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Beneath the Elder Tree

Page 21

by Hazel Black

  Her offer was a tempting one. One that I knew would be hard to ignore as time went on.

  My thoughts then turned to the vampire ghost I had encountered earlier in the night. Such a monstrosity. If most of the ghosts were like that I didn’t want to be near them. I was glad I’d refused to attend the meeting with Tim. The desire to distance myself from the city was growing by the minute.

  I soon capitulated to that desire and decided to revisit my mortal home in Hampton. I abandoned the cathedral and headed north. I longed to be with my family. I thought about the grief there were enduring and hoped that now I could cure their hurt. I didn’t want to reveal myself to them. I simply wanted to take away some of the torment. Now, as a ghost and not a spirit guide, I could take the risk. Emily had warned me not to do this, but most of her warning and rules meant little to me now. I had felt the wrath of the shepherd and was free of all constraints. A fear remained that he would hurt me in some way for meddling in the real world, but after seeing the vampire’s acts hours earlier, I was confident that my crimes would be of little or no concern to him.

  It took most of the night to walk from the city and to cross the grasslands that stretched out towards the satellite towns. As night world gave way to mirror world I crossed the freeway - not far from where I had sat with Emily on my second day as a spirit. It was morning and there was a river of misery from the lines of traffic. I should have been lapping it all up. I didn’t. It was dreadfully depressing and I took the long way to Hampton by cutting through the forest by the old derelict factory. It would only delay me by an hour. This didn’t seem like much of a loss. One hour is insignificant to an immortal.

  I strolled off the freeway, down an embankment and along a dirt path that led into the woodland. I passed into the shade of the tree line and instantly became aware that I was not alone. Someone else from the spirit world was lurking in the shadows of the boughs. Who was it? What was it?

  An entity of some form was watching me, I could feel it. I inclined my head and walked purposely towards the opening that led to the old factory, pretending that nothing was out of place. The feeling grew more intense and choked my senses. Whatever it was had come right up behind me. Fear spread in me as I instinctively quickened my pace.

  As soon as I reached the border of the woodland, and had a clear escape route, I turned swiftly to face the entity. I had been expecting one of the powerful and callous black spirits that lurked in the city, what I found disturbed a pool of pity inside me. It was Mia.

  ‘I mean no harm,’ she moaned softly as she backed in to the woods. She became enveloped by shadows and disappeared from sight, but not before I got a good look at her. She’d been a wretched sight on the two previous occasions that our paths had crossed. Now she was a shell of her former self. She was covered in burn marks and her limbs were impossibly thin - almost unable to support her feeble frame. Her face was so broken and hollow than it pained me to look upon it.

  ‘I only came close to you in the hope that I could steal some of your energy. I am so weak… So very weak…’

  ‘What happened to you?’ I asked, edging back towards the trees. ‘Did the shepherd do this to you?’

  ‘The shepherd hates me as he hates all our kind. He is not quite this cruel, though. He has never troubled me since my banishment, as I have never troubled him.’

  ‘Who could do this, if not him?’

  ‘You did this to me.’

  ‘Me?’ I exclaimed. I stomped into the shadows of the forest and stood over her as she lay down into a bed of dead leaves. ‘I did nothing of the sort, Mia. You are mistaken.’

  ‘Oh, you did not do this with your own hand, but you are the cause of it.’

  ‘I don’t understand. How could I have caused this?’

  ‘You and I met in the grasslands some days ago. We spoke about your lover. You told him of that conversation and he punished me for having it. He did this.’ She raised her singed arms and her spirit was literally falling apart. ‘He punished me simply for speaking to you. Look at what that swine has done to me.’

  ‘Tim? Are you saying that Tim did this to you?’

  ‘You have many other lovers?’

  ‘I don’t believe he could do this to you. It’s not in his nature.’

  Something akin to an ironic snort came from Mia’s lipless mouth as she rested her head against the foot of a tree.

  ‘Mia,’ I persisted. ‘You must be confused. He could not do this.’

  ‘I am so glad you found me, child. There’s not much good in me anymore. Once I was true of heart and quite radiant to look at. That changed when the shepherd imprisoned me here. My heart has slowly turned black since that awful day. I have tried to reclaim my previous identity. I have tried to reverse this rot that has taken me. I have tried everything. Nothing works. The wickedness always works its way in and shows itself in so many unexpected ways. For me, the evil sparks off my curiosity. I cannot resist watching others. I like to know things. I like to keep secrets.’ Her dead white eyes met mine. ‘I have a terrible secret, Lucy. Only after this torture was inflicted upon me did I see that I was wrong to keep it from you.’

  ‘You have a secret about me?’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘Tell me.’

  ‘I find it tragic that you have ended up in this dreary realm. I honestly do feel very sorry for your plight, Lucy.’

  ‘Tell me your secret, Mia!’

  ‘First I will speak of redemption. You have to know that it is still possible to reach the world beyond, to be forgiven for your sins and to achieve true redemption. Know this, Lucy. Remember this. There is a way back.’


