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Dinosaurs Rediscovered

Page 28

by Michael J Benton

  Jurassic dinosaurs 68–71

  Mesozoic birds from 118–24

  Chinsamy-Turan, Anusuya 145

  chitin 139

  chromosomes 151–52

  Chukar partridges 248

  clades 55, 82, 110

  cladistics 53–55, 82–83

  cladograms 55, 56

  Clashach, Scotland 85, 86

  classic model 21, 21

  classification, evolutionary trees 52–84, 60–61


  climate change 22, 40, 41, 43

  Cretaceous 269

  identifying ancient 46–47

  Late Triassic 40, 41, 43, 49

  Triassic Period 48, 49

  cloning 134–35, 137, 148–51, 150

  Coelophysis 193, 236, I, X

  Colbert, Ned 22, 23, 34

  Romer-Colbert ecological relay model 22, 35, 36, 39–40

  size and core temperature 118

  cold-blooded animals 116

  collagen 142, 143


  of dinosaurs 124–25

  of feathers 8–10, 17, 139, V

  computational methods 35–39

  Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur, The Lost World 133–34, 133, 135

  Confuciusornis 144, 145, 147, XIII

  fact file 146–47

  conifers 22, 131, 197, III

  Connecticut Valley 223–26, 224–25, 227, 243

  contamination of DNA 138

  continental plates 47

  Cope, Edward 208

  coprolites 195, 195, 197, 204

  coprophagy 204

  crests 126, 128, 143

  Cretaceous 50, 71–75

  birds 277–78

  climate 269

  decline of dinosaurs 274, 275

  dinosaur evolution rates 77

  ecosystems 205

  in North America 240–42

  ornithopods 71

  sauropods 71

  see also Early Cretaceous; Late Cretaceous

  Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary 260, 261–62, 265–66, 269

