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Candidate (Selected Book 4)

Page 50

by Robin Roseau

  I stared her down, and she dropped her gaze first. "I do not want a slave," she said quietly. "I need a mate." She turned to Ferny. "I would like if it were you."

  "Ferny, what do you think? She's not at all what you ever envisioned for a partner."

  "She's kind of butch."

  I laughed. "You like understatements, don't you?"

  "I like butch," she said. "I like her," she said. "But I've met people I've liked before who have turned into royal bitches. If she's a royal bitch, she can squish me like a bug."

  "I would never!" said the Luxan. "Ferny, I couldn't possibly hurt you."

  "She doesn't know that, Abby," I said. "A human woman your size, if she has a temper... Did you see my challenge with the Implac?"

  "I would never!"

  "How is she supposed to know that, Abby? She didn't even know your species existed two days ago. I know your species is capable of a great deal of empathy. But I don't know if the individual members are. Can you consider yourself in her position?"

  She turned to Ferny and looked at her. Ferny, in turn, was looking back and forth between the Luxan and me, finally settling back on the Luxan.

  "She's not trying to be insulting," I said in a quiet tone. "But she's scared, Abby. Can you really blame her?"

  "No, I can't. I can only promise, but promises are easy to break, aren't they?"

  "Ferny, this is the fourth Luxan I've met more than casually. The other three were men. And they were each exceedingly gentle and caring. Did they remain that way once they left here? I don't know."

  "I do," said Charo. "I'm smaller and far more delicate than you are, Ferny, and I would trust her. I have Luxan friends. They are very loyal, and they treat me with great delicacy, even if they are rough with each other. We play games, athletic games."

  "You pay sports with them?" Ferny asked. "If I were your size, I'm not sure I'd want to play with humans, much less someone her size."

  "I'd play with the Luxans before I would humans," Charo replied. "I know the Luxans will watch out for me. Some humans would, too, but not all of them."

  Ferny turned back to face the Luxan. "What about children? Andromeda said you expect us to carry them. I don't think I want a Luxan baby coming out my... um... I bet they're huge."

  "Our babies are actually quite small," she said.

  "Small by my standards?" she asked.

  "A human baby is three to less than five kilograms," I said. "Five kilograms causes damage during birth, unless it is delivered surgically. Even three kilograms can cause damage."

  "It is safe," Abby said. "You would have the best medical care in the entire solar system."

  "Do you think I'm stupid?" Ferny asked.

  "When did I say you were stupid?"

  "You didn't answer Andromeda's question. You tried to deflect. Do you think I'm too stupid to notice?"

  "I think everyone needs to calm down," I said.

  "I'm calm," Ferny said. "I want her to answer the question. How big is a Luxan baby?"

  "Small enough?" said the Luxan.

  "How small enough? How many kilograms?"

  "It varies."

  "Over what range."

  "They can be as small as five kilograms."

  "Assuming proper medical care," Ferny said, "and proper nutrition, and no complications, how often are they five kilograms?"

  The Luxan didn't want to answer.

  "Charo, do you know anything about this particular topic?"

  "Not really."

  "Could you please retrieve Jasmine Brighteyes for me?"

  "Of course." She got up.

  As soon as she was gone, I said, "I do not believe this relationship is going to work. Ferny, if you cannot find someone from this two week cycle, I will use whatever influence I have to obtain an extension for you."

  "No!" said the Luxan. "I want her."

  "She has a choice," I said. "And your refusal to offer a straight answer to her legitimate questions has now convinced her she is going to die giving you your first child."

  "I told her it's safe."

  "But you refuse to answer a direct question with a direct answer, which means you know she is going to have a problem with an honest answer. So instead you attempt misdirection."

  That was when Jasmine and Charo arrived. I should have found a way to get rid of Charo longer, as Jasmine heard my last sentence or so.

  "Oh my. An angry Luxan, a human on the edge of tears, and another human who is offering the Luxan her best glare, which she has been practicing on me."

