Luna: the predator of revenge

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Luna: the predator of revenge Page 13

by Rasi K

Chapter 54


  I gasped at that. I mean, what are the chances of me meeting someone who happens to be just like me. While I processed his words in a moment of silence, Raden took my silence in the wrong way.

  “Sweetheart, please don’t hate me. If not for his help, I wouldn’t be what I am today. I don’t even know if I would have been alive. So please, accept the fact that I am half vampire.”, he said. I tried opening my mouth to tell him that even I was a half vampire, but he gestured me to stop.

  If he wishes so, I thought shrugging.

  “I might have vampire blood flowing in me, but that doesn’t take my right as a werewolf. I need you, please. I love you, please.”, he pleaded.

  I ignored the three words that sent a wave of pleasure through my body, instead focused on taunting him.

  “See who is impatient now. Are you done now?”, I asked him.

  He nodded, waiting for my response.

  “Well, first off, I am not going to leave you, vampire or not. Second off, you needn’t about it as I am also a half vampire similar -”, before I could finish he cut me off.

  “What?”, he shouted standing up, pushing down his chair in the process.

  Next moment, the door to the room was pushed open to reveal an anxious Levi.

  He studied the situation while waiting patiently.

  “Levi, could you please give us some time alone? There is no problem, if you are worried about one.”, I said.

  He didn’t seem convinced a bit. If anything, he looked much more wary looking at his alpha.

  “Please?”, I tried again.

  This time, Raden nodded his head, giving his approval. Having gotten his instruction, he left while closing the door on his way out.

  When I turned around, Raden had an expectant look on his face.

  “Well, you might want to take a seat.”, I said looking at the fallen chair.

  He didn’t bother lifting the chair. Instead, he came around and took the seat next to me.

  His closeness clouded my mind and senses. I closed my eyes taking in his scent.

  When I opened my eyes, he was smirking at me definitely loving his effect on me. How I wish I had the same effect on him.

  I controlled my mind from going wild before I started telling him everything from the start. I told him about my first mate, war, the secrets I had disclosed, about my grandpa, mom, everything.

  He listened to it patiently, without interrupting me, whatsoever. When I finally finished telling my tale, I sighed out of breath. He sighed along but it was more of a sigh of relief.

  “That’s one hell of an experience you have gone through, sweetheart. And I don’t feel an ounce of guilt in me when I say, I am thankful that he rejected you. I mean, if not for him I wouldn’t have been able to get you. And as for him confessing to you, you are off market as of now. You are mine, and only mine.”, he said pulling me to him.

  If I said that I loved the electric sparks that came from the touch, I had no words to describe the feeling when he brought his lips to mine.

  Out of breath we pulled out of the kiss, looking into each other’s eyes. His eyes were filled with lust and love. I knew my eyes held a similar look like that of his.

  I smiled at him enjoying the feeling of being loved.

  Our moment was disrupted when a knock came from the other side.

  He let go of me before straightening himself.

  “Come in.”, he called out.

  Levi came inside and bowed his head before looking up.

  “Alpha, there is a man at the border asking for Caroline Dunbar.”, he informed.

  Before Raden could tell anything, I cut him off.

  “What is his name?”, I asked.

  He hesitated before answering, “Gabriel”. I looked into my watch to see that it was past ten in the night.

  “Okay, thank you.”, I said before turning to Raden, “That’s my cue to leave. I should go before my family sends a search party.”, I said standing up.

  “I am coming along.”, he said catching my wrist.

  This seemed to shock both me and Levi.

  “And Levi, she is your Luna. Do not call her by her name ever again.”, he threatened.

  He nodded and waited for the next instruction he knew was coming.

  “Go and tell him that we are coming.”, he said.

  With that he left, closing the door as usual.

  “Raden, you needn’t come out. I was just joking about it.”, I said turning to him.

  He growled at that.

  “Tell that again.”, he ordered.

  “You ne - ”

  “Not that, my name.”, he said growling again.

