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An Appetite for Love

Page 11

by Elaine Young

  Secretly, Sarah wondered what her dad would say when he found out that she was beginning to fall in love with Christopher. Helping out a family in need was one thing, but allowing your daughter to marry an outsider was completely different. She would have to think of some way to convince him that he was the man for her, regardless of his background.

  When they arrived at the Miller estate, Benjamin was sitting outside on their large porch deck, having tea with Olivia. They were dressed in the typically black garments of the Amish, which was a contrast to the non-Amish clothes of the Lockleys. Benjamin rose to meet their new guests as soon as they arrived at the house.

  “Welcome!” said Benjamin in a friendly sort of way. “This is our house. Sarah has told us all about you. Please feel free to make yourselves at home, and if there is anything that you need at all, please don’t hesitate to ask. My wife and I are just enjoying tea at the moment, would you care to have some? Olivia, could you grab a few extra seats for our guests? You must be Christopher.”

  “Yes sir, I am,” he said. “Your daughter has told me about you. May I say that your estate is even lovelier than I had imagined.”

  “We are really truly grateful for you helping us out,” said Theodore. “Especially since, you know, we’re not Amish. In the past we haven’t really blended in with your people.”

  “It is true that you are different, yes, but to a degree, we are all equal in God’s eyes. Who is this charming young lady that you have brought?”

  “I am Jennifer, sir,” she said confidently. “I love your house. It is so big!”

  The three Millers laughed. Jennifer was truly a cute little angel, and always seemed to say exactly what was on her mind in any given moment.

  The two happy families sat on the front porch and had some tea. Christopher sat next to Sarah, and the two of them couldn’t help but exchange romantic glances at one another. Sarah thought that a few times Olivia had caught these exchanges in glances, but she wasn’t exactly sure. Sarah didn’t exactly want Olivia to know that she was falling for Christopher already. And from the looks of it, Christopher was pretty enraptured by Sarah too.

  That night, as they all went to bed in their separate rooms, Sarah lay awake wondering what the next few days had in store for her and Christopher. She knew that she had to make a move to see if Christopher returned the feelings that she was beginning to experience. She decided to sneak into his room. She tiptoed quietly across the hall on the second floor and slowly opened the door to his room. He sat up at once.

  “Oh, it’s just you,” he said, “that kind of startled me.”

  “I just thought you might like some company,” she said, slipping into bed next to him.

  “What if we get caught?” he asked.

  “Don’t worry, my parents are both very heavy sleepers. Also, we don’t have to make very much noise,” she said in a low whisper.

  Sarah leaned over to Christopher and kissed him softly on the forehead. She brought over one of her legs and crossed it with his, so that their toes were touching. Christopher took a hand and pressed it against her soft lips, feeling the texture of it and savoring it.

  The next morning, they awoke to the sound of a kettle screeching downstairs. Sarah got out of bed quickly and tip-toed her way back to her bedroom. She washed up in her bathroom and put on a green dress. She tied a matching bow in her hair and put on some red lipstick. It wasn’t common for women in her community to use heavy make-up, but she wanted to look as good as possible for Christopher.

  Over breakfast, which consisted of sausages, hot cereal, and muffins, the two families talked about how they were going to get the Lockleys’ business back in order. Benjamin was a resourceful man and had all kinds of ideas. Then they talked about the local news and what was going on in the community. Then they discussed how the Lockleys would pitch in around the grounds. Benjamin assigned Sarah to show them exactly how things were done. There was livestock to be tended, and taking care of the orchard was practically a full-time job. Sarah suggested that she and Christopher could take care of that. Jennifer wanted to know how she could help. Olivia suggested that Jennifer could be a help in the kitchen. She could clean dishes and help prepare lunch, snack, and dinner. Jennifer was very enthusiastic.

  In the orchard, later that morning, as Sarah and Christopher were pruning some of the trees and picking apples to bring back to the house, Sarah decided to ask a bold question.

