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Star Wars - The Clone Wars - Secret Missions #4 - Guardians of the Chiss Key

Page 8

by Ryder Windham

  As the ship touched down on the lab’s floor, Bane glanced at Sharp and Robonino and said, “You two, clear a path for the tractor beam.”

  Sharp and Robonino went to the computers and other equipment that bad been set up around the escape pod, and they began shoving aside all the apparatuses that lay between the pod and the dropship.

  Ambase stepped closer to the pod, examined the base that it rested on, and then turned to Bane and said, “There’s a Jedi energy lock securing the pod to the floor. Only a Force user can unlock it.”

  “Then do your stuff, Jedi,” Bane said before he climbed into the dropship.

  Ambase found the energy lock’s control panel and placed his right palm against it. A humming sound emanated from the base, followed by a muffled pop. Satisfied that the pod had been freed from its energized mooring, Ambase stepped away from the pod.

  Bane activated the dropship’s tractor beam and aimed it at the pod. As the beam lifted the pod and drew it closer to the dropship, Robonino gestured to Ambase and Sharp to follow him into the dropship. After they boarded. Bane backed the dropship out through the hole in the lab’s wall, taking the pod with it, and ascended to the building’s roof.

  “Breaker. Breaker! Are you all right?”

  Breaker groaned. He and Nuru were still belted into their seats in the Suwantek’s bridge. The Suwantek had plowed sideways into a tangle of ventilation pipes that covered the roof of an abandoned building and had come to a stop near the edge of the roof. The bridge’s lights were still on, but the ship’s engine had died. Breaker had a bloody gash on the side of his jaw.


  Breaker opened his eyes. “I hear you, Commander. I’m with you.”

  “Go check on the others.”

  While Breaker scrambled out of his seat, Nuru unbuckled his safety belt and peered past Pikkson and Sunmantle so he could see the laboratory building in the distance. He looked just in time to see the Telgorn dropship rising up to the roof along with a small, teardrop-shaped escape pod.

  Nuru shouted, “Sunmantle! Pikkson!”

  “Yes, sir?” Pikkson said.

  “Can you get this ship airborne?”

  Pikkson consulted a status readout and said. “We lost one thruster, but I think we can—”

  “Do it! Now!”

  Pikkson punched the ignition for the repulsorlift engines, and the freighter began to rise from the roof’s crushed ventilation pipes. But then the freighter shuddered and Sunmantle said, “Something’s snagged our landing gear.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Nuru said. He pointed to the lab building. “The moment we’re free, make a close pass over that roof so I can jump to it.” He turned and bolted out of the bridge and almost ran straight into Breaker.

  “Quills and Chatterbox are okay,” Breaker said as he followed Nuru to the main hold. “I think Sharp’s trapped in the ‘fresher.”

  Entering the main hold, Nuru saw the passengers had taken a pounding. The visor on Knuckles’s helmet was cracked. Harro Kelpura was sprawled across the deck. Cleaver’s left arm was bent at an odd angle. Gizz had accidentally slammed into a bulkhead and left a large dent.

  Knuckles moved beside Harro Kelpura, touched the Anx’s neck, and said, “Master Kelpura was knocked out.”

  Gizz rubbed the back of his head, looked at Nuru, and said, “What in blazes happened, kid?”

  “We crashed, and our landing gear is snagged.” He popped a hatch, and cold air flooded into the hold. “Gizz and Cleaver, I may need your help!”

  Gizz and Cleaver followed Nuru out through the hatch and onto the roof. They moved around the freighter until they found a wide tangle of crushed metal wrapped around two of the landing legs. Nuru handed Ring-Sol Ambase’s lightsaber to Cleaver and said, “Use this.”

  Cleaver took the weapon and activated its blade in the same instant that Nuru ignited his own blade. While the Jedi and the droid sliced through the metal debris, Gizz used his bare hands to pull away the heavier chunks of metal and flung them clear of the freighter.

  “We’re clear!” Nuru said. He switched off his lightsaber. Cleaver did the same, and then Nuru motioned for Cleaver and Gizz to climb back inside the freighter. He followed them in but kept the hatch open as he braced himself within its frame. The freighter lifted from the roof, moved over the yawning chasms between the skyscrapers, and angled toward the lab building.

