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Kinky Curves (Kinky Chronicles Book 5)

Page 8

by Jodi Redford

  “Well, was that what you wanted me to do, Charlie?”

  “Yes.” Her hand drifted down the front of her dress, the soft knit smooth beneath her fingertips. She dragged in a breath, the lace of her bra pulling tight against her breasts. The friction on her nipples, maddening. “I’m wet thinking about it.”

  “Show me.”

  She’d known the request was coming. What she hadn’t counted on was the effect his gravel-rough voice would have on her. It reached deep into that place inside her, where lush, decadent longings waited to be unleashed. She dug her ass into the seat, increasing the throbbing pressure between her legs.

  “No, you naughty girl. You’re not getting yourself off without giving me a reward in return. Panties. Now.”

  Biting her bottom lip, she set her phone down, and keeping her eyes glued shut, reached under her skirt and hooked her fingers in the elastic of her bikini. She wiggled the garment down her legs, and bending slightly, grabbed her underwear and stashed them on the console. Grady’s seat creaked as he made some sort of movement.

  Oh God. Was he taking something off too? She hadn’t heard the loosening of his belt or telling rasp of his zipper, but who knows. Unable to resist, she cracked her eyes open. He was fully dressed—and holding her panties. Seeing the pink satin scrap of fabric stuffed in his palm was quite possibly the biggest erotic highlight of her life. Sad but true.

  “Damn, you weren’t lying about being wet.” The instant after he uttered those words he did something that damn near made her faint. He buried his nose in her panties.

  Ungluing her tongue from the roof of her mouth, she picked up the phone and cleared her throat. “You’re going to give those back to me, right?”

  He dropped his hand. “Depends.”

  “On what?”

  “If you’re a good girl and do what I say.”

  He was fucking killing her. “I’m listening.”

  “Lift your dress enough that I can see your beautiful pussy.”

  Not even caring that he’d see her jiggly thighs too, she did as instructed. The cool draft from the AC drifted straight across her mound, ruffling the thin strip of her pubic hair. “H-how is that?”

  “Perfect, sweetheart. Or almost. Now I want to watch you play with your clit. I know you love doing that.”

  “Mm, you want to see me tease myself?” She coasted her hand between her legs and lightly caressed the bundle of nerves begging to be touched. “Kind of like this?”

  Grady didn’t immediately answer. She turned her head and found him staring at her, the dark hunger in his gaze skating goosebumps along her skin. His hand covered his fly—which by all accounts appeared to be strained to the max. She licked her lips. “You need to come too.”

  “I’ll be okay.”


  “My dick is staying in my pants, Charlie. It’s the only guaranteed way I’ll keep on my side of the vehicle.”

  He had a point. The minute he started stroking himself she’d be tempted to lend him a hand with the job, then one thing would lead to another and she’d be riding him cowgirl style in the driver’s seat in her damn driveway. Probably not the best way to end a not-technically-a-date.

  And masturbating for him in said driveway is so much better?

  Again, a valid point. One she fully intended to ignore at the moment. “Can you at least send me a dick pic later so I won’t feel like this is completely one-sided?”


  Satisfied with that arrangement, she returned her fingers to her pussy. She strolled through her wetness, her hips arching as she glazed over her clit.

  “Fucking sexy.”

  This time she had no trouble believing him. In her Phone Sex Charlie mode, she was a goddess and reveled in the exquisite sensations coursing through her body. There was nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to hide. She pushed two fingers into her pussy and bit her lip.

  “Are you imaging it’s me inside you?”

  She didn’t even hesitate with her response. “Yes.”

  “You need at least one more finger stuffed inside your pretty pussy, then.”

  “Aren’t we full of ourselves?”

  “No, but you need that third finger if you’re gonna be full of me. Do it.”

  Her head swimming from his lusty demand, she raised her hips slightly and rested her knee against the door. She eased the extra finger inside, the additional pressure intense.

  “Can you feel me right against your G-spot? My big fat head riding it nice and slow? Mm, yes. Just like that.” He made another approving sound that rumbled from deep in his chest as she began pumping her fingers.

