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Searching (Hidden Truths Book 1)

Page 25

by Quell T Fox

  My soul is still intact.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Hunter doesn’t say a word to me in class the next day. He walks in and sits down like nothing is wrong in the world, but I can feel the hate lingering in the air. It follows him around like a ghost. Though today it’s mixed with a little something else. A hint of something less… hateful. I’m slowly putting the pieces of Hunter Flynn together, learning what his problem is, and it’s not because he thinks I’m lying.

  If it were anyone else, they’d probably just skip class, but I’ve come to learn Hunter takes school very seriously. I’ve been keeping an extra eye on him lately and I had a little chat with Brenna the other day. Seems Hunter has been at the top of his classes since kindergarten. You’d never know it from looking at him. He hides his nerd well, but you can tell in the way he speaks and the way he presents himself. He’s smart. There’s no doubt about it.

  When the bell rings, he gets up and walks out of class. He’s not in any rush but moves like he would any other day he doesn’t talk to me, which has been more than not. I know I’m getting to him though. The conversation we had last night went in my favor. Not that I plan to work too hard to get them on my side because I won’t beg anyone to be with me, but I know I’ve made a dent in his shield.

  The way Thorne explained it, they are the ones who won’t be able to let me go. The pull is harder on them than it is on me which conflicts with what Hunter said about them finding someone else. I’ve tried hard to keep the thought from my head, because I don’t even want to think about it.

  He probably said it to piss me off.

  It worked.

  My feelings for Thorne are growing by the day. Each minute I am with him, I feel our bond getting stronger. Even though Hunter and Castor are both being jackasses, I still feel unreasonably protective over them. My strong attraction towards the three of them, it has to be the bond. I’d expect it to be stronger, but there has to be a reason why it isn’t. It’s possible that it has something to do with my animal. I haven’t met her yet, so maybe her feelings aren’t quite my own. She’s lost somewhere inside of me and I have to figure out how to find her. Bonding with her needs to be moved up on my priority list because it’s something that will only be beneficial. Especially in a time like this.

  I’ll find her though, and I will shift. The days are dwindling down; I’m on a time limit and I need to remember that.

  The rest of my school day goes by quickly. I have lunch with Thorne, Castor and Hunter don’t show up, but neither does Cassidy and her gang so I assume they’re all together. I ignore the thoughts going through my head because they make me want to punch something. Or someone. Two someones.

  Thorne walks me to class after lunch, even though it makes him late for his own. Now he knows the full extent of my stalker issue, he walks with me every chance he gets. And when he can’t, he’s texting or calling to make sure I’m fine. I told him it’s unnecessary but he’s adamant about it. Inside, I think it’s adorable and I’m not even mad. Callan has been around more too. He doesn’t overstep by walking into my classes, or talking to me more than normal, but I see him lurking. He has eyes on me always.

  On my way to last period, I’m running a little behind because I had to grab a few things from my locker, and I spent more time there than I expected. I’ve been avoiding my locker as much as I can because Lina’s is right on the side. It’s covered in notes, cards, and stickers from all the students. Roses are stuck in the slots at the top, the pedals dried and threatening to fall. It’s hard to miss even from far away, but when I’m standing right on the side of it… I can’t look away.

  I stood there, staring at it. Long after the halls were empty, it was just me and the locker. Me and the ghost of my best friend.

  I’m staying after school today to study in the library because Callan is staying after for a project he’s working on with some of his students. It’s easier for me to get work done here so I asked if I could stay to work on a paper. By the time I get home, it’s usually Briella’s singing and dancing time. Don’t get me wrong, she’s the cutest ballerina around, but it’s hard to focus when her singing closely resembles a dying cat and not the Ariana Grande she’s going for.

  I’ve just turned the corner for the stairs when someone grabs my arm. I turn around to find Eli, looking at me with a sad look on his face. I haven’t seen him since the incident at the last party and haven’t thought much about it either. I’ve been so occupied with finding out I’m a wolf and have three mates… my best friend dying. The fact he tried to kidnap me is something I’ve pushed out of my mind.

