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Party Queen

Page 3

by Marci Peschke

  Lucy thinks for a little bit. She asks, “Could I borrow Ugly Brother?”

  “No way,” I reply. “He’s too big to be Toto! But you could pretend to have a dog. Or I could lend you a stuffed animal doggie!”

  “That’s a great idea!” Lucy says.

  Next, we all get mini makeovers and manicures. All of us have green goo on our faces. It’s supposed to be good for our skin.

  I look at Lucy and think of the green-eyed monster. Cara wants a picture of all of us with green faces. Yikes!

  After that, we get our nails painted. If you think I picked pink nail polish, then you’re pretty smart. Cara picks purple. Lucy decides on orange. I just love how my painted nails look once Cara’s momma is done with them!

  Once we all look beautiful, it’s time for cake! Cara’s cake is pink and shaped like a purse. The cake looks so real I want to grab the strap and put it on my shoulder. Instead we light the birthday candles and sing “Happy Birthday.”

  The cake is delicious. We have ice cream, too. Now it’s time for presents! I can’t wait for Cara to open her gift! It’s perfect since it matches her birthday cake. “Open mine first,” I say.

  “Okay,” Cara says. She rips off the pink swirly paper. “I sure do love this beautiful bow.”

  When she sees the sparkly purse, she says, “Ooh la la! I love it! Thank you, Kylie Jean!”

  After the last present is opened, I realize it’s time to go to bed.

  Oh, no! I just want to go home. Ugly Brother is probably sitting on my big fluffy pink bed crying himself to sleep. Thinking about him all alone again makes me feel like crying, too! I wish Momma and Daddy were here to tuck me in and kiss me goodnight.

  When we’re all tucked into our sleeping bags, I whisper, “Lucy, I’m gonna call my momma and go home. I’m homesick!”

  “No!” Lucy whispers back. “I don’t want to stay here alone and I don’t want to go home, either. All they do at home is talk about babies. Please stay!”

  I sigh. “Okay,” I finally say. “I guess I can stay, but only because you’re my best cousin.”

  Lucy gives me a big squeezy hug. It’s nice of her to try to make me feel better. But the big hug just makes me miss Momma, Daddy, and Ugly Brother even more!

  All night long I listen to my friends breathing. Cara’s house makes funny noises. Sleep is NOT my friend.

  When Momma picks me up the next day, I’m really grouchy. I refuse to carry my bag to the car, and I pout when Momma won’t let me have chocolate milk when we stop at the Gas and Go.

  Momma shakes her head. “You better take a nap today,” she tells me. “You are acting like a crankypants queen!”

  Party Tip #8

  Parties with a theme (like Glamour Girl) are fun and easy to plan.

  Lucy doesn’t even know the first thing about being a big sister. So Momma and Aunt Susie have decided that she should go to Sister School. That’s a special class you can go to at the hospital.

  When I found out about Sister School, an idea hit me like a sugar rose on a cupcake. Lucy needs to learn how to be a good big sister with my help! I know my baby brother is a dog and he’s not really a baby any more, but I can pretend he’s still a real baby.

  I thought that if I went with Lucy, she might not be so nervous. Momma thought my idea was awesome, so on Thursday night we go to the hospital for Sister School.

  As soon as we walk into the classroom, Lucy starts complaining. “This is a dumb idea,” she says. “I’ve never heard of anything like it before. Lilly didn’t go to school when I was born.”

  “Well, they probably didn’t have Sister School then,” I reply. Just because Lucy is crabby doesn’t mean I need to be!

  Soon, all of the girls are in the classroom. There are five girls, including me and Lucy.

  Our teacher’s name is Nurse Norma. She is pretty with long black hair. Her clothes are all blue. They are hospital clothes called scrubs.

  Lucy and I both get hospital shirts and notebooks.

  “Now we have scrubs, too!” I tell Lucy. “This is going to be fun!”

  Nurse Norma smiles and says, “You are here to learn what an important job being a big sister is. It is a big responsibility!”

  We all pull our scrubs on over our clothes.

