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Candidate (Selected Book 4)

Page 15

by Robin Roseau

  "Dark Skies offered almost a perfect handicap," Jasmine explained. "I cannot make promises on your chances to win, and I cannot promise you won't occasionally be hurt, but you won't fight with power staffs again, or anything like them. I don't promise no combat at all, but the weapons would be padded. As you can guess, certain types of challenges are popular."

  "I do not believe it is fair I lose the right to wear clothing when my chance of winning is so low."

  "Which is why you have been given odds," Jasmine replied. "You lose a privilege for one day but you gain a privilege for three."

  I considered carefully. "All right," I said. "For now. Now we have the real reason I asked you to call me."

  "Jessica Maple was not the real reason, or your desire to call me a voyeur?"

  "Are you still watching me, Jasmine? I think if you get to see mine, I should get to see yours."

  "We'll see about that," she replied.

  "Administrator Brighteyes, you have at least two personnel issues, and depending upon how you count it, three."

  She paused then said softly, "I know."

  "Dark Skies talked to me at length."

  "I know. Please do not be offended, but I monitored your call."

  I sighed. "Of course you did. Do we need to discuss it?"

  "Her heart is in the right place."

  "It is," I agreed.

  "Octals are unaccustomed to dealing with conflict or determining motivational tools. She would be good at the technical aspects of an event coordinator, but not the relationship aspects."

  "And so?" I asked.

  "I believe I will tell her I need her doing what she is good at."

  "Clover," I said. "I know you can't release her without a replacement, but could you give her some time off? You're near the end of your two-week cycle."

  "This is our busiest time. We're preparing for our next cycle."

  "Can you teach me?"

  "Not in a few days."

  "What about by the end of the next cycle?"

  "Are you offering in anticipation of a negotiation?"

  "Excuse me?"

  "Perhaps you expect additional privileges." She stressed the last word.

  "You're the one offering to tie disparate conversations together, Administrator, not me. Do you want my help or not? Can you teach me or not?" I sighed. "Are the files, or whatever you need to do, even in English?"

  "I can teach you," she replied. "I don't know if I can teach you before the end of the next cycle. But teaching you takes time, and I need to know you aren't going to consume that time and then not help."

  "I will ignore the insult to my integrity, Administrator. Between the two of us, who will win a battle of wills?"

  "If we enter into such a battle, there are two losers, Andromeda. You would lose more than I would, but we both lose."

  "Do you want to teach me or not?" I asked crisply.

  "Yes, I want to teach you."

  "I won't blackmail you, Administrator. I consider my job and my status as your unwilling mating candidate separate."

  "Do you intend to swim in the morning?"

  "I can be flexible."

  "Could you swim before breakfast?"


  "I'll see you after breakfast. Good night, Andromeda."

  "Good night, Jasmine."

  * * * *

  A few minutes later, I lay on my back, incredibly self-conscious without any clothing or blankets. "She could have let me have the blanket," I muttered.

  The lights were a little bright, and I'd found no way to control them. But I realized I could do a great deal with the visor, and so I searched for the brightness controls. I discovered not only the visor had brightness controls, but they were actually quite smart. I could program a different brightness based not only on time of day, but location and even my orientation.

  I told it I were in my cell and lying down, to dim the lights significantly. And it did.

  And that was when I noticed I had an unobtrusive green dot in the upper left corner. It had been there all day, and I'd never gotten to it. I had new mail, and it had been there all day.

  I opened mail. There were three letters waiting for me, one from Cherish, the Tutor I had met swimming. The other two were from Soft Rain, the female Wookie.

  I read the one from Cherish first.

  Andromeda Hayes,

  I found pleasure in our swim today. Would you welcome my company for future swims?


  I wrote back.

  Hello, Cherish,

  My apologies for the delayed response. It has been a busy day, and I am still growing accustomed to the visor. I only now read your email.