  evolution of birds 276, 277, 278–79

  Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution 77–80, 131

  Crichton, Michael, Jurassic Park 134–35, 136

  criticism and scientific method 287–88

  crocodiles 218

  Adamantina Formation food web 201–3

  eggs and babies 155, 159, 164, 165

  feeding methods 194

  function of the snout 193

  crurotarsans 39

  CT (computerized tomographic) scanning 97, 99

  dinosaur embryos 160, 162

  dinosaur skulls 163, 191

  Currie, Phil 86, 91, 121

  Cuvier, Georges 257


  Dal Corso, Jacopo 40

  Daohugou Bed, China 68

  Darwin, Charles 23, 107, 114, 132, 287

  Daspletosaurus 170, 171

  dating dinosaurian diversification 44–46

  de-extinction science 149, 151

  death of dinosaurs see extinction

  Deccan Traps 268, 285, 287

  Deinonychus 112, 114, 121

  fact file 112–13

  John Ostrom’s monograph on 110, 111, 113, 116, 244–45

  movement 221

  dentine 196, 197

  Dial, Ken 248


  collapsing food webs 204–5

  dinosaur food webs 201–4

  fossil evidence for 194–95

  microwear on teeth and diet 199–201

  niche division and specialization in 205–13

  digital models 17, 18, 19, 191–94, 231–34, 249, 252

  dimorphism, sexual 126, 143

  dinomania 107

  Dinosaur Park Formation, Drumheller 86, 91–99, 100

  Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta 86, 87, 91–92, 91

  Dinosaur Ridge, Colorado 240

  Dinosauria 33, 55, 82, 107

  discovery of the clade 57–59

  Diplodocus 175, 210–11, II

  diet 207, 208–9, 213

  fact file 210–11

  Morrison Formation 69

  skulls IX

  teeth and bite force 209, 213

  diversification of dinosaurs 29, 44–46

  DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) 134–35

  cloning 148–51

  dinosaurian genome 151–52

  extracting from fossils in amber 136

  extracting from museum skins and skeletons 138

  identifying dinosaur 136–37

  survival of in fossils 138–39, 141

  Doda, Bajazid 180

  Dolly the sheep 148, 149

  Dromaeosaurus 87, 121

  duck-billed dinosaurs see hadrosaurs

  dung beetles 204

  dwarf dinosaurs 180–84

  Dysalotosaurus 145

  Dzik, Jerzy 29, 31


  Early Cretaceous

  diversity of species on land and in sea 78

  Jehol Beds 124

  Wealden 72–74, 74, 75, 78

  ecological relay model 21, 22, 35, 36, 39

  ecology, and the origin of dinosaurs 23–25

  education, using dinosaurs in 101–4

  eggs, birds 155, 158, 159, 166

  eggs, dinosaur 154, 155–56

  dinosaur embryos 160–63

  nests and parental care 163–67

  size of 158–59

  El Kef, Tunisia 276

  Elgin, Scotland 25–26, 26, 34, 85–86

  embryos, dinosaur 154, 160–63

  enamel, tooth 196, 197

  enantiornithines 277–78

  encephalization quotient (EQ) 130

  engineering models 17–18

  Eoraptor 29

  Erickson, Greg 154–55, 170, 172–73, 184–85, 197

  eumelanin 124

  eumelanosomes V

  Euoplocephalus 87, 88

  fact file 88–89

  Europasaurus 117

  European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) 162

  evolution 13, 23, 40

  evolutionary trees 52–84, 60–61, 281

  Richard Owen’s views on 106–7, 114

  size and 181, 184

  Evolution (journal) 109

  excavations 87–99

  Dinosaur Park Formation 86, 91–99, 100

  recording 92–97

  extant phylogenetic bracket 16, 217

  external fundamental system (EFS) 170


  Carnian Pluvial Episode 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 50

  end-Triassic event 64

  mass extinction 254–85

  Permian–Triassic mass extinction 14, 33–34, 46, 222

  sudden or gradual 270–75

  eyes 100


  faeces, fossil 194, 195, 197, 204

  Falkingham, Peter 192, 226

  feathers 99, 245

  in amber 131, VI

  bird feathers 125–26, 127

  colour of 8–10, 17, 139, V

  as insulation 126

  melanosomes 8–10, 8, 17, 124–25, 132, V

  sexual signalling 126, 128, 143

  Sinosauropteryx 8–9, 8, 10, 17, 119, 120–21, 125, 126

  Field, Dan 279, 281

  films, dinosaurs in 249–52

  Jurassic Park 134–35, 136, 217, 252

  finding dinosaurs 87–105

  finite element analysis (FEA) 18, 190–91, 199, 208

  fishes 128, 159, 163–64, 196

  flight 244–49

  flowering plants 78–79, III