  “First things first, let’s take a tour of the hospital,” Nurse Norma says.

  We walk quickly down the hallway. “This is so exciting!” I tell Lucy.

  Lucy frowns. “I don’t know,” she says. “I don’t like hospitals. This doesn’t seem exciting to me at all.”

  We see the admitting desk where the mommas sign in, the surgery area, and the emergency room. Then we see where the nursery is. There’s a big glass window, and through the window we can see little beds with itty bitty babies in them. I notice that some have pink name tags and some have blue name tags.

  All of us crowd around the window. “Aww! Just look at them,” I say. “Aren’t those babies cute?”

  Lucy shrugs, but I notice that she keeps looking at those cute babies.

  Back in the classroom, Nurse Norma hands out baby dolls.

  We get to practice holding, diapering, and feeding a baby. Lucy and I share our baby doll. It cries like a real baby. When it has the bottle in its mouth, it is quiet.

  Lucy pushes the baby doll away from her. “Babies are noisy,” she says.

  I pick up the baby and hold it carefully. “Let’s give our baby a name!” I suggest.

  We talk it over and agree on a name. Just then, Nurse Norma asks, “How is your baby sister, girls?”

  “She’s fine,” I answer. “We even gave her a name.”

  Lucy picks up the baby and cradles her gently.

  Nurse Norma asks, “Is her name Libby?”

  She must know that’s what Lucy’s sister will be named!

  Lucy and I look at each other and giggle. Then we reply, “No, her name is Hello Kitty!”

  Nurse Norma laughs. “You’re doing a great job with your baby,” she tells us. “Lucy, I like how carefully you’re holding her.”

  “Are you ready to be a big sister now?” I ask Lucy.

  Lucy thinks about it.

  “Maybe,” she says. “I think it’ll be hard work, but I guess I can be a big sister after all.”

  Party Tip #9:

  Mini cupcakes are the perfect size for a baby’s first birthday party.

  On Sunday, Momma helps me with my party invitations. After going to all the May birthday parties, I know what I want for my party. I do NOT want a slumber party!

  “If I am missing my family, my friends probably are, too. Right?” I ask Momma.

  “Maybe,” Momma says, nodding. “Why don’t we have your party on Saturday afternoon? That way everyone can go home to sleep.”

  That sounds great to me!

  My Party People

  1. Ugly Brother

  2. Lucy

  3. Momma, Daddy, and T.J.

  4. Cara

  5. Paula

  6. Katie

  7. Daisy

  8. Susie

  9. Cole

  10. Miss Clarabelle

  11. Tess

  12. Lilly

  13. Granny & Pappy

  14. Nanny & Pa

  15. Aunts & Uncles

  16. Mr. Jim

  First, we make a guest list.

  Momma looks at my list. She smiles, but her eyebrows go up.

  “Do I have too many guests?” I ask, looking at my list again.

  “This is fine,” Momma says. “It’s a good thing you’re not having a sleepover! There wouldn’t be any place for all these people to sleep.”

  My invitations look like sparkly crowns. I love, love, love them! We’re just starting to learn cursive writing at school, so I
decide to write regular and not fancy.

  I fill out the invitations with my pink pen in my neatest handwriting.

  “Now, let’s talk about the fun stuff,” Momma says. “Cake and favors.”

  “I want strawberry cupcakes that look like little crowns,” I say. “But I don’t know what to have for a party favor!”

  “Hmm. Let’s go to the party store,” Momma says.

  At the party store, I look for the favors right away. They have lots of different kinds.

  “Look, Momma, they have the big diamond rings that Cara gave at her Glamour Girl party!” I say.

  “Those are great,” Momma says. “Her momma must have gotten them here.” Then she looks at me and asks, “Do you see anything you like for your party favors?”

  I shrug. “No, not really,” I admit.

  Mommy holds up a package. “Do you like these little silver crowns for party hats?” she asks.

  “I love them!” I say. “Won’t Ugly Brother look super cute wearing a crown?” Then I add, “I think I’ll wear my real crown!”

