Twisted Forever

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Twisted Forever Page 15

by Danielle James

  “Oh my god!” She giggled, “I’m gonna burn the food.” She hopped up and ran in the kitchen and I watched her ass jiggle out of the room. When she came back in, she brought me a wooden tray with steak, scalloped potatoes and a small salad on the side.

  “I got wine too, wait…” She winked at me. It was hard to deny the pull she had on me even though I knew I was there to break shit off with her. She was so attentive and so sexy.

  Anais poured us both a glass and settled down beside me in bed. I devoured her food and then watched as she cleaned up behind me.

  “Karen at the shelter said they would love for you to be lead psychologist working with the women that come in.” She told me once she was laying beside me again with her head on my chest.

  “Is that right?” I chuckled. “You really want me here with you, huh?”

  “Yes, Alexander. Why not? Bring Mason, Camilla can see him whenever she wants.” She had sparkles in her eyes whenever she talked about me moving to Montana with her. She just didn’t know how much of a grave mistake it would be to move Mason to Montana so I could start a new life.

  I’d never seen Camilla kill anyone nor could I even see how such a beautiful girl could manage to do something so ugly but I couldn’t deny the whispers I’d heard. I couldn’t discount them because they weren’t whispers off the street. They came from people who knew her best. I’d heard and seen so many pointers that it was hard not to get the feeling Camilla was darker than she let on.

  I’d only had a glimpse into how she could fly off the handle when I saw what she did to Jada for even grabbing Chloe the wrong way. I didn’t want another glimpse.

  “I can’t move Mason away from his mother.”

  “Okay, I guess,” she sighed.

  “Look, we need to figure this all out. I came clean to Camilla about us and shit has not been good ever since. She fucking hates me.” My mind remembered her tears and I blew out a pained breath.

  “Of course she does. You’re not in love with her anymore. That would break anyone’s heart.”

  “I still love her.” I corrected Anais.

  “You might love her because you have a son together but we both know where your heart is.” She purred as she mounted me fully naked. I admired her perky titties and cocoa brown nipples as she slid her wet pussy on my dick.

  “Damn Anais…” I laid back and clasped my hands around her waist while she bounced up and down on top of me. When I felt her pussy tighten around me I flipped her over on her stomach and drilled into her from behind.

  “You better not cum yet,” I told her. I could smell her shampoo mixed with her perfume and remnants of the meal she’d made when I leaned into her. She smelled good enough to eat.

  “Please…” She begged.

  “No.” I pushed her leg up and really got deep in her until her screams turned hoarse and I felt like I was going to bust.

  “Please, Alexander.”

  “You ready?”


  “Cum all over this dick, Anais.” I felt her walls constrict and release over and over causing me to shoot into her. Anais fell asleep right where she lay, eyes closed, naked, with her knee up. I pulled the blanket over her body and hit the shower before going out to get some air.

  Something compelled me to call Camilla just to check on her. I wasn’t expecting Cole to answer her phone though. It sent a ripple of anger through me as I strolled through the quiet Montana neighborhood.

  “Where is Camilla?” I asked with strained words.

  Cole let out a laugh and sighed, “She’s busy, Alexander.” I could hear movement on the other end and her quiet voice, then a giggle. I shut my eyes against the images of Cole fucking her that were invading my mind. The line went dead shortly after and I wanted to crush my phone in my hands.

  I looked up at the block I was on and noticed a small church with lights on and cars in the parking lot. I steered myself towards the entrance and hesitated over the door handle. I hadn’t been inside of a church in years. I never really cared for them because of my father, but maybe somebody had a word that I needed to hear.

  There weren’t many people inside but they were all glued to the pastor. It was an older man with smooth skin and not one wrinkle on his face. His frame was huge, almost intimidating as it swallowed the small pulpit. He had a head full of hair that was just starting to gray at the temples of his close cut.

  I couldn’t listen to a word he was saying no matter how compelling his voice was, because his energy made me feel small. He made me feel inadequate and like I wanted to be in the front pew to get his attention. I needed his attention.

