Sorority Row

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Sorority Row Page 6

by Tl Reeve

  “Well, then, I guess we should get started on getting to know each other,” she replied.

  If the looks he gave her friend had been any indication, they’d be doing a hell of a lot more than getting to know each other. However, it wasn’t her place to warn Raquel. She had to learn on her own. Which caused her dreams to replay in her mind. God, she wished Jackson or Christoph had stayed. It would make this whole situation a helluva lot easier.

  Jackson stepped inside, and she wondered if maybe, like her aunt Keeley, he had some telepathic ability. “Morning. Got room for one more?”

  She practically jumped into his arms. “Of course. Let me introduce you to my family.”

  “You’re smiling.” He brushed his lips over hers. “After last night, I worried you might never do it again.”

  She sighed, and relaxed. After last night, she didn’t know how things would go, either. She belonged to Christoph and him, but understanding it in the abstract instead of the literal sometimes messed with a person. The encounter with Chris’s parents had left her feeling rejected and alone. However, in Jackson’s arms, all had been right. Like she’d been where she’d always belonged. “I slept like shit. Having my family here is making it easier.”

  “And with me here?” He tipped her chin up and kissed her again.

  “All better.” Her eyes fluttered opened.

  Several throats cleared.

  “Okay, you two, break it up.” Her father’s voice rumbled over her skin.

  “Sorry, Daddy.”

  Jackson wrapped his arms around her from behind. “Good morning, sir.”

  “Kid.” He nodded.

  “Now that we’re all here, let’s eat,” she announced, ushering everyone to the table. “I’m so glad you came. We could definitely use the help any way we can get it.”

  Chapter Six

  Refusing to have the meeting with his “potential mate” anywhere near his parents, Christoph insisted on an off-site location. Currently, he sat on a bench in the park less than a mile from the hotel his parents stayed in, waiting for her to arrive. His parents had given him little to no information other than she had long black hair and green eyes. So far, he had seen a half a dozen girls who met the description they’d given him walk by.

  “Excuse me.” A timid girl approached him on his left side. She bowed her head and clasped her hands behind her. “Are you Christoph St. John?”


  “Aislinn Makino.” The hand she held out in front of her trembled. “My dad said we’re supposed to meet here.”

  He didn’t miss the wobble in her voice. Terrified. Of what, he had his suspicions. He’d worry about it later. All his protective instincts kicked in. Then, he noticed her age.

  This couldn’t be happening. No freaking way. The young girl who stood in front of him couldn’t possibly be who his parents wanted him to mate. Give her a few years, and she’d grow into her exotic beauty—especially with those pure celadon-green eyes and all that long, black hair. Not today, though. Damn it. Her round face and body still held some baby fat. No way she’s eighteen. The age of consent to mate.

  “How old are you?” He tempered the growl building in his chest.

  “Sixteen,” she whispered, lowering her hand.

  “I’m sorry.” He stood slowly, not wanting to scare her more. “I forgot my manners. I am Christoph St. John.”

  She relaxed, but a fine tremor still worked through her as she waited, pissing him off more. “Do you know what we’re supposed to do?”

  “No clue.” He scanned the area. The hairs on the nape of his neck raised. Someone watched them. His gut knotted. “How about we take a walk and talk.”

  She nodded, following him. Christoph slowed his stride to allow her to keep pace with him.

  “I won’t hurt you.” He lowered his voice so only she’d hear him. “I want you to speak freely and honestly. Do you understand, Aislinn?”


  It took him a moment to realize she’d answered because her tone had been so soft. “Do you want this mating?” The thought of mating this baby disgusted him. What could their parents be thinking?

  “Of course, I do.” The bitter scent of her lie had his stomach churning.

  Stopping, he turned to look at her. “I thought you agreed to speak honestly?” He didn’t miss the fear in her eyes with his direct question.

  Her head bowed submissively, and she glanced up at him through inky-black lashes.