  “Great idea!” Momma says.

  We pick out favor bags with pink bows. Momma buys the bags and the crowns, but we still don’t have any party favors.

  “We’re in a party favor pickle!” I say.

  Momma thinks for a minute. “Let’s stop by Dollar City,” she suggests.

  We stroll down the aisles. Momma pushes the shopping cart. All of a sudden I see something spectacular!

  “Look!” I say, pointing.

  Right in front of us is a pink crown piñata.

  Momma says, “I like the piñata. It can entertain your guests and make the favors more fun.”

  I think it’s perfect! We can fill it up with candy and little toys. Each friend will get a favor bag to put their party treats in.

  “Yippee!” I shout. “No one else has had a piñata at their party.”

  Now I know I am going to be the party queen!

  Party Tip #10:

  Favors are a fun way to thank your guests for celebrating with you.

  It’s my birthday, and the sun is shining! It’s going to be the best birthday ever. I want to wear my favorite outfit, so I have on my new pink sundress and my real tiara.

  “You look terrific, birthday girl!” Daddy says when I come downstairs. “Just like a pretty party queen.”

  “Thank you, Daddy,” I say. He gives me a big squeezy birthday hug.

  Momma and Daddy set up tables in the back yard. Daddy sends T.J. for the ladder and they hang my pink princess crown piñata from the pecan tree in our back yard.

  While they do that, Momma and I put out pink tablecloths, paper plates, and napkins.

  “When will the people start coming?” I ask. “Do you think everyone will come? And can I put out the crown party hats?”

  Momma says, “They will be here soon. Everyone R.S.V.P.’d yes. And yes, you should put one hat beside each place at the table.”

  I can’t wait for my guests to arrive! While I put out the crowns, I ask, “Momma, did you ever have a favorite birthday party?”

  Momma smiles. “When I was thirteen, Nanny gave me a surprise party,” she tells me. “It was so much fun! Now let’s go inside and finish getting ready. It’s almost party time!”

  Granny comes early because she wants to help Momma in the kitchen. While Granny and Momma make pink lemonade and put the cupcakes on trays, I hear the doorbell ringing.

  I run to answer the door. It’s my neighbor, Miss Clarabelle. She has a gift for me in a pretty pink bag. Miss Clarabelle says, “Happy birthday, dear sweet girl!”

  “Thank you, ma’am,” I say, smiling. “The party is in the back yard.”

  More guests and more gifts arrive. Every time the doorbell rings, I run to greet my guests.

  We stack the presents on a table. The whole table is covered with pretty pink gifts. Everyone knows that pink is my color!

  But soon I start to worry a little bit. Some of my most special guests haven’t arrived. Where is Nanny? Where is Lucy?

  Then I hear the doorbell ring again!

  “Excuse me,” I tell my guests. “That must be the rest of my family and my best cousin Lucy.”

  When I open the front door, I see Lilly and Lucy. Ugly Brother and I look at each other. He looks confused, and so am I!

  “Where is Nanny? Where is Pa? Where is your momma?” I ask.

  “Sorry, sugar bean!” Lilly says. “Our momma is having the baby right now! Nanny is with her at the hospital!”

  Lucy smiles. “Kylie Jean, you might get to share your birthday with my new baby sister, Libby.”

  Lilly gives me a hug and says, “Happy birthday, Kylie Jean!”

  “Are you leaving?” I ask.

  “Yep,” she says. “I have to get back to the hospital. Have fun, Lucy!”

  I feel sad that some of my family won’t be at my party, but I’m excited about my new baby cousin!

  Now that Lucy’s here, the party can start! First we have crown cupcakes, lemonade, and ice cream. The cupcakes are strawberry. They are my favorite pink flavor.

  Next I open my presents. My favorite is a new Hello Kitty doll from Lucy! Miss Clarabelle gives me a real true gold necklace with a little crown on it. It’s beautiful!

  Cara gives me a nail kit. She says, “You really loved getting your nails painted at my party, so I thought you would like it.”

