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Luna: the predator of revenge

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by Rasi K


  Part-1 --------> Rejection and hidden secrets

  ➢ Chapter 1 – Introduction

  ➢ Chapter 2 – Pre-Ceremony

  ➢ Chapter 3 – Ceremony

  ➢ Chapter 4 – Mate

  ➢ Chapter 5 – Rejection

  ➢ Chapter 6 – Harsh Reality

  ➢ Chapter 7 – Date

  ➢ Chapter 8 – Chaos

  ➢ Chapter 9 – Luna

  ➢ Chapter 10 – Rightful Luna

  ➢ Chapter 11 – Attack

  ➢ Chapter 12 – Mate?

  ➢ Chapter 13 – Who is he?

  ➢ Chapter 14 – Meet the Vampire King

  ➢ Chapter 15 – Door to truth?

  ➢ Chapter 16 – Decrypting the encrypt

  ➢ Chapter 17 – Escape home

  ➢ Chapter 18 – Uproar

  ➢ Chapter 19 – Found

  ➢ Chapter 20 – Rogue

  ➢ Chapter 21 – Banned

  ➢ Chapter 22 – Brother

  ➢ Chapter 23 – Plan Failure

  ➢ Chapter 24 – Mission Rescue Kira

  ➢ Chapter 25 – Story of Elias Hyde

  ➢ Chapter 26 – Half Vampire

  ➢ Chapter 27 – Under his control

  ➢ Chapter 28 – Break the spell

  ➢ Chapter 29 – Witchery

  ➢ Chapter 30 – Discovery in Hana’s death

  Part-2 --------> War and aftermath

  ➢ Chapter 31 – Call for war

  ➢ Chapter 32 – Training

  ➢ Chapter 33 – Safe zones

  ➢ Chapter 34 – Michael Miller

  ➢ Chapter 35 – War

  ➢ Chapter 36 – Vampire King

  ➢ Chapter 37 – Coma

  ➢ Chapter 38 – Resurrection

  ➢ Chapter 39 – Like father like daughter

  ➢ Chapter 40 – Story of Melaine and Hana

  ➢ Chapter 41 – Rejecting Kira Miller

  ➢ Chapter 42 – Secret Admirer

  ➢ Chapter 43 – Harath Pack

  ➢ Chapter 44 – Decisions

  Part-3 --------> Separation and new beginnings

  ➢ Chapter 45 – Matthew Sharp

  ➢ Chapter 46 – The Escape

  ➢ Chapter 47 – Rebuilding the fallen empire

  ➢ Chapter 48 – Visit to Red Moon Pack

  ➢ Chapter 49 – Luna of Red Moon Pack

  ➢ Chapter 50 – Alpha visits

  ➢ Chapter 51 – Parish Pack

  ➢ Chapter 52 – Alpha Raden

  ➢ Chapter 53 – Story of Alpha Raden

  ➢ Chapter 54 – Surprise

  ➢ Chapter 55 – We meet again

  ➢ Chapter 56 – Vampire Diary

  ➢ Chapter 57 – Carter Lynch

  ➢ Chapter 58 – Break the bond

  ➢ Chapter 59 – Vampire meet

  ➢ Chapter 60 – Alpha meet

  ➢ Chapter 61 – Treaty

  ➢ Chapter 62 – Alpha Daniel

  ➢ Chapter 63 – Luna


  Bonus Chapter – Children

  Behind the scenes


  Chapter 1


  "I can't believe that we are going to attend the mating ceremony tomorrow. I'm so excited.”, Tahliya said jumping on the couch. We had just arrived home after buying our dresses for the special day tomorrow. It took us three hours to finally decide on one, me selecting a red dress and Tah selecting a blue dress.

  Tah was my alpha's daughter. She is the second born. She has a brother who is alpha-in-training. I'm the beta's daughter. I have a brother who is the same age as Tah's. He is the beta-in-training. I haven't seen either of them for three years. They both were sent off to different packs, just before they turned seventeen, for their trainings.

  Tah turned seventeen last month while I, a few weeks back. This was the time our wolves recognized our mates.

  Since dad was around alpha most of the time, Tah and I have known each other since diapers. Being around her, coming across Noah, Tah's brother was inevitable. Being around him for too long may or may not have developed a tiny crush on him. The thought that he will be returning tomorrow brings back the feelings I had tried hard to bury inside, for the last three years.

  Tah and I had no secrets between us, meaning she knew about my crush too. Tah, being Tah, never missed a chance on teasing me about it. Even though we fought and teased each other we had our backs all the time.

  Other than my brother, Daniel, and dad, Tah and her family were my only family. My mother died after giving birth to me. She never had the chance to even look at my face. She had been kidnapped a few months into her pregnancy. On the day she had finally returned, she had been covered in blood and was suffering in pain, dad had told. I had no idea of how she looked except for the few pictures dad had kept around.

  Tah's mother, the Luna of the pack, has always been the mother figure for both Daniel and I since. She, insisting that we called her 'mother', made it more convincing.

