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Conquest of the Heart

Page 21

by R. J. Dillon

  “Were you following me? You need help, Carter. That’s just,” she paused, shaking her head, “not right.” She picked up her purse and keys. “I’m going home.”

  Carter grabbed her by the arm. “You’re not going anywhere until I get what I want. You think you can seduce someone and not follow through. I don’t think so. It’s time for you to stop playing games with me.”

  “I’m not playing games with you. Let go of me,” Faith tried to shake free from him, but his grip was too tight.

  Carter took her purse and keys and threw them to the floor. He pulled her in and tried to kiss her. Faith turned away, struggling to get free.

  “Stop it!” Faith cried. She managed to scratch his face. Carter grumbled, touching his face from the minor pain. Faith went to pick up her keys, but Carter snatched her back up.

  “Bitch!” He slapped her hard, knocking her down. She screamed as she fell to the floor. Before she could move, Carter was upon her, pinning her down. He pushed her skirt up and ripped her underwear. Faith was crying, screaming for help as loud as she could. She squirmed with all of her might, but couldn’t break free. He didn’t look like the same man. His face had somehow changed, becoming disfigured as he groped at her breasts and tried to kiss on her. As she continued to cry for help, she could no longer control her language.

  “Aide. S’il vous plait quelqu’un m’aider. Aide,” she weeped. “S’il vous plait aider. Aide.” (Help. Someone please help me. Please help. Help.)

  “Shut up,” Carter said, slapping her again. Faith screamed, crying harder now. She knew she was alone. She had to keep trying though, and continued to cry out as Carter unzipped his pants.

  “Gavin is not going to be the only one to get some around here,” he said.

  “Aide,” Faith cried out again. Her voice now trembled from fatigue. “Aide, aide.” Tears streamed down her face. Carter was too strong for her. He forced her legs open, pressing her thighs so hard it felt as though they were being smashed flat against the floor.

  Just as he was about to penetrate, someone picked him up off her and punched him with such force that he flew against the wall. It was Gavin. He had forgotten his phone.

  Gavin punched Carter again and again, hitting him so hard, you could hear the sound of bones and teeth cracking. Blood was splattering on the wall and the floor around them. As he drew back his arm to hit him again, Carter found a way to put up his arms in defense.

  “Gavin, Gavin. She seduced me. This is not my fault. She made me want her.” Carter’s face was dripping in blood. Gavin’s knuckles were red from clashing against Carter’s jaw and nose.

  “Leave. Now!” Gavin yelled angrily.

  “This is not my fault, man,” Carter said.

  “If you don’t leave now, they’ll have to carry you out of here in a body bag,” Gavin said, ready to hit him again. He was furious.

  Carter pulled up his pants and staggered out of Faith’s office as he zipped them.

  Gavin turned to Faith, now curled up in the fetal position. She was rocking back and forth, quietly asking for help, still in French. She screamed as he bent down to touch her.

  “Hey, hey, hey, it’s me, beautiful. It’s Gavin.”

  She scrambled into his arms, weeping. He gently pulled her skirt back down. Thinking fast, Gavin carefully picked Faith up, grabbed her things, including her gym bag, and carried her to his car. He had to take her to the hospital.

  Gavin gently sat Faith in his car, placed her bags in the back seat and quickly went around to the other side. He started the car and pulled out of the building garage as fast as he possibly could. As they were driving, he noticed that Faith was shaking uncontrollably. He reached over and grabbed her hands, holding them tight. Tears began to well up in his eyes seeing her this way. Once they reached the hospital, Gavin pulled into the ER driveway. He reached in the back and got Faith’s gym bag, jumped out of the car, and ran around to the passengers’ side to get her. Carrying her inside, he called out for help.

  A female nurse approached them, asking what had happened. When Gavin explained that she was attacked and possibly raped, the nurse directed them to a private room. Gavin gently placed Faith on the gurney. She didn’t want to let him go.

  “Sweetie, you have to let me go so this nurse can help you. I’m not leaving your side, okay?”

