Modeling Death

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Modeling Death Page 3

by Amber Kell

  "Fine, but if he needs help with a button, you come get me right away." The skinny kid stomped back to the reception area.

  Faith snickered. "I mean it, Guy. I interviewed a lot of models for my show next week. I don't think any of them were even half as gorgeous as your man."

  Guy would've commented, but the curtain opened and Jacob walked out. The linen outfit with sapphire accents skimmed the model's body like a dream.

  It took Faith two tries to find her voice. "If you could just walk for us."

  Jacob flashed Guy a suspicious look. Guy returned it with what he hoped was an innocent smile. Somehow he doubted he pulled it off since he wanted to tackle Jacob and lick him all over with a need bordering on desperation.

  Without a word, Jacob glided across the floor, back and forth, for Faith's inspection. His steps were confident and sure, like a graceful dance.

  "Do you have your book with you?" Faith asked.

  "It's in the waiting room."

  "Get dressed and let's have a look."

  Jacob nodded and went to get his clothing.

  "What? Aren't you going to hire him?" Guy asked, indignantly.

  Faith spun around. "Are you nuts? My clothes are going to sell like hot cakes with this guy on my runway. I just want to see how he photographs. I've got an ad campaign coming up." Faith jabbed him in the chest. "You may have introduced us, but this is business. Your new man is my dream model. Maybe if you're nice I'll put in a good word for you."

  How had he lost control of the situation?

  Guy stared at his sister. All he'd wanted was to see the beautiful stranger again, fuck him, and see if the man was his mate. Now, not only Jacob's cousin, but also Guy's own sister was getting protective over the man.

  "I'm not some kind of monster," Guy protested.

  "I know you're not," Faith said, her eyes fixed on the curtained dressing room. "I also know you're probably the most relationship-deficient person I've ever known. Don't break his heart until after Fashion Week is all I ask. I need him happy until then; my career depends on it."

  "Oh please, like I'd ever let you be thrown out into the street."

  Faith still didn't know Guy had bought her mortgage. If anything happened to the company, she'd still be in good condition. It was only her stubbornness that prevented Guy from taking care of her and her kids completely. At twenty she'd hooked up with the wrong guy, and after ten years and two kids together, he'd dumped her for a fresher model. Guy smiled at the memory of how thoroughly he had destroyed Faith's ex when the bastard dropped his entire family to go and fuck a nineteen-year old college freshman. The last he had heard, the guy was bankrupt and his teenager had dumped him.

  * * * *

  Jacob left the dressing room and found two pairs of interested eyes staring at him. A little unnerved by their intensity, he waved a hand towards the other room to get the pair moving. "My book," he prompted.

  Faith led the way while Guy walked behind Jacob. He thought he felt the ghost of a hand on his ass, but when he turned around, Guy gave him an innocent smile.

  Damn, he's hot.

  Jacob might be uncertain how he felt about Guy, but his body was all on board to do anything the sexy man wanted.

  They entered the reception area and found Faith's assistant going through Jacob's book.

  "Danny." Faith held out her hand imperiously.

  "I like the swimsuit photos," Danny said. He snapped the book closed and handed it over to the designer. Danny gave Jacob a shy look. "Let me know if you ever want to go out some time."

  "He's busy," Guy growled.

  Jacob spun around to face the big man. "What makes you say that?"

  Guy gave him a smile of his own, more predatory than wistful. "Because I wanted to take you out to dinner to celebrate getting the job."

  Jacob frowned. "But I haven't gotten the job yet."

  Guy nudged his sister.

  "What?" Faith said, flipping through the pages of photos.

  "Tell him he got the job."

  "Oh." Faith looked up at him. "Of course you've got the job. Have you ever been turned down?"

  Jacob shrugged. "It happens. Sometimes designers want a different look, maybe a blond or someone built differently."

  "Their loss," Faith said. "I'm sure you know you photograph beautifully."

  "It does help with my modeling career." Jacob couldn't hold back the smile. She was really cute. If he swung that way, he would've asked her out in a heartbeat. Instead, he was stuck with her gorgeous, grumpy brother who pushed all Jacob's buttons in all the right ways. If only Guy wasn't so bossy.

