Modeling Death

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Modeling Death Page 1

by Amber Kell

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Note from the Publisher


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven


  About the Author

  Also by Amber Kell




  Hidden Magic 2

  Amber Kell


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  Cover Artist: Reese Dante

  Editor: Devin Govaere

  Modeling Death © 2011 Amber Kell

  ISBN # 9781920501419

  Attention Readers: This book uses US English. Thank you.

  All rights reserved.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. The Licensed Art Material is being used for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted in the Licensed Art Material, is a model.


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  A special thank you to my fans who continue

  to travel with me on my literary journey.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Post-it Note: 3M Company

  Chapter One

  Jacob Richmond looked around the bar, searching among the moving bodies and flashing lights for his cousin's familiar face. The pounding music pulsed in time with the migraine throbbing through his skull. After a long international flight, exhaustion dragged his steps, and he could barely see through the pain jabbing behind his eyeballs. If he hadn't promised David he'd meet him at the club, he'd have checked into a hotel and called it a night, but David wanted Jacob to meet his friends, and besides, Jacob needed to pick up the key to his cousin's apartment.


  Jacob spotted his cousin's distinctive red hair through the crowd. Working his way through the sea of people, Jacob headed towards where he thought he'd seen David, stopping several times along the way to slap intrusive fingers off his body.

  Apparently "no" was code for "grab my ass". It was an eye-opening experience for Jacob who usually worked long hours and didn't have a lot of time for bar hopping no matter how many countries he visited. It was never a good idea to show up for a modeling gig looking tired and hung over. Some of his co-workers partied hard and came to work looking less than their best the next day.

  There wasn't a quicker way to piss off a photographer.

  Hoping to eventually work behind the camera instead of in front of it, Jacob tried not to alienate any of the photographers or fashion designers he might want to work with in the future.

  His reputation as an even-tempered model who always delivered the perfect picture served his career well.

  "Hey, David," he called out as he approached. Five other people sat around the crowded table with his cousin.

  They all stopped talking and stared.

  Jacob tried not to feel too self-conscious. People usually stared. However, normally a camera lens or a rope stood between him and any onlookers.

  "Jacob." David jumped to his feet and rushed over to give Jacob a hug. "Sorry to drag you out here, but I really wanted my friends to meet you," he admitted with a shy smile.

  Jacob knew David wanted to show off his model cousin while desperately trying not to look like it.

  "I'm happy to meet your friends anytime." David was one of the few relatives who didn't drive Jacob absolutely bonkers. He figured the least he could do was meet David's friends since his cousin was letting Jacob crash at his place for a while.

  "David, introduce me." A short, dark-haired kid gave Jacob a slow, skin-crawling once-over.

  "Shane, this is my cousin Jacob. He's a fashion model."

  Shane's eyes widened. "I know you. You did that ad where you stood on the beach looking at the water wearing that tiny, tiny swimsuit. I wore out my hand jerking off to that one."

  "Um. Thanks." He tried to sound polite since he doubted Shane really wanted to know how much his comment creeped Jacob out.

  "No problem. I'd love to do it with you sometime in person."

  David shoved Shane away. "Stop being a perv. You're going to freak out my cousin." He gave Jacob an apologetic shrug. "Sorry. I'll pay you back for the cover charge."

  "There was a cover charge?"

  David laughed. "Probably not for you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. "Here. I made you a copy."

  "Thanks man." Jacob snatched at the key like it was the answer to his prayers. All he really wanted was a pillow where he could lay his pounding head. "I appreciate you letting me crash at your apartment. I'm so sick of hotels. I should probably look into getting a place of my own again, but I hate paying for something I'll never use."

  David slapped him on the back. "You look tired. Go ahead and get out of here. I know clubs aren't your thing." David glanced to the left, over Jacob's shoulder. "But if you could put your arm around my waist and pretend to be interested in me for about three seconds, I'd totally appreciate it."

  Used to his cousin's odd ways, Jacob slid his arm around David's waist. Leaning over, he whispered into his cousin's ear, "I don't care who you're trying to attract, I'm not kissing you."

  David burst out laughing. "Deal." After a moment, he shoved Jacob away. "He's not paying me any attention anyway."

