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Polaris: Book Five of The Stardust Series

Page 20

by Autumn Reed

  Scarface pulled me to a stop and rapped on one, prompting a male voice to answer with a clipped, “Adelante.”


  I straightened, even as the guard maintained his hold on me and pushed the door open. When he thrust me forward, I nearly stumbled over the threshold, expecting to find a man seated at a desk, maybe even some kind of drug production in progress. I was not anticipating a makeshift photographer's studio, complete with a floor to ceiling backdrop, large light boxes, and a tripod. What the hell?

  At the sight of a bed covered in satin sheets and a chair draped in lingerie, I inched backward, the barrel of a gun digging into my side. I quickly calculated my chances of escape and estimated that they were slim to none. With no clear exit, a gun at my back, and two large men hovering over me, I was trapped.

  The man set down his camera and stalked closer, his eyes scanning me, assessing me as if I were a prize. “Mmm,” he hummed as he circled me. “¿Donde encontraste esta? Ella es muy agradable.”

  Even as my mind whirred with various scenarios, I focused on translating. Where did you find this one? She is very nice.

  I felt sick to my stomach at his appraisal, revolted by the prospect before me. Clearly, they were going to photograph me, but what were the pictures for? Was I expected to model or . . . oh, god. I shut off my brain before I could imagine the possibilities.

  “Dejanos,” the photographer said.

  Leave us, he commanded, but Scarface made no move to do so. “Es una luchadora. ¿Me necesitas para vigilarla?”

  “No,” he responded, ignoring the guard's warning that I was feisty and his subsequent offer to keep an eye on me.

  With a huff, Scarface exited the room, calling, “Estaré afuera, Javier,” over his shoulder.

  I'll be just outside. Good, this was good. Not only had I learned the photographer's name was Javier, but with the guard in the hall, I had a better chance at picking them off one by one.

  I kept my eyes downcast, even as Javier circled me, taking me in. He was a few inches taller than me, thin, and might have even been handsome under normal circumstances.

  “¿Hablas español?” he asked, and I shook my head. If the guards weren’t already aware that I spoke Spanish, I had no intention of correcting that belief.

  “There's no need to be frightened.” Javier’s English was perfect with a trace of an accent. He stepped closer, making me feel anything but at ease. “It's only photos,” he said, although I was certain he muttered, “for now,” under his breath.

  For now? This had to be a nightmare, my worst nightmare. If only I could close my eyes and wake up in the loft, surrounded by my guys. Men who were caring and loving, who respected me and my body.

  They would be irate if they knew about this “photo shoot.” I could imagine them storming in, Jackson with an air of calm authority, Knox livid. Theo would be the badass I’d seen the night he’d taken down the Zenith intruder. Liam would be calculated, and Chase would obliterate the technology. Everyone in the compound would be dead. The thought gave me a glimmer of satisfaction.

  “Let's see,” Javier said, moving to stand by the lingerie. I remained rooted to the spot, arms crossed tightly over my chest. “Red?” He held a red slip up to my frame before casting it aside. He hummed to himself while digging through a pile of leopard print, lace, and sheer designs.

  My eyes darted to the door, the blocked window, a doorframe with a curtain, and back to Javier. I had visions of bashing him over the head with the camera equipment before taking down the guards with ease. I knew it was wishful thinking, a half-cocked idea at best. Now that I had attempted to escape, doing so again without a plan was too reckless.

  “Aha.” Javier drew my attention back to him and the white babydoll draped between his fingers.

  I stared at him wide-eyed, shaking my head back and forth. No way in hell was I going to wear that, not even if he offered me all the money in the world.

  “Would you prefer to be photographed nude? Because that can be arranged.”

  “Please, Javier,” I implored. “Please don't make me do this.”

  “Sorry, cariña, but this is how it works. If I had a quarter for every girl who asked me that, I'd be a rich man.

  “There's a bathroom through here.” He ushered me to the doorway as if I hadn't just begged him to reconsider. “Clean yourself up, put this on, and swipe some gloss over those lush lips.”