  She seldom penetrated herself with her fingers. Why, when a vibrator was so much easier? But there was something wanton about grinding on her hand while Grady watched. It was dirty, wild and a little nasty. It totally did it for her. And the excitement all but guaranteed she’d climax soon.

  “Make me come, McHorny. Please.”

  “I’m right here, baby. I’m not going anywhere. Let me see you fucking lose it.”

  His words were all the encouragement she needed. With a final plunge of her fingers, she leaped off the edge and freefell into a dazzling haze of bliss. She dropped the phone and blindly reached for Grady’s hand. He twined their fingers, sealing the connection.

  She’d shared countless moans and gasps with him. More orgasms than she could count. But this was true intimacy at its deepest core. Maybe tomorrow she’d suffer embarrassment over it. Hell, maybe five seconds from now she would. But at the moment it felt...powerful.

  She slumped into the seat with a soft sigh, her body tingling from the afterglow. Completely unfazed by the high probability that she wore the dopiest grin in existence, she turned her face toward Grady. “Do you believe me now about the pink panties?”

  He chuckled. “I’ll never doubt you again.”

  “Can I have them back?”

  “I’m going to keep them a while longer.” He stuffed the undies in his shirt pocket. “I’ll walk you to your door before I try to sweet talk you into climbing in the back seat.”

  Uncertain whether to be relieved or disappointed at having that option off the table, she led the way to the front porch. He waited until she worked the key into the lock and then pulled her toward him. Butterflies performed crazy aerial stunts in her belly as his head descended. Yes, McHorny definitely didn’t play by the rules. And she was A-Ok with it.

  She caught the spark of heat in his gaze a second before his mouth claimed hers. After that, it was pure sensory enslavement. Deep exploring kisses and sexy sucks and nibbles on her bottom lip. Slow, gliding passes of his tongue along hers. The man left not a single centimeter of her mouth uncharted.

  He wrapped her hair around his fingers, the slight sting in her scalp only adding to the delicious waves of pleasure rippling through her. His kisses—God, it was like diving naked into a giant pool of melted chocolate. There was a fifty-fifty chance of drowning due to her overwhelming urge to gorge on him. But damn, what a way to go.

  By the time he let her come up for air they were both breathing raggedly. He touched her face like she was the most precious thing in the world. “You should go in before I say fuck this behaving shit.”

  Wait, they were behaving? She was a little rusty on the meaning of that word. Clearly. Giving him a rueful smile, she nodded and ducked inside her house. Dazed, she crossed to the couch and plopped down, tossing her purse on the cushion beside her. Twenty minutes later, she still sat in that exact spot reeling from their kiss and the whole night in general, when her cell pinged. She grabbed the device and stared at the image on the display screen. As promised, Grady had sent her the requested dick pic.

  And now she knew why he’d wanted to keep her panties. To masturbate with.

  Oh. My. Lord.

  It was pervy, obscene, and thoroughly fantastic. She wasn’t even all that miffed that she could only see the bulbous head of his cock protruding from the satin of her bik
ini. Her cell dinged again and a new pic appeared, more graphic than the last. This time she got the full cock treatment, and there was no question that he was more than adequately endowed to overthrow Big Bob’s kingdom. An instant later a third image arrived. The money shot.

  Her phone rang, breaking her spellbound fascination. It was Grady. “Next time I come in your panties, you’ll be wearing them.”

  And with that dazzling, provocative announcement shivering over her flushed skin, he hung up.


  The problem with working nights is it left him with too much time during the day for doing completely unproductive things—like watch old episodes of The Family Feud and stare at Charlie’s panties until the pattern of the lace was completely burned into his brainpan. He’d made good on his promise of not jacking off with them after the first time. He’d even tossed them in the wash so they’d be ready for the next time he saw her.

  Which better be fucking soon. Otherwise, he’d lose his damn mind.