  It was probably for the best. David had an aby
smal track record with men. Jacob had lost count of the number of men moving in and out of David's life. Luckily for Jacob, his cousin didn't currently have a live-in lover, so there was no one to object to him staying there for a few weeks.

  "If you need a gimmick to get him to come over here, he isn't the one for you anyway."

  "Easy for you to say." David rolled his eyes. "You just show up, and they trip over their tongues."

  "Sometimes that makes it harder, not easier," Jacob confessed.

  With the key in his pocket, he kissed his cousin's cheek and headed back through the mass of dancers, trying to limit the groping as much as possible. He never did get introduced to David's other friends. He wondered if they were all as bad as Shane.

  Jacob spotted the exit sign glowing like a beacon, the door to freedom and migraine medicine almost in his grasp. A large man with dirty-blond hair stepped in front of Jacob, blocking his path.

  "Hello, gorgeous," the man said with a creepy smile. It made Shane's leer look almost angelic in comparison.

  "Hello." Jacob moved to go around the stranger, too tired to put up with anyone's shit. His flight from Paris had drained him, and he never did well with the time change. All he wanted was a nice soft bed, a fluffy pillow, and no more people trying to grab his ass.

  The stranger clamped one hand on Jacob's shoulder, holding him in place. "Why don't you let me buy you a drink?"

  Jacob shoved the man away. He really hoped he wasn't about to get into a fight. He didn't need any bruises for tomorrow's shoot. Stepping to the side to avoid the other man, he almost growled with frustration when the blond moved to block him, again. The stranger wrapped his meaty hand around Jacob's arm in a bruising hold.

  "Think you're too good to have a drink with me?"


  "No, man, I just need to get home. I've got a shoot tomorrow."

  The big guy smiled, tightening his vise grip on Jacob's arm. "Great, you can take me with you. I'll make sure you get a good night's sleep."

  Before Jacob could come back with a polite, but definite, no, a man even larger than the one attached to his arm ripped away the other man's hand.

  "The man said no." The new guy's deep voice rumbled so low Jacob could have sworn he felt the vibration in his chest, rather than hearing it over the loud music. The new guy mumbled something indecipherable to the dirty-blond haired jerk. Jacob's assailant turned pale and rushed for the exit, trampling more than one too slow-to-move dancer.

  Jacob found himself face to face with a big man in a tight t-shirt and painted on jeans. For a minute the lights in the club reflected off the other man's deep blue eyes and made them look like they were glowing, an eerie effect. Jacob shook off his nerves and held out his hand. If he weren't so damned tired, he'd offer to dance with the man before him. It wasn't every day someone so big and hot crossed his path. Most models Jacob worked with were in the tall and slim category. This man was in a category all his own, more predatory animal then slick fashion clotheshorse.


  "Thanks, man." Jacob smiled at his savior. "I'd hate to get punched in the face before a shoot. Photographers are notoriously grumpy at having to cover up blemishes."

  * * * *

  Guy Franks couldn't have said a word if his life depended on it. His visit to the nightclub had turned up nothing, as the victim's friend couldn't shed any new light on how the model ended up dead with no marks on his body. However, the man before him proved coming here wasn't a total loss. After two hundred and seventy-five years of searching, Guy had finally found his mate.

  Although the man was ridiculously good looking, Guy was more attracted to the other man's blinding aura. His possessive side wanted to drag the stranger home and demand he never leave, but Guy knew there were criminal charges waiting in the wings if he tried that approach. As an investigating wizard and personal protector for the Wizard's Council, he'd vowed to uphold the law, not break it. This man made him want to bend the rules until they snapped.

  "So you're a model?" That explained the man's easiness in his skin. Guy doubted all the staring in the bar even rated on the gorgeous man's radar.

  "Yeah." Guy received a shy smile. He'd thought the man beautiful before, but now he glowed. Glowed like a star in the midnight sky, bright and breathtaking.

  "I could take you home," Guy offered.

  The smile vanished entirely, leaving Guy reeling from its loss.

  "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not the kind of guy who fucks at first meeting."

  Guy watched in shock as the man of his dreams shoved past him and disappeared in the crowd. True, Guy had thought to take the gorgeous stud home and fuck his brains out, but to hear his man didn't have sex with just anyone increased his mate's attractiveness two hundred percent.