  A flicker of hope sparked in me when I closed the curtain. But as I scanned the small bathroom, I quickly came to the realization that there was no way out. Despite a half-window near the ceiling, daylight was non-existent. The lack of boards on the inside led me to believe it had been blocked from the outside.

  With a deep sigh, I desperately swept the room for weapons. Apart from prying the lid off the toilet, I was out of luck. Even the electric razor was of little use as a weapon. It had been secured to the wall much like a high-end camera at the electronics store.

  “Chop-chop, cariña.”

  I hadn't yet made a move to change, and I couldn't bear to look at the babydoll and matching thong clutched between my fingers. I kept wishing there was a way out, a solution I hadn’t thought of. Better yet, I wished the guys would bust through the door, guns blazing.

  “Should I call some of the men in to watch?” he taunted. “You can only imagine how lonely it gets for them out here.”

  Spurred on by his threat, I unzipped my cargo pants and slid them down my legs, followed by my underwear. I made quick work of shaving my legs and armpits, allowing myself a moment to relish the feeling of the warm washcloth on my face.

  With shaking hands, I folded my clothing before removing my shirt and slipping into the babydoll and thong. Thank god, it looked clean.

  I had just pulled my bra from beneath the lacy top of the babydoll when the curtain was wrenched open. Crossing my arms over my chest, I ignored his smirk. I'd never felt more exposed, more humiliated, in my life. I froze on the spot, unwilling and unable to move forward despite his threats.

  “I've heard your roommate is quite the looker. Bruises won't show up on her like they would on you. If you don't cooperate, I might decide to have a little extra fun with her.”

  After that comment, I allowed myself to be escorted to the bedroom, steeling myself for the task ahead.

  He walked me backward until the backs of my knees hit the mattress. “Sit on the bed, knees bent, with your legs crossed at the ankles.”

  I refused to look down at myself, preferring to pretend I was fully clothed. But with every flutter of the thin material against my thighs, every brush of the lace against my nipples, I found it increasingly difficult to forget.

  “Lean back on your hands and arch your back slightly.”

  Click, click, click went the camera. I closed my eyes, forcing back the tears that threatened to fall. Please let this end. Please, please.

  “Don't cry, cariña.” I forced open my eyes, angry with myself for letting my guard down for even a moment.

  “You're one of the lucky ones. Beautiful girls like you have it good. It’s the ugly ones who get stuck cleaning rooms at Motel Magnifique.” He snorted derisively. “Like giving it a French name could make that place anything but a flea-infested dump.”

  Motel Magnifique? My brain latched onto it, certain it was a name I had seen before. It was too distinctive to be easily forgotten.

  If I remembered correctly, Vincent DuBois was the owner of a corporation that had a number of holdings in the hospitality industry. Motel Magnifique was one of their properties. I nearly shook with rage. I should have expected that scumbag to be behind something like this, not that I could prove it. Not yet.

  Javier took a step back, adjusting the camera settings and snapping a few more shots. If only I’d spent more time researching DuBois’s properties. Maybe knowing the location of Motel Magnifique would have given me some clue as to my current location.

  “Mmm.” Javier cocked his head to the side. He leaned over me
, dragging one of the flimsy straps down my shoulder before grazing the top of my breast with his fingers. “Perfect.”

  I shuddered at the unwanted contact, incensed. As if his blatant leering wasn’t enough. He had no right to touch me. If I didn’t have Carmen and the other women to think about, I’d gouge his eyes out and run from the room, white babydoll and all.

  While Javier’s head was down, eyes trained on the camera screen, I lifted the strap.

  “Tsk tsk,” he said without looking up. “I was finished, but I suddenly feel inspired to take a few more shots. Lie down and fan your hair over the bed.”

  Begrudgingly, I did as instructed.