  Faith loosened her grip so that Gavin could stand back, out of the nurse’s way.

  “Did you bring her straight here after the attack?” asked the nurse.


  “What’s her name?” the nurse asked.

  “Faith,” answered Gavin.

  The nurse walked over to the opposite side of the bed and gently spoke to her.

  “Faith, my name is Leisa. I’m going to be helping you through the process, okay? I’ll try to make you as comfortable as I can, and get you home as soon as possible.”

  Faith nodded. The nurse looked at Gavin. “Has she spoken?”

  “No. We may not be able to understand her. She speaks in uncontrolled French when she’s uncomfortable.”

  Leisa nodded. “I’ve heard of people doing that, just never witnessed it. I need to go ahead and get started. I’ll help her get undressed to see if any evidence falls from her clothing. Does she have a change of clothes? We’ll more than likely keep the ones that she is wearing.”

  “I brought her gym bag. I’m assuming she has something in there,” Gavin said, worried.

  Leisa gave him a warm smile. “I’ll take good care of her. You can stay here, but you’ll need to sit behind this divider. At least for this part.”

  “Alright,” Gavin sighed. “Can I use my cell phone in here?”

  “No, you’ll need to go outside, or down to the break room. Don’t worry, we’ll be pretty busy for the next hour and a half. Just to be safe, let her know so she doesn’t get frightened when she doesn’t see you.”

  Gavin walked next to the bed to reassure Faith that he was going to return as soon as possible.

  “I need to call Adrian. I won’t be long, okay?”

  Faith pleaded with him with her eyes. “S’il vous plait ne me quitte pas. (Please don’t leave me.) She huffed in frustration that she couldn’t speak English yet.

  Gavin understood. “I promise I’ll keep it short.” She nodded and he walked out, going to the breakroom.

  Gavin dialed his parents’ number from his cell phone. He wanted to keep his conversation brief, but wanted to make sure Adrian was fully aware of what happened.

  Adrian picked up. “Gavin. How are you son?”

  “Something’s happened. I’m at the hospital,” said Gavin.

  “Are you okay? Did you get into an accident?” asked Adrian in a concerned voice.

  “It’s Faith, Dad.”

  “What happened? Was she in an accident?”

  “Carter,” Gavin took a deep breath, “Carter tried to rape her.” He had a lump in his throat from fighting back tears.

  “Damn!” exclaimed Adrian. “How bad is it?”

  “I don’t know yet. They were just starting the exam when I left. I can’t talk too long. I have to get back to her.”

  “We’re coming to the hospital. Which one are you at?”

  “No, Dad. Faith is already feeling humiliated and scared. Having you here right now would only make things worse.”

  Adrian sighed. “You’re right. Well, don’t let her be alone tonight. She’ll need your support. Also, take tomorrow off. She shouldn’t be alone for awhile. Call me when you get home and fill me in a little bit more. I’ll let you get back.”

  “I’ll talk to you soon,” said Gavin. He pushed a button to end the call and rushed back to Faith.

  Adrian immediately made another call. “Hi …. I don’t have good news …. Faith has been hurt.”

  Leisa was now performing a pelvic exam and swabbing to test for sexually transmitted diseases. Gavin walked in quietly, going to Faith’s side. Faith reached for his hand and looked up at him. A single tea
r rolled down her face.

  He sighed and said, “You’re doing great.”

  “Yes she is,” said Leisa. “How long have the two of you been dating?”

  “We’re not really - ” he paused when Faith squeezed his hand and nodded her head. Gavin smiled. “Officially about two weeks ago, but we’ve been getting to know each other for about four months.”

  “Well, she’s a lucky woman. Since I’ve been doing this I don’t think I’ve seen a significant other be as supportive as you. She’s going to need you in the coming weeks,” Leisa stated.

  “I’ll be there. Whatever she needs me to do, I’ll do,” said Gavin. “How extensive were her injuries?”

  “Most of them were external. A lot of bruising. Do you know if her attacker penetrated? I know that’s a hard question, but it might explain some things,” said Leisa.