  Cleaver and Gizz noticed Nuru standing in the open hatch. Gizz said, “Are you nuts? Get inside already!”

  Nuru ignored Gizz. He was too busy focusing on the lab building and waiting for the right moment to jump. And because everyone in the main hold was watching Nuru, they failed to notice the refresher door open or see the clone trooper they called Sharp as he came staggering out, his helmet askew.

  Cad Bane and Robonino had just finished helping Ambase and Sharp load the escape pod onto the Corona when Bane heard the loud whine of an approaching engine. He turned and looked up to see the Suwantek freighter, which was listing toward its starboard side and spewing smoke from one thruster.

  “Job’s over,” Bane said. He sprinted for his dropship. Robonino chased after him.

  Ambase saw the Suwantek, then saw the small figure who was braced inside an open hatch.


  Ambase heard a loud burst, saw a bright flare race away from the dropship, and realized the Duros bounty hunter had just fired a missile at the incoming freighter.

  Nuru saw the missile streaking toward him. He had no reason to doubt that Ring-Sol Ambase was responsible for the attack, and he knew there wasn’t any chance for the Suwantek to avoid the missile.

  The missile glanced off the freighter’s lower hull and detonated, throwing the freighter forward. Nuru lost his grip in the hatch’s frame and fell, unaware that Cleaver and the trooper he knew as Sharp were also launched off their feet inside the main hold. Cleaver tumbled through the hatch after Nuru and was immediately followed by the disguised Clawdite.

  Nuru’s Jedi reflexes kicked in as he fell toward the laboratory building’s roof, arid he swiftly executed a midair somersault that enabled him to land on his feet. A split-second later, Cleaver, still holding Ring-Sol Ambase’s lightsaber, jumped down in front of Nuru. The droid was keenly aware that one of the troopers had followed him out of the hatch, and he sprang forward to catch the falling trooper and absorb his impact. The Suwantek zoomed away from the roof, leaving a smoking trail before it vanished between two skyscrapers.

  Nuru saw Cleaver catch the trooper before the two figures rolled across the roof. At the same time, the Telgorn dropship lifted off, rising away rapidly from the rooftop before it tore off across the sky. But the young Jedi was not distracted by the rolling figures or the fleeing dropship. His red eyes were locked on Ambase, who was wearing a Republic Navy admiral’s uniform and stood beside the Corona with his own gaze fixed on Num.

  And then Nuru noticed the uniformed clone officer who stood a short distance from Ambase, near a row of rectangular skylights. Because Nuru had spent so much time in close proximity with a group of clone troopers, he no longer saw the clones as entirely identical, so he was very surprised to see that the clone in Ambase’s company so strongly resembled one member of Breakout Squad.

  He looks exactly like Sharp.

  Across the roof, the Clawdite rolled out of Cleaver’s protective embrace and realized his helmet was about to come straight off his head. The Clawdite automatically shifted his facial muscles and coloring so he would resemble the clone trooper he’d been impersonating since he’d left the planet Kynachi. The helmet came off his head, and he watched it bounce away across the rooftop, secure in the knowledge that he now looked exactly like Sharp. He pushed himself up to his feet and looked back at Nuru and Ambase.

  Near Ambase, the clone trooper designated CT-4012, who had been named Sharp because of his remarkably sharp vision, saw his mirror image and realized that he was looking at an imposter in his own armor. CT-4012’s face went red with ange

  Ambase noticed the droid commando who’d landed on the roof. The droid held a familiar-looking lightsaber. The lightsaber was Ambase’s own, the one that he had constructed for himself many years earlier.

  “I see you have something that doesn’t belong to you,” Ambase said to the droid. He used the Force to pry the lightsaber from the droid’s grip, and the weapon flew toward Ambase.

  Ambase’s lightsaber was flying when Nuru leaped forward and plucked the weapon in midair. Nuru somersaulted across the roof, and when he came up standing, he had a lightsaber in each hand.

  The clone in the Republic Navy officer’s uniform pounced on his identical counterpart, and the two began fighting, exchanging kicks and punches. One man grabbed the other, but they both lost their balance. They crashed through a skylight and fell into the building.

