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Faithful Service, Silent Hearts

Page 4

by Lynette Mae

  Devon held her breath suspended on a thread of expectation. That intensity was there again constricting her chest. Just like at the bar when she thought Jillian might kiss her. She had only kissed two girls in her life, but she recognized the attraction within her. But, never like this. Desire had a name. Jillian.

  Jillian reached out to cup Devon's cheek and in the next second leaned in claiming soft full lips with her mouth. A small cry escaped her throat when she felt Devon's lips part slightly and an exploring tongue search for her own. The kisses were lighting fires inside her that flared hotter and faster than Jillian had ever experienced. She was fast approaching a place where self control would no longer be an option if she wasn't careful. Her head swam and she ignored the thumping pulse between her legs. The look in Devon's eyes made Jillian's insides clench almost painfully. It took every ounce of will to pull back from the kiss.

  Devon stammered, "What's…wrong?"

  "Nothing." Jillian gasped for breath. "I need you to understand." The moonlight streaming through the window danced in Devon's eyes making Jillian swallow hard trying to do things right. "I…don't want you to think that I see you like all the others," she said in a choked whisper. Her dark eyes intensely focused on Devon's, "Don't you see?"

  That glimpse of vulnerability revealed in Jillian's eyes shot a flood of desire through Devon that made her stomach flip. Never before had she wanted-no needed anyone's touch on her skin. The way Jillian was looking at her was pure hunger, so incredibly sexy that Devon had to kiss her. The meeting of their lips was like a tiny spark flaring into a bright flame. The fact that she had never made love with anyone didn't matter, she wanted this.

  Jillian felt as if the entire world tilted. Reality as she had known it disintegrated into pleasures that she was feeling as if for the first time. She took Devon's lips ever so softly, caressing them with her own, lightly teasing the tip of her tongue. How long the delicious torment lasted, she had no idea; Jillian was consumed by the taste, the smell, the softness around her. Devon's breathing became heavier and she pressed her hips against Jillian in an unspoken plea. Jillian stood on unsteady legs, helping Devon up off the small couch and guiding them both to the bottom bunk.

  Laying her gently on the mattress, she stopped momentarily to search the blue eyes, "Still okay?" as if I could stop. When Devon nodded, she reached beneath the cut off t-shirt to sweep an open hand along the flat plane of her stomach upward until the taught, hard nipple pressed into her palm. Squeezing and kneading the full breasts, she drew soft cries from Devon. Their kisses became more urgent by the second and Jillian slid her leg between the muscular thighs. Devon groaned into her mouth at the sensation.

  Jillian pushed her thigh tighter against Devon's center only to feel her hips shift slightly away as hands pushed lightly on her chest, breaking the contact of the kiss. "Jill, wait…"

  Mind and body on sensory overload, Jillian barely registered what was happening at the shift in Devon's body, but the words finally penetrated the raging storm that enveloped her brain. Wait?! Fuck. She forced her body to slow and breathed deeply, leaning back to look at Devon with concern. Jillian definitely did not want to screw this up. What she saw in Devon's expression was doubt mixed in with yearning and although she had never wanted anything more in her life, Jillian stopped.

  She held her breath, waiting, with an inferno of desire burning in her gut. "You okay?" she finally gasped. Oh my God, I'm dying here.

  Devon whispered so softly that Jillian strained to hear, "I never…" she dropped her eyes, murmuring, "I've never done this."

  Jillian let out the breath she had been holding. Briefly, she wondered just how cold the shower would have to be to put out the fire in her body. Devon stopped her withdrawal with strong arms tightening around her neck. She pulled Jillian's face so close that she could feel the warmth of Devon's breath against her lips.

  "I don't want you to stop," she breathed, "I just don't want to disappoint you."

  The mixture of need and uncertainty swirling in the blue eyes following the confession shot a renewed bolt of desire through Jillian. She reached up with a trembling hand to reverently touch the side of her beautiful face, humbled by the trust that Devon was offering.

  "You could never disappoint me," her voice quivered with emotion. When Devon looked as though she was going to speak again, Jillian silenced her with a delicate touch of her finger to her lips.

  Time slowed. Nothing else existed. Jillian replaced her fingertip with the soft brush of her lips. A fleeting contact promising more. The sound of their mingled breathing seemed to echo through the room. Her smoldering gaze slowly dragged over every inch of the beautiful face and lower. When her eyes reached the collar of Devon's t-shirt she slid her hand under the bottom edge along the smooth muscled contours of her stomach. Gently, she coaxed the garment up and off, baring tantalizing breasts to her feasting eyes. Jillian delicately trailed her fingertips along the same path, memorizing the contours like a blind woman reading brail. Finally, when she could no longer contain her desire to taste her, Jillian's lips began a silent worship of the pristine beauty.

  Jillian returned to the soft warmth of her mouth, kissing her fully, stoking the flames into a raging fire inside of her. When Devon's eyes opened, the ravenous look in the deep blue sent Jillian's blood racing to the junction of her thighs where her own need was demanding her response.

