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Searching (Hidden Truths Book 1)

Page 18

by Quell T Fox

  “No one has ever done this before?” He looks at me under his lashes, his words laced with a sweet curiosity.

  “No,” I whimper.

  “What about this?” He leans down, sliding his tongue oh so slowly over my clit once… twice.

  “Fuck! No,” I cry, gripping the seat with my free hand, my fingers going numb. My other hand lets go of his shirt and finds his bare stomach, digging my fingers into his flesh, but he doesn’t react. Instead, he slides his tongue over me again, swirling around my clit. My entire body gets warm, like a storm is brewing within me, deep in my core. He pulls away but replaces his mouth with his finger, sliding it over my clit and then down. He finds my hole and slowly slides a finger inside. It feels unimaginably good. He curls his finger up, stroking my upper walls. He pulls his finger out and then slowly inserts it back in, allowing me to feel every inch of his finger. He brings his tongue back down to me and the storm starts to build again; like a hurricane forming in the middle of the ocean. It builds stronger, fiercer, until finally, I’m exploding. My body shatters into a million pieces as I cry out, his finger still pumping in and out of me, his tongue swirling around.

  My head falls back, my chest moving quickly as I try to pull air into my lungs. Thorne straightens up as much as he can in this tiny space. My entire body is on fire. I never knew anything could feel like that. I look at Thorne who looks completely satisfied with himself, but then my eyes find the rather large bulge in his pants and I’m hit with another shot of warmth to my belly. I sit up and reach my hand towards him grasping his length. He’s thick and hard.

  He groans at my touch. “You don’t have to, baby.” His words say one thing but his moans tell me another. His eyes flutter shut as I slide my hand up and down over him. He pulses in my hand and I bite my lip, wanting to know what he tastes like. I press my hand against his belly, pushing him back to his side of the car. He falls into the seat, using the lever to slide it back as far as it’ll go and then lying it back some. I reach a leg over the console, mimicking the position he was in only moments ago, and unbutton his pants. I fumble with the zipper because as much as I want to do this, I am nervous. He helps me get the rest of it open and pulls his jeans down. The outline of his cock in the grey briefs is a sight to see. Something that will be burned into my brain forever as one of the hottest things to grace my eyes.

  He grabs onto himself, stroking once. “You sure you want to do this?”

  “I’m sure,” I answer without hesitation.

  He pulls himself out and it’s even more intimidating than I expected. Thick and veiny. The tip is shining with fluid, pink, and plump. I reach my hand out and grasp him. He’s warm and so large my hand doesn’t fit all the way around. He covers my hand with his own, helping me stroke him the way he likes. “It’s okay. Anything you do will be perfect,” he says, as if he can read my mind. My hand slides up and down slowly, the skin soft and warm, but hard as steel.

  My nerves go away with each moan that escapes his perfect lips. His cock pulses and twitches in my hand and I decide this isn’t enough. I want more. I lean my head down and lick the soft, plump tip. The fluid stings my tongue, salty but not awful. I go back down, opening my mouth and taking him in. His hips jerk forward, and he lets out another hissing sound, squeezing my hand. I pull my hand away, causing him to let go of mine. I guide his hand away, wanting to do this on my own and he doesn’t fight me on it.

  I bring my hand back to him, stroking up and down as I continue sucking on the top. I keep to the same rhythm but try different pressures and moving my tongue in different ways. I go back to doing everything he likes, and eventually he’s panting and swearing under his breath.

  “You’re going to make me come if you keep this up,” he says. I feel empowered over his comment. And maybe that’s a silly thing to feel while having someone’s cock down my throat, but it’s how I feel. I am in control in this situation. I can make him come if I want, or I can take all the wonderful pleasure away. Control is something I have wanted my entire life, but I’ve never known how to take it. Yet here it is, given to me by a boy I’ve only just met. One of the sexiest specimens on this planet, I should add.