  "Your human accuses me of lying," said the Luxan. "And attempts to keep my mate from me."

  "I'm not your mate yet!" Ferny said. "And if you're going to get all stalkerish about it, I won't become your mate, either."

  "All right," said Jasmine. "Everyone calm down." She grabbed a chair and sat down, and then Charo sat down, taking my arm. I glanced at her but turned my attention back to the Luxan. "Andromeda, did you accuse the Luxan of lying?"

  "No, I accused her of using misdirection to conceal the truth. She seems to think Ferny and I are stupid enough to fall for it."

  "What truth?"

  "The size of a typical Luxan newborn," I said.

  "Six to eight kilograms, sometimes a little more. Why should that be such a secret?"

  "Eight kilograms?" squeaked Ferny. "I'm not pooping out an eight-kilogram baby."

  "Of course you're not," Jasmine said. "Once the child is big enough to be viable, we would either induce labor or take the child surgically."


  "Our version, yes," Jasmine said. "It's perfectly safe, and even if you give birth naturally, there is no pain. We wouldn't allow you to be hurt, Ferny."

  Ferny looked at her. "Are you sure, Administrator Brighteyes?"

  "Of course I'm sure," she said. "You couldn't possibly give natural birth to even an average Luxan baby. It would tear you to pieces, and I'm not sure you would make it, even with our technology. Do you think Abby would let you die during childbirth?"

  "I didn't know. She wouldn't explain."

  "I told you it was safe."

  "But you didn't tell me any of that," Ferny replied.

  "Why is that, Abby?" I asked.

  "I'm a pilot and fight instructor!" she said. "What do I know about all this? I just know it's safe. I didn't know the details."

  "Why didn't you just say so?"

  "I was embarrassed," she admitted. "And I don't always think fast on my feet." She turned back to Ferny. "I'd take good care of you, and I'm not stupid, but when I'm put on the spot like that, sometimes I freeze. I'm a good pilot. I don't freeze like that when flying. But socially, I freeze."

  I looked between everyone at the table. Ferny had physically withdrawn from the Luxan, but she wasn't yelling or trying to run away. "Ferny," I said. "Do you know what you want to do? Do you need your mate to be as smart as you are?"

  "She's not stupid," Ferny said. "But if she doesn't know something she needs to admit it so we can figure it out. It felt like she was trying to lie to me." She turned to the Luxan. "If you think I'm going to put up with being lied to, you can find someone else."

  "I won't! I wasn't trying to lie."

  "Ferny, do you want her to ask you on a date?"

  Ferny eyed the Luxan. "A date isn't binding, right? It's just a date, like a human date?"

  "Right," I said. "Luxan, did you hear me?"

  "I heard you."

  "And I get to wear real clothes," Ferny said. "I'm not going on a date in my underwear!"

  "Yes," said Jasmine. "I will provide proper clothing. It will not be jeans and a hoodie."

  "What will it be?"

  "Probably a dress."

  "What if I suggested I like to wear leather?"

  "We're in Africa, Ferny," I said. "Are you sure leather is a good idea?"

  "Oh. No, perhaps not. But the last time I wore a dress was in Sunday school, and I refused to go once I hit 12 and realized how stupid it was."

bsp; "Wearing the dress, or Sunday school?" Charo asked. "What is Sunday school?"

  "Sunday school is on Sunday mornings," explained Ferny. "And it's when they try to indoctrinate human children into their Christian religious cult."

  "Oh, zing!" I said, and held up a hand to Ferny for a high-five.

  "And both are stupid," Ferny added. "Although I meant Sunday school."

  "Ferny, you have great legs," I said. "Really nice legs."

  "And a good butt, too," Charo added. "I noticed earlier."

  Ferny climbed partway out of her chair and looked at her own ass. There were some smirks, but no one flat out laughed. "I think I'm kind of scrawny."

  "I think you're perfect," Abby said.

  "I suppose you think I'm going to wear a dress during these challenges, too. And probably high heels, jewelry, and makeup." She made a face.

  "Not during the challenges."

