Adventures in the Apocalypse: Post-Apocalyptic America: After The Flare
Page 15
You wouldn’t have to start work for three weeks. I just need to know so I can stop searching for a qualified person if you don’t take the job.
Enjoy your stay and if you need help with permanent housing just call me at the number provided. It appears that the Israelis have been busy getting the phone lines back in order.
Your friend, Oscar.”
Chapter 16
The “New United States of America.”
Before I begin to tell the tale of why and how the “New United States of America” was born in South America, I have to explain a few things.
I am alive as of the date this book was published, so you know I had some modicum of success in my endeavors to survive this holocaust. (I told you I found a dictionary and a thesaurus.) Many of the major events took place a thousand miles from me, so I had to rely on written and verbal accounts of what happened. There were sporadic Presidential and DHS broadcasts on the emergency radio channels. Most had helpful tidbits about survival and encouraged the US and Canadian survivors to flood south. The president frequently gave encouraging speeches but never told the citizens that Brazil now belonged to the USA and “New Washington” was being constructed just north of Fortaleza in Northern Brazil.
I must add that most of the following information below explains how the world’s map was yanked inside out and how entire cultures and countries disappeared from the Earth. Surviving is one of the strongest instincts instilled in man from its earliest time on Earth. The leap to killing whole civilizations is a short one to keep yourself and your culture alive. Don’t shoot the messenger. If you a Russian, European, Chinese, Canadian or American citizen, sitting in your new country along the Equator, don’t throw the first stone.
I almost forgot to add that I know people from other countries are still pissed at the USA for not giving them more warning, but remember, the Chinese, Russians, and Indians would have taken the land you now have if they had received prior knowledge. Be thankful the USA set them up to fight against each other.
I’m not defending any countries behavior during the time before or after The Flare. I just want people to know the truth and the dire circumstances that shaped the decisions made to put one group of people’s lives above another’s. That’s all I have to say about that.
United States of America
Most people never realized that the US Government knew nine years in advance about Alpha Omega’s approach and the potential for disaster. Only a handful of people were brought into the inner circle of knowledge concerning the master plan. Everyone except the leadership was paid double to triple the going rate had to learn Portuguese and take orders without asking many questions. Several hundred thousand just thought they’d hit the lottery by performing their normal jobs at three times the pay with free housing in Brazil. Money was no object.
The people that noticed a major change were the people back in the USA where most major projects were placed on hold. If a fresh coat of paint wouldn’t fix it, it wasn’t done. The opposition candidate in the last election actually won by a landslide; however, the vote was rigged to keep the current president in charge during the disaster preparation. The lower ranking opposition leaders were bribed to stop worrying about their pet projects. Many were given large amounts of land and HUD repossessed properties in exchange for silence.
There were two presidential elections during that time, and one ex-president had an unfortunate heart attack. He refused to consider conquering another country to make the new USA. He was going to tell the UN about the plan but had his “heart attack” the day before.
The new president knew that she didn’t want to tip off the other major world powers to avoid them trying to grab the same property coveted by the USA. She also didn’t tell any other country about the upcoming disaster so invading a South American country would have started WWIII. The plan was to spend four years in preparation for the invasion and take control of the country peacefully until force was necessary.
Someone had to decide who lives and dies during the most significant disaster in modern history. While the President ran on a center-left ticket, she knew that the new world would be tough and everyone would have to pull their own weight. She reached across the party lines and added four conservatives to the five liberals in the group chosen to select the five to ten million survivors from the USA. Her mandate for demographics was:
50% had to have had served in the military.
Skilled workers, professors, and scientists were moved to the top of the list.
Everyone must have a high school education.
50% men and 50% women.
The selection must end up with the same percentage demographics by race as the current USA.
Religion was not considered.
Everyone must be employed at the time of the selection.
All active duty and reserve military personnel had priority. (This was not well thought of, but everyone in the selection process knew that the country would have to fight to survive.
The dirty secret was that no one above 50 years old would be selected unless they were high ranking military or government officials.
Several joint US/Brazil projects, funded by US tax Dollars were begun that appeared to be helping Brazil and surrounding countries. Everything from power generation, crop production, and housing projects hid the true intent of pre-staging American assets and people in those countries. The US Congress was upset, but key Congressmen were bought off in both parties, and the President wore out her pen with executive orders.
The plan was that every project had to appear to help Brazil or at least not cause any alarm. There were protests at first, but a billion dollars’ worth of bribes, increased jobs, and new housing calmed the population. Of course, all of the significant politicians were on the US payroll within the first two years. Things were prosperous, crime was down, water treatment plants, factories, schools, and colleges were being built at an alarming rate.