  "Oh, God, you are so beautiful, so very beautiful," she whispered through a kiss. She unbuttoned the front of Devon's jeans to reach inside and the welcoming wet heat on her fingertips made Jillian's head spin.

  Devon stripped the shirt off of Jillian, freeing her firm tight breasts. She caught one lightly between her teeth and the resulting vibration from a moan against her lips thrilled her. When she felt Jillian reaching into her jeans to touch her, Devon thought she would burst into flames under the exquisite caress. Jillian's kisses left her breathless and the touch on her sensitive tissues was maddening pleasure that Devon wanted to feel forever.

  They desperately tore at the last remnants of clothing to remove the final barriers between their bodies.

  The gorgeous landscape of Devon's body stretched out before Jillian. She painted kisses from her sensual mouth, down the valley between her breasts, across the muscular abdomen all the while circling lightly her heated swollen center. She took her time and focused because all that mattered was Devon's pleasure this first time. Jillian recognized that her desire for Devon was far more than physical. Her soul screamed to know this magnificent woman completely. When Devon cried out and jerked under her, she moved inside her carefully, letting her lover's body adjust and pull her in as she was ready. Devon moaned as Jillian entered her, rocking against her as Jillian began matched the thrusting of her hips.

  Devon couldn't think. She could only feel. Every nerve ending inside screamed as Jillian filled her. She was soaring, flying toward the edge of oblivion with Jillian's fingers encased within her. Jillian's tongue was relentless…yeah…driving her steadily…just don't …pushing deeper…stop. Devon's mind exploded in blinding white ecstasy.

  Jillian felt the pulsing tremors of Devon's climax pulling her in. She watched, mesmerized, as the pleasure washed over Devon's face. Devon's eyes were flickering blue flames that bored into her, glazed wild with passion. The irises were like starbursts, exploding in more shades of blue than Jillian had ever thought could exist.

  Jillian stilled as powerful emotion gripped her heart. Devon's pleasure became her pleasure, shooting through her depths with dizzying speed. She held them both there on the precipice and then with one last push drove them both over the edge of sanity.

  Chapter 6

  Loud, deep voices intruded on Devon's peaceful slumber. She tried to roll over, but was unable to move her legs. Blinking awake, she felt Jillian's warm body pressed against her left side, her left arm wrapped around De
von's waist, legs still entangled. Smiling, she pressed a soft kiss to the rich reddish brown hair that spilled across the side of her lover's beautiful sleeping face.

  The voices came again from down the hall, Devon frowned wondering what was going on so early-"OHMYGOD!" She jumped upright, causing Jillian's head to fall back to the mattress abruptly.

  "Hey!" Came a protest from the bed.

  "Jill, get up, now!" Devon was already grabbing uniform pants and two green t-shirts from the closet, throwing one at the woman in the bed. Suddenly realizing what was going on, Jillian scrambled out of the sheets, pulling the shirt over her head as she moved.

  "Fuck," she swore aloud, "How close are they? Can you tell?"

  "They fucking sound like they're right next door!" Devon snapped, and Jillian laughed.

  Scrambling under the bed to pull the sheets and blanket tight for the inspection, Devon responded, clearly irritated, "What's funny? This is not funny, Jill."

  "I'm sorry," Jillian tried to suppress another chuckle, "I have never heard you swear before, and it just struck me…" She broke into laughter, even as she buttoned the front of her uniform shirt.

  Devon shot a warning look, but somewhere inside her eyes smiled back. "Well, maybe it's a little…"

  They heard the footsteps approaching their door, just as they finished lacing up their boots, looking at each other, checking for stray strings or lint but finding none. Although they were waiting for it, the loud knock at the door made them both jump.

  Jillian, as the ranking officer, opened the door for the company commander, a tall lean man with black hair cut in a flat top and dark, nearly black eyes. "Good morning, major." Both women stood at attention as he examined their uniforms, his back to the rest of the room. Devon's eyes fixed on something they had missed. Directly behind Jillian, wedged in between the metal bars and the mattress at edge of the pillow was a pair of white briefs. This was a critical moment, because a failure at inspection resulted in having to repeat the next Saturday, therefore no weekend pass.

  The major finished his inspection of their uniforms, and turned his attention to the room. He noted the high shine on the floor with a pleased grin. Devon's eyes met Jillian's and she looked at the offending, out of place fabric in the bed frame. Her eyes jumped back to Jillian's desperately trying to make her look at the bed. She saw a question in the brown eyes, but no movement. When his back was completely to her, Devon risked pointing her finger indicating for Jillian to look. Glancing quickly, Jillian saw the problem, but could not get to it without being seen. She shrugged almost invisibly at Devon.

  "So how is my star runner this morning?" the major was asking as he surveyed the rest of the spotless room.

  "Sir?" Jillian was caught off guard by the question.

  Turning back to face the two women, he looked directly at Devon with a friendly smile. "Last Wednesday, Lieutenant James? Major Thompson is very used to winning that PT challenge. I was extremely pleased at the way you outlasted his captain in the final leg of the race." He crossed the room as he said this and extended his hand to Devon.