  “Can we talk?” I pull my wrist from his hand and hold it to my chest.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I answer, taking another step up and further away from him.

  “Look, I’m really sorry about the other night,” he says. “I barely remember what happened. I haven’t been feeling myself lately. I’m not sure if it’s because of Lina or what, but I just feel off.” He looks at his feet and runs his hand through his hair.

  He sounds sincere, but I’m skeptical. This is exactly what he would say after what he did. I never knew he was such a rotten person on the inside, but alcohol does bring out your true colors, and Eli is something that’s rotting from the inside out. I see that now. A lot of people are like that, you know. They look good on the outside, put on the perfect face. But on the inside, it’s all mold and dirt that’s crawling with bugs. Ickiness that eats you from the inside out. Eventually those bugs find their way out, allowing the rest of the rottenness out too. It always finds a way out. You can’t hide forever.

  “We’re all a little messed up over Lina, Eli, but—”

  “I understand you don’t want to talk,” he interrupts. “I heard I was a real douche.” I didn’t think anyone noticed. The entire time it was happening, not one person came to help, not until Thorne. Someone noticed and didn’t say anything. That’s not even remotely okay. “I just wanted to say sorry, that’s all.” He holds his hands up in surrender and backs away. The bell rings and I continue up the stairs. I’m already late so I don’t bother rushing.

  I feel bad for Eli, maybe he is right. He said some nasty things but he could be having a rough time. Everyone handles things differently, but the things he said… they weren’t only out of anger; it was more than that. It was something darker, something seated deeper within him.

  Whatever it was, he’s lost my trust. I mean, maybe I’ll forgive him but I’ll never forget.

  We watch a movie in my last class, which means I spend the entire time texting Thorne under my desk. I told him this morning I was staying after today and would catch a ride home with Callan. It worked out because he had some family stuff to do with the guys. He would’ve been late if he brought me home but didn’t want to give up the time with me. Sweet of him, as always.

  When class is done, I gather my things and walk around the corner to the library. I text Callan, letting him know I made it here okay and he sends me back a thumbs up emoji. He asked that I text him every half hour to let him know I’m okay, and he also had a talk with the librarian who happens to be a witch.

  I always knew Paranormals existed. I can’t say I remember the first time I found out or how, the knowledge has always been there. My mother never hung out with them, yet for some reason I knew about them. Moving in with Lenny was not my first experience with them, I know that, but I can’t remember when the first time was. It wasn’t a shock to me when I found out Lenny was one. Instead, I was intrigued. You never know who will be one and who won’t. Even though Friday and the guys are, both Briella and Milo could have no powers at all.

  I wave to Mrs. Glowinger—the librarian that’s been working here since the beginning of time—as I take my seat. She winks at me and continues to scan books into the system and pile them for putting away.

  Halloween is coming up this weekend and when we return to school the work gets harder. Teachers cram in al
l kinds of things for the Holidays, expecting us to get it all done during the vacation. It stays that way until April. Only then will they calm down on the work. I prefer to get ahead on my assignments now, going off the syllabus we’re given on the first day of school. It’s what I’ve done every year; bust my ass in the beginning, so I can chill out later. By the time April rolls around, the only work I’ll have left to do is anything the teachers throw in last minute. Everything else will be completed already.

  I plan to get research and an outline done today, hoping it’ll free up some time over vacation to spend with Thorne. I should also be able to get a good chunk of the paper written, maybe even finish it.

  I copy pages from books and print papers from online, highlighting everything I’ll need to look back on. Students slowly file out as it gets later in the day. Soon enough the sun is going down and the library is completely empty, other than me and Mrs. Glowinger. I send Callan another text, letting him know I’m still alive and well.

  Callan: I’ll be done in twenty minutes.

  I begin to pack up my things, the library is closing soon anyway. It’s always open late, giving students every opportunity to get their work done. The school goes hard on us with work, but they at least give us the resources to be able to do it. Not everyone utilizes those resources, which is to be expected from high school students.