  “Did you have a nice time sleeping with me last night?”

  “Absolutely. I was a little worried that we’d get caught, but it was nice having you by my side. Sarah… I think I’m falling for you.”

  “I think I’m falling for you too!”

  Christopher walked up to Sarah and took her in her arms. They kissed passionately, Christopher’s hands tracing lines down to the small of her back. Sarah’s hands glided through Christopher’s thick hair. The kiss lasted a couple minutes. It was the most romantic moment in Sarah’s life.

  “What are we going to do about your father?” asked Christopher.

  Sarah thought long and hard.

  “I am not sure. Let’s just at least wait until your family gets settled before breaking the news to him. I am supposed to be finding a husband. He has been dead set on me finding one who is Amish. But perhaps once he witnesses the love that we have for one another he’ll change his mind.”

  Jennifer came running up to them.

  “Have you been kissing? You guys looked awfully close together just a minute ago. She is really pretty, Christopher.”

  “Ssshh!” said Christopher. “You have to keep this a secret, okay? If you do, I’ll give you all of my dessert for the next two nights. But you can’t tell anyone what you say. Mum’s the word.”

  “Okay, I’ll keep your guys’ secret. I’m really good at keeping secrets.”

  At lunch, Christopher and Sarah were sitting next to each other at the table again. They could not stop touching feet underneath the table. They were pretty sure that they were doing it in secret. They ate hungrily.

  “I am going to be giving a sermon this evening,” said Benjamin. “You are all welcome to attend. It might even be a good idea. You could learn a bit more about the ways of the Amish.”

  “Good idea, Benjamin,” said Theodore. “You have been so kind to our family. How did you find the work that we have done so far?”

  “Well, Sarah and Christopher did an excellent job in the orchard. We have even more ripe apples than I had expected. And the trees look like they are in good shape as well. And you did a great job with the livestock too. We will need to butcher a steer later this week. I hope you are up for helping with the task.”

  “Sure,” replied Theodore, “this is not something that I usually have the opportunity to do.”

  “I am going to see, after church tonight, if we can raise funds to help you get your store back on track. I can also try to get a committee together to help rebuild. We Amish are not the types to back away from manual labor, as I think you will soon find out.”

  The Lockleys found that night’s sermon to be very rewarding and educational. They also got to meet dozens of other members of the community. Word of their plight had spread and very many people wanted to do all they could to help. Sarah saw the amount of support that they were getting and knew that she would have to work things out with Christopher and her father as soon as possible. She did not know when they would have to leave and Sarah would go back to being single and lonely. She realized that her main hope lay in her father warming up to Christopher while he was still living with them.

  That night, after dinner, as Christopher and Sarah sat alone in the back yard, Sarah could tell that Christopher wanted to say something. It seemed, in fact, as though he wanted to say something important.

  “Sarah,” he began, “I – I love you.”

  “Me too,” said Sarah, and the two of them shared a kiss that was just long enough without running the risk of getting caught.

  It was ti
me for late-night tea and biscuits. The two families sat around the fire, discussing the day’s events. Theodore and Amanda were telling Benjamin how much they enjoyed the sermon. Jennifer, too, had quite a lot to say on the subject. Then, all of a sudden, Jennifer accidentally let something slip, to the horror of Christopher and Sarah.

  Chapter 3

  “I saw them kissing,” she said, grinning as only a child can. “Oops.”

  There was a long pause and silence fell upon the group.

  “Who was kissing?” asked Olivia, but the secret had already slipped out. The only possibility was that Christopher and Sarah had kissed.

  Benjamin turned on his daughter.

  “Is this true young lady?” he asked deliberately.

  Sarah could not meet his eyes.

  “Yes, it is,” said Sarah.

  Benjamin’s face turned red as he worked himself into an outrage.

  “This is unacceptable,” he said loudly,” you are just a child and you can’t go about getting into a relationship with whomever you please. The Lockleys, bless their souls, are not part of our community. I wish them all the best but to enter into a relationship with one of them? I will not hear of it.”