  ‘By undoing great evil. Alas, I could not achieve it for myself. I learned of this too late. Evil had worked its mischievous fingers into my soul and prevented me from doing good. I will never walk with angels…’

  ‘So, there is still a way back for me?’


  ‘What must I do?’

  ‘You’ll have to figure that out for yourself.’

  ‘How do you know of this, if you do not know how to do it? Are you making all this up so I’ll feel pity for you?’

  ‘I don’t need lies to receive your pity, child. It was in your eyes as soon as you saw me this way.’

  ‘How do you know about it, Mia?’

  ‘Because I watch. I am always watching, therefore I am always learning. I once saw a black spirit reaching the light of the world beyond. The shepherd was there and did nothing to prevent her from passing over. I saw it from a distance, yes, but there was no doubt as to what had happened. A black spirit had won its redemption. It has driven me demented trying to find out how it was won. It is too late for me now. Not too late for you, however.’

  ‘Thank you, Mia. If only for giving me some hope.’

  ‘Hope is good … Knowledge is king.’

  ‘Then give me the knowledge. Tell me of this secret you have kept.’

  ‘You seek a killer in the mortal world. This Rosehill Ripper…’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘The mortal you seek is but a puppet. It is being used by a spirit who feeds off the negative energies created by each murderous act. The true killer you seek walks in the land of the dead.’

  I thought back to the vampire I had seen. I knew what she was saying was possible to a certain degree. Spirits could live in mortals and commit atrocities in the physical world.

  ‘Do you know the identity of the real killer?’

  ‘I know the spirit behind all these deaths, yes. This particular spirit also plotted against your chosen.’

  ‘I know. The ripper almost killed her. Who is it, Mia?’

  ‘The killer you seek is your own lover.’

; ‘Tim…?’


  ‘Tim cares about me,’ I protested. It was like a bullet had penetrated my soul and all my energy was bleeding from the wound. I could not accept this. She was lying. She had to be lying. ‘Tim would never do such a thing. Why would he try to kill Laura? That makes no sense.’

  ‘It makes perfect sense, child. Tim doesn’t simply care for you. He is obsessed with you. And he was fully aware that you would pass into the world beyond some day and leave him here. He would not accept that. The easiest way to keep you here would be to trick you into committing a sin - to break the shepherd’s rules. Then he would have his chosen kill yours. You would begin to pass over. Then the shepherd would block the way and banish you for the sin your lover tricked you into committing.’

  ‘No. You’re wrong. Tim’s chosen died. How else would Tim be a black spirit if his chosen wasn’t dead?’

  ‘Tim’s chosen killed himself. Then he was revived.’

  It all began to click into place. A spirit’s chosen doesn’t have to be dead for them to pass on. It only has to die. It can be revived and live on - but once the heart stops, the bond is severed. Tim’s chosen could still be alive. Tim could have been using him to commit the murders. Tim had always been controlling towards me. I was a fool to think he would have simply let me slip away into the world beyond without him. It was Tim who had talked me into possessing Laura - the sin that got me banished. Tim was in the abandoned house in Millbrook on the night Josh was murdered. It had all been staring me right in the face, but my feelings for him had blinded me to the obvious. Tim was the monster that I was searching for all along.

  It all made sense. He had stalked me while I was mortal. That’s how he knew what Emily said to me on my first morning as a guide. “It’s easy to do but hard to explain”. He’d been watching me all along. He was there in the city on my first day as a guide and had waved. He was on the roof waiting for me when after I made the bond with Laura - knowing that I was vulnerable after making the bond and would become infatuated with him if we connected. He was going to dive off the roof, knowing I would reach out to stop him.

  Tim was the killer. That was why I knew the ripper would find Laura - it was not paranoia, I had picked up on Tim’s intentions. He must have had it all planned. And he drew me away from the apartment - miles and miles away - to give his chosen time to kill Laura. The bastard.

  ‘I know its true.’ I fell to my knees and stared into Mia’s opaque eyes. ‘It’s true.’

  ‘There is more,’ she said, leaning forward, ‘if you can bear it.’

  ‘Go on.’ I nodded at her. ‘Tell me everything.’

  ‘He is a murderer and uses a mortal to ply his wicked trade. In this he is not exceptional; many ghosts do this to maintain their aura. Tim, on the other hand, has taken his murderous activities to a stage that is very rare indeed. He has learned to reach into the physical world…’

  ‘Many spirits can do that. Even I can do that.’

  ‘Spirits reach into the physical world all the time, yes, but there are not many who can reach into the physical world to kill a mortal.’

  ‘Dear God,’ I breathed. ‘How many has he killed?’

  ‘Only one.’


  ‘The person who he wished to have here as a companion’

  ‘No…’ I felt dizzy. Heartbroken. Furious. This was the ultimate crime. The ultimate betrayal. ‘It can’t be!’

  ‘It is the truth. It was cruel of me to keep this from you for so long. I should not have allowed him to continue to manipulate you.’

  ‘Tim killed my mortal body…?’