  Tomorrow was the day I feared, even though the feeling of happiness was there in the corner of my heart.

  Tah, being an alpha blood, it was only possible that she gets an alpha as a mate. I, being a beta blood it was only possible for me to be mated with a beta. A werewolf getting mated with someone out of their rank was rare. It is not like it never happened; it is just that it was unusual. It was believed that the female wolf had to have equal strength in order to bear the male wolf's pup and to handle the power that they got once they marked each other.

  I'm worried that I will have to separate from her. It’s not like we would end up being the mates of the beta and alpha of the same pack. There was barely any chance of it happening. That is what is getting to me right now. This could be the last night I could ever spend with her before we go on in different ways.

  "Carol!!!", Tah shrieked in my ears.

  "Yea?", I asked rubbing my ears. She smirked seeing the effect of her deed.

  "Let’s do a Harry Potter marathon.", Tah asked, more like stated.

  Did I mention that she is a Harry Potter addict? Yes, a big one at that.


  And so began our night, which is most likely to be the last one together.

  My only hope is that, she gets a good mate. After all, she is a good catch.

  Chapter 2


  The next day…

  I felt heat seeping through my cheeks. When I touched it, I felt nothing other than my skin. I reluctantly opened my eyes to be blinded by the sunlight peeking through the curtains.

  Next to me I noticed Tah stirring, not fully awake. Memories of last night flashed through, Harry Potter marathon… couch… bed… giggles… sleep…

  “Tah. Tahliya!”, I shouted in her ears.

  She shot up immediately shrieking. “What happen? What happen?”, she asked looking around.

  “Oh, nothing.”, I said doing my best to maintain a straight face.

  “Ok.”, she said finally relaxing.

  I nodded my head not wanting to risk a laugh.

  “Ah! Then why the hell did you shout?”, she shouted finally getting the situation.

  That was the last straw for me. Seeing her furious face I doubled over while sitting on the bed.

  “That’s not funny.”

  “That was damn funny.”, I said taking deep breaths to control my laughter, when my breath was knocked out for a moment. It was when I heard the laughter, I realized what had happened.

  “Now that is what is called funny. The look on your face though, priceless.”, Tah said beginning her laughing fit.

so calls for a fight.”, I said grabbing the nearest pillow before hitting her square on the face. She started it, now she has to face the consequence of it.

  Soon both of us started a pillow fight making the room anything but clean. The room filled with our laughter once we settled down after our fight. After controlling our breath from continuous laughter, we went to get ourselves clean. I used the bathroom in my room while Tah went to the guest room which was more like her room.

  Once we were fresh we went down to the kitchen. Tahliya sat at the table while I flipped pancakes.

  “Do I smell pancakes?”

  “Morning Uncle Dunbar!”

  “Good morning dad! How was your day with uncle and mother?”

  “Good morning girls! It was splendid as usual. Are you both ready for today?”, asked dad as he sat down on the head of the table. I emptied the pancakes into two plates before placing them on the table. I slumped down on the chair next to Tah.

  “Yes!!”, Tah answered for both of us.

  He simply nodded at that, continuing to sip on his coffee.

  He had blonde hair with amber eyes. He was around 5’10 and had a fit body for an old man he was.

  We both ate our breakfast while dad continued to drink his coffee, all in our own worlds. Dad, done with his coffee, cut through the silence.

  “Caroline, I have something to tell you”, dad said in a serious tone.

  “What is it dad?”, I asked. I am getting worried here. I mean, my dad was very well a jovial person. He became serious only when it was pack matters or if it had to do with either of his children, including Tah.

  “Daniel won’t be coming for the ceremony today.” I could feel the tears prickling as dad said that.

  For someone from outside, it might feel like I was overreacting, but having lost our mother, Daniel and I had always been close knit. So the fact that I wouldn’t be seeing him today bruised my heart.

  “But why?! I haven’t seen him for three years already!”, I exclaimed.

  “I know dear, but he has been busy lately. He is held up in extra training. Try to understand the situation.”

  “Every time.”, I mumbled angrily. I know my dad would have heard it but he didn’t say anything. Daniel and I haven’t met haven’t seen each other after that one day when dad and I went to meet him in his training. He was usually just so busy with his training that we hardly got time to talk. I was so happy that I finally would get to see him again after goddess knows how many months. But he isn’t coming anymore.

  “What about Noah, uncle? Is he also not coming?”, asked Tahliya with a frown on her beautiful face.

  “Noah will be coming, as he is our soon to-be-alpha which requires him to find his mate soon.” This made her smile bright.

  “Don’t be sad Carol, at least Noah is coming, right? Wouldn’t you like to meet him?”, asked dad.

  He was right. I would love to see him, its long since I saw him.

  Maybe he would have gotten more handsome, I thought giddily.

  Get yourself together Carol! He is going to be someone’s mate, stop fantasizing about him. I scolded myself.

  “Yeah, she would be very happy seeing him again, uncle.”, Tah said emphasizing the word ‘very’, smirking. Once again she took her chance. I shot her a dirty look making her quiet.

