Modeling Death

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Modeling Death Page 2

by Amber Kell

  "That's okay. I wanted to talk to you anyway."

  Jacob stared at his cousin, his heart sinking to his feet. Had he done something to warrant David's serious expression? "Throwing me out already?" he asked, only partly kidding.

  "What? No! I wanted to warn you; Guy Franks is after your ass."

  "Want some juice?" Jacob shook the juice carton, happy to hear the heavy slosh.

  David glared at him. "No, I don't want some damn juice. Did you hear what I said?"

  "Yes." Jacob poured himself a glass and took a drink. The cold orange flavor burst across his dehydrated tongue, tasting like heaven. He didn't stop until he'd drained the glass. Placing the glass in the dishwasher, he turned to face his irate relative.

  "It would mean more to me if I knew who you were talking about."

  "Guy Franks, the man who runs the company I work for."

  "Why would he be after me? I just got into town. I haven't even had time to meet anyone."

  "Apparently you met him," David said with a snort. "He came to my table last night and demanded your phone number."

  A memory of the hot guy from the night before went through Jacob's mind. "Big guy with curly black hair and pretty blue eyes?"

  "I don't know how pretty his eyes are; they always strike me as cold, but that sounds like him. Did you meet him?"

  Jacob shrugged. "I might have. Some guy was giving me a hard time last night because I turned him down. Here comes Mr Knight-in-shining-armor to put him in his place. Then Mr Knight decided he could just take me home and fuck me, so I shot him down. He might've been your guy."

  "He's not my guy," David protested.

  "Whatever, he might be the same one."

  "Was he a little taller than you?"

  "Yeah." At six feet, Jacob was average for a model, but the guy from last night had been bigger, taller and broader, a nice hulk of a man. "I told him I didn't do one night stands, then I ditched him."

  "Well, don't be surprised if you hear from him today."

  "You gave him my number?" Jacob couldn't have been more shocked if someone had set him on fire. David was extremely protective of Jacob, even though David was the younger of the two of them.

  David gave him a shove. "Don't be an idiot. Of course I didn't give him your number, but I did give him the name of your modeling agency, I figured that was safe enough."

  Jacob nodded, relieved. Not that he didn't want to date the guy—because, damn, he was hot—but he was pleased his cousin hadn't changed his ways.

  "Tell me about him."

  A strange look crossed David's face. "I don't know a lot. Rumor has it he's extremely rich and he's known for having a different person on his arm, both men and women, at every major social event. As far as I know, he's never had a long-term relationship."

  "What's your personal opinion of him?"

  David gave a bitter laugh. "He threatened to have me fired if I gave him a bad review or, as he put it, 'poisoned your mind against him'."

  "Would you have?" Jacob was curious about David's opinion, though with David's track record, he wasn't the best judge of men.

  David shook his head. "That's the thing. I don't think he's a bad guy. There's never been anyone accusing him of abuse or sexual harassment. He's known to be a playboy, but word is he always tells his lovers the score. Overall he's a good guy, if you're careful not to give him your heart."

  "Threatening you is a big mark in my bad column." The guy sounded like a jerk. Jacob wasn't eager to date any man who gave his cousin a hard time.

  David shrugged. "I just wanted to warn you he might call. Be careful around him. If you piss him off, he could make it so you don't work again."

  "Do you think he's the vindictive type? If I don't go out with him is your job in trouble?"

  David shook his head. "I don't think so. He's usually fair-minded, but I've heard it's not good to cross him."

  Jacob sighed. "Thanks for the warning. I'll deal with him if he calls." He patted David on the back. "I'm going to go get ready now. I'll catch up with you later."

  "See you, cuz. I'm going back to bed," David muttered.

  Jacob laughed as he closed the bathroom door.

  Chapter Two

  Models Now, the premier modeling agency in New York, had represented Jacob since he'd wandered in at a precocious fifteen years old and lied about his age. They pretended to believe him, and ten years later, he was still thrilled over how they handled his career.