  Another text comes in as I’m packing up the last of my things and I check my phone.

  Thorne: Surprise! I’m picking you up. Meet you at the door.

  The text puts a smile on my face. Of course he knew I was still here because I told him I would call him when I got home.

  “You ready?” Callan says, getting here earlier than I expected.

  “Just finished. Thorne texted though, he’s downstairs,” I say, throwing my bag over my backpack. “I didn’t ask him to come, he just—”

  “It’s okay, Leona,” he says with a smile. “Go with him, just don’t stay out late. I trust you.” He keeps smiling at me, pushes his glasses up his nose and holds his arm out to carry my bag. I hand it over. He walks with me down the hall and to the door. Thorne is there waiting for me, as promised.

  It’s especially cold tonight, so cold I can see my breath. I didn’t bother to put my jacket on, but I’m thinking I should have.

  “Have a good night, you two. Don’t bring her home too late, okay?”

  “Of course, sir. Have a good night.” Thorne nods his head in Callan’s direction and he waves back. Thorne’s Jeep is parked at the bottom of the stairs and we make our way to it.

  I don’t notice the fact there are two other people in the car until I get in, and by the look on their faces, they didn’t know I was coming.

  “Well, hello to you too,” I say as I buckle my seatbelt.

  “Leona. Nice to see you again,” Castor greets, his tone sweet but slimy. Hunter ignores me, staring at his phone like it’s insulted him. Thorne gets in and we take off.

  “You didn’t have to come all the way here just to bring me home. I could have gone with Callan.”

  “I was hoping you would come with me to drop these two douchebags off, and I don’t know, maybe come see my house again,” he looks over at me with that look in his eye. I smile and look away, knowing exactly what he means. The answer is yes.

  It’s so dark, the moon barely visible in the sky. We’re stopped at a stop light, no other cars in sight. Thorne reaches over, placing his hand on my thigh. A shiver runs up my body at his touch. I’m thoroughly enjoying the moment. Sitting here with my boyfriend, his touch bringing me peace, the raw baritone of Lewis Capaldi’s voice playing in the background.

  The sound of something crashing into the car has it bouncing to the side, pulling me out of bliss.

  “What the fuck,” Thorne growls, looking in his rearview mirror. “You okay?” he asks me quietly, but not pulling his eyes from the mirror.

  I nod, taking a peek in the side mirror. Nothing is there.

  “What the fuck was that?” Hunter asks, turning in his seat and looking out the window.

  Another hit to the car. It jerks to the left, lurching me sideways.

  “Stay here,” Thorne growls, slamming the Jeep into park. He opens the door and steps out.

  “Wait, don’t go out there,” I say.

  He ducks his head back inside. “It’s fine, maybe a deer or something.” He shuts the door. I press the lock on my door, to make sure it’s locked. I check the rearview mirror and see Hunter is still on his phone, but Castor is looking around slightly, trying to figure out what is going on. A deep, low growl sounds outside of my door. I slowly look to the right, seeing two bright, golden eyes staring back at me.

  I suck in a deep breath and open my mouth to scream. Before anything comes out, I’m being pulled into the back seat just as something rams into my window, cracking it.

  Castor pulls me into the back seat like I weigh nothing, he sits me in the middle, keeping his arm across my midsection, shielding me with his own body.

  “Hunter, get her home. We will meet you there.” Castor is out the door before anyone can argue.

  “Aw, fuck it all to hell,” Hunter growls, climbing through the middle two seats and getting into the driver’s side. Something begins to scratch at the side of the car as Hunter drops into the seat. He adjusts it quickly and puts the Jeep in drive.

  Yelping and growling fills the air behind us. “Wait!” I shout to Hunter, “You can’t just leave them there!” I grab onto his arm, but he shakes me off.

  “They’ll be fine.” He presses on the gas, causing the tires to peel out. He speeds down the street all while I hold back sobs, still pleading for him to go back. Something is not right. “Call your family. Tell them what happened and we are on our way.”