  By the time he made it through the crowd, Guy had completely lost sight of his new love interest. He whispered a soft tracking spell that quickly revealed the man had left the building, and Guy still didn't have a name. He knew it wouldn't be a good idea to call every modeling agency in town, much too stalkerish, so he went back to the first person he'd spotted with his future mate. David Richmond.

  David worked as an attorney in the non-magical division and was one of Guy's many employees. David had no idea wizards even existed; he only knew Guy was the man in charge. Guy would do anything in order to get the information he needed to claim his man.

  As he approached the table, the group went silent. How nice he could still scare the crap out of a bunch of kids. "Good evening, David."

  "Mr Franks." David's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed nervously. "C-can I help you with something?"

  "The man who was just here. Who is he?"

  To give him credit, David didn't try to pretend he didn't know who Guy was asking about. "That's my cousin Jacob." He spoke in a shaky voice, flashing a look at his friends as if he were certain Guy wouldn't do any true damage while David had witnesses. "He's staying with me while he walks in New York Fashion Week."

  Guy was pleased to hear Jacob had work. Of course, who could resist taking a picture of perfection? He had no doubt Jacob had offers lined up and down the street.

  He pulled out his cell phone. "Give me his number."


  Guy frowned at the kid. He could easily fire the brat without cause or snap him in two. His magic surged, crackling in response to his ire. With difficulty, Guy resisted the impulse to grab David's neck and shake him like a rag doll until he broke. He was almost certain Jacob would disapprove of that sort of action.

  "What?" He made sure his voice sounded low and mean. David paled, but stood his ground. Guy felt a twinge of respect even as he wanted to strangle the little runt.

  "L-look, I know he's gorgeous and all, but Jacob's the nicest man I know. I'm not going to hand him over so you can make him one of your playthings. I've heard about your reputation, Mr Franks. My cousin deserves better."

  It was admirable really, the kid's protection of his relative. If Guy wasn't so irritated, he might've admired his employee a little more.

  "Fine. How about you tell me which agency he works for and I'll contact him on my own."

  David stood quietly for a moment as if contemplating the arrangement. "Okay. But I'm going to warn him about you."

  Guy rolled the thought over in his mind. "You'd best stick to facts. If I find out you're poisoning him against me, there's not a company in New York that'll give you a decent job." His connections as a wizard would help him keep his vow. After waiting so long to find his mate, he wasn't going to let a little thing like scruples stand between him and Jacob. He might be there to help the council with an investigation, but no one was going to keep him from his mate.

  The freckles on David's face stood out in stark contrast to his new pallor. "Fair enough."

  David rattled off the agency where his cousin worked before warning Guy he didn't have their number. "I always call Jacob on his cell."

  Guy nodded before turning to walk away.

nbsp; "Mr Franks," David called out.

  Turning back, Guy pinned his employee with a look. "What?"

  "I'm still employed, right?"

  Guy smirked, more than a little tempted to let the twerp sweat a bit, but he knew it would reflect badly on him so he let David off the hook. "Yes, David, you're still employed, and as much as I want Jacob's number, I appreciate you're trying to protect your cousin."

  David's worried expression relaxed, and he gave Guy a cautious smile, not as gorgeous as Jacob's but nice all the same. "Cool. Just so you know, Jacob's picky about his dates. He won't sleep with just anyone."

  "So I've heard," Guy said with a wry shake of his head.

  He walked away, already dialing information.

  * * * *

  Jacob blinked his weary eyes when the alarm clock went off at five in the morning. He wasn't due at his agency until seven, but he liked to get in an early morning jog when he had the chance. It was the one exercise he could fit into his life no matter where he was working. Although most of the hotels were equipped with a gym, sometimes Jacob just needed to feel the ground beneath his feet and the air against his face.

  He stayed in the areas David had pointed out as safe enough for a lone man to run. An hour later, after a quick jog around the neighborhood, he re-entered his cousin's apartment, panting and searching for juice.

  "Fuck, Jacob. Don't be so loud." David stumbled into the kitchen, his eyes blinking owlishly.

  "Sorry, man, I didn't mean to wake you up. I'm used to living alone." The loneliness ate at him sometimes, but he'd rather be alone than in another bad situation. His last roommate was enough to make him swear off sharing his space forever.


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