  “But dad,” said Sarah, “you don’t understand. I love him.”

  Another long pause descended onto the group.

  “You don’t know what love is,” chimed in Olivia.

  Then, at this point, Sarah began to cry. Her sobs were long and drawn out. She was clearly in pain. Then it looked as if Jennifer was about to cry.

  “She’s telling the truth, sir,” said Christopher. “We love each other.”

  “I will not have such talk in my house,” bellowed Benjamin. “We brought you in here and treated you like family. Now you are making advances on my only daughter. You forget yourself, Christopher. You know nothing of the Amish ways.”

  Benjamin scooted his chair back and stood up.

  “I am afraid I am going to have to ask you and your family to leave our house. You can spend the night here, but by tomorrow at noon I want your belongings and yourselves to be gone forever.”

  Benjamin left the room and walked upstairs to his bedroom.

  “I am sorry you had to witness that,” said Olivia, “but when Benjamin decides something, when he makes his mind up about something, he always sticks to it. It has been nice having you here but I am afraid I have to stand by my husband in this decision.”

  Theodore shot an angry look at Christopher. Amanda seemed very disturbed as well. Jennifer blushed and hung her head. She felt as though she was responsible for making everyone upset. As for Christopher, he took Sarah’s hand, kissed it, and whispered that everything would be alright. That he would find some way to make the situation right again.

  The Lockleys left the house the following morning. It took them two trips back to the wreckage of their dwelling to bring everything home. There was a group of Amish people by their house, engaged in the activity of rebuilding their homestead. Evidently, these Amish folk didn’t care if Christopher had made advances on Sarah or not. As for Christopher, he had made up his mind that he was not going to let Benjamin stand in the way of seeing Sarah. After all, how many times in one’s life does one fall head-over-heels in love?

  A few nights passed before Christopher could work up the courage to return to the Miller household. Finally, he gathered up his courage and made his way back to the Millers. Once he arrived at the house, he found a few pebbles and threw one or two at Sarah’s window. After the third pebble, she opened it and stuck her head out. She saw Christopher waving from the ground below. She nodded to him and then closed the window. It was late – around midnight. She snuck out of the house, using the back entrance, and made her way up to Christopher. She threw herself at him, hugging him with her slender arms. Christopher hugged her back. Sarah began sobbing.

  “It’s not fair,” said Sarah between sobs. “I love you, why does my dad have to be so unkind?”

  “Your dad is just trying to do what’s best for you. We have to try to understand his position. But at the same time, I am not about to abandon you. You’ll see, I’ll make everything right again – somehow. Do you think it would be safe if we went on a walk?”

  “My parents are sleeping pretty soundly, so I’d say yes. It will probably be safe.”

  Christopher and Sarah walked hand-in-hand around the property. They stopped near the horses and sat down on a stone bench. Sarah leaned her head on Christopher’s shoulder and he put his arm around her. Neither of them wanted the moment to end.

  Christopher heard a noise, like the cracking of a twig underneath someone’s footstep. He thought it was nothing at first. But then he heard a few more of these similar sounds. All of a sudden, several dark, shadowy figures emerged out of the darkness. There were about four or five of them. They were well-built men with scraggly appearances. Christopher recognized them at once – bandits! He stood up suddenly and tried to get Sarah to safety.

  “Go back to the house!” he exclaimed loudly.

  Sarah, who heard the gravity in his tone, quickly rose to her feet and made her way to the house. But one of the bandits grabbed her by the waist and wouldn’t let her go. Christopher immediately lunged at the bandit. He swung at him full force and connected with the back of his head. The bandit fell, letting go of Sarah. But there were three more to take his place. This time, Christopher noticed that they were brandishing shotguns. He felt the barrel of one of them push into his ribcage.

  “Come with us,” said one of the bandits menacingly.