  “To be honest, I don’t know. I heard her screaming,” he said, taking a deep breath, “and I ran to her office. He had her pinned on the floor. I pulled him away from her and punched him a few times before he ran off.”

  “Sounds like she knew her attacker.” Noticing Gavin’s hand, Leisa asked, “Would you like us to wrap your hand? You must have hit him pretty good.”

  “I did, but you don’t have to worry about my hand. Right now, I just want to focus on Faith,” Gavin replied, trying to keep calm.

  “Well, it’s a good thing you were there. I didn’t find any damage from forced penetration. We’re doing all of the necessary tests, but I’m pretty sure the results will be negative. Sounds like you pulled him off before he could get started. I’ll take a look at that hand when I’m through with Faith.”

  “I forgot my phone,” said Gavin.

  “Excuse me?” asked Leisa.

  “That’s why I was there. I had forgotten my phone and had to go back.” Gavin kept his eyes on Faith the entire time they were talking. “Has she said anything?”

  “No. That’s why I was asking you what you knew. She’s still pretty shaken up and the French is still coming through. These exams are no walk in the park. They’re probably not helping with her level of comfort.”

  “Are you almost done?” Gavin could tell that Faith was ready to go.

  “I am. The police will have some questions before you leave. They’ll file a report, but it will be up to Faith as to whether she wants to press charges against the man who did this. She won’t need to make that decision tonight. At minimum, get the report filed. Then you can take her home.”

  “Thanks,” replied Gavin.

  An officer came in and took down what information he could. Since Faith was still speaking French, the officer asked questions that only required a yes or no answer. Her clothes were kept as evidence, so she changed into the spare set that she had in her gym bag. While she was changing, Leisa wrapped Gavin’s hand.

  When Faith walked out of the bathroom, she staggered toward Gavin, sore from her bruises and the examinations. He picked her up again. She rested her head on his shoulder as he carried her out of the hospital. Various doctors and nurses watched this tender moment. At his car, Gavin gently placed her in the passenger’s seat, and again placed her bag in the back. When he got in, he started the car and turned to look at her.

  “You have two choices. I can take you home, or you can stay with me. Either way, I’m staying with you. What would you like to do?”

  “Je vais aller a votre maison.” She pounded her fists on her thighs, grimacing in pain as she had forgotten about her injuries, and frustrated that she hadn’t calmed down yet. (I’ll go to your house.)

  “Hey, it’s okay.” Gavin pointed to her, “Your house,” then back to himself, “or mine?”

  Faith pointed at Gavin.

  “My house?” asked Gavin, making sure he understood. She nodded in agreement.

  At home, Gavin placed Faith in the room closest to his. He intended to stay with her through the night, resting at a distance if that’s what she chose. He wanted to make sure that she was able to rest, and didn’t want her to be alone.

  “You’ll sleep in here. The bathroom is right here,” he said, pushing the door open. “It’s stocked pretty well with towels and toiletries. If you can’t find something, let me know and I’ll get it for you. I’m sure you want to take a shower. Are you still good on clothes? Maybe just put these back on?”

  Faith nodded.

  “I know that I originally asked that you stay for the night. However, I’d like you to stay the whole weekend. I don’t think you should be alone.”

  Faith nodded again.

  “Okay. I’m going to make you some tea and some soup. You need to try and eat something. I’ll see you in a bit,” Gavin said, closing her door.

  Faith ran water that was hotter than what she was used to. She bathed, then just sat on the floor with her knees pulled into her chest, letting the water hit her. She cried for the next hour.

  Gavin warmed up some vegetable soup and heated some water to make tea for Faith. After a half hour, he went to check on her.

  Knocking on the bathroom door he asked, “Are you okay in there?”

  “Yes,” she was finally able to say.

  He left her alone for a little while longer, but thought that an hour in the shower was too long.

  “Faith, I want you to come out now. I’m worried about you,” he said standing at the door. “Please don’t make me come in there.”

  “I’m okay. I’m getting dressed now,” she called out.

