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Polaris: Book Five of The Stardust Series

Page 10

by Autumn Reed

  “If I showed you how to use my camera, you would teach me how to cook. I'm holding you to that.”

  “Fine,” I huffed, joking. “It's a date.”

  He squeezed me tighter. “Sweet! Now, I have guaranteed quality time with you. The guys flee the moment I step foot in the kitchen.”

  I laughed, but behind his teasing, I sensed a larger issue. “I know I haven't been home as much lately. If you want to hang out, all you have to do is ask.”

  Juggling five guys was a challenge, and I'd been trying to be more aware of how I spent my time. Apart from keeping some sort of hours log, it would never be equal. But I could do my best to ensure each of them had my undivided attention when we were together.

  “I know, sweet pea.”

  We fell silent, watching as the sun dipped below the horizon. It set off a chain reaction of colors that were even more vivid, the sky darkening to a deep orange. Surrounded by such magnificent beauty, all my cares faded away. At least, until a cold gust whipped past, almost toppling the tripod.

  “Let's get out of here,” Theo said.

  I jumped up and he followed, stowing the gear before leading me back to the car.

  With the heat on full blast and the radio playing softly in the background, the drive back to Santa Cruz flew by. More than once, I caught Theo staring at me from across the gearshift, his eyes dark, hungry. I knew how he felt. We'd taunted each other all afternoon with stolen kisses, lingering glances, and subtle touches. It had whetted my appetite, and I was ravenous for more.

  With the rest of the guys still out of town, the house was quiet, almost eerily so. We hunkered down on the basement couch, and Theo started an episode of The Flash. It was our latest TV obsession, at least when Knox wasn’t around, since he preferred Arrow.

  We snuggled beneath a large blanket, and for the first time all day, I felt warm. Theo lay behind me, cradling his head in his hand. The other roamed my body, inching its way beneath the soft material of my tunic to caress my stomach and ribs.

  Electricity pinged through me with every touch, and when he skimmed my breasts over my lacy bra, I could no longer resist the urge to kiss him. I turned my head and our mouths fused together, our tongues clashing. Needing to feel his hands on my bare skin, I tore off my tunic and tossed it aside while he shed his sweater and undershirt. Without missing a beat, our lips locked, his tongue plundering my mouth.

  “Wait, stop,” he said suddenly, his breathing heavy. “I can't do this.” My heart stopped as he pushed his, now disheveled, hair back from his face. “I can't go another day, another moment, without telling you that I love you.”

  I met his eyes and the sincerity of his words rang true, echoing in my heart. Theo had captivated me from the moment I'd spied him dancing around the loft without a care. Our connection was immediate and strong. He was my best friend, my partner in crime, and he made me laugh when no one else could.

  Over time, our friendship developed into something more. But I'd denied my feelings, not even admitting them to myself until his confession in Portland. Although I couldn't pinpoint the precise moment it happened, I'd gone from caring about Theo as a friend to falling in love with him.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me, burying my head in his chest. “I thought you were going to say you changed your mind, that you didn’t want me.”

  “What?” He pushed himself up so he was leaning over me, an incredulous look on his face. “You're everything to me. You're under my skin, literally. Look.”

  He rolled onto his back, pushing the blanket aside and unzipping his jeans, prompting me to raise an eyebrow. While one hand held his boxer briefs in place at the waistline, he used the other to slowly peel back the material to display his right hip. His mystery tattoo was revealed at last—a phoenix outlined in dark blue ink with orange at the edges of its wings and tail.

  I sucked in a breath as the significance of his choice sank in. Phoenix was the code name the guys had resorted to using for me after discovering Brian Taylor had a daughter.

  I met Theo's eyes and found him assessing me. “Do you like it?”

  “Like wasn't quite the word I had in mind.” I traced a finger over his inked skin, admiring the detailed illustration, the way the colors created a sense of movement. “It's sexy.”