  Last night, lying in his bed, he’d tortured himself with the memory of her fingers buried between her legs, her teeth digging into her bottom lip. It took everything inside him not to pull her up off of the passenger seat and haul her on top of his aching cock. And later, when he finally got to kiss her, it was heaven and hell. Heaven because she was a sweet and spicy delicacy he could easily savor all night long. Hell because she was a sweet and spicy delicacy he could easily savor all night long...but he’d made this stupid promise with himself that he’d bide his time with her. Not push her too hard or fast. Charlie was worth waiting for. He wouldn’t blow it with her.

  Though Christ knows he wanted to blow it in her. A dozen or more times, likely, with as hot and hard as she got him. Even after he came in her panties, he’d managed to squeeze out a couple more throughout the night. It’s what he got for obsessing on her pussy and the incredible sounds she made when she came.

  A familiar throbbing sensation pulsed in his cock and he sent the tented front of his sweatpants a stern look. “Don’t even think about it.” At this rate, he’d have a damn mountain of used tissues in his wastebasket.

  He clicked the remote and surfed through the channels. Not a damn thing on. Why the hell was he paying for cable again? Grumpiness setting in, he powered off the TV. Probably should take it as a sign that he needed to get out and relieve his bottled tension with some fresh air.

  Not usually how he went about relieving stress, but he’d take what he could get at the moment.

  He exchanged his sweats for jeans and a T-shirt, pulled on his Chucks, and grabbed his keys. Ten minutes later he hit the road. Taking advantage of the rare opportunity to forgo the AC, he buzzed the windows down on the truck. After some record highs the last couple of weeks, Mother Nature had decided to give them a break with temps well under the nineties.

  He wasn’t entirely sure where his travels were taking him until he took the Exit 101 Off-ramp. His next stop was the small florist shop down the street from his old house. He purchased a bouquet of mini sunflowers—his mom’s favorite—and headed for the cemetery.

  It’d been a few months since he’d last visited her grave. Usually, a deep pang of loneliness and grief brought him here, but today he had hope chasing out the shadows.

  He knelt in front of her stone and pulled a couple of the stray weeds the grounds crew had missed. Satisfied the plot was as presentable as he could get it without having a spade handy, he placed the flowers on the granite marker. “Hey, mom. Sorry I couldn’t get out last month. I don’t know how the summer has flown by like this. Crazy.” He shook his head. “Anyway, they had the right flowers this time, so hopefully that makes up for things a bit.”

  A car passed on the lane snaking through the cemetery and he watched it roll past for a second before returning his focus to the grave. “So you’re not going to believe this, but I finally met Charlie. In person. And let me tell you, she’s as beautiful, funny, and wonderful as she is on the phone. You would absolutely love her.” He fell into a contemplative silence, pondering those words. “I’m half convinced I might be in love with her too.”

  The sunflower petals fluttered beneath a stray breeze. He blew out a breath. “I know what you’re thinking. How can I love someone I’ve just met? But here’s the thing, I’ve known her for a while now. A year, remember? In some ways, I feel like I’ve known her longer than that. There’s a special connection between us. One I’ve never felt with anyone else. All I know is I want to give this thing with her a chance, make it something that can exist beyond the phone line. But I’m kinda scared shitless that I’m going to somehow fuck it up, you know?” He winced. “Sorry, I know you hate it when I use that word.”

  He ran his fingers over his scalp, smoothing his hair. “I know I need to tell her about my reading disability...and dad. I just don’t know how to get the words out.” Would Charlie feel pity for him? Think he was less of a man? Defective? His stomach churned at the possibility. The flowers rustled again, and he gusted a breath. “I know. I’m being a fucking pussy.” Shit. That double whammy would have really earned him a talking to. “I’ll tell her. When the time is right.”

  Burying his uncertainty, he spent the next twenty minutes catching her up on the rest of his news, including his upcoming meeting with Ford tomorrow. That was something else that stirred a brew of doubts in his gut, but he’d do his best to shake his worries off and make his mom, Harper, and hopefully even Charlie, proud of him. Giving a promise that he wouldn’t miss his visit next month, he straightened and returned to his truck. He closed his door and checked the time on his cell. Three hours before he had to be at the club.