  “Head turned to the side, eyes closed, lips parted.” Click, click snapped the shutter as I died a little more inside. Finally, when I thought I could take no more, he shut off the camera and set it to the side. “Fuck me, my boss is going to piss himself at that shot,” he said more to himself than me. “We’re done. Get dressed.”

  I didn’t have to be told twice. I darted to the bathroom, and I couldn’t get my clothes on fast enough. I nearly fell as I fumbled with my pants, the babydoll quickly discarded in a puddle on the floor. I kicked it out of view. I never wanted to see another white lace negligee as long as I lived.

  I heard a door open, then the voice of the guard as he conversed with Javier in Spanish. Peeking my head out from behind the curtain, I discovered them huddled over the camera screen, backs to me. I swiped two pens from a nearby table and slipped them into my sleeve, heart in my throat.

  Scarface turned his full attention to me, his eyes dark, filled with lust. And even though I was fully clothed, I felt naked beneath his gaze. I boiled with rage, barely containing the urge to stab him with the pen hidden up my sleeve.

  I didn’t know what came next for the “lucky” girls like me, but I didn’t intend to stick around long enough to find out. As he led me back to the room I shared with Carmen, I vowed that we would escape, no matter the cost. I would make sure the bastards couldn't do this to anyone else, and I would get justice—for my mother, for my father, for myself.

  DuBois was going to pay.


  By Invitation Only


  I circled the drive, pulling up to the valet stand of a nondescript building—sleek, black, no windows. It was imposing, yet it somehow managed to blend into the background. If I hadn’t known this was the address of an exclusive gentlemen’s club, I would have driven past it.

  “Welcome to Rendezvous, Mr. Carlyle,” the valet said as he opened my door. “If you step through here, Destiny will ensure you have the best possible experience.”

  “Thank you.” I did as directed, somewhat surprised the valet knew me by name, though I should have expected it. Having never attended a high-end club such as this, I could only imagine they would do everything possible to give their clients the personal touch, both literally and figuratively.

  A tall woman met me at the door, her large breasts blatantly on display. Her black dress contoured to her every curve, and her impossibly high heels were studded with gold spikes. Objectively, she was striking, but she had nothing on Haley. No woman did.

  “Good evening, Mr. Carlyle. I’m Destiny, and I’m so glad you’ve decided to join us. A few matters of business before we get to your pleasure.” She winked. “To ensure the highest level of enjoyment for our guests, we do not permit cell phones or weapons of any kind beyond this point. You can leave the cares of the outside world at the door; all you need while you’re at Rendezvous is your keycard.

  “Should you wish to store any personal items—wedding ring, cell phone, wallet—during your visit, we have individual top-of-the line safes for each guest. Will you require one this evening?”

  I shook my head. Having anticipated this scenario, I’d come prepared, and my phone was secure in the boot of my car.

  “Great. Let me show you around.”

  Thanks to Chase’s considerable hacking abilities, I already knew the layout of the building, but I used the tour as an opportunity to familiarize myself with the interior. As we passed through one of the large rooms, I scanned every woman who passed. I knew that running into Haley was highly unlikely, but that didn’t stop me from searching for her face in the crowd.

  Although Patrick had given me a brief overview of the operations, thanks to his mysterious contact, I was unprepared for how well-run the club was. From digital valet services to a personal concierge, Rendezvous had gone to great lengths to enhance the experience. The effort was wasted on me; I’d rather be at home on the couch with Haley in my arms.

  Finally, Destiny led me down a hall, passing door after door with various gold symbols on them. She paused before one with the outline of a gemstone on it and held up a black keycard. Without numbers or letters, it was different from any access or credit card I’d ever seen.

  “As a member of our exclusive Sapphire Club, this gives you access to almost anywhere in Rendezvous. It can be used to enter any of the private rooms we just passed, as well as the VIP areas. If lost, please report it immediately, and we will reissue another. Keycards are collected at the end of each visit.”