  food webs 71–75, 201–4

  Adamantina Formation 201–4, 202–3

  collapsing 204–5

  Wealden 74, 75

  footprints 223–27, 240

  megatracksites 242

  photogrammetry 94

  swimming tracks 242, 243


  casting 100

  extracting skeletons from 94–99, 105

  plants 269
br />   reconstructing 99–101

  scanning 97, 99

  survival of organic molecules in 138–39, 141

  Framestore 249–50

  Froude, William 228–29


  Galton, Peter 58, 59, 110, 115, 221, 221

  Garcia, Mariano 232, 234

  gastroliths 194

  Gatesy, Stephen 226, 231

  gaur 148–49

  Gauthier, Jacques 53, 59, 245

  genetic engineering, bringing dinosaurs back to life with 148–51

  genome, dinosaurian 151–52

  geological time scale 6–7, 44–45

  gharials 193, 194

  gigantothermy 117, 118

  Gill, Pam 199

  glasses, impact 265–66, 269

  gliding 245, 247, 248

  Gorgosaurus 87, 170, 171

  Granger, Walter 157

  Great Exhibition (1851) 107, 108

  Gregory, William 157

  Grimaldi, David 131


  dwarf dinosaurs 180–84

  growth rates 154, 170–74, 184

  growth rings 116, 117, 154–55, 170, 172–73, 184

  growth spurts 145

  how dinosaurs could be so huge 175–79

  Gryposaurus 87

  Gubbio, Italy 260, 261–62, 265, 266, 286


  hadrosaurs 79, 143

  Dinosaur Park Formation 91–99, 100

  diversity of 272, 275

  first skeleton 218–19, 220

  teeth 196–97, 198, 201, XVIII

  use of arms and legs 236

  Hadrosaurus foulkii 220

  Haiti 265–66, 265

  Haldane, J. B. S. 78

  Haplocanthosaurus 207

  Hatcher, John 211

  Hațeg island, Transylvania 181, 182, 183

  Heers, Ashley 248

  Hell Creek Formation, Montana 270–71, 275, III

  Henderson, Don 249, 250, 251

  Hendrickson, Sue 237

  Hennig, Willi 54–55

  herbivores 201

  early grassland mammals 284

  tooth engineering 196–98

  see also individual dinosaurs

  Herrerasaurus 29, 30, 39

  fact file 30–31

  hesperornithiforms 278, 280

  Hildebrand, Alan 266

  hindlimbs 58, 59

  Hitchcock, Edward 223–24, 224–25, 226

  Holman, J. Alan 86

  Holmes, Arthur 45

  homologies 106–7

  Horner, Jack 126, 128

  horns 126, 128, 143, 239

  Hou, Lianhai 146

  Huene, Friedrich von 182


  babies 160–61

  evolution 284

  posture 284

  teeth and bite force 192, 196, 199

  Hutchinson, John 215–18, 216, 230–34, 238, 252–53

  Huxley, Thomas Henry 27, 28, 111, 114, 115, 132

  Hyperodapedon 25–26, 26, 27, 28

  fact file 27

  hypotheses 13, 286

  criticism of 287

  Hypselosaurus 155


  ibex, Pyrenean 149, 150

  ichthyornithines 278, 280

  ichthyosaurs 213

  Iguanodon 57, 72, 73

  chewing food 71–72

  fact file 72–73

  Gideon Mantell’s reconstruction of 218, 219

  naming of 71

  Richard Owen’s vision of 57, 107, 108, 218, 219

  skulls XI

  teeth 187, 189

  impact glasses 265–66, 269

  impact theory 259–62, 264, 286

  insects 79, 109

  in amber 131

  Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) 124–25

  intelligence 128–30

  iridium 260–62, 261, 265, 266, 269, 286

  Ischigualasto Formation, Argentina 28–29, 35, 46–47

  Ischigualasto Provincial Park 29


  Janenschia 174

  jaws, how dinosaurs’ worked 186

  Jehol Beds, China 124, 277

  Jerison, Harry 130

  Ji, Qiang 121, 122, 123

  Ji, Shu’an 121, 122, 123

  Jiang, Baoyu 68, 69

  Jurassic 49, 64–71

  dinosaurs from China 68–71

  see also Late Jurassic; Middle Jurassic

  Jurassic Park (book/film) 134–35, 136, 217, 252

  Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom 252


  Kaateodocus 207

  Kaye, Thomas 142

  Kearns, Stuart 8, 124–25

  Kinsella, Cormac 43

  Kitching, James 160

  Knell, Rob 128

  Kuehneotherium 199, 200


  Lambe, Lawrence 89

  Lambeosaurus 87

  Langer, Max 82

  Late Cretaceous 50

  dinosaur evolution rates 77

  diversity of species 79

  flowering plants III

  hadrosaurs 91

  Late Jurassic 49

  evolution of birds 277

  Morrison Formation 69

  sauropods 69, 71

  theropods 71

  Late Triassic

  dinosaur evolution rates 77

  end-Triassic event 64

  Germany in 62–63

  oldest known dinosaurs 28

  rift valleys 49

  volcanic eruptions 40, 43, 48–49, 64