  He shifted, the bulge in his boxers pronounced even in the low light from the TV. My own desire kicked up another notch, but there was still something I wanted to know. “When?”

  “Just after you left for Portland. I wanted to brand my skin, mark it as yours, even though you didn't know it at the time. I needed a daily reminder of the friendship we shared and the future I hoped for.”

  I fell silent, letting the full weight of his confession settle. He'd gotten a tattoo to symbolize me and our relationship after I ran away? It wasn't something I took lightly. I crouched down and kissed the image of the phoenix, wanting to convey how much it meant to me. “I love it, and I love you.”

  “Haley,” he growled. “You can't kiss me like that and not expect me to do something about it.”

  “What are you waiting for?”

  He pulled me roughly to him, our lips crashing against each other as our tongues battled for dominance. All the times we'd kissed, it had never felt this powerful, this consuming. It was like a barrier had been removed, and I knew Theo felt it too as we poured our emotions, our longing into the kiss.

  I arched my back, grinding against him. I wanted more. When he drew back, the heated look in his eyes told me he did too.

  “I need to taste you.” His voice was ragged, hoarse.

  I nodded, trying not to let my intimidation override my desire, but that didn’t stop my legs from trembling at the idea. Theo kicked off his jeans before he kissed his way down my stomach, nuzzling my center through the thin material of my leggings. Slowly, with his eyes on mine, he peeled off my clothing, leaving me bared to him apart from my bra.

  He leaned back on his heels, rubbing his hand over his chin as his eyes grazed me. “You are so fucking gorgeous.”

  I laughed despite my blush. “I believe you owe the swear jar some money.”

  “That's what you're thinking about right now?”

  “No,” I whispered. “I was actually trying not to focus on how nervous I am.”

  “Do you trust me?” He trailed his fingers down my neck and over my exposed skin, leaving a line of fire in their wake.

  “Of course.” I reached out to touch him, eager to feel grounded by the smooth skin of his chest.

  “Then, let go.” He kissed me softly. “I promise to make you feel good.”

  He massaged my feet briefly then ran his hands over the muscles of my legs while applying gentle pressure. My head fell back on the couch, my tension melting away under his sensual caresses. He took his time, lavishing me with attention as he kissed his way up my legs, inching closer to my core.

  When his tongue swirled inside, pleasure bloomed within me, growing with every swipe. He gripped my hips, stilling me so that he could devour me like a starving man.

  Using a finger, he toyed with my entrance while continuing his mind-numbing assault, driving me higher and higher. Unabashedly, I dug my fingers into his hair while pushing my hips closer to his mouth. I felt sexy, wanton, wanted as I writhed on the couch.

  Finally, he plunged a finger inside, applying pressure to the spot that made me moan with pleasure. I clutched the blanket, and when his eyes met mine, filled with passion and love, I couldn’t hold back any longer. If I was the phoenix, he was the flame, and I was going to combust.

  I convulsed around him as I called his name. I was flying, my body exploding into a thousand tiny pieces of pleasure.


  I leaned against the headboard and closed my eyes. This was our first out-of-town assignment since Dallas, and I was more than ready to be home. More than ready to see a certain brunette temptress.

  An alert for Uncle’s home security system chimed on my laptop, an
d I jerked to attention. The loft, Liam’s penthouse, my bungalow, and Uncle’s house were under surveillance twenty-four seven, and it was easy to access the secure site Chase created specifically for us. With cameras posted at the main entrances, as well as the public spaces, I had a pretty comprehensive overview.

  I scanned the grid of video feed from Uncle’s home, looking for anything out of the ordinary, before finally concluding that wildlife must have tripped the alert. For my own peace of mind, I toggled between the three other properties to ensure everything was in order. When I came to the loft, I paused as movement caught my attention. I maximized the window, hoping for a glimpse of Haley. And, boy, did I get an eyeful—one that made my dick stand up and take notice.

