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Raunchy 3

Page 17

by T. Styles

  Ricks eyebrows rise. “Sure, honey, what do you need?”

  I didn’t know if I could hit him for two hundred fifty grand, so I decide on the fifty instead. “I need money. Fifty thousand.” Karen gasps but Rick keeps a straight face. “It’s for surgery.” I lift my hair and show them my hearing aids. “Without it I’ll be permanently deaf. Can you help me?”

  “I can have the money to you by tomorrow.” Rick promises and smiles. A rich grandfather is just what I needed. “I’m doing better now financially. A lot better.”

  “What you really mean is that you’re back selling drugs again.” Karen walks up to me and moves my hair to look at my ears. “What happened, baby?” She moves my head from left to right and I smell the honey from the tea on her clothes.

  I didn’t want to tell them that Madjesty damaged one ear so I went with the story about the other. “My mother drank when she was pregnant and now I have a defect.”

  Karen shakes her head and laughs.

  “What’s funny?” I ask with an attitude.

  “I don’t think your situation is funny, please forgive me, honey. But I told your father to stay away from that bitch. If only he would’ve listened.”

  “You could’ve told him to stay away all you liked, if the pussy called him, he was going to answer. The boy was a grown man and you had to let him make his own decisions.”

  “At the expense of his life?”

  “You are not his mother. She died while breastfeeding him in the park in case you forgot. Remember?” He yells. “ You can’t make a teenage boy and definitely a man do anything he doesn’t want to do. He loved Harmony and he paid for it with his life. It’s over anyway…just leave it alone.”

  “You really don’t care do you?”

  “It doesn’t matter now does it?” Rick says. “Harmony’s a drunk who will meet her fate soon enough. Who cares whether it’s now or later. Eventually you will get your wish for her…death.”

  As I look at them disrespect my mother, like they’re better than her, I realize I can’t be here anymore. I feel disloyal. I stand up and say, “On second thought, I don’t want your money.”

  Karen walks over to me. “What…why?”

  “Because you’re talking about her mother in front of her.” Rick stands up and walks to me too. “I knew you would scare her away.”

  “I can come up with the cash, I got a money plan in mind that’s fail proof.” I brag. I don’t want them thinking I’m all the way fucked up because I’m begging for a little cheese.

  “I believe, you, but why don’t you let me help you?” Rick says.

  At this moment I wish I didn’t wear the hearing aids because I wouldn’t have to hear this shit so clearly. “My mother is a drunk and she’s also HIV positive, but she’s my mother. And as long as I live I’m not going to stand by and watch you or anybody else disrespect her.” I grab my purse. “It was nice meeting you both.” I lie. “But it was wrong for me to come here.”


  I walk down the street with knife in hand, pointing low and to the right. When I get to Sebastian’s house, I plan to carve out those blue eyes, cut off Luh’s dreads and make them give me my shit back. After the situation didn’t go as planned with my grandfather and aunt, I figure I have to at least get the money I saved to buy food and stuff for the house. I know exactly where to go too. The niggas who took it.

  When I make it to his block, I hear music rattling my hearing aids. They must’ve been having some sort of party. I’m happy shit is sweet for them because my life couldn’t be more wicked. The closer I get to his crib, I see colorful balloons hanging off of the trees and bushes in front of his house. It doesn’t take me long to see Luh Rod on the porch with a beer in his hand. He’s talking to some light skin girl with a fat ass and big legs. If she gets in my way I’ll slice her face in two.

  I almost reach him when someone sticks their foot out sending me crashing to the ground face first. The knife flies out of my hand and my teeth stab my upper lip. Someone roughly rolls me over like dough and when our eyes lock, I can tell he wants to kill me. “Who are you, Money Mike from Friday After Next?” I didn’t get the reference. “Who you came to cut?” He’s keeping me on the ground by pushing my shoulders down.

  He’s Pakistani or Arabian, either way he’s beautiful. That doesn’t stop me from yelling, “You better get your fucking hands off of me!” I wiggle strongly under him but I don’t budge. “I’m not fucking around. If I get up I’ma hurt you.” If only my strength could match my threats.