  After we finished breakfast, dad left to tend to some business while we sat in my room with Tah with fussing over jewelry and makeup. My mind kept wandering off to different things.

  “Should I wear the silver earrings or blue earring? Ah! Here we go again. Carol! Carol!!”

  I snapped out of my reverie.

  “Did you even bother listening to a single thing?”, Tah asked, having enough of my behavior. I felt sorry for her. This was the third time she had brought me out of my thoughts. As for her question, I smiled sheepishly at her.

  “What are you thinking so hard about?”

  I shrugged. “Many things and one of them is Daniel. I miss him Tah, I really do. I wish I could get a chance to meet him once before I find my mate.”, I said truthfully. My voice was cracking, but I couldn’t care less.


  “Today, if I find my mate then I don’t know if I would ever get to meet him again.”

  Only when Tah tried comforting me did I realize that I was crying.

  “Carol, I understand how you feel. Don’t worry, you will see him soon. But now you should worry about something else. You heard what uncle said, right? My brother is coming.” She said the last part in a teasing tone.

  “Shut up!”, I said smiling lightly. This was one of the reasons why I loved her. She knew the right words to lift my mood.

  “No, I mean it, really. Think about it. It would be so much fun if you both are mates. I would be so happy. Just imagine, my best friend and my brother. Oh and your pups-“


  “- I will be their aunt as well as godmother. This is so going to be fun.”, she said not bothering about my protest.

  Not knowing how to shut her mouth, I hid my face in the pillow lying on the bed.

  Tahliya’s laugher filled the room making me want to smack her face.

  And that was exactly what I did, resuming the fight from the morning. We were having so much fun that we only stopped to realize that we had only four hours before the ceremony.

  Chapter 3


  We ran across the room picking up anything and everything that came by our hands. After taking a quick shower, we changed into our dresses.

  Tah took charge of make-up while I did the hair. Being me, I had to plead her to not have my face caked with make-up. She might be goddess in doing make-up, but I still feared my appearance. All she did was to tell me off in return and went down to her work. Finally, once she was done with it, I looked into the mirror. She had the make-up natural looking and to say I looked good would be an understatement if I did say so myself. It made my blue eyes pop out. I had brownish blonde hair with piercing ocean blue eyes. I took my time appreciating the way I looked in the mirror while Tah did her make-up. Finally done, I put my hair in an elegant bun.

  Once she finished her last coating of eyeliner she was done. I took her hair and curled it to the side. She was a brunette, of 5’8, with hazel eyes.

  “You look gorgeous Tah!”, I said giving her a once over.

  “You are not bad yourself, beautiful.” Tah put out her hand mimicking a male voice.

  I held out my hand laughing at her buffoonery.

  We went down and out of the house to the car waiting to take us to the hall.

  The hall was decorated beautifully. The girls were dressed in beautiful dresses while the boys had on their tux looking ever so handsome. Few other packs were also attending the ceremony today. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their time laughing and chatting.

  We went to the front desk to get our badges.

  “Name and Pack”, the lady there asked Tah.

  “Tahliya Jones, Red Moon Pack”

  The lady took out a badge and gave it to her.

  Her badge said-

  Name: Tahliya Jones

  Beauty: 9/10

  Strength: 9/10

  Pack: Red Moon Pack

  Next it was my turn.

  “Name and Pack”

  “Caroline Dunbar, Red Moon Pack”

  She gave me my badge and moved on to the next set of girls who had come after us.

  Mine said-

  Name: Caroline Dunbar

  Beauty: 9/10

  Strength: 10/10

  Pack: Red Moon Pack

  It definitely had to be a printing mistake. I was about to go back to the lady and ask for the correct badge when Tah interrupted me.

  “Where are you going?”, she asked, getting hold of my wrist.

  “I am going to ask her for the correct badge, how can my strength be more than yours?”, I said, trying to release my hand.

  “First of all, Carol that’s amazing. And secondly
, why would you think that it is a printing mistake?”

  “You are an alpha blood, how can I exceed yours? Of course it would be a printing mistake.”, I said, still trying in vain.

  “That doesn’t matter. I never took training seriously, remember? On the other hand, you were addicted to it. It’s all about the amount of practice.”, she said, dragging me towards the door to the main hall.

  “Now, if you are happy with the answer, I am thirsty and would love to have some food intake. You wouldn’t want to have to deal with a famished Tahliya, would you?”, she asked, dragging me towards the food table once inside.

  There was no need to answer her as she didn’t bother to hear one. Once we reached there, Tah didn’t bother maintaining any amount of etiquette. I sipped on my drink while Tah continued to attack the food. Even when others gave her weird looks, she couldn’t bother less about them. That was when I smelled it, the heartwarming smell of pine and sand. Liza was howling inside me, making me go crazy even more.

  “Do you smell it?”

  “Yes, he is our –“

  “Mate”, we said in unison.

  Liza kept howling inside me.

  Mate! Mate!

  My ocean blue eyes scanned the gathering in an attempt to find our mate.

  Suddenly my hand was yanked, making me turn around with a jolt.


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