  "I'm not wearing high heels! Ever. Get that idea out of your head right now."

  "I'd love to see you in a dress," Abby said.

  "No heels. I mean it."

  "All right, Ferny. Will you let me take you to dinner tomorrow night?"

  "That means out of the cell, right?"


  "I'm I going to get carted around in chains?"

  I turned to Jasmine. I already knew the answer, but we always negotiated a little to let the women think they won something.

  "What am I offered?" Jasmine asked.

  "I'll wear the damn dress. With flats. But I'm not putting on any makeup."

  "The dress I pick for you?"

  "You're not going to make me look like a hooker, are you?"

  "That's slang for a sex worker," I said. It wasn't the first time Jasmine had heard the word, but I wasn't sure about the others.

  "It will be a nice summer dress fitting the climate, expected weather, and venue for your date. Perhaps a cocktail dress."

  She looked at me. "What's that?" Ah, she was young.

  "Have you heard of a Little Black Dress?"

  "Yeah, my roommates had them." She made a face. "Fine. They looked hot, but they were straight and got mad if I stared." She turned to Ferny. "If you stare at my legs, I'll..." She trailed off.

  "You'll what?" Jasmine asked.

  "Cross them."

  Everyone snickered at that.

  "I do not see how crossing your legs is punishment for staring at them," Abby said.

  "It's a human thing," Ferny said. "If I cross my legs it means something important."

  "What is that?"

  "That I wanted to cross my legs," she said. "And maybe swing one. One of my roommates was a real bitch. She's sit in her chair studying, then if she caught me sneaking peeks, she'd cross her legs and swing one. I'd have to leave if I wanted to get any studying done."

  I guffawed. "I had someone do that to me once. But it was at work. I was so embarrassed."

  "If you cross your legs and swing one," said the Luxan. "Do you know what I will do?"


  "Stare at them."

  "You want to objectify me."

  "You objectified your roommate," said Charo. "And you weren't offering to become her mate and take her to the stars."

  "Oh, sure," said Ferny. "Double team me. You kind of look a little like a fox."

  "My species is called Kitsune."

  "Oh. Cool. Mythical Japanese fox. That's cool. It fits." Ferny turned back to Abby. "I don't put out on the first date."

  "She means," I started to say.

  "I know what she means," said Abby. "Do you hold hands on the first date?"

  "Yeah, I guess."

  "Do you kiss on the first date?"

  "Like a make out session, or a good night kiss?"

  "Maybe a hello kiss and a long good night kiss. If all I'm going to get is a little peck, I might not pick as nice a restaurant."

  "Ha. Funny. The duration and intensity of any good night kisses will depends on how much I like the way you treat me."

  "Would you like to dance?"

  "I'd love to."

  We watched them go, then Charo said, "Okay, she's cute. She's smart. I think I like her. But wow! She's young."

  I laughed. "She's going to run rings around the Luxan. Jasmine, I don't know if this is a good match."

  "Are you kidding?" Jasmine asked. "The Luxan is already head over heels, as you say. And while male Luxan do not, female Luxan, um. Cheat."

  "Cheat?" asked Charo. "I have never know a Luxan to cheat at anything."

  "She means they emit pheromones, like an Octal, but I presume far weaker."

  "Oh. Yeah they do that," Charo said. "Why is that cheating? It helps to cement the relationship. I envy them that."

  "Long story," I said.

  "My point is Ferny's resolve will be wavering by the end of this dance. The Luxan isn't stupid, Andromeda, but she's young, too. They will have a good life together."

  "We have to put them back on the challenge list."

  "We can handle it," Jasmine said. "Andromeda, you are confined to this room unless you are shackled and led by a guard, unless Charo takes you instead. Charo, she must be blinded when you escort her through the facility. You have authority over her visor."

  "What?" I squeaked.

  "Am I obligated to return her to her cell?"

  "You are responsible she returns there by breakfast, and you may find she becomes testy if she doesn't get her morning swim. Good evening, both of you."