  When I see Luh Rod’s dreads partly covering his face as he stares down at me, I try to pop up again. I want his blood. I want his small children. I want his life. “Easy, sexy,” the Arabian says, “You gonna hurt yourself.” This mothafucka’s crack head strong and it’s making me angrier.

  “Fuck wrong with you, girl?” Luh says, “I know you ain’t coming all this way about that shit at your house. It ain’t that deep.”

  My eyebrows rise. “So you admit you did it huh?” I huff. “Just tell the fucking truth.” I’m too excited and want to hurt him. He’s actually admitting to taking my shit to my face.

  “Man, fuck this bitch.” Luh says, walking away, leaving me alone with the strange nigga. I try to squirm from up under him again but I can’t move. How does he do that shit?

  When I hear a car pull up and see a pair of grey New Balance get out of it and walk toward me, my heart drops. “What the fuck is she doing down there?” He asks. It doesn’t take long for those blue eyes to investigate me from the ground. “Pick her up, man.”

  “You sure, Bass? This chick was coming down here to do damage to somebody and I still haven’t found out who.” My head rises and my eyes zero in on Luh Rod. He looks like he’s upside down from the ground and I’m breathing so hard, I can smell my own breath. “Judging by the way she’s cooking, Luh must be the object of her satisfaction.”

  “Let her go.” Sebastian says. “I got her.”

  The moment I’m released, I charge Luh Rod but Sebastian lifts me in air. My feet kick wildly as I’m taken to a white box-like house on wheels that’s parked on the curb. I didn’t even see it there. I’m thrown inside and Sebastian who rushes in and closes the door behind him blocks my path when I try to leave. I attempt to knock him down to get at his kid brother, but I’m pushed to the floor. My ass bounces twice before stopping. When I fell the floor sounded so weak I thought it would break. The place is small but neat and has a kitchen and living room area. Mostly everything is brown but it smells like somebody takes care of the space in here. “Who the fuck lives here?”

  “Me.” He says dryly.

  “Well why am I here? And what is wrong with you for bringing me in here like that?” I yell at him. “I got business with your brother. Let me at him.”

  “You sound stupid.” He huffs. “Picture me letting you get anywhere near my brother.”

  I’m pacing the area. “You don’t have nothing to do with why I’m here.” I stop. “Or do you?”

  “Jayden, I don’t know what’s up with you but whatever happened, you got the wrong person. I suggest you go home before shit gets serious.”

  “Shit been serious and it ain’t no need in you lying! I already know he did it, Sebastian, he half told me before you came out and ruined everything.” I pop up but he pushes me back down.

  He’s breathing heavily and his hands are on his hips in a big man way. Like he just finished running and needed to catch a few breaths. “Can you slow down and tell me what the fuck you talking about? How ‘bout we start there.”

  I look at him. “Can I stand up first please?” I try to seem defenseless but my heart feels strong.

  “If you act right.” His blue eyes mean business. “Because I don’t have time for the rest of this shit.”

  He’s so sexy. Wait, why am I even thinking about that right now? These niggas broke into my house and took everything I loved. As I look him up and down, I wonder if he wears the same thing everyday t
o bring attention to his eyes. They’re so pretty that he doesn’t need to wear anything special, they’re attention getters alone.

  I carefully stand and spot a knife on the kitchen sink. I’m going for it the moment I can. When I’m on my feet, just as I planned in my mind, I rush for it when all of a sudden I’m hit in the back with a blunt object. Now I have a mouth full of rug and I turn over ready to beat his ass.

  “So what, now you hitting girls?”

  He doesn’t like my comment, I can tell. “Jayden, I want you to go home. I’m not fucking around.” He’s scaring me, but my anger doesn’t stop my mission. I want my stuff back. “I don’t have anytime for this shit right now.”

  This is stressing me out. I need to play with my pussy. “Not until ya’ll give me my money and the rest of my shit back.”

  “We don’t have any money of yours, Jayden. I don’t even know what the fuck you talking about. Now either go home, or I’ma have my girl cousins come in here and put hands on you. You already made me do more than I usually do when I hit you in the back just now with my fist.” That was his fist?