  As Nuru looked back at Ambase, he thought of his recent dream again and felt a stab of fear. He knew what would happen next. A strong gust of wind swept across the roof. Nuru noticed the clouds churning in the sky behind Ambase. Lightning flashed, brightly illuminating the mirrored windows of a nearby skyscraper that resembled a raised sword. Nuru thought of Veeren’s death, and his fear was replaced by fury.

  Staring at Nuru, Ambase said, “The lightsabers. Give them to me.”

  Nuru shook his head. “No, you’re a killer.”

  “I’m no killer,” Ambase said. “I’m your Master.”

  Nuru sensed Cleaver moving to his left and heard someone shout. He couldn’t tell whether it came from the Clawdite or the clone who was fighting him.

  “I can feel your anger, Nuru,” Ambase said. He held out both hands, exposing his palms. “I’m defenseless. It’s your move.”

  Nuru was clutching both lightsabers as tightly as he could, but he was unable to stop Ambase from using the Force to tear the weapons from his hands. The lightsabers landed with loud smacks against Ambase’s palms. Ambase ignited both blades.

  Nuru did not question that his dream had become a reality, and he expected Ambase was about to attack. But he did not expect Cleaver to leap past him and land in front of Ambase.

  Ambase swung his lightsaber at the droid’s head. Cleaver ducked and kicked out with one leg, aiming for Ambase’s midriff. Ambase dodged the kick and drove the other lightsaber, Nuru’s weapon, straight through Cleaver’s metal chest. Cleaver’s photoreceptors went dark as he fell away from the blade and clattered against the roof.

  “No!” Nuru screamed. Using the Force, he yanked his lightsaber out of Ambase’s grip. The lightsaber’s blade automatically deactivated as it flew toward Nuru. He caught the weapon and ignited its blade.

  Still clutching his own weapon, Ambase glanced at the fallen droid commando, then looked at Nuru and said, “Allied with the Separatists, have you?”

  Nuru did not feel compelled to explain that Cleaver had been his friend. He bared his teeth as he sprang at Ambase. Their lightsabers met with a loud clash.

  Nuru spun and swung his lightsaber low, aiming for Ambase’s legs. Ambase blocked the attack and shouted, “What happened to you, Nuru?!”

  “What happened to me?” Outraged, Nuru swung his lightsaber again and again, but Ambase blocked each strike with ease.

  Ambase said, “I know you came here to steal the pod.”

  Nuru ducked, and Ambase’s blade swept over his head. “Then what’s it doing in your ship?”

  “To stop you from taking it!” Ambase parried another blow.

  “You killed an innocent girl at Bilbringi!”

  “I didn’t—!”

  The duel was interrupted by an engine’s loud roar. Nuru had almost forgotten about the Suwantek when he saw it rise up suddenly at the far side of the roof. Still spewing smoke from its damaged thruster, the Suwantek edged up over the roof and came down hard, shattering one of its landing legs. A hatch opened, and Knuckles, Breaker, and Gizz jumped out.

  Nuru was about to swing his blade again when Ambase raised one hand and used the Force to knock Nuru off his feet, sending him tumbling toward the approaching troopers. Ambase sprinted to the Corona.

  Nuru rolled to a stop. Breaker arrived beside him and said, “Commander! Are you-—?”

  Nuru heard the Corona’s engines fire. Still holding his lightsaber, he shoved Breaker aside and ran for Ambase’s ship. The Corona was just lifting off as Nuru leaped onto its nose. Ambase watched from the cockpit as Nuru drove his lightsaber deep into the hull, and then Nuru swept the blade hard to the side. The Corona’s nose exploded, launching Nuru back through the air toward the rooftop.

  “I got him!” Gizz shouted a moment before Nuru fell into his arms.

  Smoke began to fill the hovering Corona’s cockpit as the vessel moved toward the edge of the roof. Ambase coughed at the same moment that the ship began shuddering violently, and his forehead accidentally struck a control console’s metal bracket. He popped the cockpit’s emergency hatch and leaped back to the roof, holding tight to his lightsaber as he landed just ten meters away from Nuru and the giant who held him. Another explosion tore through the Corona, and then the entire ship erupted into a ball of fire, sending flaming bits in all directions. The wreckage fell and crashed on a lower roof.

  Gizz lowered Nuru to the rooftop just as Breaker and Knuckles arrived at his side. Ambase turned to face the group, and they saw he had a bloody gash on his forehead. Ambase glared at Nuru and said, “You’ve destroyed the pod.”