  Faith laughed. "You'd be surprised how many come by and have the worst books. Yours is amazing. It looks like you've done ads for every major designer and perfume company."

  "I've done my share," Jacob admitted. It was one thing to be proud of your work, but he was never a fan of people who bragged. "If you're looking for me to do a print campaign, you'd best talk to my agent. Mandy said there were a couple of companies who wanted me, and I don't know my schedule yet or if they're asking for exclusives."

  "I'll give her a call. I'd love to have you do some catalog work as well as the runway next week."

  "Sounds good. Like I said, call Mandy. If I'm not already scheduled, she'll put you down." Jacob gave her a smile. "I look forward to working with you."

  He shook her hand, collected his book from her, and headed for the door, only to have a hand hook around his arm.

  "Where are you going?"

  "Hmm." Jacob looked up into Guy's intense gaze. Guy's grip was firm but gentle, not allowing Jacob to move forward but not tight enough to hurt. There was something unnervingly feral about the other man's expression. "What?"

  "Aren't you going to wait for me to ask you out?"

  "Maybe later. I've got an underwear shoot to go to, and I need to figure out where it is."

  "I'll take you. My limo is parked outside."

  Jacob could've pulled the pride card, but it was fucking hot outside, and he would have preferred a cool limo to a stinky cab ride any day. He'd bet his modeling career that Guy's limo didn't smell of old garlic and questionable hygiene.

  "Sounds good. You can sell me on the benefits of a date and indulge me with a glass of water?" He batted his eyes hopefully at Guy, whose stern mouth quirked up on one side.

  "I can see you'll be a pricey boyfriend."

  Jacob's heart fluttered at the term "boyfriend", but he played along. "Yep. I like that expensive water too. No tap water for me. I want it collected by virgins and bottled by nuns."

  Guy threw back his head and laughed.

  "I'll see what I can do." He wrapped an arm around Jacob's shoulders and led him outside.

  Just as they exited the building, a sleek limousine pulled up to the curb.

  "Classy driver."

  "I'm glad you approve. I'll be sure to share that with Joel."

  "You do that."

  Guy opened the door for him, not waiting for the driver to get out. Jacob scooted into the limo and wasn't the least bit surprised when Guy slid in right beside him. In the spacious vehicle, apparently the only spot available was next to Jacob, though it was difficult to mind with Guy's rock hard thigh rubbing against Jacob's.

  Jacob's cock was definitely interested.

  "Anything I can help you with?" Looking up, he saw Guy's eyes were fixated on Jacob's erection.


  "No?" The astonishment in Guy's voice was almost worth the discomfort.

  "No. I still don't know you well enough to let you touch my dick. Two encounters does not a relationship make."

  Wow, you really could hear a person grinding their teeth. He'd thought it was just an expression.

  "I can't believe you're playing hard to get," Guy growled.

  Jacob's mouth dropped open in astonishment. "I'm sorry if not letting you fuck me after a brief acquaintance is considered hard to get in your world, but I see enough casual sex in my line of work to know how it c
an ruin people's lives. So don't let me stop you if you'd rather fuck some guy who jumps when you crook your finger. You can just let me out now. I'm sure I can take my cock-teasing ass to my shoot by cab."

  Jacob crossed his arms and leaned against the seat, anger churning his stomach.

  "Give me the address," Guy demanded after a moment of silence.

  Jacob almost didn't, but one look at Guy's implacable blue eyes and he handed over the little sheet of paper where Mandy had written the address.

  Guy pressed a button and the privacy screen descended.

  He rattled off the address to his driver before raising the screen again. Reaching across the limo, he pulled a bottle of water out of a hidden mini fridge and handed it over. "I can't verify the virginity or the nuns, but it is bottled."

  Jacob gave a sniff as he took it, to let Guy know he wasn't impressed.

  Nevertheless, he opened the bottle and drank it down. His throat was grateful for the cool liquid. He'd learned over the years to take sustenance where he could find it, because photographers sometimes forgot you were human and not inanimate objects to be moved at their whim.

  Minutes later, they pulled up to the building.

  The driver parked the limo illegally in the fire lane and opened the passenger door.

