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Hunt, Delilah - Wyoming Triple Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 12

by Delilah Hunt

  So why the hell was Anna-Sue trying to be all cozy with her now, and more important, which one of her men gave that bitch the phone number to the ranch?

  Lexie headed down into the basement. The entire area had been converted into a gaming room and lounge.

  “Anna-Sue just called,” she yelled across the room.

  The men were shirtless, abs and biceps rippling with muscles. Lexie bit back a sigh. God she loved their bodies, even when they paid no attention to her because of their obsession with playing pool.

  “Who’s that?” Owen mumbled, rotating his wide shoulder before leaning over the pool table, cue in hand. Connor shrugged and her gaze drifted to the jeans, low slung over his hips and that muscular V-shaped cut leading downward. Logan stood off to the side, stroking his chin, biceps flexing with the subtle movement.

  Their disinterest should piss her off, but if anything, it warmed her heart. It was peaceful to watch them, well, just be themselves without catering to her all the time. Not that she minded being spoiled.

  If only this whole love business was as simple as watching them play. Then again, it wasn’t like any of them had mentioned the L-word to her yet. Love. Lexie was sure that was what she felt for them. So much so that she wanted to let them know. But did she really want to be the one to say it first? Put her heart on the line for three men who treated her like gold. Men who, the thought of her not being with them, left her gasping for air. Were they worth the risk?


  “Do you want a game, Lexie?” Connor asked, ready to hand over his cue.

  She shook her head. “No. I’m more interested in knowing where the crown jewels of Circle-K are hidden so I can place my mom’s necklace with them.” She flashed them a smile. “Who thinks Lexie’s more important than a game of pool?”

  Connor gave her a guilty smile. “Not right now, baby, I’m about to serve it up to Logan.”

  Owen pocketed a ball then rose. “Come on. I’m getting tired of beating those two losers anyway. It’s getting embarrassing now.” He draped his arm around her shoulders, leading her up the stairs to the main floor.

  “You have the necklace with you?”

  She nodded. “It’s in my pocket. I’d hate to lose it, so I figured it’ll be safest with your stuff, especially if someone tries to take it away from me again.”

  “We’re not going to let that happen. I know you’re thinking about those two shitheads, but you need to stop.”

  “How can I? Warren is out roaming the streets alongside his daddy, and you guys still didn’t get the tape back to pinpoint them.”

  “That’s no reason for you to be afraid all the time. We’d do anything for you, Lexie. I wish you wouldn’t give those bastards a second thought. Promise me you’ll stop worrying.”

  “I promise.”

  Owen rubbed his thumb on her cheek. “That’s my girl.”

  Lexie turned. “So where’s the treasure box?” she asked, biting her tongue to keep from blurting out how much she loved him.

  Owen guided her into the room Logan had told her belonged to their father. Ross Kincaid’s private space and collection room.

  “Whew!” Lexie whistled. There was artwork on the wall befitting a museum than a house neck-deep in cattle country. “No wonder you guys didn’t show this to me earlier. Everything looks so damn valuable.”

  Owen laughed. “That means you have to close your eyes so you can’t see where I’m taking the box from.”

  She frowned. “You really want me to?”

  “I was joking,” he said. “There’s nothing I’ll hide from you.”

  She swallowed and nodded. “I’m working on that, too, just so you know—not hiding things. I have something to tell you when I find the right time.”

  “Take as long as you need. We’re not going anywhere and neither are you.”

  He drew back a large double closet door revealing a safe built into the concrete wall. A few digits pressed into a keypad and the safe snapped open.

  “What the heck do you guys keep in there?”

  “Important stuff. Mostly what’s been passed down the Kincaid line. Some big dollars worth of items from the 1800s.” He pulled out one of the boxes and uncovered the lid.

  “Damn, I didn’t realize people in real life owned all these things.”

  He grinned. “I think a lot of bribery had to be done back in those days to keep the women on a ranch out in the middle of nowhere.”