  I also enjoyed your company. Yes, I would welcome future company, either in the pool or elsewhere. I will be swimming earlier tomorrow, before breakfast, but do not know my schedule after that.

  I hope I'll see you, if not tomorrow, then another day.


  Then I opened the two emails from Soft Rain, the Wookie.

  Andromeda Hayes,

  It was my pleasure to meet you today.

  Soft Rain

  Well, that was short and sweet. Her second was only slightly longer.

  Andromeda Hayes,

  Thank you for your help today. Fine Mist finds his mating candidate quite enchanting, and she has already made encouraging comments to him. I am nearly as pleased as he is, and I believe she is also pleased.

  We watched your challenge this afternoon. You fought well and far better than Fine Mist and I expected. While you did not win, I still congratulate you for a fine performance.

  I wonder if you would accept a similar challenge from me.

  Soft Rain

  I read that through twice, thinking carefully. Then I crafted my reply.

  Hello, Soft Rain,

  I apologize for the delay. I am still learning to use the visor.

  I wish to say something about Emma. She has had a difficult life. If your brother treats her with kindness and love, I believe she will be positively responsive. She requires safety, security, and someone who will not misplace her trust.

  I enjoyed our time together, and I would enjoy more of your company. But I wish clarification. Are you inviting me to a challenge for the joy of competition? Or are you inviting me to a challenge as a portion of spending time together?

  If only the former, then I will accept if we can find challenges more suited to both of us.

  If the latter, then I am somewhat more flexible, and I would enjoy spending time with you.

  Either way, I do not care for more challenges exactly like today's. The power staff hurts and I am not a warrior.

  You are in my thoughts,


  * * * *

  The visor woke me gently. I opened my eyes, still lying on my side, and immediately I saw I had new mail.

  I'd programmed the visor to offer it's most insistent indicator, but I would be turning that down. A flashing mailbox in the dead center of my vision was annoying.

  I had email from Jessica, Cherish, Soft Rain, and Dark Skies. Jessica thanked me for last night, admitted she was confused with her desires, but asked if I would accept another challenge and subsequent evening together for the day after tomorrow. I read the other emails then replied. "I can't wait."

  Cherish confirmed she would see me at the pool.

  Dark Skies thanked me for our conversation yesterday and invited me to lunch today. I replied with, "I do not know what Administrator Brighteyes has in mind for me, but I would enjoy a shared meal any time our schedules mesh."

  Soft Rain wrote:

  Hello, Andromeda,

  My desire is for the latter. I would like a challenge followed by shared time together. Would you be available today? Will you let our challenge be a hunt?

  Soft Rain

  I smiled.

  Good morning, Soft Rain,

  I do not know my schedule, but I will accept your challenge whenever Jasmine
Brighteyes allows. I presume you wish me to hunt you, and I will be given some sort of net gun to use when I catch you.

  For any challenge between us, I require a sufficient advantage as to have a fair chance to perform well.

  For terms, if you win our challenge, then I am yours for the evening. If I win, then you are mine.

  I look forward to seeing you,


  I read that through a few times before mailing it. I knew she really meant she intended to hunt me, but I enjoyed the idea of teasing her.

  Finally I sat up, stretched, and then realized the nook was open. A robe waited for me. I climbed to my feet and collected the robe, hugging it for a moment. "Thank you, Jasmine."

  I slipped it on and padded to the glass wall.

  * * * *

  My locker contained a surprise. Two surprises, actually. Hanging neatly were two swimsuits, one a bikini, the other a one piece. I stared at them then pulled them both from the locker, and like I had with the robe, I hugged them to me, caressing my face with the fabric of the one piece. I felt myself on the edge of tears, which I shoved back only because it was ridiculous. She let me have a swimsuit. It was no big deal.

  I don't know if I convinced myself, but I didn't cry.

  "Thank you, Jasmine," I whispered again. Words appeared in my visor.

  When you're done, leave it with your damp towels.