  I feel like I want to cry but I don’t want to do it in front of him. I’m broke, I feel ugly wearing these hearing aids and I think I forgot to wear deodorant today. My life is so dry right now. Brillo pad dry. I’m a mess. “Can I stand up again please?” He nods.

  When I look out of the window to my left, I see a sea of beautiful people. His people. They have to be Arabian and also pretty shades of African American. They are all eyeing the wheel house but especially the girls. I’m outnumbered and I decide that now is not the best time to fight this battle. I will be back though. I’m about to surrender when I notice the sign over their heads outside. It reads, ‘Welcome Home Luh and Bass.’

  Even though I don’t care I ask, “Where are you coming from?” I point at the sign.

  “Jail.” I swallow. Oh shit. “How long were you locked up?”

  “For the past two weeks.” I swallow again.

  My eyes roll everywhere. I’m embarrassed. “When did you come home?”


  “Luh too?”

  He nods. “Yes.”

  I’m not a genius but it doesn’t take me long to realize he could not have robbed my house and be in jail at the same damn time. He’s still breathing heavily and he looks like he wants to hurt me. I probably ruined his surprise party. But then…well…there’s something else behind his eyes. Those blue eyes are so fucking sexy but they also creep me out.

  He steps closer. “Take your jeans off, Jayden.”

  I step back. “Sebastian, I don’t have time for this shit.” So why am I coming out of them?

  “Go over there, on the couch.” He points behind me.

  I dispute him again but my half naked ass is already seated. He stands over top of me and looks down at my pink thongs. Thank goodness I wore panties today. My yellow legs shake and I place my hands on them trying to slow them down. I feel his eyes everywhere and I match his stare by looking at him too. I can’t look away and I feel so cheap. But I would be lying if I said I didn’t want this.

  He eases on his knees and places his hands on my legs. I smell some type of cologne and never thought he could be this fresh. Prior to now I looked at him like a thug. The boy that stands outside in front of my house scaring me along with his brother sometimes. “Why do you stand in front of my house sometimes?”

  “Because I like you.” That’s weird.

  “How old are you?” My question sounds dumb.

  “Eighteen.” He’s older than me. Wow.

  “What does the tattoo stand for? The lightning one on your face?”

  “My mother and father died when lightning struck a tree and fell on our house.” He points to it outside. “That’s why I don’t stay in there.”

  I’m nervous and feel the need to talk but I don’t know what else to say. I want him to say something stupid so I can get out of here. So I can have an excuse to leave. He reaches for my panties and I rise up to help him take them off. He places them on the arm of the couch and opens the drawer beside me. He takes out a condom and places it on top and I figure he fucks bitches here all the time but I don’t care.

  His hand brushes across my leg. My breaths are heavy. I’m about to fuck Sebastian in the wheel house and I don’t even like him. He’s not even my friend. I want to tell him to stop but maybe this will erase the last memory I had of having sex with my sister. He pushes my legs apart and his face moves toward my box like he’s about to kiss a small child. I push my ass back into the cushion and extend my hands to shove him backwards. He’s heavy on the weird already.

  “What are you doing?” He doesn’t respond. “Sebastian, I don’t know about this. I never did that before.” He doesn’t respond. Why isn’t he talking to me?

  I make a decision to leave, until I feel my syrup oozing between my legs. I want this, I just didn’t know it. He grabs my waist and pulls my pussy toward his face. His tongue softly touches my clit and I cum instantly. “Oh…oh my Gawd.” I cover my face. “I’m so sorry.”

  He chuckles a little and I learn I like his laugh. “Damn, you didn’t even let me get started. I thought I was the nigga just coming home from jail. You must’ve been backed up, too.”

  I’m too embarrassed to speak. I’m such a whore. Such a freak. Just like my mother.

  He stands up, grabs the condom and eases it on. When I see how big his dick is, I wonder if I can take it all. And then I remember, thanks to Madjesty I know I can. I’ll be glad when my sexual encounters aren’t fucked up by what she did to me. It would be so nice.