  She waved the card before a box on the wall, and I followed her into a space that was surprisingly intimate despite its size and opulent decor. Beautiful women in slinky dresses traipsed about the room, taking orders and flirting with the guests. I wasn’t surprised by the number of high-profile businessmen and pro athletes in attendance, and I imagined that many deals were made here.

  “Welcome to the Sapphire Club. Would you like a drink, a cigar, or perhaps a companion?”

  Even though I didn’t particularly feel like drinking, I ordered a Scotch. The pour was smooth, the amber liquid rolling over my tongue before gliding down my throat.

  I watched as a man strode across the room with purpose. He stopped to talk to one of the waitresses, and even with his slicked-back hair and expensive leather shoes, he clearly wasn’t a guest. I studied his face, immediately recognizing him as Vincent DuBois’s son.

  The resemblance was uncanny, from the shape of his nose to the way he carried himself, as if he owned the place. He practically did, given the responsibility of managing the jewel in the crown of DuBois’s empire. Clearly, he was being groomed to take over the family business.

  “Unless you have any questions,” Destiny said, drawing my attention back to her, “I’ll leave you to enjoy.”

  I laid a hand on her forearm as I peered into her unnaturally violet eyes. “I’d like to see the Red Diamond Room.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Carlyle, but we don’t have a Red Diamond Room.” Just as I’d expected.

  “That’s a shame. From what I’ve heard, red is the most expensive and rare color of diamonds in the world. I’d love to see one sometime.” I repeated the phrase Uncle’s contact had promised would guarantee access to the auction, an auction that was typically available to a select group of members by invitation only.

  Her eyes widened before she recovered and gave me a knowing grin. “My, my, you’re well-informed.”

  “And my bank account is well-padded, as the Sapphire Club already knows.”

  She pulled me to the side, ensuring we weren’t at risk of being overheard. “This opportunity is not available to everyone. The women are stunning, and it’s highly competitive.”

  “I enjoy a bit of sport.” I raised an eyebrow, doing the bare minimum to turn on the charm. I was impatient, my manners borderline brusque, but I didn’t give a shit. If anything, it was probably expected considering the part I was playing.

  She cocked her head to the side, weighing her options, and I could tell the moment she made her decision. “Well, in that case, please follow me.”

  She swiped her employee key card and led me through a narrow hallway to a smaller chamber. There were fewer chairs, and only one was occupied, the man sitting in it currently engrossed in a large album resting on his lap. Across the room, a woman leaned against the bar, studiously ig
noring the man behind her.

  Dressed in all black, he was a high-end bouncer, if I had to hazard a guess. I knew security was ever-present in a place like this, but for the most part it had been well-hidden, discreet. And while they could have relied solely on cameras or other technological measures in this room, the club had found it necessary to have a visible presence as well. Interesting.

  “Please take a seat, and I’ll get a portfolio for you to peruse.”

  I made myself comfortable in one of the empty chairs. Even with the dark walls, I had a clear view of all exits, making it an ideal spot. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Destiny spoke in hushed tones with the man in black. He studied me for a few moments before exiting through a door and returning with a black portfolio that he handed to Destiny.

  With a tight smile, she sauntered across the room and offered me the leather portfolio. “The auction isn’t until later this week, so you have plenty of time to contemplate your selection or selections. You may take as long as you wish, but the portfolio may not leave this room.” I nodded my understanding before she sauntered off.

  I downed the rest of my Scotch and readied myself for the task ahead. While I imagined many men would kill to be in my position, all I could feel was a sense of dread. Women were being sold for money, and I could only hope Haley wasn’t among them.

  A waitress replaced my empty glass with a fresh pour, and I opened the cover, bracing for the worst. The first sheet contained an overview of the auction procedures, including the date of the event, method for bidding, and details for claiming a prize. Everything about it was degrading to women, viewing them as property to “fulfill the desires of the highest bidder.”

  Still, I’d been sent here to complete a task. This was our first, our only, viable lead and we had to know. It had been four long days since Haley disappeared, and the longer she was gone . . . don’t go there.


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