  “Guess so,” she whispered absently. A golden ring encrusted with the biggest diamond she had ever seen held her interest.

  “Whose ring is that?”

  Owen held it up and handed it to her. “It belonged to our great-grandmother.” He laughed and shook his head. “Actually, that’s Logan’s ring you’re holding.”

  Brows arched, she issued him a deadpan stare. “I don’t get it.”

  “Logan was close to our great-grandmother. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was that woman’s son. Anyway, she gave him the ring before she died. I guess Logan was keeping it to give to the woman he plans on marrying.” Owen chuckled and took the ring from her. “Grams must be rolling in her grave now.”

  Why did it hurt so much, although she wasn’t surprised? Lexie clenched her fist over the necklace. “Owen, don’t you want to get married someday?”

  He shrugged. “There’s no point in thinking about that, darlin’. It’s just a piece of paper, right?”

  Wasn’t it more than that? “I don’t know. I always assumed that’s what people do when they’re in love.” She lifted a shoulder. “Whatever, it doesn’t affect me either way.”

  Owen narrowed his eyes, and Lexie snatched her gaze from his, peering into the box instead. “So, where’s your ring?”

  He scrubbed a hand to his jaws. “C’mon, Lexie. I don’t have one.”

  “Why not?

  “Because I’m not in the market for a wife, all right? You know that doesn’t come into play with the four of us.”

  Lexie sighed. “I know that, but don’t you want your own woman? Someone you don’t have to share with your brothers. Someone you can marry, have kids with, and know without a doubt they’re yours. A woman you can sleep with every night, in the same bed. I can’t provide that to any of you. Those are important things.”

  Owen clasped his arms around her. “What’s this? You’re getting all serious on me. Listen up. I want you. We want you. Nothing else matters. I don’t care how many times you sleep with Connor and Logan or if all of our children are born with Logan’s temper. Shit, all of them could come out with that freakish birthmark on Connor’s shoulder. Those kids will always have three daddies who love them and their mother.”

  Despite the pain in her heart, she laughed and shoved him. “It’s not freakish. I think it’s cute, looks like a little puddle.”

  “All right, but forget about Connor. Is it getting through your head what I’m telling you?”


  He held out the box for her to put the necklace in. “It had better sink in. You recall my warning about tanning that hide of yours? It’s still in effect.”

  She placed the necklace inside and rose. “You’re out of your mind. The day your hand comes down on my ass is the day all hell breaks loose in this house.”

  “Well, hell, Lexie. Now you’ve got me all hard thinking about the fight you’re gonna put up. I’ll have to fuck you good to make up for the stings, won’t I?”

  She rolled her eyes and walked to the door. “Not going to happen. Keep on dreaming.”

  “Oh, because you’re going to listen to me?” His lips curved into a lopsided grin.

  “Nope. Your brothers would never allow you to lay a hand on me.”

  Owen burst out laughing. “You really think they could stop me from doing whatever it is I want to do with you?”

  No. She’d received the same reaction from Logan and Connor when she suggested to each of them that the other brother would have her back.

take it you boys have been keeping up with your weekly ‘how to handle Alexa’ meetings?”

  “Why else do you think we let you sleep until noon on Saturdays? These meeting take a long time to get over with.”

  “Whatever. I don’t sleep that long,” she muttered. “And if I do, it’s because you guys think Friday nights are a free for all with my body. A girl can get worn out.”

  Owen ushered her out the door. “You can learn to play pool with us to help you relax then. I think it’s high time I teach you how to beat those two at the game. Connor’s probably down there feeling smug ’cause he beat Logan. Know why that is?

  Lexie shook her head, and he continued, “Because I taught him. I tried to give Logan some pointers, but he didn’t want to hear what I had to say. It’s cool though. You and I can team up against them. Are you in?”

  “Can we gloat afterward and make them cook dinner?”

