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Twisted Forever

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by Danielle James

  ©2017 Danielle James. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, place, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, events or locales is entirely coincidental.



  One year ago…

  “Emmanuel, did you hear me? I’m pregnant again.” Camilla was standing in front of me waving her hand slowly past my face. Shit, I’d zoned out again.

  “Yeah, I heard you, Camilla.”

  “Well, I know you’re not happy but you could at least say something.” She chewed on her full bottom lip and I wanted to suck on it until I had her gasping for air. I wanted to fucking devour and then demolish her right on my desk. I’d heard every word she said but I could only think about burying myself in her pussy to show her how much I really did care. Not the reaction she was looking for though. So, I put on my mature face and gave her a short nod.

  “Congratulations, Camilla. Any chance it’s mine?” I had to ask. I knew the answer though. I wasn’t sure if she knew, however. I watched the girl like a hawk. I knew her better than she knew herself.

  Camilla was pregnant with my baby this time.

  She seemed entirely too happy to think it was mine though which meant in her mind, she’d just gotten knocked up by my little brother, Alexander. I saw it in the twinkle of her jade eyes. I couldn’t crush that twinkle no matter how much I wanted to. Camilla was committed to living a life without me in it, a healthy life with Chloe and Alexander and now…the new baby. My baby.

  How the hell was I supposed to keep this shit under wraps? How was I supposed to watch my kid grow up right in front of me and not take my rightful family? I sucked in a breath and watched Camilla. She was talking about something but my mind refused to focus on it.

  Maybe the baby was Alexander’s? I needed to know.

  “You need to get a prenatal paternity test Camilla.” I could tell that my words took her by surprise. Her lips stopped moving and she gawked at me like I’d grown another head. I was serious though.

  “Emmanuel, no. It’s too invasive. I’ll get one after the baby is born.”

  “You’ll get one now. Like I said.” My fingers began dialing up the same lab I had test Chloe when she was born. In that situation, I knew my chances were slim to none. Xavier and Camilla made Chloe together and no matter how badly I wanted her to be my baby…she wasn’t.

  This time, I knew better. I knew what Camilla didn’t want to acknowledge: she’d slipped up and fucked me one last time before deciding to settle down with Alexander. Right after she had Rashad killed on her daughter’s first birthday. She needed me like she always does. Even though she cried and told me we couldn’t be together she couldn’t deny the pull in that moment.

  She and I both knew that I would always have her heart and her body too for that matter. Camilla would always belong to me. She was mine. I was trying to let her live happily ever after with her safe choice and her drama free life but knowing she was carrying my child was going to make that extremely difficult.

  In a matter of minutes I’d made Camilla an appointment for later in the afternoon to have a blood test to determine who was the father. Shit moves fast when you’re the mayor. Of course she fussed about it a little but I ignored her.

  Once she left my office, I called the lab back and made sure that the results were released to me via email first and only released to Camilla and Alexander once I’d reviewed them.

  Lucky for me Alexander was all for the test being done as soon as humanly possible so he shuffled Camilla in the lab, smiling confidently, and holding her hand in my damn face. As usual she acted as if he were her savior, staring at him and ignoring me. I was fine with it all because I knew the truth.

  As the days rolled by, Camilla assured me so many times that this new baby couldn’t be mine because she’d fucked Alexander the same day just hours before hand. All I heard was my swimmers got there last and most importantly on time.

  The day my inbox chimed and the lab results came in, I held my breath reading them painstakingly slow. The only words that mattered to me were:

  EMMANUEL JOSEPH SCOTT is not excluded as the biological father of the unborn child.

  ALEXANDER MICHAEL EPPS is excluded as the biological father of the unborn child.

  The baby was mine.

  My first instinct was to crash down on Camilla and Alexander’s happily ever after and take the woman that had rightfully belonged to me for the past four years. I felt a pang of regret though when I thought about her having to tear Chloe away from Alexander and having to rearrange her entire life just to fit inside of mine.

  I sent a private message to the lab director and had him swap the results, showing Alexander as the father. Begrudgingly he did as I asked once I’d consoled him with money. I still had the original though and after staring at it for a while I realized that Camilla deserved to be normal.

  I wasn’t the best choice for her and things damn sure wouldn’t look good for me in the public eye, raising a child with my own stepdaughter. Thoughts bubbled to the surface then simmered back down as I tried to determine if I should be happy about the baby or not.

  Honestly, I couldn’t help being happy about it. I was in love with Camilla. There was no one else for me. I would put a million babies in her if I could. I also would give her up if that’s what she wanted. I never wanted to be so controlling that it pushed her away from me.

  But she was having my baby…

  I didn’t know how well Alexander planned to treat Camilla and Chloe but he better never slip up not even once. Not one motherfucking iota because if he did I’d take my family back. It takes a man made of indestructible heart to willingly give up a family he knows is his just to make the woman he loves happy and I have the most indestructible heart ever but I refuse to turn a blind eye to what’s mine.

  Chapter One



  I was doing well so far; I’d kept busy and stayed out of town for nearly three weeks. I wanted to get away from Camilla, Alexander and the kids. No matter how nonchalant I was on the outside, seeing my little brother raise my son gutted me every time.