  “At least I stopped you from taking it.”

  “When did you stray to the dark side, Nuru? Before or after I became your Master?”

  “Dark side?” Nuru shook his head. “What are you talking about?”

  “Give me the lightsaber, boy.”

  Gizz drew his blaster. “Why don’t you drop yours, Mister?”

  Ambase ignited his lightsaber. Gizz fired at the Jedi. Ambase swung his blade at the energy bolt and deflected it into the roof. Nuru said, “Put away your blaster, Gizz. And everyone stand back,”

  Breaker said, “Commander, we can take him—”

  “Stand back,” Nuru repeated firmly. Taking a cautious step toward Ambase, he said, “What makes you think I strayed to the dark side?”

  “I know you followed me to Kynachi. I was told you’re in league with the Sith. I didn’t believe it until now.”

  “Sith?” Nuru took another step forward. “Who told you I’m with the Sith?”

  “Come one step closer, and I’ll cut you down.”

  Nuru stood very still. “Who told you?”


  Nuru was stunned. “You trusted Dooku?”

  Ambase touched the wound on his forehead. “He wasn’t… always.”

  “You’re confused. And injured.”

  Ambase leveled his lightsaber at Nuru. “Do you deny that you sabotaged the ship at Kynachi?”

  “Of course, I deny it.”

  “Then why did you follow me?”

  “Because I feared for your life, Master Ambase,” Nuru said. “I followed you because I wanted to help you.”

  “Help me?” Ambase’s eyes rolled back, and his lightsaber fell from his hand and rolled away from him before his knees buckled and he collapsed.

  Nuru went to Ambase’s side. He glanced back at Breaker and said, “Get Quills our here with a med kit. Fast!”

  As Breaker ran back to the Suwantek, a small cargo ship descended and touched down on the roof. A few seconds later, a hatch opened on the side of the ship, and Lalo Gunn stepped out. Surprised, Knuckles said, “Gunn? What are you doing here?”

  “Got me a new ship on Vaced,” Gunn said. “I gave Chatterbox a tracking device to plant on the Suwantek so I could catch up with you.” She looked at the Suwantek and said, “What happened to you guys? And where’s Chatterbox?”

  Before anyone could answer, a skylight window slid aside against the roof. A moment later a clone wearing a Republic Navy officer’s uniform pushed himself up through the skylight and climbed onto the roof. Knuckles looked at the clone
and said, “Sharp, what are you doing wearing an officer’s uniform?”

  Sharp looked at Nuru, who was gently elevating Ambase’s head, and then he looked at Knuckles. Sharp took a deep breath. “Before I answer that question, Knuckles, why don’t you tell me why a Clawdite was wearing my armor “

  Knuckles’s mouth fell open. “What Clawdite?”

  “The one I landed on when I fell through that skylight,” Sharp said. “I’d ask him to explain things for me, but it’s too late for that. He’s dead.”

  Ring-Sol Ambase, Harm Kelpura, and Chatterbox were whisked to medical centers at the Jedi Temple. Afterward, Breaker brought Cleaver’s parts to a droid-repair station.

  The bodies of the Clawdite and the three men adorned with Black Sun tattoos were turned over to Republic Intelligence for identification purposes. An attempt was made to deliver Overseer Umbrag’s body to the Skakoan embassy in the Senate District, but the Skakoans didn’t want it.

  Nuru Kungurama, Breaker, and Knuckles talked with Sharp and Lalo Gunn in an effort to figure out, among other things, how and when the Clawdite had infiltrated Breakout Squad, and also Count Dooku’s motives for convincing Ambase that Nuru intended to steal the Chiss escape pod. Four days later, they remained largely baffled.

  Five days after his return to Coruscant, Nuru went to meet with his recovering Master.

  “May I see Master Ambase now?” Nuru Kungurama asked.

  “Of course,” said the droid receptionist. “Right this way.”

  Hovering through the air, the droid led Nuru through the medical facility in the Jedi Temple until they arrived at a private room.

  The droid quietly ushered Nuru into the room, where Ring-Sol Ambase was sitting on the edge of a narrow bunk. Ambase had a bandage across his forehead.

  Seeing Ambase, the droid said, “You should he lying down.”


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