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Unleashed By The Shifter

Page 3

by Juniper Hart

  It was a strange combination of awe and envy when she saw her siblings shift. They became majestic, terrifying beasts with insurmountable strength.

  When Lily was small and Josephine had first learned to morph, Jo had tried to kill her. Lily remembered it with horrifying clarity, the saliva dripping from her sister’s gleaming fangs, the heavy, black paw on her throat.

  Her father had to overpower her older sister, sending her into the glass window and shattering it as Josephine fell into the bushes below in a pile of howling, bloodied fur.

  “You do not attack our own!” Klein hissed at his oldest daughter. As the cuts began to fade away from her back and neck, Josephine became her lithe form again, and she glared murderously at Lily.

  “She is not one of ours,” Jo hissed. “And she never will be.”

  Lily had been too young to know what any of it meant at the time, but as she got older, she learned that it was not only Jo who despised her.

  No one saw her as part of the pack. The gossip eventually met her ears despite her innate resolve to block out the world. She didn’t know where she belonged, and eventually she knew she would have to find her own way in life.

  Lily wondered how she could feel so much melancholy for something she had never had.

  I want this family, this unity with a bunch of beings who have told me that I was not a part of them for as long as I can remember. There is obviously something wrong with me.

  She pushed open the doors to the registrar.

  I wish I could go somewhere with no Lycans. I will live like I believe they don’t walk amongst us. Who am I kidding? I am one of them whether I like it or not. Even if I am a half-blood.

  Lily froze in her tracks as the office doors closed behind her. Cruz Aube stood with his back to her, talking to the receptionist.

  He hasn’t seen you. Turn around and walk away before he—

  Of course he sensed her before she could act, whipping his head around as if she had called out to him.

  “Lily!” he cried. “What are you doing here?”

  “Nothing,” she mumbled, shifting her gaze away from his golden green eyes.

  What were the chances of running into him twice in two days when she hadn’t laid eyes on the pompous ass in months?

  “Wait! Are you registered for summer classes?” he demanded, hurrying toward her, his dazzling smile seeming to light up the room.

  Are attractive men always jerks, or does being attractive make them jerks? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Lily wondered with some bitterness. It will be the topic of my dissertation. Is Arrogance Born or Bred by Attractiveness? It has market value.

  “Yes,” she sighed.

  “I’m just signing up for courses too,” he told her as if she had asked.

  She nodded, wishing he would stop talking.

  “I have to go,” she told him. “I’m going to be late for class.”

  His dark eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “If you’re already signed up, what are you doing here?” he asked.

  Why is he forcing conversation on me?

  Gritting her teeth together, she realized there would be no escaping Cruz unless she gave him the information he wanted.

  She exhaled as if she had been holding her breath for a week and grunted slightly.

  “I am signing up for tutoring.”

  Cruz’s eyes widened.

  “You need tutoring?” he gasped. “Are you kidding? You’re the smartest person I’ve ever met.”

  Inexplicably, the words sent a shiver of pleasure through Lily’s tiny frame.

  “I… um… Thank you,” she heard herself stutter. “But no, I am trying to find students to tutor.”

  Understanding flowed through Cruz’s handsome face, and he nodded.

  “Now that makes more sense.” He stared at her pensively. “As it turns out, I need help with some subjects.”

  Suspicion instantly sparked in her bones, and Lily stared at him dubiously.

  What kind of game is he playing? Is he setting me up for something?

  “Like what?”

  Cruz smiled sheepishly.

  “Like everything. I failed every one of my courses last semester, and my dad is livid.”

  He lowered his voice slightly and looked around to ensure they were not being overheard.

  “And I am sure I don’t need to tell you what my dad is like when he’s angry.”

  Lily had never seen the pack leader angry firsthand, but tales of his prowess were legendary among their kind.

  “How is that even possible?” Lily asked skeptically. “How did you manage to fail every subject?”