  His agent, Mandy, smiled when he entered her office. She was one of those women of indeterminate age. Over the ten years they'd worked together, her hairstyle had changed dozens of times, but her face stayed the same.

  "Jacob. How's my favorite model?" she called out as he approached her desk.

  "Doing as well as all your other favorite models I suppose." He leaned over her desk so they could exchange air-kisses. Mandy didn't get up to greet him. She'd broken her ankle in a car accident a few days before.

  She smiled, not an inch of her face moving. Botox was scary. When he got older, Jacob was going to let the wrinkles have their way. There was something freaky about skin that didn't move.

  "Have a seat." She pulled a bottle of water out of the small fridge she kept under her desk and handed the bottle over.

  Jacob gave her a speculative look.

  She only gave him water when there was serious money on the table and it would take awhile to go over the details. Someone must've offered a nice wad of cash because generally she gave him his schedule and pushed him out the door, already late for the next shoot.

  Jacob never minded. Growing up poor, he appreciated the money she wrung out of each client. Since the first day he'd walked up to her desk, he'd never gone to bed hungry. Even though male models made a fraction of the money of their female counterparts, ten years of solid modeling contracts had built up a nice nest egg. If something happened and he had to quit modeling, he could live quite well on his investments.

  He opened the water bottle and took a long swig, surprised to find he was thirstier than he thought.

  "Okay, spill it; who's got you drooling?"

  Mandy laughed, a cigarette-induced throaty sound. "You're a clever boy. You know you're hot and only getting hotter. The number of contracts we have popping up for you are amazing. Did you know that on your last ad campaign they rearranged their shooting schedule so they could book you? We've had several companies recently who want you for big campaigns. After years of steady work, you're the new overnight sensation."

  She mentioned the amount offered. Jacob's jaw dropped. "Really?"

  "Absolutely. This is the prime of your modeling career, and we aren't going to give it away. How much longer are you thinking of modeling?" Mandy ran an experienced eye over Jacob. "God, you still look eighteen. If you keep in shape, we can probably get another eight to ten years out of you."

  "I'd like to get into photography," Jacob blurted out. Nerves had him stumbling over his words, but he needed her to know he had future plans. He didn't want to model forever.

  Jacob shifted restlessly beneath Mandy's silent gaze. Her opinion mattered to him. For most of his teenage years, and all of his young adult life, she'd been like a second mother to him. A smoky, perfume-infused mother, but at least she didn't do drugs like his real mother. That reminded him it was time to call his birth mother again; her birthday was in a few days.

  Jacob wasn't in a rush to stop modeling, but he could feel the burnout coming. His frantic schedule spanned the globe, eating away at his energy and nerves like a river eroding rock. Jacob had nightmares one day a spot would wear through and there would be nothing left of him. He wanted to leave the industry while he still had good memories of being a model.

  Mandy leaned forward, resting her hands on the desk. "How about we make a deal? I figure I owe you since you've been one of my main breadwinners for the past ten years. You're the loyal type, and I appreciate it. You could've dropped me for a higher profile agent years ago, but you didn't.
Stay booked with me for three more years and I'll make sure you only work with photographers willing to show you the ropes. That way, when you finish your modeling, you'll have something to fall back on. I like you, Jacob. I can't honestly say that about all of my models. I've never once had a client say a word against you, and your percentage of repeat business is outstanding. That last shoot you were on was with the meanest man in the business."

  "Paulie?" Jacob couldn't hide his surprise. The gray-haired man had been a little surly, but Paulie had a quiet sense of humor. They'd shared more than one lunch eating sandwiches and laughing over stories of his grandkids.

  Mandy laughed. "I think you're the only one who calls him Paulie. Everyone else calls him 'that scary bastard'. He not only called me personally to say he wanted you to model for him at Fashion Week, but he added an extra outfit so he had something suitable for you to wear."

  "Wow. That was sweet of him."

  "That's what I'm saying!" Mandy shouted. "He's not sweet. No one thinks he's sweet! He hates everyone except his family, and apparently you. When I sent Gregor for a shoot, he called and told me he never wanted that arrogant bastard on his set again, and asked if I knew he had a crooked nose."