  I dressed quickly, selecting the one piece today. I showered then headed for the pool.

  It was empty, the water absolutely still. No one had been swimming for hours. I stared at the smooth water. It was almost a shame to disturb it.

  I backed up and made a running dive, slicing into the water cleanly.

  I wasn't alone for long. Others began arriving almost immediately. But I swam my laps and ignored them.

  But then underneath me, swimming on her back, was Cherish. I reached the end of the pool and waited for her to surface.

  "You have earned a privilege, even though you lost your challenge."

  "Good morning, Cherish." I caressed the suit. "Yes. I believe Administrator Brighteyes seeks to convince me she is not the voyeur I believe her to be."

  What Administrator Brighteyes granteth, Administrator Brighteyes can taketh away.

  I laughed at the words.

  "I have a confession, Andromeda."


  "Administrator Brighteyes is not the only voyeur."

  I laughed again. "Have you been watching me, too?"

  "A little. Swim with me." She collected a hand and pushed off from the side, but we swam slowly, on our sides facing each other. "You are becoming popular. It appears if I wish some of your time, I must challenge you."

  "I didn't think Tutor enjoyed the challenges."

  "We wish a willing mate," she said. "But that does not mean we are immune to the allure of these challenges."

  "And so you wish to hunt me as well?"

  "I might prefer a more intellectual challenge."

  I laughed. "If it is a fair challenge, I will accept."


  "I give you the same offer I gave Soft Rain. If you win, then I am yours for the evening, but if I win, then you are mine."

  She grunted. It sounded quite like a piglet grunting, but I decided it was laughter. "I agree to your terms. I will schedule an opportunity for us."

  "Good," I said.

  "Would you care to swim as we did yesterday, at least until others arrive, and I must share you?"

  "I would."

  I don't know if a signal passed between us, but together we both dived to the bottom. Then she reached over and took my hand, and we swam from end to end, holding hands and surfacing for air at each end.

  We did that for a while. Then we surfaced. She waited for me to take a breath, but then she sank, pulling me down with her. I let her, and she pulled me into her arms under the water. We sank to the bottom, looking at each other.

  Cherish caressed my face. I reached up and cupped her cheek. But then I pointed to the surface, and she nodded.

  When we popped up, Dark Skies was sitting on the edge of the pool, directly above us. "What were you two doing down there?"

  I looked up at her. "A challenge. Cherish won."

  "A challenge?"

  "Who can hold her breath the longest? She won a tight hug."

  * * * *

  Back in my cell, I sat back on the bed, pulling the robe tight around me and leaning against the wall. How many aliens were competing for my attention?

  I didn't even begin counting before the visor began flashing an angry red and buzzing at me.

  "What's wrong?" I called out. "What is it?"

  "Mating candidate Andromeda Hayes," said Jasmine into my ears. "You are in violation of our agreement!"

  "What agreement? I'm in my cell. Breakfast isn't due for another few minutes."

  "You lost your challenge yesterday and are not permitted clothing in your cell until 5 PM tonight."

  "I'm sorry! I forgot. I'm sorry!" I pulled the robe off as quickly as I could and ran to the nook, shoving it in. The nook swallowed it immediately. "I'm sorry, Administrator. It wasn't intentional." But I crossed my arms over my chest and crossed my legs, trying to hide my nudity.

  "Move to the center of the cell facing forward, feet shoulder width apart and laced fingers on top of your head."

  "I'm sorry," I said. I scrambled into position. "I'm sorry."

  "Remain in this position until breakfast arrives."

  And so I stood there. It wasn't a long period, but I spent the entire time wondering if she was going to punish me for it.

  It wasn't until I was nearly done with breakfast that I realized how quickly I was submitting to her authority, scrambling when she ordered me to do so, apologizing for infractions that shouldn't even exist. And I'd only been here a few days.