  He grimaced slightly and shook his head. “That’s what my dad said verbatim. I guess it’s easy to fail if you try hard enough.”

  Lily found the sentence enigmatic, almost clever, but she didn’t allow herself to dwell on it.

  “I don’t even know what you’re taking or if I can help you,” she heard herself confess. “Honestly, I didn’t even realize you’re a student here.”

  Fool! Don’t fall for this! You know what his reputation is. You’re probably the one girl in the pack he hasn’t slept with, and he’s trying to finish his collection.

  Idly, Lily wondered if Josephine had slept with him. The notion sent a shockwave of envy through her, but she wasn’t sure if it was because she was attracted to Cruz or jealous of her sister.

  This is becoming twisted. Stop thinking. Just walk away before this conversation gets any weirder.

  “I’m majoring in business.”

  Lily shrugged and shook her head, but a pang of disappointment seized her.

  “Sorry. Not my field.”

  She turned to leave before any more emotions could send her into a spiral of confusion.

  “Wait! Come on, Lil. I know you know everything. You’ve got to help me. You’re the brightest chick in Pierre.”

  He just called me a chick. I need to walk away quickly.

  “I have a lot going on right now, Cruz, I’m sorry. I have to get to class.”

  “Have you found a job yet?”

  She shook her head, stifling a sigh. I really am going to be late for class at this rate.

  “I will pay you twice what your other students pay, and I’ll see you five days a week. You won’t even need a job.”

  Lily’s mouth fell open. “You can’t afford that,” she said, but even as the words left her mouth, she knew he could.

  “Please, Lily. I really need this. My dad…” he trailed off and bit his lower lip as if he was stopping himself from disclosing too much. “I really need to get my shit together. Please help me.”

  Perhaps it was the pleading tone in his voice or the way he seemed uncharacteristically vulnerable. Or maybe it was the thought of not working for minimum wage at Walmart and hiding it from her highly intuitive family.

  Whatever the reason, Lily found herself nodding.

  “Fine,” she agreed, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “But if you are wasting my time, I’m out, Cruz. I don’t have time for games.”

  He extended his hand and grinned.

  “Lil, I promise you, no games.”

  Reluctantly, she accepted his outstretched palm, and as their skin touched, Lily had an overwhelming feeling that she had just made a deal with the devil.

  Chapter Four

  He drummed his fingers impatiently on his notebook at his side, glancing at the clock in what he thought was a conspicuous manner, but Lily seemed annoyed.

  “I’m sorry, am I wasting your time?” she grumbled as she looked up from the books sprawled on the floor.

  They were sitting on the floor of his bedroom, pouring over his course load, trying to fashion a plan of attack.

  Instantly contrite, Cruz shook his dark head. “No,” he replied apologetically. “I just know my dad is coming home soon.”

  She peered at him with her lovely green eyes through her glasses.

  “Should I leave?” she asked, seemi
ng confused. “I thought your dad wanted you to do better in school. Why would he care if I’m here?”

  Cruz laughed.

  “No, this has nothing to do with you being here. He just doesn’t know I’ve decided to take summer courses yet. I get the feeling he’s been avoiding me.”

  Lily’s brow furrowed.

  “I can’t imagine Sol avoiding anyone,” she replied dryly. “Why would he need to?”

  That’s because you aren’t his son. He doesn’t want to look at me. I’m a disappointment to him, so much so that he’s replacing me as his successor.

  Word had not yet gotten out, but Cruz knew it was only a matter of time before the others heard, and he wasn’t sure how the pack would handle the news.

  He had told his father the pack would reject Dex, but Cruz had no way of knowing if that was fact or wishful thinking.

  How will everyone look at me when they realize that my father doesn’t see me as a leader?

  The uncertainty of the future gave him an unfamiliar sense of insecurity.

  It’s not too late, he assured himself. When dad sees I am trying to better myself, he’ll tell Dex to stay in Montana.

  Cruz reminded himself that he had also been sure that Sol would never make good on his threat, and yet there they were.