  Groaning, he thudded his forehead against the steering wheel. His phone buzzed, snapping him out of his turmoil. He lifted his head and scanned the caller ID. Seeing Charlie’s name on the display completely threw him for a loop. Especially since it was always him doing the calling. His stomach flopping like a fish on a hook, he pressed the Talk button. “Hey.”


  The sound of her voice poured over him like honey. Jesus. It was enough to give him instant wood. “To what do I owe this unexpected treat?”

  “I’m a treat?”

  One he intended to savor for hours on end. Hell, the rest of his life, if she’d let him. “That goes without saying.”

  “Well, speaking of treats, I’m sitting here with all this leftover steak I can’t finish on my own. I was wondering if you’d like to polish it off with me? Maybe some steak and eggs for dinner?”

  “I’d love to, but I’m working tonight.”

  “Oh, I should have realized that. Another time then.”

  Aw, hell. He definitely didn’t want to wait for another time. He damn well wanted to see her now. “I’ve got a few hours to spare. If you don’t mind eating early?”

  “Not at all, if you don’t.”

  “Believe me, I’m ready to eat anytime.”

  She cleared her throat. “Okay, I don’t know if it’s my perverted imagination, but that sounded dirty.”

  “Definitely not your imagination. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” He hung up and gunned the engine. Fuck it. He’d make it in ten. That extra five minutes with her would be worth a potential speeding ticket.

  He shaved a whole six minutes off the drive. And without getting popped by the cops. Both relieved and impressed by that, he jogged up to her porch and rang the bell. She appeared a few seconds later, looking like his favorite meal in a pink sundress. He backed her against the frame and slid his mouth over hers, relishing her peaches and cream taste. Her fingers tugged on the ends of his hair, inviting him in for a deeper kiss. Like he was gonna turn that offer down. He delved his tongue past her lips, swept it over the tip of hers. She melted against him.

  Mindful of the neighbors, he inched her past the doorway. “Maybe we better take this inside.”

  Apparently fully in accord with that plan, she tucked her fingers in his shirt and tugged him forward. He grinned. �
�Damn, I love an aggressive woman. Feel free to rip my clothes off and spank me while you’re at it.”

  “You’re a very naughty man, McHorny. Sending me dick pics and then wanting me to go Fifty Shades on your gorgeous butt.”

  “Only because a certain sexy woman drives me so crazy, I’m reduced to jerking off half the night.”

  “Did you?”

  “Fuck, yeah. I’ve got carpal tunnel now, damn it.”

  “Poor baby. I’ll make it up to you with the best steak and eggs you’ve ever eaten.”

  He adopted the grumpiest look he could muster. “I’d rather eat you.”

  “Sustenance first.”

  Holy hell. Did that mean...?

  She sashayed toward the kitchen, her delectable booty drawing his gaze like a tractor beam. He cleared his throat. “Just so we’re clear, that was a go-ahead on the all you can eat Charlie buffet afterward, right?”

  “Mm, possibly.”

  His cock knocked against his fly. Down, boy. Dining at the Y would have to tide him over. No condoms meant no dipping his wick. Which also meant no happy time for Mr. Happy. Unless Charlie was willing to return the favor. Which would be fucking incredible. But either way, going down on her would keep him satisfied for days to come. Or at least for tonight. Because truly, eating pussy was quite possibly the most awesome experience in the world. Some dudes said they enjoyed it just to get in a chick’s pants. They didn’t really approach it like it was the main course. He did. Without a doubt, he loved fucking too, but oral sex was kind of his thing. A guy who did his job right, and really took his time with pleasing a woman, could make her come countless times before getting his cock involved.

  He tailed her into the kitchen. “You look beautiful, by the way. I knew you’d look incredible in pink.”

  “Oh, this old thing?” She twirled before adopting a sheepish grin. “Okay, I’m totally lying. I bought it this morning.”

  “Yeah? And why was that?”

  “I figured I needed a dress to match the undies you stole from me.”

  “Borrowed.” He groaned and slapped his forehead. “Damn, if I’d known I’d be stopping over I would have brought them along.”


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