  “Tell me what you want. Not what my parents or your parents want you to say.” This time he let the growl go. He wanted the truth. “Look at me, Aislinn.”

  Ever so slowly, she raised her head.

  “You don’t understand.” The pain and fear in her voice almost killed him. Instinct said her parents forced this on her. He needed her confirmation.

  “I understand more than you think. Just tell me the truth. Perhaps, we can help each other.”

  “You can’t help me. No one can.”

  Taking a deep breath, he pushed forward, asking her what he already knew. “Are you being forced?” Reaching out, he laid a comforting hand on her shoulder, and she withdrew from his touch. “Are you being hurt?”

  Tears welled up in her eyes. She broke eye contact to glance down at her folded hands. Her knuckles were white from her grip of them.

  “Trust me.”

  “This mating...will get me away from my family,” she hedged.

  He needed her to be specific. “You mean your father?”

  Her head gave a slight bob.

  “Is he hurting you or forcing you to mate?”

  “Both,” she whispered. Tears trailed down her round cheeks. Her entire body began to shake.

  “It’ll be all right, Aislinn.” Ever so gently, he pulled her into his arms. “I promise. First, age of consent to mate is eighteen. I’m not sure how either set of our parents can get around it.”

  “My father.” Her voice broke as she continued to cry on his chest. “He said there is some old or ancient law which will allow it.”

  Shit. He knew the law she spoke of, every alpha did. Put in place to protect the bloodlines of the alphas, it allowed mating to happen between two individuals no matter their age. Problem was, in order to enact the law, you had to show proof your line had no chance to survive without the mating. This wasn’t the case in his family. He couldn’t speak for hers.

  “Do you have siblings?”

  “No.” She adjusted her position. For this to work, he had to have her trust. “But I have plenty of cousins and uncles. Our line will survive without mating…with you.”

  “I know someone who can help—”

  “No! No one can know! If my father finds out about this conversation, he would….” She swallowed hard.

  “Beat you?”


  Bell and Jackson were his mates, but he had to help her. To do nothing and continue to allow her father to abuse her made him culpable for everything that happened to her. He’d be an alpha without honor. He had honor and compassion like he suspected Rapier did, too.

  “Aislinn, listen to me. I’m going to need a little time. I must send you to your father until I can make arrangements for your safety. I want you to trust me.”

  “Trust must be earned.”

  “You are correct. The fact that I’m an alpha means nothing and you hardly know me; therefore, I hope you don’t automatically place your trust in me.” Reaching down, he tipped her chin up so she could look him in the eyes. “Since you’ve been completely honest with me, let me return the favor. I do not want this mating. I have a mate. Mates, actually. It is my intention to mate Bell with Jackson. I can’t...I won’t leave you in your father hands.”

  “How long do you need?” A glimmer of hope flared to life in her gaze.

  “It will require me talking to another alpha. He is trustworthy.”

  She began to push out of his arms, but he held
fast to her.

  “He’s a good man. A fair man. And he can be trusted.”

  “How exactly do you know?”

  “Because he has come to my aid and has offered me sanctuary within his pride. I’m going to take him up on his offer. I will no longer be ruled by my parents and their need to further their own gains. No matter the cost.”

  “That’s you, though. You have no clue if he will offer me sanctuary!”

  “He will. I know this.” He suspected her situation had been dire.

  “I won’t live to see my next birthday if he doesn’t and you run off!”

  He glanced down at his watch. The end of the hour time frame placed on them for this meeting quickly approached. He needed to wrap up. “We need to stay in contact at all times.”

  “I have no cell phone. My father won’t allow it.”

  “Take mine.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his cell phone and handed it to her. “Hide it. It has a full charge and should last long enough for me to get everything set up for you. I’ll call you, Aislinn. Only me. When I call, the name on the caller ID will be Jackson Dalco. Answer it. Got it?”

  “Yes.” She reached for his phone and held onto it like a lifeline, and, maybe, for her, it would be.