  “If you’re not going to pay attention, I may as well go.”

  Lily’s irritated tone brought him back to reality.

  He glanced at her appreciatively. “You’re worse than Coach Travers,” he muttered. “I am paying attention.”

  “Yeah? What is the ethical solution to this problem then?”

  Guiltily, Cruz looked at where she was pointing and knew he had no idea. He hadn’t been focusing on their lesson in the slightest.

  “I… uh…”

  To his surprise, a look of fury passed over Lily’s face, and she jumped to her feet, slightly off balance.

  “I’m out of here,” she told him, leaning down to gather her own notes. “I told you, if you weren’t serious I wasn’t doing this.”

  He stared at her, his mouth open at her passionate reaction.

  She can’t leave! I need her help! If dad doesn’t see an improvement in my grades, I can kiss pack leader goodbye for good.

  “Lily, no wait!” he protested. “I need you!”

  “No you don’t!” she spat. “I don’t know if you expect me to do your homework for you or if this is some stupid game you’re playing with your friends, but I don’t have time for this! My future is actually at stake here. I don’t have my life carved out with a gold pathway like some people!”

  Cruz found himself stung by her outburst, and he opened his mouth to retort scathingly when he read the pain in her eyes. “My life is not as laid out as you think,” he muttered.

  Lily snorted and continued packing her bookbag.

  “My dad is replacing me as pack leader.”

  The words caused Lily to pause and turn her green eyes on him. “What?”

  He nodded, exhaling as he sat back on his hands. “He’s sick of me not taking anything seriously. He doesn’t think I am worthy of the throne.” Cruz chuckled mirthlessly.

  The bag fell to Lily’s side, and she slowly sat on the edge of his king-sized bed at her back.

  “Can he do that? Isn’t it… I mean, aren’t you born into the role?”

  Cruz shrugged. “I guess I always thought so too, but it isn’t necessarily nepotism. He has the right to choose whomever he sees fit. He has been warning me for years, and I’ve been pushing his limits,” he replied quietly. Saying it aloud made him realize just how true the words were. “Me failing at school was the last straw I guess. He’s bringing my cousin down from Montana in September.”


  Lily seemed at a loss for words, and she stared at the floor.

  Cruz leapt to his feet and started to pace before her like a caged tiger. “It’s probably too late anyway, but I want him to know that I am trying.”

  He paused and stared at her, his face twisted in worry. Why am I telling this to her? She could tell everyone, and I will lose my reputation.

  But as he looked at her, Cruz knew that was the last thing on Lily’s mind. Her face seemed to be etched with sympathy.

  “It’s not easy winning your parents’ approval,” she murmured. “I can relate to that.”

  “At least your parents can’t be ashamed of you. You’re brilliant and a good daughter. You don’t cause any waves.”

  Lily grimaced. “I’m a shame to the family and the pack,” she sighed, sitting back. “Haven’t you heard? I might be a half-blood. That’s why my mother ran away. Or, at least that’s what people say.”

  Cruz was stunned.

  “You can’t believe that!” he told her, sitting at her side. “That’s all in your head.”

  Lily opened her mouth to respond, but she seemed to change her mind.

  “Please don’t leave here thinking I’m not taking this seriously because I am,” Cruz told her when she did not speak.

  Their gazes locked and Cruz was overcome with an overwhelming desire to kiss her. Slowly, as to not startle her, he drew his mouth toward hers, watching as her eyes widened from behind her rims.

  But she didn’t draw away, and as their mouths met, Cruz was met with a bolt of electricity he had never felt before.

  Lily gasped slightly, and he knew she had felt it too, but before she could draw away, his hands cupped her face, and he brought her closer. He wanted to savor the sense of charged energy between them.

  His mouth explored hers, his eyes studying her face as her own lids closed. He pushed her softly against the bed, his lips traveling across her cheek and down her throat.

