Sorority Row

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Sorority Row Page 5

by Tl Reeve

  “The proper thing would have been to inform us or better yet ask us before showing up with an additional guest.” The mask his mother always wore slipped slightly in her anger.

  “Your mother is correct, Christoph.” Big, dominant, and powerful just some of the words he’d use to describe his father. Jackass, abuser, stuck-up, and power-hungry condescending asshole, also words he associated with his father. “How many times must we remind you?” His father stood, offering his hand while reprimanding him like a child.

  Completely ignoring the hand, he gestured for Bell to sit when he pulled her chair out. Jackson took a seat beside her.

  “Are you not at least going to do introductions?” His mother clucked in disapproval, and a deep frown formed between his father’s brows.

  Before his conversation with Rapier, he’d debated on telling his parents exactly who Jackson and Bell were. Now, he didn’t give a flying fuck.

  “This is Bell Dryer and Jackson Dalco.” Pausing, he watched his parents intently. “My mates.”

  His father’s face turned beet-red, and he sat up straighter in his chair. His mother, on the other hand, didn’t even bother to hide the look of disgust filling her features while she eyeballed Jackson and Bell.

  “The time for jokes is long over, Christoph. Need I remind you of your family obligation waiting for you at home?” Anger radiated off his father. His sneer alone would have caused a weaker man to wither before him.

  “I refuse to mate with anyone who isn’t my true mate. I won’t live my life like the two of you did. Forming a bond for social hierarchy, greed, and to keep the line strong.”

  “No son of mine, let alone an alpha, will be gay.” His father growled and slammed his hand on the table, drawing the attention of the other guests.

  “Oh, I’m not gay.” He’d been deliberately vague, knowing his parents would assume him to be bisexual when, quite honestly, he had no idea what his feelings toward Jackson might be.

  “Deviant. You’re a sexual deviant.” Mother reached for the wineglass in front of her. “How will I be able to hold my head up in front of our pride?”

  “So you say. But, unlike you two, I’ll spend the rest of my life with my loving mates. And by the way, Mother, the pride could give a shit. They dislike you both immensely and can’t stand how fake you both are. You rule with fear when they require patience and understanding. But you don’t get it, do you?”

  “Need I remind you what is at stake, Christoph?” It didn’t surprise him in the least his father ignored everything he said. He did it every single time. Evidently, the man wouldn’t be distracted from his agenda tonight.

  “Oh, you’ve reminded me over the last seven years what’s at stake. Funny how it only affects you two. Not me. I could give a shit.”

  Bell’s tiny hand moved from the top of the table to rest on his thigh. She gave it a gentle squeeze, giving him a boost of her strength and determination. Everything would be okay.

  “Fuck the little nobody whore and him if you must. Get it out of your system. Sow your oats.” His father stood abruptly, causing his chair to topple over.

  “Careful, Father. You’re drawing attention to us. You never know who’s here, watching us…you. God forbid they assume the worst or think less of you,” he snarled. Fear no longer controlled him. “And Bell or Jackson aren’t nobodies. Nor is Bell a whore. How dare you speak about her like that. They are my mates!”

  His father ignored him. “Fuck them. I then expect you to get your ass home by the end of the semester. You will do what you’re told, Christoph, or you will regret it.”

  Jerking out of his seat, he glanced at Bell and Jackson, who had surprisingly kept his mouth closed during the confrontation with his parents.

  “I choose my mates. You can shove your expectations up your ass.”

  “I hope the little whore is worth it.” His mother placed her empty glass down. “We’ll cut off your funding. Every dime, Christoph. Do you think she’ll want you when you’re penniless? A nobody?”

  It didn’t escape his notice his parents still refused to even acknowledge Jackson’s presence.

  “Listen you piece of shi—”

  “Jackson.” Catching his gaze, he shook his head at him. “Trust me, they are not worth it. Plus, it falls on deaf ears. They hear what they want to hear. Nothing more.” He glanced at his parents, knowing he had an ace up his sleeve with Rapier’s offer. But he didn’t want to lay all his cards out at once. “Dinner is over. I won’t subject my mates to this type of abuse. I’ll deal with you both when I know they are cared for.”