  The two of them didn’t have a choice. They were outmatched. And they didn’t have any weapons.

  The bandits marched the two of them for a good twenty minutes north, past the property of the Millers and into the dark night. Then they arrived at some horses that were tied to a nearby tree. The bandits forced them to mount up. Sarah and Christopher each shared a horse with one of the bandits. Just to make sure that they didn’t know where they were going, the bandits tied a handkerchief around the eyes of both Christopher and Sarah. Then the group of them set off at a canter towards the bandits’ dwelling, which was an hour’s trip into the distance.

  When the horses arrived, the bandits finally took the blindfolds off and helped Sarah and Christopher dismount. They could instantly see that they were in a large campsite, which was almost as big as an entire village. There were dozens of bandits coming and going. Some were arranging supplies, others were tending to the many fires that were going, and others still were getting food prepared. It seemed like a pretty organized society. Which made Christopher and Sarah all the more scared.

  Christopher decided to say something, finally.

  “What are you doing this for? Why are you kidnapping me and the woman I love?”

  “Hush,” said one of the taller bandits who had brandished a shotgun when they had apprehended them. “It will all be clear within time. Just know that for now, we will not be treating you poorly. You are welcome to food, and a place to sleep. We will not even ask you to help out with preparati0ns. But we will be keeping you until we decide to release you. And if you try to escape, well, then, that’s why we have shotguns.”

  Sarah gulped. She didn’t want to be shot, and she didn’t picture her life ending like this.

  “They must want us for ransom,” whispered Christopher in Sarah’s ear quietly. “Once the town finds out that the preacher’s daughter has been kidnapped, everyone will pool together to provide the appropriate funds.”

  “Unless we can find some way to escape on our 0wn,” suggested Sarah, who surprised even herself with her courage.

  “You heard what they said, Sarah, they’ve got shotguns galore. They will kill both of us if they know we are trying to escape.”

  “I’m just saying, let’s watch out for any opportunity. If something presents itself, then be ready to jump on it.”

  Christopher didn’t like Sarah’s line of thinking. He figured that the best way to survive was to do as th
e bandits said. As long as they weren’t being too unreasonable. And so far they seemed pretty professional.

  That night, Sarah and Christopher huddled around one of the camp fires. The bandits offered them some mutton stew to eat. The two of them gobbled it down hungrily. Then, after their meal, a tall bandit escorted them to where they would be sleeping. He ushered them into a large white tent, with two sleeping bags. Then he commanded them to go to sleep and not to try anything funny. He assured them that there would be many bandits staying on watch duty that night. As they fell asleep, Christopher reached over and held Sarah’s hand. He gave it a squeeze. Sarah began to cry quietly to herself. She didn’t know if she would ever see her family again.

  In the morning, the tall bandit that had escorted them to their tent came in to wake them up.

  “Get up, you two. We have some breakfast for you.”

  “How long are we going to be kept here?” asked Christopher.

  “As long as it takes.”

  “Takes for what?”

  “We will be ransoming you. A letter has already gone out to both of your families letting them know that we have you in our custody. If they don’t pay up, then I guess you can imagine what fate will befall you. We don’t bluff. Everything we do is serious.”

  “Can you at least tell us your name?” pleaded Sarah, trying to get on his good side.

  There was a long pause, as if the bandit was trying to decide how much information he wanted to share.

  “I’m Patrick,” he said, finally.

  “Is there any place or us to change and wash up, Patrick?” asked Sarah.

  “We have some extra clothes for you. And there is a stream about a hundred yards to the south-east. I can escort you there.”

  Patrick left them for a few moments, then came back with some fresh clothes. They consisted of white, linen shirts and dark pants. The clothes fit very loosely on Sarah, but seemed to be a better fit for Christopher. They took turns changing and then exited the large tent.

  Then Patrick walked with Christopher and Sarah over to the stream. He gave them privacy as each of them washed up, soaking their hair and face in the cool water.


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