a quick kiss as she sat at the kitchen table in front of her laptop. She’d just returned home from doing a story on one of the big cat sanctuaries that was need of funds.

  She saved her writing in Word and pulled him back down. “What kind of greeting was that?”

  He ran his tongue over her lower lip and nipped until she opened for him, then made sure she was breathless before he pulled away this time.

  “Mmm, better,” she told him with a smile.

  He was already hard and pulled her out of her chair. “I don’t know, baby, I think I can improve on ‘better’.”

  He leaned her back over the papers she had over the table until she wrapped her legs around his waist. She arched up and rubbed against his swollen shaft.

  “Oh, I have no doubt,” she teased, gripping him throu
gh his jeans.

  He bucked into her hold and let her push him back. She knelt before him, mouthing his cock through his pants.

  “Yeah, baby, missed you,” he expressed sincerely.

  “Me too.” She opened his jeans to expose his cock to the warm air then hummed as she jacked him off. “Missed everything about you, but especially having you hard in my hand…in my mouth.”

  She deep-throated him and he had to slam a hand down on the table to avoid going weak in the knees. God, but she had a talented mouth.

  She sucked until he was gripping her hair and tugging. “Want inside you.”

  She popped off his dick with a grin. “Good idea.”

  He found himself in the kitchen chair she’d abandoned while she yanked her shirt over her head then pushed her sweats down her legs. He reached for her as soon as she was bare in front of him.

  On her left breast, just over her heart, was the image of him in wolf form. His own mate tattoo over his heart had been one of the best presents to himself.

  He licked at her tattoo as she shivered in his arms.

  “I dreamed about you every night I was gone,” she informed him, straddling his legs.

  It had only been a few days but he’d not been able to breathe correctly when she’d been away.

  “Next time you’ll have to come with me,” she told him, bracing one hand on his shoulder while she held his cock with the other.

  He was relieved she had said it first because he didn’t know how he could let her take another assignment that would take her away from him.

  All thoughts flew out of his head when she started to lower down and her hot pussy engulfed his cock.

  Their moans mingled and he caught her lips to devour her mouth as she finally took him all the way in. She rose and he dug his hands into her hips. On the next slide down, he plunged up to meet her.

  “Oh yes, RJ, please,” she mumbled against his lips.

  That was all he needed to hear. He held her tight as he continued to thrust up into her willing body. She rode him hard, digging her nails into his arms, arching and trembling for him.

  Too soon she cried out and gripped his cock hard as she climaxed. He pounded into her, drawing out her pleasure until she shook. He stood, laying her back on the table, and took control. As he slammed deep inside her, she scratched and moaned, urging him on. His hips snapped, drawing them closer and closer to the edge.


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