  “Raden”, I said again.

  He growled before nuzzling his face into my hair.

  “I would do anything to hear that, sweetheart.”

  Finally deciding that he would be accompanying me, we left to the border from where I came.

  Gabriel stood there along with Levi. I should introduce myself properly with him, next time. Gabriel looked questioningly at our entwined hands but he kept silent nevertheless.

  “Can we leave?”, he asked.

  “Yes, but he is also coming along.”, I said.

  “Will your grandpa approve of his presence?”, he asked with his eyebrows raised.

  “Definitely.”, I said with confidence.

  “Then I don’t have a problem with it.”, he said instantly smiling. “Also I am happy for you, she is a great person, just like her mother.”, he said looking at Raden.

  “I know.”, he said smiling down at me.

  I smiled back at him, before going to the car.

  In a matter of time, we reached the pack.

  As expected, the guards did not question the additional presence.

  The driver dropped us off in front of our house, before leaving.

  When we entered the house, Gabriel went to inform grandpa about my arrival.

  Once he did, he led us to his office.

  I settled down in front of his table along with Raden, who sat next to me. Grandpa looked up from his work noting our presence and gave Raden a pointed look before looking at me questioningly.

  “Grandpa, this is Raden, alpha of Parish pack, my mate. Raden, this is my grandpa, Matthew Sharp, alpha of Harath pack.”

  Grandpa took a moment to analyze him, while he sat there with nervous smile on his face.

  My grandpa can be really be intimidating. This scene seemed to be a repeat of the other day when he threatened dad and uncle.

  “So, you are the mysterious alpha, is it?”, grandpa questioned him, wontedly missing on the fact that he was my mate.

  “Yes, sir. I am Caroline’s mate, too.”, he answered him.

  “I like you.”, grandpa announced suddenly, surprising both me and Raden.


  “What? Do you think I am a bad guy? I know when a person is good.”, he stated casually.

  “Thank you, sir. That means a lot for me.”, Raden said genuinely.

  The moment he was about to relax, grandpa made him sit straight by speaking.

  “But remember one thing, never try hurting my granddaughter. She is precious to me. If you do hurt her, then forget waking up next day.”, he said equally genuine.

  “I wouldn’t imagine sir.”, he said before adding under his breath, “Neither of them.”

  Grandpa seemed to have heard too, because he smiled at that.

  “Caroline, you have someone waiting for you in the terrace.”, he said before I left his office.

  I asked Raden if he wanted to wait in the living room or accompany me. He decided to come with me. When I reached the terrace I was surprised to see him.

  “Hi my dear mate. Long time no see.”

  Chapter 55

  We meet again

  The moment the words left his mouth, Raden went for his throat.

  Asher choked on his breath and motioned for me to help him out.

den, leave him. He is just a friend.”, I said trying to pull him away. Man, was he strong?

  “Raden, I said leave him.”, I called again. That was when I saw his eyes. It wasn’t him who was in control anymore, it was Lucas.

  Liza, call out for Lucas.

  I tried, but he is blocking me.

  What about Raden?

  Lucas has shut him off.

  Okay, let me see what I can do.

  “Lucas, calm down. Let Raden out. You are not thinking straight. I can’t have Raden turn into a murderer just because you couldn’t control your jealousy. Let him go, he is turning blue.”, I said, giving my last try.

  I know, vampires don’t die out of choking but they could still faint due to it. That was the only thing I could come up with, at that moment.

  Finally, Lucas released his hold on him before fighting control with Raden.

  Asher coughed a few times and took deep breaths before turning to me.

  “Little mate, who is this mad man who went all out on me?”, he asked in a teasing tone.

  “Now is not the time to play around, Asher. He still hasn’t gained total control over his wolf. So, you might want to watch your tongue.”, I said.

  “Thanks for bursting my bubble. Here I thought, you loved me and that I could rile him up and enjoy it. Well, it was fun while it lasted.”, he said.