  My chest felt tight like I was going to have a fucking panic attack. I didn’t know what was happening to me but I wanted to get out of the goddamn church. That’s exactly why I shied away from churches. I’d never had such a violent reaction before though.

  It seemed as I stood, so did the congregation. I watched with the scene almost on mute how they smiled and shook hands then moved out of the door. Service was over. Thank God.

  I watched the pastor gather his things and I was horrified when my feet started walking towards him. I can’t explain the pull but it was involuntary I knew that much.

  Once I stood behind him, waiting like a child for him to turn around, I regained control of my body. I wanted to haul ass out of there before he turned around, but it was too late. We were eye to eye and this man probably thought I was a fucking lunatic.

  Only I wasn’t a lunatic after all…

  “Alexander?” His chocolate eyes and brown skin were still the same.

  “Dad?” A thick knot formed in my throat and I fought the urge to vomit on the carpet. My father was in front of me. I wasn’t dreaming. I wasn’t having a panic attack with hallucinations. The man I thought was dead, was alive and in the flesh. He was staring me in my fucking face looking like he was the one that saw the ghost, not me.

  I must have blinked a million times trying to understand the image in front of me. Absentmindedly I reached out and placed my hand on his chest. I had to feel it to make sure it was real. It was real. He was breathing.

  “Dad?” I said again, this time clearly. Guilt stained his face and he shut his eyes momentarily.

  “Honey, what’s wrong?” A short woman with long silky curls that spilled down her back grabbed my father’s hand and looked at him with such concern and love.

  “Uh…nothing, Justine. I’m coming, just go to the back without me.” He flashed her a smile and he looked exactly like Emmanuel. Once Justine was done gazing at me for what seemed like forever, she nodded and walked out of the church area through a door.

  It was just Dad and I then. Everyone else had cleared out. Once he realized we were alone, his shoulders slumped forward and he sat in a pew. I sat next to him hesitantly.

  “Alex, how did you find me?” He grumbled.

  “I didn’t look for you that’s for goddamn sure. You know why? Because you were supposed to be dead!” My voice thundered and bounced off the windows and ceilings.

  “Watch your voice, son.”

  “Don’t fucking call me that.” I spat, standing to my feet.

  “Alex, you need to watch your tongue in the Lord’s house.”

  “You need to watch your actions.”

  We stood facing each other, he was taller than I was by a couple inches, but he’d probably be the same height as Manny.


  Shit. He would flip once he found out our father was alive and well and living another life in motherfucking Montana of all places.

  “Okay, let’s not get off on the wrong foot. There’s a lot I need to explain and apologize for.” He took out a card and wrote something down on it hastily in blue ink then placed it in my palm.

  “Meet me here at ten tonight. I’ll answer whatever questions you have, I promise. Right now though I have to go.” His eyes scanned my face and he smiled reluctantly. “My boy, it’s good to see you. I’m sorry it was under these circu
mstances.” He hugged me even though I remained stiff-backed.

  Just before he disappeared through the same door Justine did, I halted him with my words, “I know about Emmanuel.” It made him freeze in his spot. His hand shook as it hovered over the doorknob. He walked back towards me and stared into my eyes.

  “Emmanuel…you know he’s your…”

  “My brother? Yes. I know. He found me when I was in college. After you died.” I let a bitter laugh fill the air. “He’s going to be pissed.” I seethed. Dad looked around and then lowered his voice.

  “Don’t say a word to Emmanuel. Meet me tonight okay, Alex?” He hugged me again and then disappeared.

  I didn’t know what to do. My entire life just got twisted around in a matter of minutes and more than anything I wanted to talk to Camilla. Not Anais. She knew my history better than Anais. She would understand the shock and anger I was feeling but she hated me. She was laid up with Cole.

  I looked at the card my father had written on and crushed it in my hand. I didn’t know if I wanted to meet with him or not. What could he possibly have to say to me? I rushed out of the church and walked back to Anais’ house. She was still sleeping thank god.