  Haley was sprawled on the couch, her hair flowing over the headrest, her face the picture of exquisite satisfaction. Wearing only a bra, Theo’s head was between her thighs, her long legs draped over his shoulders. I pressed my hand against my hard-on, tortured in the best possible way by the scene I’d unwittingly stumbled upon.

  When her body went limp, Theo kissed his way up her stomach, effectively blocking my view. He pulled her to his chest, wrapping one arm around her as he covered them with a blanket.

  After a quick knock on the door, Knox peeked his head inside my room. I slammed the laptop shut, and I was positive my face looked guilty as hell.

  “What is the rule about watching porn? You lock the door, man.”

  “I wasn’t watching porn. Well, I’m not sure it qualifies as such.” He gave me a quizzical look, waiting for me to continue digging my own grave. “Does it count as porn if you’re watching your girlfriend with her boyfriend?”

  His back straightened. “Haley and Theo?” Even Knox, master poker player, couldn’t hide the surprise from his voice. “Were you spying on them?”

  “I was checking on an alert. How was I supposed to know he’d be going down on her on the basement couch?” Shit. I hadn’t meant to tell him that much.

  He glared at me. “That’s a blatant violation of their privacy, and I can only imagine how Haley would feel if she knew you were watching them.”

  “Can you really tell me you’d have the strength to look away?”

  “I’d like to think so.”

  “Because he’s your brother?” It was something I’d often wondered—if Knox and Theo would be able to handle sharing the same woman.

  “No,” he answered immediately.

  “Because you’ve experienced her orgasm firsthand,” I stated without question.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at me while we conducted an unspoken battle of wills. I hadn’t gotten to be a team lead without honing my observational skills. I knew my guys better than anyone, maybe even better than they knew themselves.

  “Was sex with her as good as I imagine?”

  A brief flicker of emotion passed behind those green eyes, confirming my suspicions that he’d slept with her. In Dallas, if my spidey sense was on target.

  Reluctantly, he shook his head. “Better.” He took a menacing step toward me. “If you tell anyone I slept with Haley, I’ll cut off your dick and feed it to a shark.”

  “Okay, okay.” I held up my hands. “No need for violence.”

  We were both silent for a moment, perhaps processing our latest revelations, before I said, “Do you know what Haley is?”

  “The best thing that ever happened to us.”

  “Our greatest strength and our biggest weakness. If anyone ever discovers that, we’re fucked.”

  He nodded.


  Blurred Lines


  “Good afternoon.” Kenneth James strode into the classroom, and the chatter immediately died down as he took his place behind the lectern.

  He plugged a cord into his tablet, and a slideshow with the image of a chessboard appeared on the screen behind him. Standing tall in his tailored suit with his blond hair combed away from his face, his gaze was shrewd, assessing.

  “I selected the five of you for this program based on your grades, your performance, and your pursuit of excellence. The next four weeks will push your limits, challenge you, and prepare you for your future roles at Zenith.

  “Each week, we will focus on a different component of strategy, with field exercises and tests throughout the program. There are no grades; you either pass or you fail.” His eyes swept over my fellow trainees, briefly pausing when they landed on me.

  “Let's get started.”

  The slide changed, and he launched into a lecture on locational tactics. He was thorough but succinct, providing a broad overview of everything from topographical challenges to the issues inherent in buildings—complicated hallways, hidden exits, and any number of unexpected factors. An hour later, he concluded his speech and answered several questions before disconnecting the tablet from the projector.

  His brow furrowed as he concentrated on the screen for several moments, angrily swiping his finger over the surface. “I apologize,” he said, returning his attention to the class, “non-stop e-mails are one of my least favorite perks of being a regional director.

  “I'd like to spend the remainder of our time today getting to know you individually.” He turned his attention to the guy seated next to me, a trainee from the Miami office. “Ben, please come with me. The rest of you can use this time to work on your assignment for the week.”