  “Lay the long way.” I move quickly so he doesn’t throw me out. He places his body over top of mine and kisses me gently on the neck. My body jumps and I move my waist toward his dick like I’m doing waist lifts in exercise class. “Slow down, ma. We ‘bout to do this easy.”

  My ass crashes into the sofa and I’m impatient. I wish he hurry’s up. Inside I’m screaming fuck me now but I keep my mouth closed. He smells so good and he feels so warm. I can do this every…Wow. He enters me slowly and I fill up quickly. He strokes me softly, massaging my thighs at the same time. He’s so considerate and passionate that I can’t imagine him being the same person standing outside of my house.

  “Jayden, you feel so good, baby.” His dick brushes against my clit sending trembles throughout my body. This is how it should feel. “Why your pussy so wet, girl? You’re dripping everywhere.”

  I don’t care to respond. I place my hands on his lower back and pull him toward me. Closer. My hips do a dance and I feel a familiar sensation between my legs. I’m about to cum again. Me and Sebastian do good together. A smile of pleasure is on my face until he pulls out of me. I eye his dick and can’t imagine at some point in my life, I thought I had one of these. His helmet presses against my clit before pushing back into me again.

  When he looks at me I realize I love his face too, not just his eyes. Before I know it we’re locking lips and I’m in awe of the emotions I feel right now. Kissing. Hmmmm. It stings a little due to my teeth crashing against my upper lip outside and I wonder if he can taste my blood. He doesn’t say anything if he does. The kiss is so nice. His tongue plays in my mouth while his dick plays in my pussy and I want to be nastier with him. I want us to be rougher but I don’t want him to think I’m a freak. If we play again I’ll let him know how I like it. Slow at first and then rough, almost violent-like.

  I kiss his shoulder until I feel him panting heavily. “Jayden, oh Jayden, I’m almost there. Damn, baby.”

  Worried he’s about to get his and leave me stranded, I wind into his dick until I rub out my last orgasm. I know we’re in the same place when he looks at me with heavy breaths and smiles. Those blue eyes. That dark skin. He’s perfect.

  Things are going smoothly until he says, “You got a hearing problem?” He points to my hearing aids.

  I’m mad. “You can get up now.” I tell him.

  The smile is wi
ped off of his face. I scramble to put my clothes on and walk to the door without so much as a thank you or a response. I don’t look at him after our bodies disconnect. I can’t. With my hand on the doorknob I say, “I like how we move together. I can do that with you anytime you want,” I look at the door harder, “a lot if you got the time. But that’s all I want from you. Cool?”

  I leave.


  I walk into the house pussy tired but with a smile on my face. That is until I remember; fucking Sebastian doesn’t take away my problems. The moment he lifted off of my body, I realized I still had to deal with the world alone. I want to keep my promise to my father but I need stability too. Leaning against the closed front door, I look up at the crystal chandelier and the vaulted ceilings. All this house and we still broke. This shit is comical.

  I walk into the kitchen to make me some hot tea and milk. I remember that I still have a beautiful tub in my room and decide to give myself a bath. I try to move quietly in case my mother’s home. I want to be alone and don’t need her negative energy right now. I have to come up with a plan to save us all. I need two hundred and fifty thousand minimum to make our problems go away.

  I always work well when I’ve had a good orgasm. I smile when I think how I’m going to play with my pussy in my bathroom and listen to the radio, as I replay what I just did in my head with Sebastian. Sebastian, my new black and Arabian mixed sex buddy. Mmmmmmmm.

  I put the pot of water on the stove and lean against the refrigerator remembering how he felt inside of me. Suddenly things don’t seem so bad. That is until the lights go out. I know right away my mother didn’t pay the light bill again. I can’t count on her for shit!





  I’m sitting on the light colored carpet, looking at my grandmother and her friend Arizona. I don’t know why I’m sitting on the floor, I guess I don’t want to be near her although I want to be around somebody. I learned quickly she was a super addict. Addicted to everything that could get her high, from alcohol to heroin, which is why it always amazed me why her house was always so neat. Not a thing was out of place; accept the vodka bottle, pipe and syringe needles on the glass table.


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