  Raden growled at him when he talked about love.

  “I am Asher, Caroline’s friend. And you?”, he said holding out his hand.

  “I am Raden, Caroline’s mate. Nice meeting you.”, Raden said shaking his hand with a firm grip. Asher flinched at the tightness of the hand shake.

  “Same here, but didn’t you say your mate rejected you?”, he asked turning to me.

  “Yes, he did and I accepted it. Raden here, is my second chance mate.”, I explained to him.

  “Oh, that’s nice. Now that it is over, can I get a hug from you?”, he said opening his arms.

  Before I could take a step, a growl split through the air.

  “I take that as a no.”, he said flinching at the loudness of the growl.

  I nodded swiftly at him. Going against Raden was going to be a sensitive subject for the night.

  “So how have you been?”, I asked trying to evade the tension in the air.

  “I have been good. I came here for a purpose.”, he said.

  “Wait, how did you know where I was? Moreover, how did they let you in?”, I asked suddenly remembering that he was in my grandpa’s pack.

  “I went to your old pack. Tahliya, I guess. She told me to find you here. As for how I came in, I had helped your grandfather previously, he just repaid me.”, he said.

  “So it was you who helped him escape during the war?”, I asked finally feeling the pieces fit in its places.

  He simply nodded.

  “So what is this purpose you speak of?”, I asked.

  “I came here to be with the one I love.”, he said looking at me.

  “Asher”, I warned.

  “Fine, fine. I came here to break away from the bond. I like a girl who is also a vampire, but I can’t be with her until I break the bond with you.”, he said.

  “Fine, I, Caroline -”, he cut me before I proceed.

  “No, no, no, dear. This is not as simple as how you do with your mates in your custom. This doesn’t work on vampires. Moreover, we are blood mates, so it isn’t that easy.”, he said.

  “Then, do you know how this is to work?”, I asked.

  “I have no idea. That is why I am here today.”, he said.

  “Raden, do you know anything about this?”, I asked him, who was deep in thoughts.

  “Why are you asking him? He is just a werewolf. Moreover, he is not even old enough to have any knowledge about it.”, he said.

  “Asher, you might want to know something. Raden is a half vampire, like me.”, I said.

  “Oh”, he said before turning to Raden, “So, do you know?”, he asked hopefully.

  He shook his head, causing Asher to sigh loudly.

  “Sounds like a trap. What do we do now?”, he asked sadly.

  “Ash, do you love her?”, I asked.

  He nodded his head vigorously at me.

  “Then we will make this happen.”, I said in a promising tone.

  He had helped me with so many things, the least I could do, is to release him from me.

  “Ah, I remember where we might be able to get answers from.”, he said as if he got hit by a great idea.

  “What is that?”, I asked.

  “The vampire king’s diary.”

  Chapter 56

  Vampire Diary

  April 2, 1980

  Today, I met the perfect guy to lead the clan after me. His name is Asher King. He is indeed going to be a king in the future. The way he held up his hands in a defensive stance, I could tell that he would be great fighter in the future. He told me that he was seventeen years old. When I had asked around for his parents, his face fell but he immediately masked it. I used my mind reading ability on him. His parents had died previously in a war. Explains why he put on the fighting stance against me. In my clan, if you didn’t have parents or actual elder supervision, you are an easy victim of torment. What he didn’t know was that, I was the king himself. He never bothered to bow to me, regarding me as an elder. I might have chosen him for his skills but he lacked manners. He will only learn it if he is put forth the trouble.

  Reading his words made my blood boil. He was a cold-hearted creature by all means. Not wanting to know about the troubles he put Asher through, I skimmed past pages.