By the end of the third year, Brazil was exporting cars, trucks, and passenger jets at a cut-rate price to the rest of the world. Profit was not a consideration. Building an infrastructure that could hold an additional 10 to 20 million Americans was the goal. Thousands of US citizens flooded into Brazil every week during the last year. They weren’t noticed because they were kept in new cities carved out of the Brazilian interior.
No one noticed the rapid decline in births in the Indian population of Brazil or the disappearance of whole tribes as the US searched for a way to be able to control the remaining population after the invasion. US moles infiltrated every branch of government, military, and the scientific community. Any hint of divergence from the plan was dealt with quickly and silently. There was no open resistance since every significant professor, teacher, and the informal leader was bought and paid for by the CIA.
The only major whistleblower was a senior executive and his team at the Smithsonian Museum who caught the team responsible for switching fake documents to replace our most famous and historical documents in the act. He disappeared, and his team was transferred to other duties.
The financing for the largest project in mankind’s history was equally creative as were the many other efforts to move a country. Trillions were borrowed from the Chinese with no intention of paying the money back. There was a backdoor deal that actually sold Taiwan to the Chinese. The possession date was a month after Alfa Omega collided with the sun. Similar deals were cut with the Russians for large sums of cash.
The Department of the Interior opened up oil drilling on all US Government property and slapped a stiff tax on the production. Mining Companies were allowed to buy land that had been in sacred trust for generations. The government received 20 percent of all mineral sales.
The Federal Reserve confiscated all private bank accounts from the people not belonging to the millions selected to make up the new USA. Welfare and Social Security
checks were stopped a month before The Flare due to “security breaches by hackers.”
The team assigned to transfer our National Treasures found out quickly that airplanes, trains, and ships could be a major problem. Many items were eventually coated in rust proofing and left buried in 50-foot snowdrifts hidden. Some future generation might think they were valuable enough to move to a warmer climate.
Another team was busy gathering North American animals, plants, and birds to take to a new home in South America. The thought was that Brazil would end up with a climate similar to the middle of the USA and this would jump-start the survival of the fittest. They were introduced in large numbers, and the animals quickly became food for the indigenous animals. Birds flew to where ever birds fly, and the plants are still being tended in gardens spread out across South America.
You might ask how this stayed under the radar for over nine years. The answer is obvious. All of the major media organizations were quickly infiltrated and secretly purchased by the government. They only published the fake news the government wanted to be published. There was even fake news about the war on terror being won, crime was at an all-time low, and a cure for cancer had been developed and was only a few years from being released by the FDA. The truth was that the military was bombing terrorists around the globe, at an alarming rate, with no regard to civilian casualties. Crime was at usual levels, and there was no cure for cancer, but Americans needed the distraction to keep them from discovering the truth about how most of them would die.
The government didn’t share any data with any other country except England, Australia, and Israel and only told them eight months before the collision. The USA strongly suggested they prepare to settle in the Colombia, Venezuela, and Guyana region for mutual protection. The thought of stealing another people’s country was hard to digest at first for the English and Israelis, but as the thought of everyone in their country dying made it easier to swallow. The Australians decided to decline to move around the world and started a crash program to move to Northern Australia and take New Guinea as a last resort.
Great Britain and Canada began infiltrating massive amounts of undercover civilians and special operations forces into Venezuela and Surinam. The US and Great Britain declared war on the drug cartels as a means to disguise their presence along with buying the significant politicians. Great Britain closed the Guyana-Venezuela border along with the USA closing the Brazilian border, so the refugees from the all-out war on the drug cartels had to flee into Colombia. This destabilized the Colombian government and made it easy for Great Britain to seize control of that country later on.
Israel’s spy network caught wind of the upcoming disaster four to five years before The Flare and began a low-key alliance with Ecuador that greatly improved life there both economically and through healthcare improvements. The Israelis improved the infrastructure, built hydroelectric and nuclear powered electric generating facilities, all of which were all hardened against EMP and extreme solar flares. They built new hospitals, schools, factories, and entire cities in the jungle for Ecuadorians and the flood of Israelis that came in advance of the upcoming disaster.
Israel bribed or eliminated any officials that didn’t get on board with the agenda to make Ecuador a joint Israel-Ecuadorian country of the future.
France was told about the upcoming disaster three months before The Flare and they sent a small fleet to French Guyana to protect their interests. The fleet happened to transport their most senior politicians and industrial giants. The US Navy intercepted them and sent them away. They went on to Africa. They blew the whistle to the rest of Europe, which started a massive land grab by the Germans, Italians, and Spain to seize land from Central Africa. Spain demanded part of Brazil, but two of their ships were sunk on the way to Brazil, and they settled for the bottom half of Angola.
