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Love You to Death: An Absolutely Gripping Thriller with a Killer Twist

Page 29

by Caroline Mitchell

  ‘Help me get her out,’ Ruby breathed, clasping her hands under Sophie’s armpits. She was cold, so very cold, and Ruby pressed her hand against Sophie’s coat, praying for the comforting thump of a heartbeat. But there was nothing. ‘Over here, to the radiator,’ Ruby said, as Nathan gently lifted her up. For once, she was grateful for the stifling heat pumping through the building. Placing her on the ground, Ruby pressed her cheek against the little girl’s face. Touching the artery in her neck, she held her own breath, willing Sophie’s to return. She gasped a sigh of relief. ‘We’ve got a pulse.’ But the child was barely breathing.

  Nathan pulled off his jacket, wrapping it tightly around her as Ruby drew the little girl into her arms. Like a life-sized doll, she lay with blue lips and hands forced together. Reaching into his back pocket, Nathan drew out a Stanley knife, cutting the bindings and releasing her wrists. Downes stood, rooted to the spot, as he watched the couple try to breathe life into the little frozen girl.

  ‘Your coat,’ Nathan barked at him. ‘Give me your coat.’

  Pulling off his heavy woollen coat he threw it to Nathan; for once in his life devoid of words. Working together, Nathan and Ruby wrapped it tighter around Sophie. Pulling off her shoes, Nathan massaged her feet, then her fingers, cupping his hands and breathing hot air, pressing her to the radiator for warmth.

  Ruby drew her tighter, hugging her to her chest. Gently rocking, she begged in ragged whispers for the little girl to come back to them. ‘You’re alright, you’re going to be alright, please, wake up now, there’s a good girl.’ And then she heard it: a little sigh of breath. Followed by a tiny flush of colour to her cheeks.

  Nathan wrapped the coat tighter, encouraging murmurs passing his lips. In those few seconds it was just Ruby, Nathan, and the skinny little dark-haired girl.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Ruby whispered as she rocked, kissing the top of her head. But she did not know what she was sorry for. Was it for her own daughter, for Sophie, or for her mother, Anita, who was lying in hospital recovering from her ordeal?

  Downes turned to the window as he raised his radio to his lips; his face illuminated in the blue flashing lights.

  Ruby gently rocked the sedated child, unwilling to release her to the uniformed bodies bustling into the room. Police, ambulance and crime scene investigators flooded in. Head bowed, Downes updated his superiors by phone, pressing a finger against his ear as he engaged in conversation.

  ‘It’s OK, you can let go now,’ a soothing voice spoke in Ruby’s ear. She swivelled her head to see the green paramedic uniform and a pair of outstretched hands waiting for the precious bundle. She glanced at Nathan, tears pricking her eyes. And in that moment they both saw the pain that giving up their daughter had caused each other. Getting to her feet, she allowed them to work. Her arms were empty, her body hollow. Nathan put a comforting arm around her and squeezed. Unconcerned by her witnesses, she allowed her hand to slip around his waist, taking comfort in his strength.

  ‘You need to go with them,’ Downes said, nodding at the paramedics.

  ‘I’m fine,’ Ruby said.

  ‘She’s coming back to mine,’ Nathan spoke at the same time.

  ‘We need statements,’ Downes replied, his voice laced with disapproval.

  Nathan stared, hard faced. ‘In the morning. You’ll have your statements then.’

  Ruby allowed him to steer her away. Downes would send someone to the house, have them bag up her clothes and swab her face for forensics. A nod passed between them, and Downes let her go.


  Switching off the hairdryer, Ruby gasped as she caught sight of a figure in the bedroom mirror. Nathan. A jittery laugh escaped her lips as she caught her breath in relief. Here, in the home he bought for her, she could not be any safer. It had taken guts for Luddy to attend Nathan’s house last night, but it was worth providing a full statement to be allowed a late start today. Ruby had been prepared to go home, but, in his wisdom, Nathan had brought her here. He was right: it was their safe house. And she had never been more grateful for it than today. Exhausted from the emotional turbulence she had fallen into a nightmarish sleep; her dreams filled with running barefoot down empty corridors, searching for her daughter.

  ‘I made you some coffee,’ Nathan said, his eyes falling on her hair. It had taken three boiling hot showers to satisfy her that all traces of blood were washed away.

  ‘Thanks,’ Ruby said, pulling the towelling robe around her before following him to the sofa.

  ‘How did you find me? In the basement, I mean. How did you know where I was?’ Ruby asked. She couldn’t figure out why Nathan had smashed a window to gain entry to the back while Downes and his colleagues were at the front.

  Nathan took a sip from his mug, staring straight ahead. ‘I was waiting in the car when I searched up plans of the building on my phone. As soon as I saw there was an underground basement I went in.’

  Ruby smiled. That was Nathan all over. Action first, ask questions later.

  ‘My turn now,’ Nathan said, giving her thigh an impromptu squeeze. ‘How did you know that Chris was mixed up in it?’