  As his hips begin to thrust quicker, I continue sucking. His hand reaches for me and tangles in my hair. He grips my head holding me still as he begins to twitch in my mouth. He groans loudly as a sweet and salty liquid shoots out in hot spurts. It hits the back of my throat, causing me to gag but I swallow it down. I pull back and fall into my own seat. Lying back, I stare up at the ceiling trying to catch my breath. I see him from the corner of my eye, with his eyes shut and his chest rising up and down quickly. I guess it couldn’t have been that bad if I made him come, right?

  He reaches over and takes my hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing my knuckles gently.

  “We should get to school,” he says with no ounce of emotion which makes me think it’s something he wants to do. I glance at the clock and realize first period is almost over. By the time we get to school it will be.

  “We’re already late, how about we stop for coffee first?”

  “My kinda lady.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  We make it to school in just enough time for second period. We stopped for our usual coffee and donuts, only this time we were in more of a rush. I stop in the bathroom before class to make sure I look decent enough. There was a large wet spot on the car’s seat but thankfully, I didn’t get anything on my pants. I have a change of clothes in my locker, but I don’t have time to go there, change, and get to class on time so I’m glad they aren’t stained. Thankfully nothing was ripped either, but the band is a bit stretched out. I suck the rest of my coffee down and drop the empty cup into the trash. I push the bathroom door open and pick up speed down the hallway so I can get to class on time.

  As I round the corner, I trip over something—probably my own feet—and lose my footing. Someone grabs me around the waist and pulls me upright, saving me from what would have been an embarrassing fall.

  “Hey, you okay?” I look up to see Eli’s dark brown eyes, a concerned look etched on his face.

  “Hey, I’m fine. Just trying to get to class,” I answer quickly, pulling myself away from his grip.

  “What are you doing later?”

  Hanging out with Thorne.

  “Not sure, what’s up?” I ask, looking down the hall knowing I have only a few seconds to get to class before I’m considered late.

  “Was hoping we could do something. I’m really sorry about Lina. I just wanted to do something to cheer you up.”

  “Thanks, Eli, but I’m not really in the mood to do stuff just yet. Rain check?” I fix my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder to get a better grip on it.


  “Sorry,” I cut him off. “I really have to get to class.” I wave and take off at a jog.

  “There’s a party coming up soon. Come with me?” he shouts after me.

  “Yeah, maybe,” I say quickly, rushing down the hall. I step over the threshold the moment the bell rings. I probably look like a hot mess right now, but as I sit down, I do my best to relax and settle in. Nothing the teacher says stays with me. I copy notes down into my notebook, but I can’t tell you what it says. My morning is playing on repeat in my head; all the touching and coming. And the sounds that came out of that man... Who knew a man moaning could be so sexy? The thought alone of how vulnerable Thorne was under my touch is what’s driving my insane. Knowing I hold that kind of power over him? It’s potentially poisonous. A power I could feed on forever.

  I already want more of it and it’s barely been an hour.

  I get through the class only catching onto half of what was being taught. The other half was filled with daydreams and memories of what happened with Thorne. Knowing I’m going to see him any minute has me bouncing in my seat.

  I need to know what is going on with us so I know what to expect for the future. I can’t deal with people coming
and going; it’s too hard to handle. I mean, I know I would survive, but I just don’t want to deal with another mess.

  It’s a lot to handle after the situation with my mom. Besides, Thorne seems to be an understanding person. I’m sure he’ll get it. And if he decides he doesn’t want a relationship, well then, all he needs to do is say it. I’m not sure if I’d be okay with anything else, but I need to know, sooner rather than later.

  When the bell rings, I take my time gathering my things, knowing I will run into Thorne if I do. I’m the last one to leave the class. Students for third period are already filing in and Thorne isn’t here. The teacher gives me a curious look, but I just smile and leave the room, disappointment hitting hard. A sadness takes over me remembering this was Lina’s and my time. The time when she would talk about how hot the guys were and I would dodge the remarks, not wanting her to catch on to my feelings for them. Why wasn’t I more open with her? Why didn’t I tell her? She was my best friend and I always gave her half-truths.

