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Wanting More

Page 8

by Jennifer Foor

  Ty met me outside when I got home. He was in his mechanic uniform and putting Bella's bag in the Jeep for school. "Late night, dude?"

  "Somethin' like that."

  He shook his head. "Steer clear of your sister, bro. She's been looking for you."

  Ty and I had become close again. He'd proven just how much he loved the girls and I knew he'd do just about anything to keep them safe. I had a new appreciation for him.

  With my sister being pregnant and them both being consumed with worry over the paternity issues, Miranda used me as her escape. She was forever trying to dictate my life and tell me who I could see and what I should do.

  I headed into the barn to wait out my sister leaving for work. Once I saw them drive away, I went into the house and threw my clothes from the bag in the wash. I grabbed something to eat and went about my day working the farm.

  By lunch my thoughts were all on Amy. I wondered if she was okay. I wanted to know if Rick was up waiting for her when she got home, but mostly I wanted to know if she was thinking about me. It was crazy. I'd never cared what anyone thought about me, until now.

  Since I was sort of like a foreman on the farm, I basically could run into town whenever I wanted as long as the work got done. I knew my sister took her lunch at a certain time and I waited in a faraway parking lot until I saw her and Ty leave. Amy was closing the blinds and turning her lunch sign around in the window as I opened the door. I quickly turned around and hit the lock on the door. She stood there in front of me still in shock. "Conner, what are you doing here?"

  I pulled her into my arms and pressed my lips over hers. Even as I pulled away, I kept our faces close. "I needed to know you were okay and I didn't get a kiss goodbye earlier. I don't like leavin' things the way we did, darlin'."

  She pushed me away. "I'm fine. It was a little rough this morning, but he didn't give me a hard time about anything. I told him I stayed with your sister and left it at that."

  I wrote down my number on a piece of paper and handed it to her. "I want you to keep this. I'm always around if you need anything."

  She looked down and traced the number. "You mean, if I want to hook up with you?"

  I closed the paper in her hands and looked right into her eyes. "No, I mean anything. You got lucky and found me last night, but I can't go to sleep at night knowin’ you could be hurt out on the road somewhere with no place to go. Memorize the damn thing and throw the paper away. I'd be lyin' if I said that I didn't want another night with you. I damn near cut off my hand at work this morning thinkin' about how you tasted on my tongue."

  Her eyes opened wide at my confession. "Conner, I..." She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me into her lips. I grabbed the back of her head and held her as our tongues touched and slid over one another. Her kisses became vigorous and I walked her over to one of her salon chairs. She knew what I wanted and started unbuttoning her pants the same time I undid mine. I didn't have to pull out my already hard dick, because she reached in and grabbed it herself, guiding it to the base of her entrance. I slid in with ease, going faster than I should have at first. Amy gasped as she accepted my length and grabbed my jeans to pull me deeper into our thrusts. The chair was hard to keep steady, but I put my weight down on the sides while Amy reached her legs around my waist. In no time at all, she was crying out, as I was collapsing against her. We were both sweating, but I couldn't stop kissing her. "You make me crazy, woman."

  She laughed as I pulled away and I caught her checking out my package as I put it back in my pants. She bit down on her lip. "This is so bad."

  I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Bad or good?"

  "I shouldn't want you this much. It's dangerous for me and you. This was so much easier when I hated you."

  I started laughing and caught her lip moving up to smile too. "So, you're sayin' you don't hate me?"

  She shook her head and sighed, before pulling me by the shirt until I was against her lips. "I'm still deciding."

  I placed small kisses on her lips until I heard someone trying to get in the front door. Amy pulled away and jumped up, tugging me into the back room. "You have to go." She opened the back door and started shoving me out it. I stuck my foot in the door, preventing it from closing. "Memorize that number, Blaze."

  She smiled and closed the door.

  I saw Ty pulling out of the parking lot as I was crossing the street. He wasn’t paying attention enough to see me, so I just continued walking. I probably shouldn't have gone to her place of work, but I needed to know she was alright. I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if he beat her when she got home.

  After my little afternoon delight, I went home and finished up work early. I couldn't wait to hear her voice again and feel the touch of her soft skin. I just couldn’t get enough.

  Chapter 12


  Being with Conner made me feel alive again, but also made me realize that I needed to get my life together. He and I probably would never have any kind of future, and in all seriousness, I knew he'd never want more than what we already were. Still, he gave me hope that someone could want me. He made me feel desired again.

  I cried the whole way to my house that morning he dropped me off. Every bone in my body was telling me to stay with him. When I looked at Conner, I saw safety. Sure, the sex was the best I'd ever had, but it was more than that. I knew that he would never lay a hand on me or call me the names that Rick was forever calling me.

  Much to my fears, Rick was waiting for me when I got home. He was freshly showered and cooking breakfast. I walked in feeling like I was having a bad dream. He smiled and pulled me into his arms for a kiss. "I'm making breakfast. Hope you're hungry."

  I was in shock. I had to play along with his charade in order to keep the peace. He kissed me again and I neglected to return his affections. "Do you mind if I get a shower?"