  * * * *

  She didn't return the robe. It took me two minutes of the visor telling me it was time to go before I could step to the wall, and then I hurried to the dressing room.

  I didn't see anyone, but running around in my birthday suit was intimidating.

  Yes, Jasmine Brighteyes was good at keeping me off balance.

  The visor didn't direct me to a control room. It directed me to a conference room. Jasmine was already there when I arrived.

  "I'm sorry," I said. "It wasn't intentional. I swear."

  "You can program the visor to remind you," she said. "If it happens again, there will be a more significant punishment than displaying yourself to the cameras for five minutes."

  "Oh my god," I said, immediately blushing. "Are you serious?"

  "Quite so," she replied.

  "Was anyone watching?"

  She snuffle-laughed. "Oh, yes. You are becoming popular, Andromeda Hayes. And I added the video to your bio."

  I stared at her, my mouth opening and closing several times. I knew I was beet red. Finally I asked in a small voice, "Why would you do that? Why do you insist on humiliating me? Why do you offer me a portion of dignity only to take even far more away?"

  I didn't wait for her to answer. I turned on my heel and walked three steps back to the wall, but the door didn't reappear even when I stood with my nose practically touching it.

  I stared at the wall, willing it to open. When nothing happened, and Administrator Brighteyes remained silent, I said, still in a low tone, "It was a mistake to agree to work for you, and it was a mistake to accept our basic agreement. I wish to return to my cell and will await the opportunity to kill whatever male you decide to let rape me."

  "You're being hyperbolic."

  "You're right. You'll probably drug me out of my skull first, so you'll mind rape me first, then let the male rape my body. Will you watch him do it, Administrator? You seem to enjoy watching helpless human women in their humiliation. What a refined, mature species you represent."

  I heard her moving across the room, coming to a stop to my right just at the edge of my peripheral vision. I refused
to turn my head to look at her.

  "You are the only one who feels you have been humiliated or degraded."

  "Every human woman here agrees with me."

  "I do not feel you have been humiliate or degraded," she clarified. "And the people who see the video do not, either."

  I turned my head. She was turned, facing me, and her expression, if it had been human, would have qualified as one of gentle concern.

  "I should not have expressed my pleasure the way I did," she continued. "Yes, there is a certain pleasure that you obeyed me. And yes, I like looking at you. Do you like looking at me? I am told my eyes are quite pretty. Some women call them beautiful. I believe you did so. Some women call me beautiful."

  "Now you're bragging?"

  "I have admitted that I enjoy looking at you, and I am trying to reach a point. Do you enjoy looking at me?"

  "Not right now I don't."

  "And at other times?"

  "Why did you do it?"

  "I am stirring up interest in you. Alien politics are involved. You are an experiment, Andromeda."

  "Well, nudies of me should help."

  "Humans are one of the few species who wear clothing for modesty. The people viewing the videos find nothing extraordinary about that, except they are allowed to see you more completely. Tell me, if you were going to look at pictures of a Wookie, would you rather she be entirely clothed or naked?"

  "That's different."

  "Because she has fur? To us, that is a difference of appearance but not a reason you should require clothing for modesty."

  "Except for the furry species, every alien I've seen is clothed."

  "We wear clothing for fashion, for protection from the elements, and because humans grow upset if they see us without them."

  I turned to face her full on. "Fine. You've seen mine. Let's see yours."

  She folded her arms, watching me. I mirrored her then cocked out a hip to boot.

  "All right," she said. Without a pause she bent down and removed both shoes, setting them aside. The skirt was next, and then the undies. I couldn't believe she was doing it, but I didn't take my eyes away, either.

  She had nice legs, but I wasn't going to tell her that.

  The blouse was last. She unbuttoned it, and then she said, "Some humans react badly to this."

  "Let's see it," I replied.

  She slipped the blouse from her shoulders and let it drop to the floor behind her. And then she uncurled four tentacles from where they had rested against her body, and they arrayed around her, the tips waving lightly.


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