  Jacob laughed. Gregor's nose was perfect. The man was stunning even if he was a jerk. More than once the two of them had competed for the same ad campaign; Jacob always won, which only added to Gregor's animosity towards him. Unlike other models Jacob worked with, he'd never warmed up to Gregor.

  Mandy was still ranting.

  "He sent back fifteen of the twenty models I thought would be perfect for his show."

  "But you found him guys, right?" Jacob didn't want Paulie's show ruined.

  Mandy sighed. "Yes, I found him guys, girls too. That is my job," she reminded him with a frown. "But you're missing my point here. My point is that Paul Sparrow isn't the exception; he's the norm. Do you know how hard it is to find a nice model, who actually gets along with photographers and designers?"

  Jacob shrugged. It only made good sense to get along with the people who paid him. He couldn't help it if some models shot themselves in the foot with their behavior.

  Mandy's phone rang.

  "Just a moment, sweetie," she said, grabbing the receiver. Never one to miss an opportunity, she would probably answer her phone while meeting with the president.

  After greeting the caller, she listened for a moment before turning her eyes towards Jacob. "Yes, he's here. When did you need him by?"

  Jacob watched as Mandy's fingers flew across her keyboard. "Yes, we can fit you in for an interview between one and three today. He has a magazine shoot at four. Mmm hmm. I'll send you a contract. Sign it if you want to take him on."

  She hung up and stared at Jacob for a moment. "Do you want to explain to me why one of New York's hottest new designers just called me?"

  "Isn't that what they always do?" Jacob asked, puzzled.

  "Yes, but they usually start with the cheap models. They don't call me and say they want Jacob Richmond and no one else will do."

  Jacob shrugged. "Maybe he heard about me from someone else?"

  "She. Faith Danes."

  Jacob searched his memory, but he came up blank. "Haven't heard of her. Maybe she can tell me more when we meet."

  "Well, she was most insistent on seeing you so she must have seen one of your ads." Mandy scrawled an address on a Post-it note and slid Jacob's new portfolio across the desk. "Better hurry, kid, or you'll miss your appointment."

  * * * *

  Guy sat on the corner of his sister's desk, swinging his heels.

  "Would you tell me why I'm paying thousands of dollars for a kid I've never met?"

  Guy grabbed the clipboard from Faith, signed the contract, and held it out to her assistant. "Fax this back."

  The skinny kid grabbed the clipboard and scurried out of the room.

  "Trust me, you won't be sorry. He's hot."

  "And you think I should waste my hard-earned money to employ your new boyfriend, why?" Faith glared at Guy. "From the amount they're charging, I don't think your new boy toy is hurting for cash."

  "Stop calling him that," Guy growled. "Or did you forget who financed your entire company?"

  Faith raked her fingers through her hair. "Fine. I'm sorry."

  Guy sighed. "No, I am. I financed your company because you're insanely talented, not so you'd owe me a favor." His sister's magical affinity for fabric helped her create incredible designs, and although she was two hundred and seventy years his junior, they were still close. "Faith, I've got to meet this guy again; I can't get him out of my mind. I'm almost certain he's my mate." He gave her his best imploring look.

  "What do you mean you think he's your mate?" Faith sat up straight in her chair. "I thought you knew him."

  Guy shook his head. "I met him at Favors, the new club downtown. I'm looking into a murder for the council. They thought one of their suspects might be there last night. I never saw the man I was looking for, but I found Jacob." Guy sighed as he remembered how hot Jacob looked. "He's the most gorgeous man I've ever seen, and he smells amazing."

  "He's a model," Faith said in a dry tone. "They tend to be good looking." She examined her brother's face and burst out laughing. "You're infatuated with this kid. You really are. I hope he is your mate because I never thought I'd see the day when my cold-hearted brother mooned over anyone. I'd hate for him to turn into one of your usual pickups. The family will be pleased you finally found your other half."