  March 10, 1984

  Today I decided that he has had enough disciplinary education, and that he would be fit to take up the position as the vampire prince. But I was wrong. When I went there, he didn’t even acknowledge me. He had grown taller than the last time I had seen him in person. He stood shoulder to shoulder, with me. Since he had no parents he was working up in the woods. Another thing about my clan, no one gets their food freely. If you are not earning anything, you go empty stomach for the day. I called for him. He gave me a cold shoulder. It wasn’t until I announced to him that he would be the next vampire prince, he laughed like a maniac. It took him a few minutes to calm down from his laughing fits. When he saw my straight face he understood that I was being serious. He was taken aback. He further accused me that I was spouting lies. I told him that I was the vampire king and I chose him to be my heir. He waited for me to laugh at his face and tell that it was a joke. But that moment never came. Understanding that I was telling the truth, he simply nodded at me. By then, he knew protests were of no use.

  He actually pulled Asher into his sick world just because he didn’t have an heir of his own. I wish I had stabbed him after reading these. I would have stabbed him few more times, letting him know what pain feels like. I feel like I had given him an easy way out.

  August 30, 1996

  Today I sent my clan to attack the Harath pack. They brought me back the alpha, beta and the Luna. When I asked about their daughters, they said that the alpha had hid him well. I knew that he never took my message, though cryptic, seriously. That is one reason how I succeeded today. He might be a strong man, but I knew how to look for a weakness in a person.

  October 3, 1996

  Today was yet another day when I experimented on the trio, like the past month. I had taken their blood test yesterday and the results were shocking. The DNAs of the alpha and Luna were powerful. They were indeed strong people, the Luna just didn’t know it, and she will never know it. I ordered one of the scientists to clone a vampire with such a DNA structure. If the experiment is successful, vampire kind will become undefeatable. I tried different experiments on them to extract their wolf soul out of them. If the wolf was taken out, they would be a bunch of foolish humans fighting against us.

  What the heck? He is proving me, again and again, that I gave him an easy death. I skimmed past few pages again.

  January 26, 1999
br />   Yesterday night, that Luna, Amelia, died. The doctors say that it was because I gave her my blood, but I won’t believe it. If that was the case the death of those mutts would be so easy. When I asked him, he told me that when a mismatching blood is inserted in a werewolf, the wolf blood in them prevents it from joining in their body. But if the wolf fails to neither suppress it nor accommodate it, then the wolf dies resulting in the person dying too. That was what had happened in her case. Her wolf tried to fight my blood but ended up dying.

  I flinched at that. I continued skipping past pages.

  June 20, 2002

  Today had been the same like any other day. That was until when a mid-aged woman entered my territory. She wasn’t to be blamed, seeing she even hid her scent, it was just that we vampires had high senses. My men immediately captured her and put her in the cell. She kept shouting at my men but they paid no heed to her. As for me, I was busy experimenting on the alpha’s wolf. I was testing it with wolfsbane to examine the reaction. When the wolfsbane was injected the wolf faints and is put into coma. Awaking it wasn’t difficult though. It only needed you to be actively moving five hours or so for it to revert back. Seeing this, I asked my scientist to find what the wolfsbane consisted of. If the reaction of small dosage of it was as such, then what will the mutts do if they are given high dosage?

  Am I the one in short of words or is he indescribable?

  July 1, 2002

  I had forgotten that I had a woman under my hostage until today. I was leaving for my experiment work, as usual, when I heard shouts from inside the prison. Sensing no one near, I went inside to check on the situation. That was when I saw her. She stood there, behind the bars, looking so beautiful. She had slight bump in her stomach. That reminded me of who she was. I immediately changed my awe struck expression to a glare. She was unmoved by it. That was when it struck me. She was a middle aged woman, so I will be able to experiment on her more successfully unlike those mutts. I ordered my men to take her to the lab, to prepare her for the experiment. That was when she told something interesting. She revealed that she was the daughter of the alpha and Luna we had imprisoned. That was when it hit the notch. If she was their daughter, she was bound to be strong. I took her immediately to the lab. I asked the scientist to test her DNA. As expected, her DNA was powerful, but there was something different about her. The scientists couldn’t exactly point out what it was, but she was definitely special, and she will be my key to success.


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