  The instance that pushed me over the edge though was when Alexander was working and I brought some cold medicine by for Chloe per Camilla’s request. She was crying. Seeing Camilla cry does something to my insides. It’s nearly impossible for me to restrain myself.

  It never fails that I want to take her in my arms and make all her pain stop. I want to make love to her and curl up in a bubble with her, protecting her from everything. I especially can’t stand to see her crying over another man. This time, she was crying over her fiancé. My little brother.

  “What’s wrong?” I frowned and knelt down beside her. She was sitting on the couch while Chloe played in her room and Mason, napped in his rocker. Camilla shook her head and swiped away the wetness from her cheeks.

  “I’m just stressed out, Emmanuel.” It was so natural for her to melt into my arms that I sat there hugging her for as long as she needed me to. She felt so good, her smooth skin and silky hair against me. Her shampoo and perfume invaded my senses in a way that woke my dick up immediately. “Alexander is always at work or out of town and it’s just me and the kids. God, shit was so much easier when I could just go to your house.” Her wet, emerald eyes peered up at me making my breath catch in my throat. Goddamn she was still so beautiful.

  Even stressed from being a mom and running a house. Even in the moments where most women feel overwhelmed and run down, she looked amazing. Her body was curvy in all the right places from having two beautiful children, her breasts were
fuller, her hips rounded and soft, and the curve of her back gave way to an ass that she never had as a teenager. Every time I looked at her it brought out some kind of animalistic thought.

  “It’s okay. You’re doing great, babe.” I pressed an innocent kiss to her forehead but instead of it ending there, Camilla’s hunger flared and before I could stop her, she was slipping her tongue in my mouth.

  “I miss you so much, baby,” she panted. My mind wouldn’t function no matter how much I told myself that what was happening was wrong. Camilla was so needy and it had been so long since I’d seen her like that. It did something to me.

  There weren’t many words said between us once our lips were fused together. Our history took over from there. I was ready to sink my teeth in her perfect skin, ready to claim her again but only one thing stopped me. Shit, it was the only thing in the world that could have stopped me right then.


  Her big green eyes were peering right at me while her mother was straddling my hard dick. Luckily we were both fully clothed but it didn’t erase the fact that her innocent eyes saw her mommy kissing someone she wasn’t used to seeing her mommy kiss.

  It made me feel like shit.

  I distanced myself from Camilla after that, even though it felt like I was walking around with half of me missing, and not seeing my son every day made me feel like I was dying. Things were getting too close for comfort though. I couldn’t play part-time husband when Alexander was away just because he thought he’d won the battle.

  I couldn’t be at Camilla’s beck and call if I wasn’t her man. I’d always be there for the kids. I’d jump whenever they even needed someone to blow their noses but being too close to Camilla was volatile for both of us. I learned that when she was pregnant and Alexander was out of town every goddamn trimester.

  Camilla would whine and beg until I suggested that she stay with me until Alexander got back and more often than not, she ended up in my bed beside me. I would rub her feet and her back and run to the store at all hours just to get her whatever she was craving. I never minded because Mason was my son and I was in love with Camilla but fuck, it was hard keeping my dick out of her. Somehow I managed.

  This time I was determined to keep shit plutonic between us. That’s what she wanted, that’s what the hell she was going to get. I hadn’t fucked Camilla since getting her pregnant with Mason but I won’t lie and say that the thought hadn’t run rampant through my mind every day.

  Every day I had lunch with her and the kids. Every day she came by my office and sat there with her sexy ass dresses and legs crossed in front of me. Every day she hugged me goodbye and kissed my cheek. Every day she called me baby but always acted like she let it slip.

  Camilla was much more grown up now but the fact remained that no matter how much Alexander thought he saved her from herself, she’d always be the Camilla I fell in love with. The dark, twisted Camilla that had fun letting her corruption peek through. I loved that Camilla because she matched me so well. Better than anyone I’d ever come across my entire life.

  Speaking of the green-eyed devil, my phone was ringing disrupting my thoughts completely. “Hello?”

  “Hey Emmanuel, can you come over when you get back to Miami?”

  Even her fucking voice clutched at my core. I rubbed my palm over my face and groaned, leaning back in my seat. I was over Florida as I spoke to her, getting ready to land. If I didn’t know any better I’d say she had eyes in the damn sky.

  “I’m gonna be really tired Cami. Do you need something?”

  “I just need some company. Xavier is coming over to pick up Chloe and it’s gonna be just me and Mason since Alexander is going out of town…again.” She grumbled.

  “I’m sorry, I need to get some rest. Let me know when Alexander gets back so I can come see Mason and Chloe.”

  “You can see them now if you’d just come over, Emmanuel.”

  “Camilla, do you remember what happened a few weeks ago when I was over there alone with you?” I asked. Her voice fell silent at the recollection. “Exactly. So if you don’t want me to fuck you and ruin your little fairytale then I’m not coming to see you..”

  “I mean…” I listened as she sucked in a breath,” You can still come.” Her words trailed off and I knew that was an open invitation to come over and fuck her. I shut my eyes against the visions of her naked body running through my head.


