Luna: the predator of revenge

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Luna: the predator of revenge Page 14

by Rasi K

  November 6, 2002

  Today we experimented on her like usual. It was going all fine until she started hyperventilating. Scientists tried all ways on her but could stop her. They were worried that it might be because of the excess loss of blood in the past two days. When I asked my men to bring in the stored blood, they informed that they had run out of blood. Running out of options, I bit my wrist and poured my blood into her mouth. The scientists feared my decision but I couldn’t bother less. Surprisingly, she stopped fidgeting and started sucking at my wrist. Once satisfied she laid down back. We stopped the experiments for today, seeing she was weak. But indeed, she was something else.

  Ew, hearing someone crushing on my mom, that too reading from their diary, made me uncomfortable.

  November 7, 2002

  Today, out of custom, I went to check on Hana. I was shocked to see her bed empty. I called out for my men to search for her but they couldn’t find her. Losing hope on my useless men, I went out on my own. I searched all around the territory but I couldn’t find her anywhere. When I was about to leave I smelled blood around there. I followed the scent and found traces of blood down the path. I followed it until it reached a pack. It was a long distance from my territory but to think that she had made it there was surprising. I left her there knowing she would definitely come back for her dad.

  So, my assumption was right. He was the one responsible for my mom’s death. If it had not been for him doing experiments on her, she wouldn’t have suffered any of it. Better yet, he shouldn’t have kidnapped my grandparents. I flipped through a few pages still not finding the answer I needed more urgently.

  February 15, 2003

  I asked for my men to bring in Hana’s daughter. If all my experiments were to fail, then I might as well bring in cross-breeds to strengthen my side. Asher had turned twenty yesterday, so I thought I might as well finish with the primary works. After the baby daughter of Hana was brought to the clan, I cut their palms and connected them by blood. They would end up being mates, as the mutts called them. When I cut her palm I took a small amount of blood and gave it to my scientist to check if there was anything in it, which can be used to my advantage. After attending to the wound on her palm she was taken back to her pack. After so many years of research, the scientist, I had assigned work back then, came back with some news. He said that since the DNA was structured in such a way to support the werewolf body, it was difficult to structure the same way for a vampire. He also said that there was a possibility for a vampire to control a werewolf’s mind, if they had that vampire’s blood in their system. At the same moment, the other scientist informed me that Hana’s daughter had vampire blood in her. Instantly I knew it was my blood. I asked the scientist how long it would take for me to gain control over her. He replied that I will be able to do so after she turns seventeen and meets her mate. If she was to be my way to success, I might as well wait for seventeen more years.

  Oh shit. That was how he gained control over me. When he had given his blood to mom, I had drunk it too. After reading that, I scanned the rest of the book, searching for something that might give me my answers, but there were none. There was one entry I came across, it was him mentioning about my escape. What caught my attention was the fact he had been watching me throughout my escape. But I couldn’t bother sweating about it anymore. The last entry was from the day before he died in the war.

  I closed the book and left my room. Asher had gone and brought the diary immediately, yesterday night. He wanted to finish it as quick as possible. Understanding his urgency, I set on work instantly. I expected it to end up successful, but unfortunately it didn’t. I entered the room where Asher waited. He looked up instantly, but his face instantly fell when I shook my head. Before I could console him with words, Raden burst through the door. When he looked at me, I shook my head yet again.

  “I know exactly who can help us.”, he said.

  This piqued our interests. We looked hopefully at him.

  “Carter Lynch”

  Chapter 57

  Carter Lynch

  Raden contacted him immediately. Carter Lynch was on his way here. He was the vampire who had saved his life earlier. Raden said that he was a wise man.

  While we waited for him to arrive, I filled in grandpa on what was happening. He knew about the whole vampire mate thing. I hadn’t explained to him about the blood bond though. When I told him about it, he was shocked, but he did know for a fact, that it wasn’t as easy as a mate bond. He waited along with us in his office, while Raden went to bring along Carter Lynch.

  Grandpa had already informed the guards out there, so they wouldn’t have a problem letting them pass.

  As if on cue, the door opened below. A new scent evaded my senses. The door to the office opened and in came, Raden along with a man around 45, which of course wouldn’t be his actual age. He had jet black hair, with stubble across his chin. He had black eyes, matching his clothes and hair. He instantly locked eyes with me.

  “She is a vampire.”, were his first words.

  I was shocked at that. With just a look he could tell that I was one. He was indeed a wise man.

  “She was turned, like me.”, Raden answered for me.

  He nodded but still he looked weirdly at me.

  “Please settle down.”, grandpa gestured for him.

  He sat down and turned towards Asher.

  “You are the vampire king right? What are you doing here?”

  “Actually, I am the one in need of your help.”, he said.

  He looked back at Raden, who nodded in confirmation.

  “Raden gave me brief view of your problem. But, if you could explain it yourself, then it would be fine.”, he said looking at him.

  “Caroline here and I were bonded by blood, under the supervision of the former vampire king. Neither of us is interested in it though. We have loved ones of our own. But we don’t have any idea as to how to break the bond. That is why we asked for you here.”, he said.

  He nodded at that.

  “Could either of you, explain the procedure that took place during the ceremony?”, he asked looking at both of us. For the first time, since he had arrived, he looked at me without any eeriness to it.

  “Well, she was just two months old when she was bonded with me, while I didn’t pay much attention to it.”, he replied, a little sheepishly towards the end.

  He shook his head at that.