Thanks to manipulation of data and outright lies, the US Government agencies were able to keep the truth about Alpha Omega hurtling towards the Earth until the French blabbed about the disaster to the world. It was too late for our adversaries to do more than start moving armies in place to invade warmer countries. China, India, and Russia met with the USA to develop a joint project to save mankind from total loss of life and India lost. The Russians began a land war with them, and the Chinese hopped over Korea and attacked Indonesia, Sumatra and the Philippines. The UN was going crazy trying to figure out where to send Blue Hats.
The USA feigned being an honest broker but stayed out of the way per the deal. The US knew that with only three months to take and hold land that the end game was a much smaller and weaker Chinese and Russia. The USA also warned them not to covet any part of Africa to pave the way for the Europeans. “Might makes right” was the motto back in those days. Political correctness was a thing of the past.
Last, but not least, was the wholesale movement of the US nuclear arsenal. This was a top-secret project and most sensitive. Nothing has ever been said or written about this monumental undertaking, and the US government still won’t discuss it even today.
The President had fulfilled her campaign promise to bring most US troops back to our home soil as a cost-cutting measure to help balance the budget. She quietly moved them to South America to fight the war on drugs and crime. Our allies were told that we would help them protect themselves, but they had to foot the bill for their own defense. Many had to quickly cut social programs or align themselves with the Russians. Our government wasn’t worried about Europe since it would soon be a solid block of ice covered in 50 feet of snow. The four-year war on crime and drug gangs in Colombia and Venezuela did eliminate most of the drug supply, but mainly it killed off two-thirds of the population clearing the way for settlers from Canada.
The US even faked an attack by Argentina on Brazil’s southern border as a pretense to bring in major military assets to assist in “securing” that border. Major harbors were under construction from French Guyana to Uruguay to harbor the US Navy.
Since they didn’t know about the upcoming disaster the world map changed every week or so with Russia, Iran, and China claiming territory. Russia quickly started a campaign to take back all of its old territories and had staggering losses. India took Pakistan and Bangladesh, Iran took Iraq, and China battled with India and Vietnam for Southeast Asia. Our enemies were wasting capital and manpower fighting for the useless ground while the USA built a new homeland.
The US stood firm with Israel, and it remained untouched in a desert covered in blood. The president and her cabinet projected a serious front and even spoke against the aggressors while laughing about the fighting over soon to be an arctic wasteland. Israel was given the green light to take total control of its new homeland after the French let the cat out of the bag. They began large transfers of civilians the next week. Great Britain and Australia began their final invasions during the same period.
Well, that was a lot of information you won’t find in your school’s textbooks. Hell, most countries that made up the invaders have struck all mention of the invasion from all books. In twenty more years, no one will remember the old South American countries.
I hope the above explains in part why I decided to move to Ecuador. The Israelis may have tricked the Ecuadorians, but they did not commit mass genocide as the other invading countries did.
Chapter 17
Patty’s Story
Malmok, Aruba
Patty and Carlos laid in bed talking about their trip to visit Oscar in Pueto Rey. Oscar had been leery of Carlos bringing Patty so quickly into a position with the company. Even though she was only in charge of the inventory control for Carlos’s region, Oscar wondered if she was competent or just good in bed.
“Darling, Oscar was blown away by your presentation. Your new warehouse management system has greatly reduced loss, and our percent of perfect orders have increased dramatically.”
“Thanks, I appreciate you having faith in me and allow
ing me to nose around the inventory and tracking system. Now don’t bullshit me. Did you kill that thieving crook that pilfered the warehouse?”
“Now dear. Don’t worry about that scumbag. He is doing okay. He decided to go fishing for sharks.”
“And he was the bait.”
“Look, I would be stupid to think that you didn’t notice some of my less than legal endeavors; however, I hope that you also noticed that we are closing them down as I start up new retail outlets and other businesses.”
“Look, Carlos, what I have seen is that your business steals from the rich gives to the poor, and takes a reasonable cut for your hard work. I’m okay with that, since the SHTF you have to do what it takes to survive. Hundreds of people would have been starved to death or made slaves by the Jack assholes of the world. Besides I love you, and it’s my job to heard you toward the legal businesses.”
“So you will marry me.”
“Yes and the sooner, the better. We are having a baby in about six months.”
“I will never let you down or betray you.”
Patty laid there reflecting on her life and the people that she had lost. She was now happy and had a wonderful scoundrel who worshiped her. She knew she could make an honest man out of him, eventually.
“Darling, remember to invite Oscar and his other managers to the wedding.”
“Yes, definitely. You have met Greg from the east region, and you will meet Matt Jones from the west region at our wedding.”