  "Thank you, sir." She smiled. It's not that I'm that good; I'm just too stubborn to quit.

  "No, thank you, lieutenant, that is the first time all year our company has won. Finally, I didn't have to buy his drinks at the officer's club. Boy was he pissed."

  He turned to walk out, and then his head leaned to the side, as if something caught his eye near the bed. Devon's heart sank. He sees it. Standing still momentarily then slightly shaking his head, he strode toward the door.

  "See you at next week's run lieutenant." With that he exited the room.

  Both women exhaled loudly as soon as the door closed, then automatically broke into gales of laughter. Jillian pulled Devon's briefs from the rail and tossed them at her head.

  "That was a close one." She giggled, "I've been through enough of these to know he doesn't miss anything. You saved us by winning that race for him."

  Devon laughed as well, "Hey, whatever works, right?"

  "I'll tell you what works," Jillian closed the distance between them, drawing her arms around the thin waist and linking her fingers together at the small of Devon's back, pulling her close.

  Devon rubbed her forearms, leaning back slightly to look into her soft brown eyes.

  "What?" Devon asked.

  Jillian stepped from the embrace and moved purposefully to the door. She flipped the lock with authority before crossing back to where her lover stood and drew her again into the circle of her arms. A sultry smile transformed her features as her eyes blazed into Devon's.

  "This." She hungrily kissed her lover, tripping the switch on the passion that had consumed them during the night. They fell back into the bed, unaware of anyone or anything beyond their touch.

  Chapter 7

  The handsome young couple exited the mess hall; Devon held the door for her partner, stepping out behind her. An autumn chill was in the air, but otherwise the night was clear, with bright stars and the enormous orange harvest moon hovering overhead. Breathing the fresh cool air deeply, Devon sighed, "I love the fall."

  "Mmm, me too," agreed Jillian, "What do you say we enjoy this beautiful night a bit longer, and take a walk down by the lake?"

  "A moonlit walk by the lake, if I didn't know any better I would think you were trying to seduce me," Devon playfully leaned her shoulder into Jillian.

  Looking at her hopelessly attractive lover, Jillian grinned and replied seductively, "Always."

  The two women walked quietly together for a time, close enough that the fabric of their jackets touched, but their hands remained in their pockets as they crossed the base. Along the way, they passed other couples, male/female, and almost always they held hands or had their arms around each other as they walked. Devon's awareness had been heightened since she and Jillian had become involved, and it irritated her that she could not hold her lover's hand in public without fear of retribution.

  "What's wrong, love?" the soft melodic sound of Jillian's voice pulled her from the disturbing thoughts. Immediately, looking into her big brown eyes made Devon's heart flutter and she couldn't stop herself from smiling if she tried.

  "Nothing," she leaned against the taller frame slightly, "I was just thinking about us, that's all."

  "What about us? You're not changing your mind on me, are you?" Jillian felt her stomach churn at the thought.

  "No, ma'am, not a chance," the dazzling smile and certain tone soothed Jillian's soul.

  "So, what's going on in that pretty head?"

  They stopped walking and faced each other on the sidewalk. Instinctively, Devon stepped closer and reached out to touch Jillian's cheek. Jillian immediately stepped back. "What are you doing?" She hissed.

  Devon shrugged. I just got the urge to kiss you… Footsteps on the sidewalk made Devon glance over her shoulder and both women backed apart. The two soldiers approaching walked between the women, their eyes roaming arrogantly as they passed. Male privilege, Devon thought derisively. Again, she started to close the distance between them until Jillian put a hand on her chest to stop her advance. Pain flashed in Devon's eyes at Jillian's rebuke. Jillian dropped her eyes from the wounded look.

  Devon tugged lightly on her sleeve until Jillian met her eyes again. "It's just that…" she stopped as another couple walked past them arm in arm, "…I think it's totally bullshit that we have to keep our hands off just because other people may be uncomfortable. Why is showing our love wrong?" Shaking her blonde head furiously, she pushed her fists deep into her jacket pockets in frustration.

  "Ya know, Dev," Jillian said quietly, "It would be really great if everyone in the world was as idealistic as you, but that's not exactly reality. You do know that, right?"

  "I'm not trying to be some super hero or anything; I just think that if two people love each other, then that can't be bad." Devo
n sincerely believed what she was saying.

  "Listen to me," Jillian implored, "That's just not possible for us. You can't go around showing public displays of affection. And your reckless tendency toward defiance isn't going to help either one of us."

  The reprimand stung and Devon clenched her jaw. "Yeah, I know their rules. You act like you believe them. We're not doing anything wrong."

  "Well, those are dangerous thoughts you're thinking," Jillian responded dolefully.

  Jillian looked at the ground as they walked, thinking about what Devon said. She knew that Devon was right in principle but it was just a fact of life of being a lesbian, particularly in the military. It was a matter of being a realist, that's just the way it is. No need stewing over something you can't change. She knew all too well the high price to be paid for that kind of honesty. Her thoughts drifted to her family in Kentucky and the agony she felt when they had told her to leave, realizing that even still she wanted someday to be able to go back. Someday. Maybe they'll love me again.


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