  “I’ll see you in a few minutes.” He went and poured some soup in a bowl and steeped a chamomile tea bag in some hot water. He placed the items on a tray, with a choice of honey or sugar. Shortly thereafter, Faith emerged from her room.

  “Hi,” she said. Her eyes were red from crying.

  “Hey, it’s good to have you back. I wasn’t sure if we’d be able to communicate very well tonight. Come here,” he said, raising his eyebrows. He wasn’t sure if she was ready for any physical contact.

  She moved in slowly, buried her face in his chest and put her arms around his waist. Gavin wrapped her in his arms. Tears began to roll down her face. She looked up.

  Gavin let out a deep sigh. “I’m so sorry,” he said, choking back his own tears. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

  She didn’t respond, but again burrowed her face into him. She was happy to be in his arms.

  “Hey, I made you some tea and soup. Do you think you can eat, or at least try?”

  “Yeah,” she said, walking around to a stool and sitting at the island.

  Faith was able to eat most of her soup and drank all of her tea.

  “I need to make a phone call. I’ll be back.” Faith excused herself and went to her bedroom. She scrolled through her contact list and found the number she was looking for.

  “Salut … Je suis d'accord … Il va prendre un certain temps … Il veut que je reste avec lui pendant quelques jours … Très bien … Je vais rester en contact. Au revoir. (Hi. I'm okay. It's going to take a while. He wants me to stay with him for a few days. Okay. I'll keep in touch. Goodbye.)

  While Faith was on the phone, Gavin called Adrian as promised.

  “Hi, Dad. We’re at my house. I’ve asked Faith to stay the whole weekend.”

  “That’s probably a good idea. Do you know what happened?” asked Adrian.

  “We haven’t talked about it. I think she’ll need more time before she’s ready for that,” said Gavin.

  “That’s understandable. What did you see? How did you walk into this?” asked Adrian.

  Gavin didn’t feel like talking about it either, but Adrian needed to know.

  “I forgot my phone. As I walked back to my office, I heard Faith screaming. I ran to her office and found Carter on top of her with his pants down. I ripped him up off her and threw him against the wall. He’ll need a few stitches. I told him to leave. She was trembling so much. Anyway, the nurse seems to think that I may have stopped Carter before he could even get started. When she is ready t
o talk, we’ll know exactly what happened.”

  “How is she?” Adrian asked, concerned.

  “As good as can be expected. She was able to eat, and I made her some tea to help calm her down. She’s making a phone call right now,” said Gavin.

  “Make sure she gets some rest. I’m sure she’s very tired. Her body has been through a great deal of stress. Is there anything we can do? Your mother is worried sick.”

  “I think we’ll all know what we need to do when the time comes. For now, I think we just need to let her know she’s loved and that she can count on us to be there for her,” Gavin said.

  “I’m sure she’s not ready to call her parents. Tell her that I’ll take care of that for her.”

  “I will. I’ll fill you in when she’s ready to talk,” replied Gavin.

  “We love you. Tell Faith that we love her, too. Talk to you soon,” said Adrian.

  “I love you, too. Good night, Dad.” Gavin ended his call and turned off his cell phone. He wanted to give Faith his complete attention.

  He walked down the hall to check on her. She was laying down on the bed. She looked up when he came to the door.

  “How are you doing?” asked Gavin.

  “I’m really tired,” she said, turning on her side to face him.

  Gavin walked in and sat on the bed.

  “My mom and dad send their love, and Dad said he’d call your parents,” he said.

  Faith nodded, relieved.

  “Would you like me to stay with you? I’d like to. I can sleep on that chair,” he said, motioning his head toward a chair across the room.

  “That doesn’t look very comfortable,” she said wearily. “I think I’ll be okay for tonight. I shouldn’t have any problems getting to sleep.”

  “If you do, I’m right next door. I need to shower and get to bed myself. I’ll check on you before I go to sleep,” he said, rubbing her cheek.

  “Okay,” she said. As Gavin started to leave, she continued, “Gavin?”


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