  We watched Jasmine go, then I turned back to Charo.

  "Tell me, Andromeda. Do you put out on the first date?"

  "I've been known to."

  She stood, and I was blinded before we even made it to the door.

  * * * *

  It was some time later that we lay together. I'd shown her mine; she had shown me hers. And then she had demonstrated something that human women attempted, but, in my experience anyway, never worked. But when she did it, it worked, and it worked quite well. Then a little later, she'd shown me a few other things she could do, and a few things I could do.

  And I felt really, really good.

  "I wish an agreement," she said.

  "I agree that was amazing."

  "I do, too, but that is not the agreement I wish. I am aware of your status. I know you are Jasmine Brighteyes' experiment. She asked me, through my mother, not to interfere."

  "What does that mean?"

  "It means I am not to ask for an exclusive arrangement nor a hasty decision."


  "I will remain on Earth, at least for a while. I will go back and forth from this place. When I am here, I expect you to have time for me."

  "My other duties-"

  "I understand those duties. I will work within your schedule, and I will coordinate. But you will give me your attention and not ask me to share you when I am here."

  "And then you will stay here, and Jasmine will grow angry?"

  "No. I will come for a few days at a time. I will spend the rest of my time learning who I must influence for permission for my colony."

  "All right," I said.

  "I wish us to spend the day together tomorrow."

  "I am needed. My duties-"

  "I have offered my assistance. Jasmine Brighteyes tells me you can teach me how to drive the cameras, which will free you for other tasks."

  "All right," I said again. "I'd like that."

  "And tomorrow night, you will also be wearing a little black dress. And I will stare at your legs. You will proceed to cross them and wave one. And I will stare some more."

  I laughed. "Maybe your legs are the ones that will receive attention."

  "I believe we would be good mates, Andromeda. I was worried about this part."

  "I think this part has worked out quite well, but I was also worried. I'm not anymore."

  "I must tell you something. I can be quite the hedonist."

  "I think I can handle that."

  "I must tell you one more thing."
r />   "Oh?"

  "I really, really enjoyed our initial conversation."

  I stilled. "You did, did you?"

  "Am I clear?"

  "You think you're going to do that to me again, do you?"

  "I do. Do you doubt my ability?"

  "No. Do you doubt my ability to get pissed off?"

  "Did you just say 'no'?"

  "Not necessarily."

  "Will you speak clearly?"

  I considered it for a minute. "If you want to do that to me, then for now, you're going to have to win challenges."

  "For now?"

  "Maybe I'll decide I like it. Or maybe I'll decide I hate it."

  "Oh, I can answer that."

  "If you ambush me, I will probably become angry. If you win in a challenge, it will be fun. We have a level of trust, but that's more trust, Charo. Help me learn to trust you, and you might not need to win a challenge. But you will always have to ask."

  She caressed my face. "When you win, you are not getting the same agreement. Think of something else."

  "I enjoy being pampered," I said. "You may offer different styles of pampering."

  "That is good," she said. "Will you go to dinner with me tomorrow?"

  "I would love to. Inform Dark Skies. She manages my schedule as a mating candidate. Now, there's something I enjoyed doing to you, and I think I'm going to do it again." Then I began kissing my way down. Soon, she was squirming.

  * * * *

  Something was crawling on my face. I brushed it away. It flew away, but then came back. I slapped at it, encountering a hand.

  I opened my eyes, and Charoite was leaning over me, brushing some of my own hair across my face.

  "Wake up, Andie. You have time to swim before breakfast."

  I smiled. "I could get exercise another way." I reached for her, but she captured my hands, and I let her press them to the bed beside my head.

  "Kitsune swim," she said. "And I have heard you swim naked."

  "You've seen everything, and I bet you've seen a certain video besides. But I only swim naked once per batch, and you missed it. If you want to see it, you need to be here in just under two weeks from today."

  "I do not know if I will allow you to continue to swim in this fashion."

  "You just told me you wanted to come watch. And it's not your decision. That decision belongs to Jasmine Brighteyes and me."


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