  legs, how dinosaurs’ moved 231–34, 235–40, 249

  Leidy, Joseph 219

  Lexovisaurus 66

  lignin 139

  Liliensternus 62, 63


  homology of 106–7, 107

  how dinosaurs’ legs moved 231–34, 235–40, 249

  Lindahl, Tomas 138

  lizards 218, 222, 247

  Lloyd, Graeme 77, 271–72

  Lockley, Martin 242

  locomotion see movement 215–53

  lower collapse threshold 205

  Lujiatun, Liaoning province, China 174

  Lyell, Charles 257, 262, 269


  macroecology of dinosaur origins 33–35, 39

  Maddox, John 289

  magnetostratigraphy 46

  Magyarosaurus 180, 181, 182, 184

  fact file 182–83

  Maiasaura 165–66, 164, XIV

  fact file 164–65


  bones 116, 170

  breathing 118

  cloning 148

  evolution of 281–84, 283–84

  growth 174

  intelligence 128, 129, 130

  internal temperature 109

  melanosomes 17, 124

  parental care 159

  posture and gait 23, 25

  as replacement for synapsids 21, 23, 36

  teeth 196

  young 159

  mammoths, cloning 150, 151

  Manda Formation, Tanzania 32–33

  maniraptoran theropods 180, 238, 245, 248

  Mantell, Gideon 67, 73, 218, 219

  mapping skeletons 93–94, 93

  marine rocks 46

  Marsh, Othniel 90, 189, 207, 270–71

  mass spectrometers 99

  Massospondylus 162, 163

  embryos 160–61, 161

  fact file 162–63

  footprints 225

  parental care 167

  skulls XVI, XVII

  Maurrasse, Florentin 265

  Mayr, Ernst 53, 54, 55

  medullary bone 143, 145, XIII

  Megalosaurus 57, 65–66, 65, 66

  fact file 66–67

  jaw and teeth 186, 188–89

  swimming tracks 243

  as visualized by Richard Owen 107, 108

  Megaraptor 201

  megatracksites 242

  melanin 9, 10, 124, 132

  survival of in fossils 139, 140

  melanosomes 8–10, 8, 16
–17, 124–25, 132, V

  melt rock 254, 266, 267


  birds from China 118–24

  evolution of birds 277

  meteorite impact 254–69, 275–76, 280, 281, 286–87, XIX

  Meyer, Hermann von 63, 113

  Michel, Helen 259

  Mickelson, Debra 243

  Microraptor 120, 121, 245–47, 248

  microscopes, scanning electron 99

  Middle Jurassic

  central England in 66–67

  dinosaur evolution rates 77

  dinosaurs from China 68–71

  migration 240–42, 240, 241

  Milne, Mike 250

  modern analogues 16

  Montana State University 141

  Moody, Pliny 223

  Morganucodon 199, 200

  morphology 37–39

  morphospace 37–39, 38

  sauropods 212, 213

  Morris, John 103

  Morrison Formation, Wyoming 69, 110, 186–87, 205–7, II

  movement 215–53

  dinosaurs in films 249–52, 251

  fashions in 218–22

  flight 244–47

  how dinosaurs’ legs moved 231–34

  how fast dinosaurs ran 228–31

  swimming 240–44

  Tyrannosaurus rex 230–32, 232, 234

  Mullis, Kary 134

  muscles 100, 217, 232–33

  museums, education and 101

  Muyzer, Gerard 143


  Natural History Museum, London 22, 54

  Nature 110, 121, 125

  Nesbitt, Sterling 32–33

  nests, dinosaur 156, 163–67

  New Scientist 136–37

  Newton, Isaac 218

  Nicholls, Bob 101

  Niedźwiedzki, Grzegorz 32

  Nopcsa, Baron Franz 180, 181

  Norell, Mark 166

  Norman, Dave 53, 59, 71, 80–83

  nuclear winters 264

  Nyasasaurus 33


  O’Connor, Rebecca 151

  oestrogen 145

  optic lobe 128, XI

  Orenburg, Russia 14–15

  Organ, Chris 151

  origin of the dinosaurs 21–51

  Orkin, Phil 14

  Ornithischia 82, 83, VIII

  decline of 274, 275

  evolutionary trees 59

  genome 151

  Jurassic period 64–65

  pelvic arrangement 57–58, 57

  ornithomimosaurs 79

  Ornithomimus 87, 90, 90

  ornithopods 71, 235

  Ornithoscelida 82

  Orr, Paddy 8, 124–25

  Osborn, Henry 11, 15, 169, 237

  osteocalcin 143

  Ostrom, John 115

  Deinonychus 110, 111, 113, 116, 244–45

  dinosaur flight 244

  Sinosauropteryx 120–21

  Tenontosaurus 147

  Oviraptor 156, 168

  eggs 158, 159, 166, 167

  fact file 168–69

  Owen, Richard 111, 118

  Dinosauria clade 57, 58, 107

  Iguanodon 57, 107, 108, 218, 219

  Maiasaura 165

  Massospondylus 163

  view on evolution 106–7, 114

  oxygen isotopes 47, 276


  Padian, Kevin 126, 128

  Palaeontological Institute, Warsaw 29


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