  "No, everything will be done when you get out."

  I walked out of the kitchen, looking back to see if it was some kind of mirage. Sure enough, Rick was flipping an egg in the pan. I pretty much ran into the bathroom and shut the door. When I climbed in the shower, I was a wreck. For months this man had been horrible to me and the first time I do something that made me feel amazing, he decides he wants to be nice again. I just didn't get it.

  I cried in the shower; not because of what I'd done. Nothing could make me regret that. It was perfect and I needed it. I cried because I just wanted out of this hell I was living in. Now more than ever I knew that I wanted my own life to live.

  Once I was showered and dressed, I made my way into the kitchen to find Rick sitting at the table, with two place settings. He held out his hand and pointed to the seat across from him. I held my steady grin as I sat down across from him. Even with a smile on his face, he was still a monster to me. "What's the occasion?"

  I was reluctant to take a bite out of anything he made, considering the fact that maybe it had all been poisoned. When I could tell he was waiting for me to eat, I took a deep breath and nibbled on my toast.

  "I got a call this morning from that company I applied for; the one that transports the building supplies. They want me to start next Monday. The pay is almost double what I'm making now, but it will require me to be on the road three days a week still."

  I tried to form a smile. "Congratulations. Does your daughter know?"

  "Yeah, I told her this morning. Look, I know I've been hard on you, but you gotta understand, things have been difficult for me. I'm hoping this new opportunity changes everything for us."

  I was hoping he was going to offer me my salon and disappear forever. "Sounds great." I couldn't pretend to be happy when I clearly wasn't. I stood up from the table and grabbed my purse that had been put back together. "I have to get to work. I have a perm coming in at eight thirty. Thanks for breakfast. I'll see you tonight."

  I didn't lean over and give him a kiss and he was probably going to take it out on me later. There was no way I could sit there for anot
her minute and pretend that I wanted to work things out with him. The whole time he was talking, I was seeing Conner between my legs, licking and kissing me.

  By the time I got to the salon I was too shaken up to concentrate on hair. I had lied about the perm client and thankfully work was slow. Miranda came in and kept to herself. I knew she had a bunch going on and tried to stay out of it.

  When lunchtime came around and Conner showed up at the salon, I couldn't keep my hands off of him. His strong hands touched me and gave me that urgency to be with him again. From the moment his hard erection entered me, I felt pure bliss again. He wanted me as much as I wanted him and I had to find a way to keep seeing him.

  When Miranda came back from lunch early and I sent Conner out the back door, I sat around and memorized his number. For safe keeping I even stored it as a secondary number under Miranda’s contact information. As the day went by and I did a few clients hair, I was reminded all day about my afternoon delight by the wetness in my pants. By the time Miranda went home and I turned out the lights to the salon, all I could think about was Conner.

  I dialed his number with shaky hands, just hoping to hear his voice before I had to go home.


  Conner, it’s me…Amy.

  Yeah, I know who it is. You alright?

  I just…I just wanted to tell you goodnight.

  Oh my God! He must think I am such an idiot.

  Did you think about me after I left?

  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t.

  You need to start wearing skirts to work.

  Why is that?

  So I can bend you over and smack your ass.

  Why is that hot to me?

  Because I’m under your skin. I bet your still dripping with my come. Does it make you hot thinkin’ about me fuckin’ you in that chair?


  Now you have no choice but to give me what I want.

  What do you want Conner? I wanted to hear him say it.

  I think you already know the answer to that, Blaze. The rules are off and I want more of your fine ass.

  What if I say no?

  He started laughing on the other end of the phone. Good luck with that, Blaze. Sweet dreams.

  Goodnight, Conner.

  I was literally fanning myself as I hung up the phone. Reality set in when I realized I had to go home and deal with Rick. He’d been home all day and that was never a good thing.

  I locked up the salon and headed home, the whole time thinking about being with Conner again.

  When I got home, Rick was waiting for me. Six beer bottles were sitting on the coffee table and the house wreaked of cigarettes. I tossed my purse on the kitchen table and tried to avoid him, but he came up behind me and started kissing on my neck.

  Panic set in when I knew if I fought him, he was going to hurt me. His breath smelled like stale beer and ashtray mixed together and I wanted to gag when his tongue licked my neck.

  My eyes filled up with tears and I struggled to keep them from rolling down my face. “Where you been?”

  He spun me around and pushed me up against the counter. “I was at work. You know I don’t get off until five.” I tried to move out of the way, except he was blocking me.

  “I missed you all day. The kid ain’t coming home again, so I figured I could get some of that sweet pussy tonight.” His hand touched me between the legs and I cringed and looked away.

  What was I supposed to do?

  If I said no to Rick there was no telling what he was going to do to me. I was his wife and he expected me to do whatever he said. I was trapped in Hell and I couldn’t find an escape. I wanted to throw up.

  “How about I get a quick shower and get the chemicals off my hands. I can make us dinner and then we can spend the rest of the night in bed.” It was my last chance at getting him away from me. If I could stall long enough, he would pass out and leave me alone.