  She seemed fearful and excited, her hands closing around the sheets into balled fists, but she made no move to resist his advances as his nudged at her clothed breasts with his nose, a hand gently working its way up her flat stomach.

  Lily sighed, and the sound encouraged Cruz to slip her V-neck shirt over her head. His tongue embraced her taut nipple, his hand kneading the other breast.

  “Cruz…” she whispered. “I…haven’t…”

  Lower his face journeyed toward the waistline of her pants.

  “Hmm?” he breathed, pulling her jeans over her hips.

  Her skin was silken but aflame with goosebumps as he inhaled the sweetness of her. His kisses grew hotter, and Lily struggled to sit up, but he set her down with little resistance as he pulled her thighs around his shoulders.

  Cruz’s tongue was slow and deliberate, savoring each lap as Lily bucked beneath him, her hands finding his hair. Faster he worked, encircling her nub with skillful strokes.

  Lily’s legs tightened about his ears, and her gasps became kitten cries of passion as she tensed, ready to release.

  She yowled, causing Cruz’s erection to press ruthlessly against his jeans and as she climaxed, he undid his pants.

  “Wait!” She breathed, her eyes like saucers as he positioned himself between her legs. “I haven’t done this before!”

  The confession only served to arouse Cruz further as he leaned in to kiss her lips tenderly.

  “I will be gentle,” he promised, meeting her wide irises, and he meant it.

  She nodded as she bit down on her lip. “Okay.”

  Parting her legs, he slid his raging shaft against her soaking wet opening and deliberately pressed into her. His arms embraced her quivering body as she gasped, drawing Lily toward him. Gradually, he filled her, his thrusts slow and sweet as he kissed her neck and shoulders.

  Soon he felt her responding, pushing herself toward him to meet his quickening pace, and within a moment they were a mass of sweating legs and arms.

  Cruz could sense himself about to release, and he squeezed Lily tightly, moaning as his orgasm peaked.

  She squealed, her nails digging into his back, and he spilled into her.

  They lay silently for a long moment, their hearts racing at the same pace.

Lily pushed at him. “Get off me,” she whispered, her voice quivering.

  Startled, Cruz slid away as Lily tried to get her bearings.

  “Are you all right?” he asked with concern.

  She didn’t answer.

  She refused to meet his eyes and scrounged about for her outfit, hastily putting on her clothes.

  “Lily, it’s okay,” he told her, reaching out for her arm. “We didn’t do anything wrong.”

  She tried to scoff, but it sounded more like a choked sob. “No?”

  “No!” he insisted, but she jerked away from his touch.

  This is probably normal, Cruz tried to reason as Lily grabbed for her backpack. She’s just overwhelmed by emotions.

  He had not slept with a virgin since he was one himself. He didn’t know how to react.

  A stab of concern filled him as she threw open the door to his bedroom and scurried down the hall out of his view.

  He raced out after her, but she was halfway down the stairs and out the door before he could open his mouth to call out.

  Slowly, he turned away.

  I’ll give her some time to process, he told himself but he was seized with a strange sense of panic. What if she sincerely regretted sleeping with him?

  “Was that Lily Benz who just left here?”

  Cruz had not noticed his father enter the house.

  Not trusting his voice, he stood at the top of the stairs and stared down at the older Aube.

  “What did you do, Cruz?” Sol asked, his voice filled with anger. “She’s a nice girl.”

  Indignation filled him.

  “Nothing! I didn’t do anything! Why do you always assume the worst?” he demanded, a hot shame flooding through him.

  “Experience?” Sol sighed, turning away. “She looked upset. Leave her alone. You have enough trollops throwing themselves at you. Stick with them.”

  “For your information,” Cruz yelled after him. “Lily is tutoring me!”

  Sol glanced over his shoulder, his face showing skepticism.

  “Tutoring you? In failure?”

  Color painted Cruz’s face crimson. “I have signed up for summer courses as you wanted, Dad. She’s helping me bring up my grades.”


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