  “What if…what if the phone dies or he finds it?”

  “If it’s going to be longer than a couple of days, I’ll request another meeting. It shouldn’t raise anyone’s suspicions, especially if we are to be mates.” He winked at her, and a small smile formed on her lips. “You can do this. I know it.”

  “I’m tired, Christoph. Tired of trying to maintain my invisibility to my father and my pride, who believe I’m nothing because I’m a girl, but I will do this if it means being free.”

  “Good girl.” Pride washed over him when she straightened her shoulders. “Where am I supposed to drop you off?”

  “The main entrance.” She slipped the phone down her shirt and tucked it, he assumed, between her breasts. “I’m ready.”

  “So am I.”

  Together, they walked to the main entrance of the park. He tugged her hand, bringing her to a stop. Mindful they were being watched, the nagging tingle having never disappeared completely, he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead.

  “Good-bye, sweet Aislinn.”

  “Good-bye, Christoph.”

  Her guard opened the door of the town car. Christoph didn’t move, waiting till the sedan drove away before he walked to his car. He needed to find and speak to Rapier.

  Scaffolding surrounded the front of the house when Christoph pulled up in front. The ground off to the side of the house had been torn up, and new PVC piping lay waiting to be placed into the ground. Well, I’ll be damned. Excitement coursed through him. Finally, Bell would be left alone—if she got the rest of her pledges. Some of the dour feelings weighing him down lifted. At least one good thing happened today.

  He got out of his vehicle and walked to the front of the house. One of the guys worked away on the gutters while another filled and fixed the stucco facing.

  “Excuse me,” he called out to the guy hanging the gutter. All they had to do was point him in the direction of Rapier. When the guy didn’t answer, he called out to him again. “Yo, I need a little bit of help.”

  Raquel walked out of the house, carrying a tray of drinks, and stopped. The guy jumped down from the porch railing where he’d been standing and went straight for her, passing Christoph. Anger burned through Christoph. Already on edge from the bullshit of his parents, not to mention Aislinn’s, and he’d been ready to go toe-to-toe with the asshole. However, when he saw Raquel using sign language, he knocked down about a hundred degrees.

  “Hey, Christoph.” She waved at him then held up a glass of tea. “You look like you could use this.”

  “Thanks.” He took the proffered drink and downed half of it. “You wouldn’t happen to know where I could find Rapier, would you?”

  The guy narrowed his eyes and began signing in rapid-fire succession. What do you want with my alpha?

  “Can you sign, Christoph?” Raquel glanced at him.


  “I’ll help.” She lifted her hands.

  “I need a favor, and he’s the only one who can help me.”

  She placed her hand on the guy’s arm. “It’s okay, Utah. He’s friendly and Bell’s mate.”

  Realization filled his features. Out back. In the pool with my dad.

  “Thanks.” He finished off the tea then handed the glass to her. “Thank you. I owe you.”

  Christoph hurried toward the gate, and, sure enough, Rapier stood in the pool, throwing chunks of concrete out of it.

  “I need to speak with you, in private.” He winced at his tone. He didn’t use it often, but, right now, his only concern was for the green-eyed lioness who could be in deep shit.

  “I’ll remind you only once not to use that tone with me. Next time, I’ll kick your ass.”

  The man beside him laughed. “A little big for his britches, don’t you think?”

  Rapier laughed. “Fucking kids. I swear, Henry is the same fucking way, and he’s only fifteen.”

  He didn’t have time for this. He clenched his hands at his sides, trying to ease some of the nervous, anxious energy rolling through him. “I’m sorry. But this is really important. It has to do with what I told you yesterday.”

  Rapier’s features grew serious. “You can talk while we work.”

  He glanced at the man joining him. “Uh….”

  “It’s okay.” He threw a pair of gloves at Christoph. “Helping us while you talk will focus some of that aggression. This is Osirus. Utah’s father.”