  “I love it,” I reply. “And thank you very much.”

  By the end of my party, Lucy is so excited about her new baby sister coming that she doesn’t even want to whack the piñata with the pink baton. The rest of the girls put on the blindfold and take a turn. Some miss it and others hit it.

  Finally, Paula cracks it with a big swing. Treats fly like party confetti and all the girls scramble to grab them!

  When my guests all leave, Momma takes Lucy to the hospital. Daddy plays my Pretty Princess game with me while we wait for Momma to call. Then I read my brand-new book, which was a birthday gift from Cole.

  “Wasn’t my party nice?” I ask Ugly Brother.

  Ugly Brother barks, “Ruff, ruff.” That means yes! I think he wants another cupcake.

  I keep wondering when Momma will call.

  Party Tip #11:

  Always greet your party guests at the door.

  Daddy and I have been waiting all evening for Momma to call! We wait and wait and wait some more.

  “How long is it going to take?” I ask Daddy.

  Daddy laughs. “Only Libby knows when she’s going to get here,” he tells me.

  When the phone finally rings, Daddy and I both run to answer it. Daddy gets there first and says, “Hello?”

  “Is it Momma?” I ask, grabbing his arm. “Is baby Libby here yet?”

  Daddy gives me a thumbs up. Then he says, “Sounds great!” and hangs up.

  “That was your momma,” he tells me, “callin’ to say that baby Libby is waitin’ to meet everyone.”

  YAY! I’m so excited!

  “I just got the best birthday present ever!” I yell. “A new baby cousin!”

  Daddy laughs. Then he says, “Go get T.J. and let’s go to the hospital.”

  Poor Ugly Brother has to stay home. Dogs are not allowed in the hospital. He will just have to look at a picture of Libby.

  Before we leave, I sneak a cupcake into my purse.

  On the way to the hospital, we stop at the Piggly Wiggly. I pick out a pink bouquet with a big bow for Aunt Susie.

  At the hospital, the hall in front of the nursery is full of people congratulating Uncle Jack and shaking his hand.

  Lucy runs over and gives me a big squeezy hug. She says, “My sister is the prettiest one in the nursery!”

  We press our noses against the big glass window, loo
king at all of the new babies. There are lots of little baby beds.

  “Which one is Libby?” I ask.

  Lilly says, “I bet you can tell. Look again.”

  Only one baby bed has a crown on it. That tells me which one is my new cousin.

  I love it! Libby is a baby queen!

  “I’m so excited about being a big sister,” Lucy says. “I got to hold her and everything! But I’m sad for you, Kylie Jean, since you don’t have any sisters.”

  I straighten my party crown and tell her, “It’s okay. I have two terrific brothers and lots of girl cousins.”

  No one wants to leave our sweet new baby Libby, but Momma says we should take Aunt Susie the flowers we brought.

  I tell her, “I brought a cupcake, too!”

  Momma smiles. “Well, we are celebrating your birthday today,” she says.

  “And Libby’s!” I add.

  Aunt Susie loves the flowers and she thinks the cupcake is delicious. She hugs me and asks if I got to see the baby yet.

  “Yes!” I tell her. “Libby is the cutest baby in the whole hospital! Plus, don’t forget, she’s a teeny tiny princess!”

  Aunt Susie looks confused, so Lucy and I tell her all about the crown on Libby’s bed.

  “I’m glad to hear you did that, Lucy,” Aunt Susie says, smiling. “We didn’t all get to go to Kylie Jean’s birthday party, so you brought the party to Libby!”

  Then Aunt Susie, Uncle Jack, Nanny, Pa, Daddy, Momma, T.J., Lilly, and Lucy all sing:

  “Happy birthday to you . . .”

  I decide that Libby might be a baby queen, but I’m still the party queen!

  Party Tip #12

  Always plan for the unexpected on party day. Anything can happen.

  Marci Bales Peschke was born in Indiana, grew up in Florida, and now lives in Texas with her husband, two children, and a feisty black-and-white cat named Phoebe. She loves reading and watching movies.


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