  "Here you go, Mr Franks."

  "Thank you, Joel. How long will this thing take?" Guy asked Jacob.

  "Several hours. I can catch a cab home."

  "Nonsense. I want to take you to dinner. I've got my computer and my phone. I can work anywhere." Before Jacob could argue, Guy pulled out a computer bag from a pocket in the limo door and exited the vehicle.

  Jacob shot a nervous grin to the driver. Exiting, he wondered how he got himself into these kinds of situations. Luckily, upon entering the studio, he saw his favorite photographer behind the large digital camera. At least one thing was going in his favor.

  "Jacob, my boy." Catching sight of him, Pablo Garza gave Jacob a big smile.

  "Pablo. Long time." Jacob leaned forward to kiss the photographer on the cheeks, only to be yanked back by Guy. "What are you doing?"

  "Watching you kiss someone when you haven't even kissed me yet. I don't think so."

  Jacob rolled his eyes. "I'm so sorry you can't stay," he said through gritted teeth.

  "Oh, I'm staying," Guy said, his blue eyes narrowing. "I'm not going to miss a chance to see you in your underwear."

  "Keep it up and it will be the only time you see me in my underwear," Jacob vowed.

  Pablo was in his forties, but in amazing shape. He glared at Guy, sizing the other man up. "Is there a problem here?"

  "I'm not letting Jacob out of my sight. We have a dinner engagement planned."

  "You can pick him up in six hours," Pablo said in a dismissive tone.

  "I don't believe we've met." Guy's voice should've frozen the air with its icy edges. "I'm Guy Franks."

  Jacob wouldn't have thought the Spaniard's olive skin could turn that pale.

  "Try not to get in the way of my shot," Pablo said, giving Jacob an uneasy look. "Jacob, I'm sending you to hair and makeup, then I want you to get into the underwear. For your first shot, you're going to stand on that platform, which we'll set on fire. It will be a fabulous backdrop against your skin."

  Jacob looked over the scene. "Cool." He leveled an even stare at Guy. "Sit over there and don't disturb anyone. If you're a good boy, I'll let you take me to dinner. I make no promises for after."

  "I'm beginning to think I'll have to marry you to get into your pants," Guy growled.

  Jacob laughed. Guy was so adorable, looking all disgruntled. "That's right. I'm the type to wait until the wedding."

  Still laughing, he headed to the dressing area.

  * * * *

  Guy watched Jacob's tight ass as he walked away.

  "If you hurt him, I will find a way to get even with you," the photographer said. Guy turned to meet the photographer's unfriendly glare. Guy could feel the magic pulsing from Pablo. The man had old magic, but Guy was stronger.

  "You got designs on him yourself?" There was a hint of otherkind about the photographer, but as he didn't sense Jacob felt attraction towards Pablo, Guy dismissed the photographer as possible competition.

  Pablo shook his head. "I have a long time partner, but Jacob is dear to my heart. I've been shooting that boy since he was a newbie who didn't know how to position his body. Even then I knew Jacob was special. Even if he wasn't charmed, he'd be stunning."

  Something about the way Pablo said charmed made Guy stop. "What do you mean charmed?"

  Pablo laughed. "You mean you haven't figured it out yet? I've never met a man who had stronger charm magic than Jacob. He doesn't even know he's using it. From what I've squeezed out of him over the years, his father left before he was born and his mother became a drug addict to cope with his father's desertion. I've always thought his mama slept with something not human and went insane after Jacob's birth. Listen to him talk about his childhood some time; it's heartbreaking. She's one of those earth worshippers and swung from total obsession over Jacob to barely acknowledging his existence. She has serious issues, and I know he still sends her money every month to keep a roof over her head."

  Although he appreciated Pablo giving him insight into Jacob's childhood, Guy took a moment to give a warning of his own. "Thanks for telling me about Jacob's mother, but you should know, if you singe even one hair on his head, I will make sure you go out of business. Do we understand each other?"