  Jackson pulled Bell’s chair out then helped her up, and, together, they walked away from his parents’ table. He handed off the valet ticket to the guy waiting by the door.

  “I noticed you weren’t really clear with your parents about the complexity of our relationship,” Jackson stated, while they waited for his car.

  He shrugged. “It’s really not their business. I told them I’m not gay.”

  “Yeah, but you let them assume you’re bi.”

  “Yes, I did. I think my being bi would piss my dad off even more. We both know it’s not true, so why do you care?” Maybe.

  “I don’t. Just wanted to make sure you don’t attempt to hide the pickle up my ass when we do all come together.”

  “You have nothing to fear. Bell is who I desire, who I crave, and who I want to play hide the pickle with.”

  The valet pulled up in Christoph’s red sports car and, seconds later, handed him the keys.

  “Okay. Enough about hiding the pickle and where. Let Jackson drive.” Bell spoke for the first time since they had met his parents.

  Jackson took the keys out of his hands and moved to the driver’s side. Christoph looked at Bell, questioning her odd request.

  “I just think you need a hug, and I’m going to be the one to give it to you. We’re going to hop in the backseat, and I’m going to hold you till we get home.”

  “Better hope your dad isn’t waiting for you at the house. Hard to explain your arms around me,” he teased. For the first time in a long time, the weight of the world eased off his shoulders.

  “Wait, your dad’s here?” Jackson glanced at him from the rearview mirror. “How come I’m just finding out about this?”

  “Bell’s hesitant to tell him about the three of us. After seeing and speaking with him, I completely understand why. Dude is scary, and I don’t scare easily.”

  “Are you going to tell him about us?” He didn’t miss the look of hurt that flashed across Jackson’s face. Bell must have seen it, too, because she leaned forward, resting her hand on his shoulder.

  “Yes. But he’s the type of man you ease into these situations. Please trust me to know how to deal with my parents,” she pleaded with Jackson.

  “I do trust you, and I will let you handle it.” Jackson turned around, put the car in gear, and drove away from the restaurant.

  “Oh, and if he asks directly, skirt the issue. It’s safer that way.” Christoph laid his hand on her knee. “After talking to him, I understand her reasoning.”

  Bell snuggled into Christoph’s side and placed her hand over his heart. Her unconditional love and warmth overwhelmed him.

  Chapter Five

  Jackson stood with Bell on the front porch of her sorority house as Christoph drove away. His parents had called moments before, demanding he come to the hotel. Jackson wrapped his arm around her shoulder and opened the door. He knew somewhere inside the house sat her father. And, with them arriving sans Christoph, he’d have tons of questions. Ones Jackson didn’t want to answer for fear of upsetting Bell even more.

  Her lithe body sagged against his when they stepped inside.

  “Sit. I’ll make you some tea, and we’ll figure out what to do next.”

  She gave a weary nod and proceeded to sit in her favorite chair. Heavy footsteps pounded down the stairs to the main floor of the house. When a man
came around the corner, Jackson breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn’t be her father. He looked too young.

  “Hey, man, what’s up?” Jackson continued to the kitchen, not sparing the guy another look.


  Jackson stilled. Every inch of him vibrated, shocked by Bell’s voice. Shit. Not the best way to make a first impression. Pivoting, he returned to the living room. The man she affectionately called Daddy had placed her on his lap, while she cried. Fucking hell. The desire to make it all right flowed through Jackson, but, at the moment, he didn’t know how. Christoph had to be the one to fix it, and he thought the lion had, especially after his little speech. Yet, by the way the guy ran home with his tail tucked between his legs, maybe not.

  “What happened?” Her father pinned him with a glare, and, if he’d been a lesser beast, he’d have cowered.

  “Christoph’s parents are assholes. They treated Bell horribly.”