  I sat and stared at the wall for nearly an hour trying to figure out if I should meet him or leave him hanging like he’d left me hanging all those fucking years. I vacillated back and forth a million times. My heart pounded each time I thought about going to see him but it sank each time I thought about refusing.

  People would pay millions to have their parent back in their lives but what about a parent that clearly faked their death just to get away from you?

  Anais woke up finally and ran a shower for us. “You seem like you have a lot on your mind. Is it this stuff with Camilla?” She asked as she washed my back.

  “Yeah.” It was only a half-lie though.

  “Alexander, my sweet man. She doesn’t deserve you baby.”

  “I don’t deserve her,” I muttered.

  The water running over my face helped me to think a little clearer. I decided right then that I did want to see my father later on. I did want to talk to him and find out what the fuck he’d been doing for all these years. Why did he run away from his sons?

  “Alexander?” Anais turned my head so that I was looking at her. “Did you hear me? I said leave her.” Anais’ words struck like a bell in my ears. Leave Camilla? She was the one leaving me and I deserved it too for all the shit I’d put her through.

  She was right when she told me I was no better than Xavier.

  “Anais, it’s more complicated than that,” I sighed

  “I know, because of Mason but it doesn’t mean you can’t leave her.” I turned the shower off and climbed out. Everything was too much and too heavy.

  “I don’t wanna talk about this shit right now.” I wrapped the towel around my waist and went into the bedroom.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to make you mad, Alexander.” Anais rushed behind me, rubbing my shoulders. I could feel her warm, wet body pressing into mine.

  “It’s fine, Anais.” I huffed. “Look, I gotta go somewhere tonight.”

  “Tonight?” Surprise painted her brown face as she took in my words. “Can I come?”

  “No,” I almost barked at her. “You just stay here for me. Okay?” I kissed her forehead and started to get dressed.

  “Are you gonna tell me where you’re going?” She asked with a little bite to her tone.

  “I’m not going to fuck anybody else if that’s what you’re worried about.” I snapped. Hurt washed over her face and I paused, hanging my head.

  “Anais, I’m sorry. I just need to get some air. I ran into a friend out here and I’m meeting him in a little while.”

  “Okay.” She said quietly. “Did you come out here to leave me?” She asked sadly.

  “I don’t fucking know anymore. I really don’t. Like I said I don’t want to talk about it right now.” I pulled a shirt over my head and leaned in to kiss Anais before leaving.

  Normally I wanted to talk about everything. I wanted to discuss and work through things.

  Not now.

  Now, I wanted answers and solitude. Luckily Anais didn’t follow me or whine anymore about not being invited. This was a private matter and I wanted to handle it as such.

  I punched in the address on my GPS and found rather quickly that my father had invited me to his home. It was a sprawling, brown, brick house with two car garages on both sides and a circular driveway with glowing lights that seemed inviting. He’d carved out a nice little spot for himself in a subdued suburb of Helena, Montana.

  Justine let me in and she smiled politely but never stopped staring at me. I sighed heavily and said, “I’m his son.” I offered no courtesies to this man or whatever lies he’d told his new wife. I wasn’t about to bury his bones for him.

  “Alex!” My father’s voice was deep and commanding just like Manny’s. In fact, everything about him reminded me of Manny. It was like talking to an older version of him. “Good to see you son.”

  “Please don’t call me either of those things. My name is Alexander and I don’t think you can still claim children after faking your death.” I quipped. He shoved a phony smile on his face and ushered me into a quiet den where he slid the doors shut behind him.

  “Alex…I mean, Alexander. I’m glad you came. Have a seat please.” I sat in a chair to avoid the option of him sitting next to me. I didn’t know what he would say to me and I didn’t know how my temper would behave.

  “Why aren’t you dead?” I launched right into the questions because I needed to fucking know. Dad sighed heavily and rubbed his face.

  “I made some bad decisions,” he told me.

  “Fuck that! I don’t want to hear that! I want to hear the real version. I don’t want the Pastor Scott version!”