  This wasn’t about Conner, it was about survival.

  “Hurry up. I’m horny right now, so don’t make me come find you.”

  When I got into the bathroom, I locked the door behind me.

  I reached down in the cabinet and searched for my makeup bag, where I kept my stash of money. I searched through the bag twice and realized that my money was gone, all of it. I wanted to scream, but realized I couldn’t say a word. If Rick found that money and not his daughter, then he was just waiting for the right moment to approach me. I turned on the shower, and sat in a ball on the floor. As the water trickled down my body, I cried in fear. I couldn’t leave and I couldn’t go out there and face him.

  I wanted to be back in Conner’s arms, where I knew I was safe.

  I stayed in the bathroom for as long as I could and thankfully when I came out, Rick was asleep on the couch. A rush of relief hit me when I knew that he wasn’t coming after me with his fists. I’d lost my appetite and crawled right into my bed. I contemplated locking the bedroom, but knew he would break it down if he found out.

  I don’t know how long I just laid there crying. I wanted to grab the laptop and look up how to get a fast divorce and what legal rights, if any, did I have.

  Rick woke me up around five in the morning. He was on top of me and freshly showered. His naked body smothered mine and he began kissing all over my face. I felt my tank top slide up and his mouth on my breasts. He yanked down my shorts and forced himself inside of me. Like every time we had sex, I was dry and not turned on at all. Luckily he wasn’t very endowed and after being with Conner, the pain was bearable. When Rick noticed the tears running down my eyes, I told him that I was just happy about his new opportunity. As soon as he walked out of the house I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up.

  If I didn’t feel like a whore from cheating, I really felt like one now. I wasn’t torn, I knew exactly where I wanted to be, even if I knew I could never really have him.

  Since Rick was on the road for a few days, I thought I would have time to sort out what I needed to do, but something happened that I just couldn’t ignore. Conner showed up on the second night right before I closed the salon. The last customer had left and he locked the door behind him.

  “Amy, we need to talk.”

  Chapter 13


  Throughout my whole life there was one person that I would have laid down and died for. I swore to my father’s grave that I would do everything I could to protect my sister and make sure she was always happy.

  Even though I thought Ty’s plan to alter the paternity test was convoluted, it still would have given Bella the future that she deserved. Behind my sister’s back, Ty had to enlist the help of one of his crazy ex’s, who took it upon herself to allegedly drug him. I said allegedly, because I wanted to give my brother-in-law the benefit of the doubt before I pulverized him.

  When he called me freaking out and not knowing what had happened, I told him to keep his mouth shut and live with the lie. I don’t know what made me really set the plan into motion, but I got it in my head that I could somehow hook up with the chick and get her to tell me the truth without even Ty knowing.

  I’d hooked up with my fair share of women, primarily on bets with my buddies, but this one was going to matter more than a twenty dollar bill. I needed to save my sister’s marriage and her family.

  She’d hate me for it, considering she couldn’t stand the bitch in the first place and also, somehow I was on the track to sleep with someone that Ty had been with before. The thought kind of made me sick, but I kept it in the back of my head and refused to think of it that way.

  The only problem I saw in my plan was getting to know the girl and there was only one person that could help me do it. I was about to really piss off someone that I may or may not have been developing real feelings for. I had to choose, my family or myself.

  “Amy, we need to talk.”

  We were in her salon with the doors locked and the lights dimmed. I reached over and took her hand, pulling her into my arms. I just wanted to fee
l her soft skin once more before she slapped the shit out of me and never talked to me again. I regretted this decision from the moment I saw her beautiful smile light up when she saw me walk through that door.

  With her hands around my neck, I stole one more kiss before I shattered her smile into a million pieces. “So, what did you want to talk about? The dickhead is on the road for the next two days. Do you want to go somewhere?”

  God damn it! I’m such an asshole.

  “Blaze, Amy…I uh need to tell you somethin’ and you’re not goin’ to like it.”

  She reached her hand up and played with my lips. “Unless you are planning on going back to being a pompous jerk, I think I can handle anything.”

  I pushed her away and made her sit down on one of the chairs in the waiting room as I began pacing in front of her, finally squatting down to look her in the eyes. I grabbed her hands and played with them while I thought about exactly what I wanted to say. “Ah, hell, there is no easy way to put this, darlin’. Before I tell you, I just want you to know that I enjoy bein’ with you more than you know. You’re different and now that I’ve had a taste of you, I don’t want to let you go,” I paused and stole a kiss. My lips stayed against hers as I gave her the news she didn’t want to hear. “But I have to stop seein’ you.”

  I felt her body tighten up even before I pulled away to see her shocked face. She let go of my hands and just sat there. “So, you just thought you could come here and tell me something like this and I’d be cool with it? I should have known it was just about getting in my pants. Conner, please just leave. I can’t deal with your shit right now. I have enough on my plate and if you cared at all about keeping me safe you wouldn’t have tried to be with me so hard, only to walk away once you had it.” She pushed me down on the floor and started walking away from me.


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