  Owen pushed open the door the basement stairs. “Consider it a requirement.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  “I thought you’d fallen asleep,” he grumbled, rubbing a finger over her nipples.

  “I haven’t. You’ve been pulling on my nipples. I can barely think.”

  “Then stop trying and go to sleep.”

  “I can’t. I’ve been thinking about some stuff.”

  “This doesn’t have anything to do with you and Owen beating me at pool, does it?”

  She turned to him, and her tiny hand wrapped around his waist. “Have you ever thought of getting married?”

  Logan froze, her question catching him out of nowhere. Sure he’d imagined himself settled down by now. But he’d never met anyone he wanted to do that with, except for her.

  “I haven’t.”

  Lexie propped her elbow on the pillow. “I find that hard to believe.”

  “What’s hard to believe? It’s never crossed my mind,” he lied.

  None of them had ever intended to fall in love with the same woman. So what if he would have liked to marry her? He didn’t doubt that Connor or Owen wanted the same. Legally…it was out of the question.

  “I just think it’s strange you head up this humungous ranch, not to mention the factory, and you don’t want a wife to share it with.”

  “I have you and my brothers. That’s enough. Also, you can’t forget we all have equal stake in everything.”

  Did she want to get married? Or maybe she was worried about her future, thinking if they left her she would have nothing.

  Logan turned to her. “Are you worried that we’ll leave you high and dry one day?”

  She crossed her hands behind her head. “As much as I love your money,” she added in a dry voice, “it’s not about that. It doesn’t matter, Logan. You’ve already answered my question.”

  Logan frowned into the dark. Why did he have the sinking feeling he had no idea what her question was? “Honey, do you want to tell me what this is about?”

  She nuzzled his neck. “Nothing to tell, Kincaid. Let’s go to sleep.”

  Logan smiled and kissed the top of her head, inhaling the scent of the orange soap they’d used to shower. “Now I know you’re lying because you’re using the last name.”

  “Even if I am, you’re not dragging it out of me.”

  “We’ll talk about this tomorrow. You know I dislike secrets, and I’m positive you don’t know how to keep one.”

  She grazed her teeth against his chest. “Are you trying to say I talk too much?”

  “I’m trying to say whatever is going on in that head of yours we’ll get it sorted out. I’m not sure what it’s going to take for you to stop questioning our commitment to you.”

  “I already told you I’m not inching for marriage—”

  “I’m aware of what you said. To tell you the truth, if you did want marriage, I’d be scared out of my mind which one of us you would choose. I don’t think any one of us wants to be put through that.”

  “I know.” Her voice came quietly in the dark. “I could never do that to any of you. I wouldn’t even know how to choose.”

  “Because you love all of us the same?” Logan ventured.

  “I thought we were discussing this in the morning?”

  “In the morning it is, just don’t believe I’ll forget about it.”

  * * * *

  Lexie untangled her legs from Logan’s solid thighs, creeping off the bed while making sure his eyes remained shut and his breathing deep. Fast asleep. Lexie hurried into her clothes, closing the drawer louder than necessary. She glanced backward. Logan was still sleeping. Her heart fell.

  Now she had to go through with her plan to leave. Lexie headed down the hallway. She never should have left her mother’s necklace inside the safe. She couldn’t leave without at least checking to see if someone had gone back into the room and left it open. Of course, the chance of that was slim to none. Exactly like the chance of them understanding that this wasn’t going to work out between the four of them.

  Her mother’s cancer had come up on them out of nowhere, crumbling the strength in her father. At least in this situation she saw the warning signs and could avoid the same thing happening to her. Falling into the same mess as her father. And yet, she held on to the hope that at least one of them would wake up and prevent her from stepping out of their lives.

  Resigned, Lexie snuck inside the room, heading straight for the closet. Time to bullshit my way to a combination. If she didn’t try to get the necklace back, later on when she came begging for it, they’d probably tell her to get the hell off their property. She eased open the closet. No surprise the safe was sealed shut.