  Why did she have to make shit so hard for me? It was so hard to turn down that type of invitation from the only woman I ever wanted to screw for the rest of my life. Somehow I managed to tell her no though in spite of the semi-hard on I was sporting thinking about throwing caution to the wind and fucking the shit out of her. Maybe Alexander would stop leaving his beautiful fiancé alone all the damn time.

  Camilla pouted after being turned down but I knew my girl would get over it and be right back to purring and rubbing herself against me as soon as she got the chance. As the wheels touched down, I chuckled thinking about the surprise Xavier would be in for when he went to get Chloe.

  Camilla was getting restless and that was a very bad thing for Alexander because although I had the self-discipline to turn her down, Xavier didn’t. He was always her second choice. It was just the way their history was, same as her and I.

  They fought like cats and dogs but Camilla had yet to let go of either of us, even though it seemed like she’d let go of Xavier on the outside looking in, I knew better.

  Love isn’t like a faucet; you can’t turn it on and off as you please. It’s something that has to naturally run dry. Xavier had fucked up monumentally in the past but he was back to being celibate even still all that shit would go crashing out the window if he caught Camilla at the right time and in the right frame of mind.

  Once I was en route to my house, I placed a call to Xavier trying to put out a warning.

  “What’s up Manny?” He answered on the third ring.

  “Hey, pretty boy,” I chuckled.

  “Fuck you man. What do you want?”

  “Just a friendly heads up: Cami is at the house alone. She’s been bored for a while, feeling stressed and Alexander is gone. I just told her I couldn’t come through tonight so…” My voice trailed off and I could hear Xavier groan on the other end of the phone.

  “Fuck,” he grumbled. “Shit.”

  “Yeah, like I said, just giving you a heads up.”

  “Why don’t you go keep her company?” He asked, clearly agitated.

  “I can’t. I’m gonna end up doing something all of us will regret.”

  “And I won’t?” He almost shouted.

  See, that’s the thing Xavier and I were the closest to Camilla and we knew her better than anyone. We could both tell that slowly but surely it was getting harder and harder for her to stay dedicated to Alexander. The more often he left her alone and the more shit she had to shoulder on her own; the more she’d stray.

  Xavier knew that just as well as I did. I’m sure he didn’t want to be sucked into Camilla’s web either but it was hard not to be. She was hypnotizing and as twisted and fucked up as it was; we both loved her.

  “Look, you’ve been doing good all his time. More than a year of celibacy, pretty boy. Keep it up. Hopefully little brother will come to his damn senses soon.”

  “Man, I should beat his ass. He used to be her therapist. Doesn’t he know what triggers her crazy ass?”

  “You’d think so,” I chuckled.

  “Stop laughing Manny, this shit isn’t funny. Do you know what will happen if those two don’t work out?”

  “Back to normal for us I guess?” I shrugged and pulled into my driveway.

  “Yeah, exactly. I’m finally drama free. No bitches, no crazy ass Camilla wiping people off the earth, just Chloe and me. I’m good right now, Manny.”

  “I’m happy for you. Just get your daughter and roll.” I instructed him.

  “Yeah, okay,” he laughed as if it were an impossible feat. Maybe it
was, fucking around with Camilla. She’d been sounding like she had that familiar hunger in her voice for weeks now. Honestly I’m just glad the hunger wasn’t going to be directed towards me.


  Chapter Two


  Alone a-fucking-gain. I didn’t even know why I was so furious. Alexander had been in Montana and at work ever since we brought Mason home from the hospital. Shit, Emmanuel saw our son more than his own father did. What the hell kind of shit was that? It was the kind of shit I should have been used to at that point.

  I wasn’t though. I usually missed Alexander all the time. Only now I didn’t miss him as much as I found myself missing Emmanuel. I was so pissed that he told me he wouldn’t come by today I actually cried real tears.

  I was still moping when Xavier knocked on the door. He looked at me and cursed under his breath like I wouldn’t hear him or something.

  “What?” I frowned, arms folded.

  “Nothing, where’s Chlo?” He peered around me into a quiet living room. I eyed him briefly, he still was fine as shit. He was dressed in a crisp white t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants that drew my eyes right to his bulge. Lord. I forgot what Xavier was working with.

  “In her room putting on a ballet for her stuffed animals. Sit down, I’ll get her.” My child was spinning around in circles with nothing but a tutu on in spite of the fact that just ten minutes earlier she was fully dressed. I groaned as I wrangled her and started pulling clothes on over her head again. Xavier came in once he heard the commotion and shook his head.

  “Chloe, why are you putting mommy through all this?” He waved me away so he could finish getting her dressed. “Are you okay, Camilla?” Xavier asked like he’d been fighting the words or something.

  “I’m fine,” I huffed. I wasn’t fine though. I was tired and worn down from wondering where my fiancé was all the time and dealing with two kids by myself. Usually I could at least count on Emmanuel for help but now? Now even he was keeping his distance. Can’t say that I blamed him though. We did come dangerously close to stepping over the line last month. He was trying his best to behave and it was driving me fucking insane.


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