  I enter the class, ignoring the pity-laced looks I’m getting from the teacher and students.

  The seat Lina would sit in has been left empty. Andrea Clint, the girl that sits in front of her gives me a sad smile when I take my seat. I ignore her too. This is exactly what I was worried about. I don’t want to be looked at like I’m different; I’m not the one that died. I try my best to stay positive and get through class without having a breakdown. Between not having Lina here with me and wondering why Thorne didn’t go to class, I’m antsy. Class drags. Each minute that goes by feels like an hour. I fear it’s never going to end and I contemplate getting up and leaving anyway, but I push through.

  We get a pop quiz and I stare at it for a long while, trying to figure out what it says. The letters are there in familiar patterns, but my brain won’t process a thing. I rub my eyes and take a deep breath before letting it out. I look around at the rest of the class, everyone has their necks bent, focusing on their tests. The teacher is sitting behind her desk, grading papers. When I look back at my test, I read the questions and answer them as best as I can. When the bell rings, I shove everything into my bag and rush to the cafeteria.

  I don’t feel like eating but my stomach is rumbling, asking for food. I get into line for lunch—alone—and decide on a chicken salad sandwich with a bottle of water. I sit at my table—alone—and wait for one of the guys to show up, mostly Thorne. He is the one I really want to see, but at this point I’ll take any of them. Anything would be better than being alone. The students around me think I don’t notice the looks and whispers, but how can I miss them? They’re not even trying to hide the fact they’re talking about me.

  I stare at the empty seat in front of me, hoping if I try hard enough she will appear as if nothing was wrong. As if there was no accident and my best friend isn’t dead. I nibble at my food, eating only a quarter of it before I’m done. I drink the entire bottle of water, leaving not even a drop behind. I look up every now and again waiting for Thorne to show up.

  He never does.

  Neither do Hunter or Castor.

  And Lina never appears.

  Afternoon classes go by in a blur and I don’t end up running into Thorne until the very end of the day, when my mind has already gone through every scenario possible. From is he okay? to he got what he wanted, now he’s not coming back.

  I am a whirlwind of emotions as I spot him waiting outside for me as I exit the building. My phone is in my hand, ready to call Lenny for a ride.

  I ignore him as I walk by.

  “Hey,” he says, with a genuine smile. I walk past him, towards the stairs. He catches up to me, easily matching my pace with his long strides. “Look, I’m sorry about today. I know I usually see you at lunch, but something came up. I can give you a ride home still. If you want?”

  “It’s okay. If you’re busy I can call my brother.” I keep walking down the steps and he follows. My phone is still in my hand, but I don’t do anything with it yet.

  When we reach the bottom, he grabs my arm and pulls me to the side, out of the way of the students rushing to get to their vehicles and leave school. It’s cold outside, but the sun is shining bright. Thorne’s face is serious, his eyes glistening in the light. His hair is up, dark brown with light brown highlights. It wasn’t up when he picked me up this morning and I know I’m the cause of it being how it is now. “I want to take you.” I look up at him, biting on the inside of my cheek. My heart stutters in my chest as I take him in. Dark jeans, black t-shirt, and a red flannel shirt which he’s left unbuttoned. As gorgeous as always, only now there is a little something more, and I can only blame it on the intimacy we shared this morning.

  I nod once and we head in the direction of his car. He opens the door for me, as he always does. By the time he pulls out of his spot, the lot is free of traffic. Halfway to my house I finally speak up, breaking the silence of the car.

  “Look, I know this is new to me and I’m sure you’re a pro and all. I don’t want to be the clingy girl you make fun of with your friends and trust me, I’m not going to be that girl, but I have some… well, it doesn’t matter.” I thought of telling him about my past, but I’m not in the mood for that conversation. “I need to know what’s going on with us. I can’t just hang around expecting one thing to happen while you have an entirely different plan.” I take a breath. “So, just be honest with me.”