  Yeah, sure. He could assist them. He jumped down into the pit. “Good to meet you.” He grabbed a piece of the broken concrete and threw it out of the pool. “I met my betrothed.” He shivered.

  Rapier stilled. “And?”

  “She’s a kid. A fucking kid. Sixteen.” He took several deep breaths, trying to rein in his anger. “Her father beats the shit out of her. She has cousins who can carry on the bloodline, the same for my family, yet I am being forced into this.”

  “That’s some seriously messed-up shit.” Osirus dropped the sledgehammer in his hands and started throwing the debris over the edge. “I didn’t know lions still subscribed to the old ways.”

  “We don’t. The old ways were outlawed during the late 1800s when we began to cohabitate with humans. Alphas and clan leaders gathered together to refine our definition of mating and hierarchy structures. Introducing humans came later, when shifter populations remained steady.”

  “Well, my father and Aislinn’s father believe in the old ways, and, for whatever reason, both believe I should mate a child.” He snarled, throwing another chunk out of the hole. “I won’t do it. Thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach.”

  Rapier touched his shoulder, halting him. “What is your plan?”

  “I need to get her away from both of our fathers. I fear if we do not mate, he will beat her to death.”

  “What’s his name?” Rapier pulled his phone out of his pocket.

  “Reyku Makino.”

  Osirus wrinkled his nose. “The Osaka alpha?”

  Christoph nodded. “Yes.”

  “Hey, man. How’s it going over there?” Rapier glanced at Christoph. “HB is fine.” He laughed. “No, I won’t stop calling her that. She’ll always be honey badger to me. Look, I need your help.” He hit the speaker button and held the phone out in front of him. “We’re all here, Kal.”

  “If Hayden ever hears you call her that, she’s going to kick your ass.” The man grunted. “So, what can I do for you?”

  “I have a new alpha with us. He has a situation. Go on, kid.”

  Christoph wiped his brow. “I have been betrothed. The girl is sixteen, and if I don’t follow through, she will be beaten.”

  “What do you need from me, Rapier?”
  “I need a place to hide her. If I can get her out of there, will you offer her sanctuary in Window Rock?”

  “Yes.” The man didn’t hesitate. “I’ll do a little digging on Daddy Dearest.”

  “His name is Reyku Makino,” Christoph supplied.

  “The Osaka alpha?”

  “Yes,” he replied.

  “Shit,” Kal grumbled. “I’ll see what I can come up with. Do you have a timetable for her arrival, so I can have something set up for her?”

  Rapier glanced at Christoph.

  “I can have her ready to go by Monday,” he answered. “But this has to be done fast. Only the four of us can know.”

  “I agree,” Rapier added. “We can’t risk her.”

  “Kee and Dani will have space for her at the orphanage. We’ll make sure she gets lost. Name change. Everything.”

  “We have a situation, bro,” another man said, interrupting their conversation.

  “Duty calls, guys. Keep me in the loop.”

  “We will. Thanks.” Rapier hung up the phone, and they continued working.

  “Are you going to see Bell?” Osirus smacked the concrete with the hammer.

  “I will. I have to make another phone call and meet with Aislinn again. Until I can get her out of there, she is the priority.” He grabbed another chunk.

  “You need to consult with your mates about this.” Rapier grabbed the cement out of his hand. “She is inside with Jackson.”

  Well, he did have to make a phone call. “I will talk to them. But I really do need to get to Aislinn. She isn’t safe where she is.”

  “No, she’s not. I will have Saber and Ulysses escort her to Window Rock.” He threw the rock out of the pool. “Go, tell your mates. We’ll meet later and make our plans.”

  Christoph climbed out of the pool. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank us yet, kid.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Thank you for going with me. I don’t think I could carry twelve pizzas home by myself.” Bell laughed as they got out of her Jeep. “I missed you yesterday.”

  “I’m sorry. I really wanted to hear about your date night.” Hayden joined her on the sidewalk then followed her into the University Pub. “How did it go?”


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