  "Perfectly." The photographer relented a little at the look in Guy's eyes. "It will be a controlled flame along that track, but in the photos, it will look like the entire stage is on fire. I wouldn't risk one of my models, especially not Jacob. Besides, you haven't seen him in action. Even if the entire stage caught on fire, he would walk out unscathed. We had a catwalk collapse last year. Three models broke their legs. The only other one who fell was Jacob. There wasn't a scratch on him."

  "Let's not test that theory again." Guy nodded to Pablo, only partly mollified. He didn't care if Jacob's magic rendered him safe. He didn't want to take the chance. Magic wasn't always reliable.

  Guy carried his laptop over to a quiet corner to work. He needed to send his status report to the council and do some research on the murder victim. Despite his backlog of work, his gaze repeatedly scanned the room to look for the one man he knew deep inside was his mate.

  A fluttery man in a pair of black jeans and a red pirate shirt rushed around, ordering people here and there. He kept running from model to model, adjusting this and that until Jacob walked out and everyone stopped in their tracks.

  Black boxer briefs had never looked so good.

  Even after seeing Jacob's chest only a few minutes before, the impact of seeing Jacob's body again made Guy harder than steel. If things stayed on track, soon he would see all the delicious bits in between.

  Guy's nerves kicked in when they set the stage on fire and Jacob stepped on top of it.

  It was ridiculous the amount of worry caused by a man he barely knew.

  He watched with amazement as the beautiful, but unassuming, man he'd met last night became a creature of complete sensuality, a being of fire.

  He'd meant to do some work while he waited for Jacob, but Guy couldn't tear his eyes away from the scene.

  A soft voice spoke beside him. "He's amazing, isn't he?" Guy turned to see a handsome man at his side. The other man had dark hair, blue eyes, and wore nothing but a pair of blue-striped boxers. If he hadn't already met Jacob, Guy would've thought this new man was stunning, but Guy's magic didn't even spark with interest.

  "Yeah, he's amazing," Guy agreed.

  "Nice too," the other man said, but his tone had a sneering quality Guy didn't like.

  "Yes, he is," Guy growled.

  "I'm a better lay though. Jacob keeps his knees locked tighter than a virgin on her wedding night. I'd be a better bet if you want a wild time tonight."

  Anger burned throug
h Guy's system. No one belittled his Jacob. Magic crackled through Guy's body, stinging his skin. It took effort to hold it back and not fry the bastard where he stood.

  "Who are you?" he demanded.

  The man preened a bit. "Gregor Natali."

  "Well, Gregor, if you ever want to work again, I'd suggest you don't speak poorly about my future husband." He made sure to add a threatening tone to his voice; a man protecting his mate didn't mess around. Gregor may be hot shit in the modeling world, but in the real world, he was a punk who threatened Guy's man. It took Guy a moment to realize his magic had already accepted the young model as his mate.

  The smug man lost his smile. "What is it about that guy?" he asked in disgust. "He's just another pretty face."

  "No," Guy said, letting magic trickle into his eyes until he could feel the power burning his pupils and knew they glowed. He'd done the same trick many times to good effect. "You're just another pretty face. Jacob is mine."

  Gregor's eyes went wide with fear.

  "Gregor, get your ass over here," Pablo yelled. The photographer's voice lacked any of the affection he lavished on Jacob. Guy could see why that would grate on the other man's nerves, but it didn't excuse Gregor from being a jerk.

  Gregor rushed to leave Guy's side and went up on the stage to stand where directed.

  "Jacob, honey, put your hand on Gregor's shoulder and give me that same hot look you had a minute ago." The man in the black pants was apparently the designer. That didn't make Guy feel any better about the man touching Jacob's bare skin to position him. He thought there was more contact than necessary.

  Guy smiled at the look in Gregor's eyes.

  The other model scowled at Pablo, while Jacob, the consummate professional, put his hand where requested and delivered the shot.

  "Gregor, stop frowning, unless you can do it sexier. You're ruining my shot," Pablo shouted.

  The man in the black jeans stepped forward and repositioned both men.

  "Yes, that's perfect. Lean forward, beautiful."

  Both men looked at him.

  "Sorry. I meant Jacob. I think of you more as handsome, Gregor."

  Neither man looked pleased with the assessment. Apparently, even models were sensitive about their looks, maybe especially because they were models and it was their trade.


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