  I navigated to the online portal and noticed an alert that grades had been posted for an assignment in another course. My score flashed on the screen—ninety-five percent. While I knew I should be happy with that number, I was frustrated with myself for missing points on the essay portion of the hostile negotiation segment.

  While I was logged-in, I decided to schedule my next coaching session for the Spanish immersion program. I found the daily chats enjoyable, especially when I was able to work with my favorite coach, Alejandra. She was great at engaging me on topics I enjoyed, to the point that I almost forgot we were speaking in a foreign language.

  With those two items taken care of, I opened the tab for Kenneth's course and skimmed the materials. I had already finished reading the first chapter of this week’s assignment when Ben returned.

  “Haley, you’re up.” He re-claimed his seat and immediately started talking with one of the other girls in our class. I wished I could gain some insight on his one-on-one chat, but I didn’t want to keep Kenneth waiting.

  As I strode down the hallway with more confidence than I felt, I reassured myself that the interview was a perfunctory matter. I’d already been accepted to the course; he merely wanted to get to know us.

  When I peeked into the classroom, Kenneth glanced up from his tablet and grinned. Even though it was rare for me to interact with Patrick in a business context, and despite the fact that he was a self-proclaimed workaholic, I still couldn't imagine him chained to a tablet or phone. Considering Kenneth's attachment to the device, I was beginning to wonder if he was the type to micromanage.

  “Miss Jones.” I paused, thrown by the sound of Jackson's nickname coming from Kenneth's lips. “Please take a seat.”

  “Thank you.” I slid into the chair opposite him.

  “I'm glad to see you under more favorable circumstances,” he said, referring to our brief interaction at the Dallas hospital.

  “As am I.” I focused on my mom's ring, forcing myself not to relive the harrowing days after Jackson was shot.

  “Patrick tells me Jackson's recovery is progressing well.”

  I smiled, thinking of how proud I was of Jackson, how grateful I was that he was okay. “It is. He's been very dedicated to his physical therapy.”

  “I would expect nothing less from him. Jaguar has consistently been one of our top performing teams, last year notwithstanding. I'm sure you're eager to join them in the field.”

  “I'm eager to assist any team that wants my help,” I answered diplomatically.

  “Oh, I just assumed you'd want to join Jaguar.” He rubbed
a hand over the faint stubble that lined his chin. “Since you're so close to the team.”

  I schooled my face into a neutral expression. After the Zenith holiday party, it was only a matter of time before the entire office knew I was dating Liam. But my gut told me that wasn't what Kenneth was referring to. I didn’t believe Patrick would have told him about my relationship with the guys, despite their long friendship and business partnership. Patrick was loyal to his family above all else.

  Had Kenneth noticed something in Dallas? I had been less guarded in my affections with the guys, giving them comfort and seeking reassurance. Consumed by emotion, I hadn’t thought to consider who might be watching us.

  “They have been instrumental in my success.” I danced around the question. “But I'm not interested in joining their team or any team, for that matter. I believe a behind-the-scenes role is a better fit for my skills and interests.”

  “Too much testosterone?” he joked, and I tried not to let my annoyance show.

  “Something like that.”

  “Aren't the Bennett brothers your roommates?”

  It wasn't exactly a secret; still, I found the fact that he decided to mention it unnerving. I told myself I was probably being paranoid after a lifetime of secrecy. As he said, he wanted to get to know us. It wasn't his fault that my personal and professional lives were so inextricably linked.

  “They are. So, you can understand why I may not want to work with them.”

  “Fair enough. What about D.C.? If you ever tire of California, we're always looking for strategy specialists in the Northeast Regional Office. And, if you do as well in this course as I expect, I'd be happy to help make that happen.”

  Flattered by his offer, even though I'd never consider it, I said, “I'll keep that in mind. I haven’t been to D.C., but I'd love to visit. Just maybe not during the winter.”

  He chuckled. “I can't say I miss it right now. The temperature this morning is in the twenties, and they'll be lucky if they get above freezing before the day is through.”


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