  ‘It was little things at first. He insisted the corpses had been washed. But I could tell by Emily’s hair that it wasn’t clean. Then I saw stamen powder on his coat when I hung mine up next to his at the post-mortem.’ Ruby lifted her feet and curled up on the sofa, hugging her cup for warmth. ‘There were lilies at Emily’s address, but we wore forensic suits at the scene. Anyone can buy lilies, so I dismissed it from my mind.’

  ‘What about the others?’ Nathan asked. ‘Monica and Emily?’

  ‘He disposed of any forensics during the PM. It worked out fine, until I saw Monica’s dirty feet.’

  ‘It didn’t help that the bodies kept turning up in properties on our books,’ Nathan said.

  ‘That was just a coincidence. Chris lived a couple of doors down from where Monica’s body was dumped. Then I read the witness statement saying he used to be a keyholder for the last lot of homeowners when they went on holiday. That’s when it all started coming together.’

  Nathan shook his head. ‘I’ve come across some messed up shit in my life, but that… why do it? And why did Goldie kill herself afterwards?’

  ‘Because she never found her happy ever after. I think all she really wanted was for her mum to love her for who she was, just like in the movies.’

  ‘Lots of us have crappy childhoods,’ Nathan said, giving Ruby a knowing glance. ‘We don’t all turn out to be serial killers.’

  ‘Think about it. Why do you carry a gun?’ Ruby asked, staring intensely into his blue grey eyes. Silence fell between them, and Ruby took another breath before delivering her next question. ‘Have you ever used it?’

  Nathan averted his glance. His reluctance to respond was answer enough.

  ‘I’m not excusing what Goldie did,’ Ruby said. ‘Ending those women’s lives, and almost costing Sophie hers… it was brutal and a needless waste of life. But if you’re brought up to believe that someone’s warped viewpoint is the absolute truth, it’s hard to shake it off. Goldie carried the scars of her childhood like a cancer; they infected every aspect of her life.’ It was the best example she could give to make Nathan understand. Nathan carried a gun; Goldie unleashed her demons.

  ‘I heard they found Frenchie’s body buried in Chris’s basement.’

  Ruby nodded; the excavation of Chris’s home was ongoing. ‘It’s why she sent me the death notices. When she saw I had given up my daughter, I think it triggered something inside. Deep down she wanted to be caught.’

  ‘Or she hated you for what you did and was messing with your mind. Why do you always see the good in people? Even after all these years in the police. Why can’t you see these nutters for what they really are?’

  Ruby delivered a teasing smile, stretching like a cat as she kissed him on the cheek. ‘I see the good in you, don’t I? Thanks for coming to my rescue, Action Man.’

  Nathan t
ried but failed to hide his smile. He looked at his watch and rose. ‘I’d better get going. There’s clean clothes in the wardrobe if you want to go to work from here.’

  Ruby rose with him. ‘I’m still going back to my flat you know; this isn’t permanent.’

  ‘I know,’ Nathan raised a hand as he made for the door. ‘Call me if you need anything.’

  She stood wanting to call him back. The sight of Nathan leaving sent a bolt of regret. Why was she joking when her daughter had come home?

  ‘What does she look like?’ Ruby said, the words feeling too big for her throat.

  Nathan paused at the door. ‘She’s thin, dark hair. Has your eyes, my attitude. She’s a bit wild, keen to get involved in the family business.’

  Ruby arched an eyebrow as he returned and took her hand. Drawn like magnets, one always returned for one last touch, one more word. She hoped that it would be the same for her daughter, that some way Cathy would find her way back to her. At least now she knew who had been visiting her mother at Oakwood. It gave Ruby hope that Cathy wanted to engage with her grandmother.

  ‘I’ll make sure she keeps her nose clean; help her get an education, a proper career.’

  ‘It wasn’t that long ago that you were telling me that being a criminal was a career,’ Ruby said, half-joking.

  ‘It’s not the one I have in mind for my daughter.’

  My daughter. Not ours. Ruby knew she had no right to be upset by his turn of phrase, but it hurt like hell anyway. She thrust her hands into the dressing gown pockets, swallowing back the tightness in her throat. ‘Will you tell her that I’ve always thought of her? That I’d like to meet?’

  ‘When she’s ready to hear it I will.’ He sighed. ‘She’s a very troubled girl. And I’m going to need your help… when she comes around.’

  ‘I’ll be right here when she does,’ Ruby said. ‘So what about you and Leona? I’ve heard you’re getting married. I don’t suppose you’ll have much room in your life for me then.’ She knew what she sounded like and hated herself for it, but she had to know.

  ‘Me and Leona are through,’ Nathan said, ruefully. ‘And what about you? I guess that Jack Downes doesn’t seem that bad now I’ve met him.’

  Ruby smiled at Nathan’s efforts of being diplomatic. ‘Work relationships are messy. We’re back on a professional basis only.’ It was a decision she had not been aware of until the words fell from her tongue.

  Nathan reached out and touched her hair, pushing an errant lock behind her ear. His knuckles brushed her cheekbone, sending a tingle down her spine.

  ‘I guess I’ll see you around,’ he said, before turning and walking away.

  ‘Not if I see you first,’ Ruby called after him, her smile filtering through her words.