  ‘Yes. He did it so he could seduce you in the spirit world.’

  I thought back to a conversation I had with Emily about my mortal death. She had said it was the first time in months that she had not been at my side. Tim had said he followed Emily and tried to talk to her. He must have followed me home that evening. He decided to kill me so that he could have my spirit as a companion. I felt crushed.

  It didn’t take long for the shock and sadness to be replaced by hatred and rage. How could anyone be so cruel? He had destroyed my mortal life. He had then destroyed my spirit life. And now he was trying to control my last chance at life. He would not succeed. I would no longer be his fool. Now I could finally separate friend from foe. I now knew who my real foe was. I would never be fooled again.

  ‘Mia, you spoke of redemption. Would I be redeemed in the eyes of the shepherd if I stopped Tim and his chosen from continuing these crimes?’

  ‘I cannot say. It may take more than that.’

  ‘But it won’t hurt my chances if I could kill them both.’


  ‘I don’t know how to kill a spirit. Is there a way to kill him? Can I even hurt him?’

  ‘One spirit can hurt another with their tears. It is part of the inner aura and can burn any other spirit it touches. It is not, however, enough to kill. But you don’t have to kill Tim in order to stop him.’

  ‘How do I stop him?’

  ‘You can only do that by inflicting the worst punishment a spirit can suffer.’

  ‘And that is?’

  ‘Imprisonment for all eternity.’

  ‘A grave. I have to cast him into a grave. That’s how it’s done, isn’t it? Emily told me to stay clear of them.’

  ‘Yes, a grave is the only way. Getting him close enough to one will be the hard part. He is very dangerous, so if you plan revenge, I would suggest you hide your emotions as best you can. I would not like it if you were to be punished as I have been.’

  ‘He’ll never hurt me again, Mia. He’ll never hurt anyone again.’

  I cupped her thin face in my hands and allowed my aura to mingle with hers. A small part of my spirit was passed to her, and with it she gained strength - enough to allow her to walk at least. I felt I owed it to her. She’d kept the terrible secret from me, yes. But part of her was evil. At some point she became too weak to resist that growing evil. I was thankful that some shimmer of her previous self kept breaking the black clouds inside her and forced her to reveal the truth to me. I felt dreadful, but I was glad I knew the truth.

  I left Mia in the woods and continued to the centre of Hampton. The soft shapes of the living passed me and I longed to be one of them again. I should still have been walking the streets of this quiet little town, going about my mortal life and discovering all that the real world had to offer a young woman. Tim had robbed me of so much. I had never fallen in love in the living world. I was robbed of that opportunity. I was robbed of my family and friends. I was robbed of everything that could have happened.

  Tim had also robbed Laura of so much. How twisted could an entity be to do such things, while masquerading as someone who cares and loves for those he manipulates and tortures. Natalia had been right about him; he was not to be trusted. He was not the companion I needed or deserved. He had committed the ultimate betrayal and simply smiled while he did it. I wanted him to die. It was gone far beyond hate. I wanted him to suffer forever.

  I made it to the far side of Hampton near midday and found myself standing in the kitchen of the my family home, watching my parents sitting at the table in silence. I placed myself at the third seat - the one I had always sat on while the three of us had breakfast. It had been a small but loving family. Now there were only remnants of the good times. I was a spirit. They were broken hearted mortals.

  Their thoughts were easy to read - painful to experience. I had no means to help them. The dark energy that I was now made of was no good to them. Only now, sitting next to them, did I realise this.

  I was helpless. The anger towards Tim was boiling over. Black tears streaked my face and the inner fire of my soul was out of control. There was a mi
ghty rage threatening to escape and this was not the time nor place to lose control. My parents could be affected by such an intense release of dark energy. No more harm could be done to them. They’d suffered far too much already.

  I left them to their misery and roamed the upstairs rooms while I tried to clear my mind. I soon found myself in the spare bedroom. This was where my grandmother spent many nights in her final years. She’d fallen out with aunt Hillary, and my mother thought it would be best to move her in with us. The room was as she’d left it. I guess my mother had a major problem letting go of loved ones.

  I sat on the bed and wiped the tears from my face. I gazed at the room and thought back to evenings sitting there with my grandmother telling her old fairytales. She’d gone a bit crazy in those final years and I think she believed most of the things she used to tell me. As a youngster I found her stories fascinating. I remembered all those tales about werewolves, dwarves, gnomes and elves - yet she didn’t call them elves, she called them elders, on account that they lived for a very long time.

  I was so confused and so hurt. My spirit life was a lie. It was a crime scene that I’d never escaped. I had remained there in death and fallen in love with the monster who had killed me. My grandmother’s stories were strange, but not nearly as strange as the life I went on to lead. What would she make of it all…?

  I shot to my feet.

  The elders…

  It had come to me like a bolt from the deadest reaches of the universe. The elders… This could be the way to gain revenge. This could lead to my salvation. This could lead me to the road to redemption. The elders. The elder tree. The shepherd.


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