  “They treated us all terribly, Jackson.” She sniffed and buried her face in her father’s chest. “They’re so mean. I’ve never met anyone like them.”

  “I’ve dealt with worse,” he replied. “Believe it or not, most dragons aren’t known for their manners.”

  “And you’d be?” Her father wrapped his arms around his daughter in a protective gesture.

  “Jackson Dalco. From the house Dalco.” He closed the space between them and held out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. Just wish it was on better terms.”

  He eyed Jackson’s hand then shook it. “And who are you to Bell?”

  Jackson glanced at Bell, who’d gone completely still in her father’s arms. “I’m her mate.”

  A menacing growl rumbled from her father. “What?”

  “Daddy.” She sat up and narrowed her eyes. If the situation hadn’t been so serious, he’d have laughed. “Don’t do this. I’ve had a rotten night because Christoph’s parents couldn’t accept us. Don’t do the same thing.”

  He blew out a breath. “Fine, princess. Later, we’ll talk about why you felt the need to lie to me.”

  “She didn’t lie, sir.” The need to protect and defend her pushed at him. “She withheld the information because she knew it would upset you.”

  The man visibly deflated in the chair. He cupped her cheek. “Bell, I’ve always told you to be honest with me, no matter how I may react. Why, all of a sudden, are you hiding?”

  She shrugged. The heady scent of shame wafted from her when she turned away.

  “If I may be of some assistance.” He edged over to the couch and took a seat. “Things haven’t been the most…settled around here.”

  “Not by a long shot.” She grunted.

  “Between Hayden mating Nico and having to deal with some really ugly girls, our mating isn’t on the front burner. Plus—”

  Rapier growled. “What girls? When did Hayden finally man up and mate Nico?”

  “We haven’t had time to talk.” She glared at Jackson, who didn’t flinch.

  “Sir, she has been under a considerable amount of stress. This bullsh—” He cleared his throat. “This crap with Christoph is just the tip of the iceberg.” Her father had a right to know what happened with his daughter.

  “Fuck them.” He grabbed both of Bell’s arms and turned her to face him. “Are you happy with both men?”

  She bit her lip. “Well….”

  “We’ve only been together for two weeks.” He bailed her out. “We’re trying to figure out how this works for all of us.”

  “You sure are full of answers.” Rapier turned his knowing gaze to him.

  “I’m trying to ease Bell. Do the dirty work, so to speak, so if you get pissed, you don’t direct it at her.”

  He chuckled. “You got a good one, princess. The other, I’m not too sure of.” Rapier didn’t have to say his name for Jackson to understand “other” meant Christoph.

  “Thank you, Daddy.” She kissed his cheek. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to go to bed. Today has left me completely drained.” She slipped from her father’s lap then stood before Jackson. “Thank you for being with me…us tonight. Even though everything turned out to be a big ole mess, I enjoyed spending time with you.”

  His heart gave an awkward thump. “I did, too.” He took her hand into his and lifted it to his lips. “Good night, blondie.” He waited until she stepped out of earshot to speak to her father. “There is something you should understand about me.”

  “What? That you’re not a feline or canine?” He sniffed. “Are you a fucking rattler? I hate those damn things with a passion, especially when we have to work under fucking houses.”

  “I am from the Dalco clan. We’re dragons.” He returned to where he’d been sitting.

  Rapier nodded. “Hence the scent of brimstone I get from you, too.”

  He grunted. “I am invested in mating your daughter. I will make her happy beyond her or your comprehension, and I have enough money to give her a good life ten times over.”

  “And Christoph?”

  “Non-factor as far as I am concerned.”

  “You’ve got balls, kid.” He snorted. “I respect your plan, but Christoph isn’t having the easiest of times, either.”

  He realized the same after tonight. “I understand. But, I won’t watch Bell get her heart broken because he can’t tell his parents to shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.”

  Rapier rubbed his chin. “Would you do the same for Bell?”

  He nodded. “I would. However, my parents have passed.”