  I wipe the tears from my eyes and pull my phone from my pocket. I dial Maddox’s number with shaky fingers.

  When we get to the gate, he is already there waiting in his own Jeep; Alec and Lenny in the car with him. Hunter rolls down the window and Maddox gives him a questioning look. I pop my head through the center so he sees it’s me and I’m fine.

  “Get inside. Don’t open the gate for anyone, not even us.” I nod. He gives Hunter another once over before taking off.

  Hunter closes the window and continues up the driveway. He parks in Maddox’s spot and I don’t say anything. If it were Thorne, I would. But I wouldn’t mind hearing Hunter get chewed out by Maddox.

  I hold my phone in my hand, not ready to get out of the car yet and I consider calling Thorne to make sure he’s okay. Just as I’m about to do it, I look up and notice his phone sitting in the center console.

  “We just going to sit in the car until they get back? Or can you be gracious enough to invite me inside?” I scowl at Hunter, pick up Thorne’s phone, and get out of the car. I rush to the door and try to close it in his face, but he slips in anyway. I’m not a total bitch, I know he’d be fine if he got hit with it—a broken nose won’t kill you. I growl as he smirks, my temper getting the best of me.

  “Leona? What’s going on?” Friday asks, her tone laced with panic. She’s heading down the stairs, Callan right behind her. “Are you okay? Maddox took off right after you called.”

  “I’m fine,” I say, sliding Thorne’s phone into my back pocket. Friday comes close and pulls me in for a hug.

  “And who is this?” she asks, looking over at Hunter.

  “Oh him? He doesn’t matter,” I say. She gives me a look, but I know she understands. I roll my eyes and move into the kitchen, needing to do something to keep me busy and my mind away from the fact Castor and Thorne are fighting a pack of wolves. Giant wolves. And my brother is probably there now too, with Maddox and Alec.

  I try not to worry, but of course I am.

  I can’t have anyone else die because of me.

  Friday follows me into the kitchen. I can hear Callan starting conversation with Hunter, who of course puts his nice face on.


u going to explain?” she asks, pulling a beer from the fridge and cracking it open.

  I shrug.

  “I see,” she gestures to the table and I take a seat. “I’m not very good at boy trouble, so I’m not sure I’d have good advice for you anyway.” She shrugs and takes a long sip of the beer.

  “I don’t need advice. He’s an ass. I’m not really worried about it.”

  “Now that is something I do know about. Pretty sure Maddox is the king of asses,” she smirks, picking up her beer to take another sip. “Things aren’t always easy, Leona. I’m sure you know that by now, but so do I. Things weren’t always easy for me. I grew up in a similar situation you did, and I have no idea where I would be if it weren’t for my guys. It’s not always easy, but sometimes all the hard stuff? It’s worth it.” She smiles at me and gets up. “I’m going to check on the kids. Lenny tried a new tonic for Milo, this one seems to be working to help him sleep, but I can’t stop thinking something is wrong because he’s so quiet.” She huffs out a laugh. “Mom life, am I right?” I smile at her and she leaves the kitchen. I sit there, staring down at the table for who knows how long. Stuck in my head and worried I’ll be the reason someone else is killed.

  If anyone else gets hurt because of me, I’m not sure what I’ll do. It’s bad enough I’ve lost Lina, I can’t lose someone else.

  “Hey, Leona? Friday just spoke with your brother. They’re all good and on their way back. Thorne and… Castor, is it? They’re with them.”

  “Thanks, Callan.” I smile, knowing Thorne will be here soon. I can’t say I’m happy, but I am relieved. This bullshit needs to stop. Things are only getting worse, and I sense it’s going to continue this way. We need to figure this out. We need a plan. There has to be some way to stop this.

  First it was the photos, not a huge deal, just creepy. Then the sweatshirt. Same thing, totally creepy. But then the letter and the photo. The threats? The car accident, Lina dying… and now this? What is next? Someone is already dead, how much worse can it get?


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