  “Combined birthdates it is,” she whispered aloud, pressing in the digits. One-six—

  “Guess I should have had you close your eyes after all.”


  A glimmer of joy spread throughout her chest. Lexie whipped her head to the side. Connor was there, too, standing by the doorway. Her stomach dropped at the identical looks of disappointment and undisguised anger on their faces.

  Easing her finger off the touchpad, Lexie forced a playful smile to her lips, “Morning, boys—”

  “Cut the bullshit.” Connor swept past her into the room, checking out the safe. Jesus, out of all the brothers, Connor’s temper was the one she feared the most because he rarely got worked up like Logan and Owen.

  “What’s wrong with you? I just wanted to get my necklace back, that’s all.”

  “After a couple hours?” Owen lifted his eyebrows. “What’s your excuse this time?”

  Lexie cringed at the sarcasm in the endearment. Was she still his darlin’?

  “You think I was trying to steal from you?” She looked between them, forcing the lump past her throat and feeling proud for keeping her voice calm.

  Before either of them could answer, Lexie heard a clearing of throat.


  “What’s going on?” Eyes narrowed, he asked, “Why are you dressed, and why did I wake up without you on the bed.”

  Owen snorted. “Caught her trying to open the safe.”

  “Are you guys fucking kidding me? All I want is my necklace so I can leave.”

  “Leave?” he sneered. “You snuck out of bed so you could creep away before you thought anyone was awake?”

  “Don’t forget attempting to steal a few precious jewels while you’re at it.”

  Logan waved a hand. “I don’t care about the damn safe. You lied to me. To us.”

  “And you lied to me,” she lashed out. “Owen showed me the ring you keep inside the safe.” Behind her she heard Owen groan but ignored him.

  “I asked you last night, and you told me it never crossed your mind. What do you all expect me to do, lay around waiting for my replacements to show up?”

  “Come over here, Alexa.” She frowned. It felt strange to hear anyone but Logan calling her by her proper name.

  “I’m a little busy here.” She gave a quick glance in Owen’s direction.
  “That’s not my problem, darlin’. I said come over here, and don’t let me have to tell you again.”

  She gaped at him, as did Connor and Logan. “She knows what this is about,” Owen said with a deadly calmness.

  Her eyes widened when he plunked himself down in a chair at the end of the room. No way in hell was he serious.

  “Get your ass over here now.”

  Her eyes bulged in disbelief. “You’re going to spank me?”

  “I promised this would happen if you disobeyed me.”

  Lexie searched wildly about the room, incredulous at the look of complacency on the faces of Connor and Logan. “This is ridiculous. I’m getting out of here.”

  “Five seconds,” he warned. “You have five seconds to get rid of those jeans, or I’m ripping them off.”


  He shook his head. “This is a long time coming, baby. I’m with Owen on this.”


  “Do as Owen says.”

  Her spine tingled. Owen was going to spank her as he’d promised weeks ago. Her cunt moistened, and a wave of shame mingled with heat rushed into her. She wanted it. She wanted to feel Owen’s hand bearing down on her flesh.

  Her fingers fumbled with the buttons finally managing to peel the material past her legs. “Take off your panties,” Connor instructed huskily.

  Oh God, so he, too, wanted to see her punished. Lexie bit her lips. “I was just trying to do what’s best for—”

  “No excuses. I don’t want to hear it,” Owen grated. “Lay across my lap.”

  Nude from the waist down, she stepped in front of him. His hands reached out, closing around hers and pulling her down onto his lap. Her naked bottom facing the ceiling and his awaiting hand.


  Startled, Lexie flinched at the first sting of his hand landing on her bottom. “Oww.”

  Another slap. Thwack.

  She squirmed on his lap, her pussy aching with need. “Owen…” she cried, unsure if she was begging him to stop or continue.


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