  The words spill from me like I was writing in my journal and not speaking to the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. Okay, one of three.

  He lets out a breathy laugh, but the words he speaks are serious. “I like you, Leona. A lot, actually. Things are just difficult right now. I have a lot going on at home and—”

  “I get it. It’s fine then,” I say, looking out the window praying the tears won’t come. It’s ridiculous to be crying over this guy. I barely know him. Besides, I knew this was a possibility. I did things backwards. This conversation should have happened before I let him into my pants. But… it was kind of worth it. The magic he worked with his fingers and mouth… Fuck, I’d do it again now if he made a move. How awful am I?

  “Let me finish,” he says.

  I look over to him and he glances at me, his eyebrows furrowed. He clears his throat, adjusting his grip on the steering wheel. I notice his shirt tighten around the muscles in his arm as he does. “I was going to say that I have a lot of stuff going on, but I want to make room for you. I want you to be a part of it. You just have to be patient with me, okay?”

  It sounds like a shady type of way to start a relationship, if you ask me. I try reading his features, but nothing tells me he’s lying. At the end of the day, I’m no human lie detector test though.

  I want to be with you, but I don’t really want to be with you. I’m not going to act like we’re in a relationship, but we are.

  That’s what it sounds like. But is that what he means? I study his face further. It seems like he’s telling the truth.

  “What does that mean?” I finally ask, not in the mood to go back and forth inside of my head.

  “It means I want you to be my girlfriend, and I want to be your boyfriend. And you will tell everyone I belong to you and only you. We will hold hands in school and make everyone jealous that Leona caught the new guy and has him under her thumb like a mouse caught in a trap.” I continue to look at him, but he keeps his eyes on the road. “Because that’s what you do to me, Leona. You make me want to do anything and everything I can for you, and I want every single person to know it.”

  I let out a laugh.

  “A little much, don’t you think?”

  “Not at all,” he says quietly, peeking at me from the corner of his eye. His voice is filled with a sincerity that warms me from the inside out.

  We pull up to my house and I get out to enter the code. The guys would kill me if I gave it to him, or to anyone. I’ve seen Fear and I’m not playing that game just yet... Even though he did have his tongue all over my genitals this morning. Giving him a
ccess to my house isn’t about just me, it’s about my family. It has to be a group decision, not one I can make for them. He can have it when we all decide it’s okay.

  I get back into the car and Thorne asks, “I thought you had an app?”

  “I do, but it only works inside of the gate. If anyone gets my phone, they won’t be able to open it from the outside.”

  He looks impressed. “Smart.”

  “I thought so.”

  He pulls up to the door, getting as close as he can.

  “I wish I didn’t have family obligations to get to.” His eyes darken and the tension builds within the car. I know exactly what he means. He reaches forward, taking my chin between his thumb and forefinger. His thumb brushes over my bottom lip. “I’ll text you later.”

  I nod once and pull away, knowing if I don’t go now, I may not leave this car at all.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The rest of the week is a lot of the same. I don’t see Thorne much, outside of rides to and from school, but he texts me every night. Some nights I’m not awake when he does but I smile in the morning over them. Good night, beautiful and Thinking of you are only a couple of the sweet things he’s left me while I sleep. We get coffee and donuts every single morning and it’s easily become my favorite part of the day.

  Each day gets a little easier without having Lina here, but I have moments where it hits me hard. Usually when I’m alone in bed and unable to sleep.

  “Why haven’t you been hanging out with Hunter and Castor? You guys were inseparable when you first started here,” I ask on one Wednesday afternoon. We’re on our way to get ice cream because he finally has some spare time and decided to spend it with me.

  “They’ve been busy. Family stuff.”

  “You guys sure are family men, huh?”


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