  “Okay, okay.” He tried his best to quiet me but my heart was thumping and my anger was rising. “I had two families, Alexander. I was tired of the back and forth and your mother was threatening to go to Emmanuel’s mother. It was wearing on me and so I decided that both households would just be better off without me. I ran.” He leaned back and placed his ankle on his knee. “I knew you boys would get over it. Especially you since I didn’t see you as much as I saw Emmanuel.” Even saying Emmanuel’s name made Dad look on with a longing in his eyes like he missed him.

  “So you were scared and you ran. Just like that? You decided to start a new life?”

  “Yeah, essentially. I was a coward and I couldn’t take it. I wanted something more low key.”

  “Low key? Right.” I chuckled dryly.

  “I never stopped loving my sons.” He offered as if it were some sort of consolation.

  “I’m sure you never stopped loving us. That’s why you never reached out to us after the statute of limitations was up and you could have come out of hiding. After we were grown and had families.”

  A stupid smile spread across his face as he looked at me.

  “You have a family? I’d love to see pictures.”

  “No. You don’t get to see shit. I’m surprised you haven’t been keeping tabs on us this whole time.”

  “I’ve kept tabs on your brother. It’s hard not to.” His eyes hardened a bit. “Pastor Emmanuel Scott, Mayor Scott. He’s all over the damn place.” The tone in his voice was harsh.

  “You don’t sound happy about your son’s success. He’s just like you for the fucking world.”

  “He’s nothing like me!” Dad’s voice boomed. He settled down quickly and regained his composure. “Emmanuel has gotten too flashy. Too big for his britches. He thinks he’s God’s gift to the world. He’s a false prophet.” He turned his eyes to me and they softened. “You though…you surprised me. You’re a doctor. I know that much. You don’t make it easy to find out too much about you.”

  “No, I don’t.” I replied in clipped tones.

  “Alexander, I should have spent more time with you. Clearly I have some time to
make up for.”

  “I don’t want your time. I just wanted answers.” My head was starting to throb in a dull ache at the base of my skull. “Why didn’t you spend more time with me when you were…alive?” I felt stupid for even saying that shit.

  “Because the church demanded so much of me. It demanded so much of my image. I couldn’t falter like a normal man. I had to hide my mistakes and I’m sorry about that.”

  “Mistakes? I was a mistake?”

  “I didn’t mean it like that, son. I loved your mother. I loved you. I just…” For once he was at a loss for fucking words. “I’m sorry, Alexander. I understand if you want nothing to do with me. I’m glad to see your face. I’m glad to know you’re doing so well you’re a doctor and you have a family, just wow. I bet your wife is beautiful.”

  “I’m not married yet,” I muttered. At this Dad’s eyebrows flew up on his forehead.

  “You’re not married?”

  “No, I’m not. I don’t think you have any room to be the fucking moral police right now either.”

  “What’s stopping you from being married, son?” He asked like he really gave a fuck. I rubbed my hands together and laughed.

  “Emmanuel,” I said with a glare.

  “Your brother? Is he trying to take your woman?”

  “With everything he fucking has.” I shook my head just thinking about Camilla staying at Manny’s house while I was here. “You know what though? I can’t fully blame him. I guess I’m more like you than I realized.” I stood to my feet and walked over to the door.

  “Alexander, don’t leave. I’d love to talk more.” He said gesturing to the chair I was in. “Tell me what’s going on with you and Emmanuel.” His eyes were inviting and I felt the pull again. I sat back down and spilled my guts like he was my psychologist.

  I told him the entire history with Camilla and I and with her and Manny. Dad was enthralled the entire time. It was almost as if I were reading him a story…

  “Son, you can’t let him win. I don’t know how I can help but I hate that he’s put you through so much stress. He’s trying to take your family. Now, yes you’ve made mistakes but you’re a man. What man doesn’t make mistakes? Someone needs to knock Emmanuel off his damn high horse,” he frowned. I could see his wheels spinning but I was afraid to even ask what he was thinking. It was time for the night to come to a close. I needed to clear my mind. I told my father I’d think about seeing him again but in the mean time I needed to go.


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