  Her father dipped his penetrating gaze to a spot in front of his feet. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Your question is logical. I’d ask the same in your position.”

  “What happened?”

  He gave a nonchalant lift of his shoulder. “What happens when one covets what someone else has? Dragons crave things. Money, gold, power, knowledge. We shared for the longest time, and then, out of nowhere, it stopped. My parents went into hiding with me. Then, one day, they left. I woke up in a strange place, with strange humans. I had a note and access to everything I could ever want.”

  “Did you ever find out what happened to your parents?”

  “About a year later, my aunt showed up. Snooping, of course. She had so many questions, and, suddenly, it made sense.”

  “That’s some fucked-up shit, kid.”

  “Such is life.” He rested his elbows and forearms on his knees. “Like I said, I protect what is mine. Bell included. You never have to worry about her while she’s with me.”

  For long, agonizing moments, Rapier sat across from him, not saying a word. Finally, he sat forward, and held out his hand. “Welcome to the family. You’re going to fit in just fine.”


  Loud chatter and the sounds of hammers hitting nails brought Bell awake. Her dreams had been filled with negativity. She’d argued with Christoph and with Jackson. Yelled at her father and her siblings. Everything fell apart in her dreams. Taking a deep breath, she grinned. The scent of coffee and breakfast being cooked wafted into her room. She hadn’t smelled anything quite so delicious since she’d been home and her mom made it for them.

  She pushed off the blankets on her bed and sat up. After she grabbed her robe from the chair near her bed, she put it on and headed for her door. She’d turned the knob at the same moment someone knocked at it. Talk about timing. “Who is it?”


  She opened the door and smiled. “Good morning, pledge.”

  “There are men all over the place. One pushed me out of the way and started cooking.”

  She grinned. “What did he look like?”

  “An older version of your dad. He’s not surly, though. He’s making pancakes.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Shelly is nervous.”

  “She shouldn’t be. The guys are here to work on the house. They’re family.” She followed her out of the room to where Shelly waited on the lan
ding of the stairs. “Morning, Shelly.”


  “The man you met is Cormyr, my dad’s older brother. Where’s Hayden?” Her cousin’s door stood open, but she was nowhere in sight.

  “Good to know.” Shelly pushed her gigantic glasses up her nose. “Hayden’s downstairs already. She’s catching up with everyone.”

  “Right. Of course.” She grinned. “Have you met all of them?”

  “No. Well, your uncle.”

  “Then I’ll introduce you to everyone.” She stepped into the kitchen and cleared her throat. “Morning, everyone.”

  The idle chatter and noise stopped. “Bell!” Wy, her youngest uncle, grabbed her up in a hug first. “We were about to start taking bets to see how long you’d sleep.”

  She laughed. “Everyone, I’d like to introduce to you Raquel and Shelly.” Bell went down the line, introducing everyone. “And this is Utah.” She signed his name as she spoke. Until Osirus showed up in Window Rock, she’d never met a shifter who couldn’t hear. It surprised her, but also intrigued her. Then she’d overheard her father talking to Kal, and she instantly wanted to be friends with Utah.

  He waved. Good to meet you both.

  It’s good to meet you, too, Utah.

  Bell blinked. She didn’t know Raquel knew ASL. “Whoa. Seems like someone has been keeping secrets.”

  Utah laughed.

  “My older brother is deaf, so I learned at a young age,” she explained while signing for Utah’s benefit. “You go to school anywhere?”

  He shook his head. I’m better with my hands. He wiggled his brows. Besides, with the brain over here, I think she’s got it covered.

  Bell laughed. “We’d love to have you here with us. You could even pledge our house.” She winked at him.

  Oh joy. Will we stay up late at night and talk about boys and do our nails together?

  Raquel erupted into a fit of laughter. “I like him. Please tell me he’s staying.”

  Bell glanced between Utah and her pledge. The way he watched her. The hungry look in his eyes. Holy crap. “Well, they’ll be here for however long it takes to fix the house.”


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