  "Yeah, maybe mother will stop calling then," Guy growled. "And I'm not mooning." He ignored her comment about his pickups. It wasn't something he could deny. About a hundred years ago, he'd all but given up on finding his mate and decided to settle for Mr or Miss Person of the Moment instead of Mr Right. Abstinence didn't work for him even though his dates were starting to blur together.

  Faith's assistant rushed back into the room. The kid's eyes were round like a child's at Christmas. "Faith, there's an incredibly gorgeous model waiting by my desk. I'll work free for a month if you let me dress him."

  "Hands off," Guy snapped. He didn't even have to look to know who caused the silly twink to drool. No one touched Jacob's naked body but him! His magic rose to the surface, ready to protect his man from poachers, even as Guy knew realistically people touched Jacob all the time. The man couldn't model without a team of people getting him ready, but Guy didn't have to like it.

  Faith stood up and rushed for the door. "Now I just have to meet him."

  Guy scraped his fingers through his hair as he followed his sister out.

  He almost slammed into her when she stopped in the doorway to catch her breath. "Wow, I see why the mighty have fallen," she said in a low, breathless tone. "Are you sure he's gay?"

  Guy growled as Jacob turned to face them.

  "Hello." Jacob offered a tentative smile. "I was told to wait here." Jacob's eyes widened as he caught sight of Guy.

  Faith stepped forward, offering her hand. Jacob automatically took it and gave her hand a gentle shake.

  "I'm Faith Danes, and this is my brother, Guy Franks."

  Guy stepped forward for his handshake and bit back a gasp as a jolt of electricity passed between them when their hands met. Jacob took back his hand, rubbing it on his pants. Guy smiled at the gesture. At least he wasn't the only one who felt the connection.

  Faith gave all her attention to Jacob. "If you'd follow me please?"

  Jacob followed Faith to the back work area, with Guy bringing up the rear. Guy glowered at Faith's assistant until the kid made a squeaky noise and rushed back to his reception area. When he joined the other two, he found Jacob standing in the center of Faith's design studio, studying the mannequins dressed in Faith's designs.

  "Could you take your shirt off please?" Faith said.

  Guy pinched her arm.

  "Ouch." She jerked out of his reach and glared at him.

  Guy smirked.

  He lost his amusement when the man, who would
n't do casual sex, stripped off his shirt without argument, revealing miles of waxed, tanned, and toned skin.

  Damn, he's fine!

  He'd never considered the benefits of a lover who waxed. If Jacob waxed everything, there'd be no hair in the way when Guy sucked Jacob down. A slight moan broke from his throat.

  Jacob's crystal gray eyes flickered to his, and Guy forgot how to breathe. "I heard you threatened my cousin."

  "He was being an ass."

  Surprisingly, Jacob laughed. "He is rather protective."

  "I don't mean your cousin any harm. I only wanted you to form your own opinion about me without outside influence."

  "Did you make up this job to get to me?"

  "No," Faith spoke up. "He did recommend you, but I won't hire you if you don't look good in my clothes."

  Jacob gave Faith a charming smile, completely unlike the frown Guy had received. If he didn't know Jacob was gay, Guy would've opened a black hole and shoved his sister through it.

  "That's all right then," Jacob said. "I've gotten lots of jobs through recommendations, I just didn't want you to be pressured to hire me."

  Guy could tell his sister was thoroughly charmed. As a tough single mother of two, Faith rarely found anyone charming. He felt a strange surge of pride over Jacob's considerate nature.

  This one was a keeper.

  Guy just had to figure out how to get that first date.

  "Let's get you into a few things and see how you look," Faith said, taking on a businesslike tone. "Come this way." She led Jacob back to the dressing area, picking up pieces of clothing as she went. "Why don't you try these on then we'll have you walk for me."

  "Sounds good." Jacob took the clothes with a smile and headed back to the curtained off dressing area. As soon as he was gone, Faith turned to Guy.

  "Oh. My. God."

  "I know," Guy said with a smug smile. "Isn't he gorgeous?"

  "Yeah," Faith's assistant said from the doorway, well out of Guy's reach.

  "Danny, go man the front desk; you're going to scare off the talent."


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