  She padded to the window, opening it wide, absorbing the noise of the streets below. London. The sounds of the traffic were her lullaby; the scent of the streets her perfume. She did not know what the future held, but as long as she was here she was home. She leaned on the windowsill, basking in the morning sun. Her phone beeped in her dressing gown pocket, alerting her of a text. It was Downes.

  ‘Are you getting your arse back in here or what?’

  Ruby smiled. Time to get back to work.


  Writing a new series can be a daunting experience, as you wait to see how your new character will be received. DS Ruby Preston sometimes bends the rules, but she has a good heart, and I hope you have enjoyed meeting her for the first time.

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  I’m really enjoying setting this series in London. I’m currently plotting books two and three and am very excited about what the future holds for Ruby and the people around her. Having worked in the police for many years, I do hope I’ve been able to portray a good account of the type of interesting and varied characters I used to meet. I have had to stretch reality slightly when it comes to the role of a Detective Sergeant, as we all know there are just some days that paperwork prevails – I do hope my ex-colleagues forgive me for the freedom Ruby is sometimes allowed.

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  Thank you so much to everyone who has supported my books. I truly value my readers and the wonderful book bloggers and clubs who discuss my work. There’s lots more to come, to don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to ensure you are kept updated of each new release.

  You may also be interested in my previous crime thriller series, featuring DC Jennifer Knight, which is available now. Like Ruby, Jennifer investigates crime, but her stories come with a spooky twist.

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  If you have enjoyed this book, I’d love to hear from you. My Twitter and Facebook links are below if you would like to get in touch.

  Until next time,

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  I am hugely grateful to the people who have helped bring this book, the first in the DS Ruby Preston series to fruition.

  To Oliver Rhodes and the team at Bookouture – thank you, your support has been phenomenal. A special mention must be given to my publicity manager Kim Nash, who never seems to sleep, and top editor Keshini Naidoo, whose mind is darker than mine – and that’s saying something!

  Speaking of dark minds, this acknowledgement would not be complete without mentioning two of the darkest in the business – authors Mel Sherratt and Angela Marsons – you know I love you really! Also to the fab Helen Phifer, whose name was used in this book, thanks to her support for the CLIC Sargent charity auction.

  I’d also like to thank my agent, Madeleine Milburn, who I feel extremely fortunate to know. I’m so pleased to have her at the helm of my career, guiding me every step of the way.

  To my fellow authors, and a certain Facebook group (or should I say scene). Thanks for your support – I’m so pleased to know such a fantastic group of people.

  To my police colleagues and those who have walked the thin blue line, in particular Tracey Allen, Ian Rutherford, Sally Keeble and Scott Jamieson. Sorry I couldn’t include everyone, but I’ve enjoyed working with you all. It’s been eventful! Also to Garry Rodgers for his assistance with my questions about mortuaries and ongoing support.

  Thanks to the band of dedicated book reviewers, book club members and readers who have championed me from the beginning – I truly appreciate your support.

  To my husband Neil and my children who are growing up far too fast - thanks for putting up with me. I love the bones of you all.


  Detective Jennifer Knight series




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  The first book in the DC Jennifer Knight series, out now…

  * * *

  You don’t know him. But he knows you.

  * * *

  Soon he would be able to touch her, to feel the warmth of her blood. And when the time came, nothing would stop him.

  * * *

  As DC Jennifer Knight investigates a routine stabbing in the quiet town of Haven, she is shocked at what seems like a personal message from beyond the grave.

  * * *

  When more bodies are found, Jennifer is convinced the killings are somehow linked. What she discovers is more chilling than she could possibly imagine. The murders mirror those of the notorious Grim Reaper – from over twenty years ago. A killer her mother helped convict.

  * * *

  Jennifer can no longer ignore the personal connection. Is there a copycat killer at work? Was the wrong man convicted? Or is there something more sinister at play …

  * * *

  With her mother’s terrifying legacy spiralling out of control, Jennifer must look into her own dark
past in a fight not only to stop a killer – but to save herself and those she loves.

  * * *

  A heart-stopping supernatural thriller to engross fans of Rachel Abbott, Paul Finch and James Oswald.

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  Out now and also available as an audiobook!

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  What reviewers are saying about DON’T TURN AROUND:

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  ‘With a brilliant cast of crime characters, and a plot that was enough to make me feel dizzy, this was a compelling book that I just couldn't get enough of. Every word, every page, every murder, every guess... I couldn't wait for the final piece of the jigsaw to fit into place… the word 'thrilling' just doesn't do this justice.’ Becca’s Books

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  ‘This is a fantastically written story that keeps you on the edge of your seat and I really didn't want to put it down and was gutted when it ended but what an ending it was and one I didn't see coming at all.’ It’s All About the Books

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  ‘This is a promising and well written supernatural detective story, with a surprising twist. One to look out for!’ Northern Crime

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  ‘Loved this book! A strong, independent, smart heroine and a hair raising plot made this a read in one sitting book!’ Books for Avid Readers

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  ‘It was truly a great read and well written… I recommend it to everyone that enjoys murder mysteries with a twist.’ Word Gurgle


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