  “I don’t mind being called mean. But how do you expect me to help you if you don’t tell me anything that happened then?”, he asked irritated.

  I promptly remembered about the diary that was kept on grandpa’s table.

  “If it is of any help, you could refer to this book.”, I said handing the book to him with that particular page open.

  “It has written on it about what had happened that day. I hope it will put some light on the situation.”

  He examined the book before looking back at me.

  “Give me some time. I will figure out what can be done. While I am at it, I need a room for me to think in silence.”, he said.

  Grandpa nodded promptly at that.

  “Have some refreshments, I will get someone on it immediately.”, he said before going out to call someone.

  ~two hours later~

  We were gathered at grandpa’s office, for the second time that day. Minutes ago, Carter had sent word for us to meet him at the office. He was expected to make his presence anytime now.

  Finally what seemed like a long wait, the door opened and in came Carter.

  He closed the door and sat next to Raden.

  He returned the diary, thanking me for it. Those were the only words he spoke before going back to silence. He seemed to be contemplating something. I couldn’t bear the silence, but I wouldn’t dare to break it either, unlike someone.

  “Well?”, Asher prodded.

  “Your mates have to mark you.”

  Chapter 58

  Break the bond

; Once the words left his mouth, time froze for me. It took me some time to process his words. I mean I knew he had to mark me sooner or later, but I wanted to get to know him first. I definitely did not want to do it with audience.

  “What do you mean?”, Asher asked. Of course, he being a vampire wouldn’t know about marking.

  “You both have to mark each other and then have your mate, in your case, your lover, to mark over it.”, he said.

  That had me going in yet another round of shock. I thought only my mate will be doing but this was news for me. This was getting weird by each word, his to be exact.

  I mean marking is a precious thing among the mates. I know for one that Raden wouldn’t be able to control Lucas when Asher marks me.

  “How does this help the case?”, Raden asked.

  “According to you werewolves, when a person marks you, the wolf side bonds with them despite its protests. So in order to break it, another person has got to mark you over it. In this case, it will be effective only when the true mate marks you.”, he said.

  Hearing his explanation, it seemed logical, but that doesn’t mean I am, in any way, comfortable doing this.

  Things finally fit in Asher’s mind. He looked at me with pleading eyes, as if reading my mind.

  Oh right, he can read.

  “Please, little mate. You have to help me in here. If you do this, you will also be free from me.”, he begged.

  What he said was true. If I didn’t break this bond, I will not be able to be with Raden whole-heartedly, mate or not. There would be part of me which would long for Asher. I nodded reluctantly, after considering the pros and cons, which were not much.

  “Another thing, once you mark each other, your mates have to mark you immediately, in order for the mark to neutralize. If the mark is not overdone within five minutes, the mark will turn permanent. There will be no revert back, whatsoever.”, he said in a serious tone.

  “I will call for Sophia immediately.”, Asher said before leaving to call his mate.

  I nodded at them before leaving the room. I went straight to my room and spread out on my bed, facing the ceiling. I heard the door open and close before he settled down next to me.

  “You needn’t do this if you don’t want to. That leech doesn’t get to force you into doing anything you don’t want to.”, he said.

  “That’s the thing. I want to do this for me, but I don’t seem to have the confidence to carry out the process. I am not ready to be marked.”, I confessed.

  He remained silent for sometime before speaking again.

  “I know.”

  After that we sat there for what seemed like hours, with him listening while I poured out my thoughts from morning, until Gabriel came to fetch us.

  I straightened myself and followed him, along with Raden, to grandpa’s office, where Asher stood along with a girl, whom I deciphered was Sophia.

  She didn’t seem to be happy being in here, definitely not in my presence.

  Asher gave me a strained smile. I smiled back before turning to Carter, who cleared his throat seeking our attention.

  “You might want to get over with this soon. I ask the both of you to mark each other.”, he said pointing to me and Asher.

  “Could we at least have some privacy?”, I asked, getting a little irritated with everything happening.

  He simply shrugged at that.

  Taking that as a yes, I brought along Asher to my room.

  “Thank you for doing this. It means a lot.”, he said.

  “Don’t worry, I am doing this for my personal reasons apart from wanting to help you.”, I said.

  He nodded and sat there looking at me.

  “Let’s get this over with.”, I said pushing back my hair, exposing my neck, where I am supposed to be marked.

  “Sorry if it hurts.”, he said before his eyes turned red and his fangs grew out.

  His fangs pierced through my skin causing me to arch my back in pain. Unlike when your mate marks you, the pain did not turn into pleasure.

  I felt my bond with Raden break, when he did so.

  Slowly, he raised his head licking off the blood from his fangs.

  “Your turn.”, he said, tearing off the top buttons of his shirt, exposing his neck.

  I felt my canines grow out and I knew my eyes were red like that of Asher.

  I positioned my canines near the place where the mark is supposed to be, before piercing through it.

  After making sure that I had made a mark, I stood up along with Asher following suit. I followed Asher out of the room, a minute after he did.

  I went there to see Raden with a shocked look on his face.

  As if answering my thoughts, Carter spoke up.

  “Your bond with Raden has broken. If you want to restore it, you have to act quickly.”

  Without uttering a word, I pulled with me a dejected Raden.

  Once inside the room, I shut the door.

  I bared my shoulder for him to mark me, but he didn’t seem to be interested.

  “Raden, what are you doing? Mark me. We have only three more minutes. Fast.”, I shouted at him.

  “Why do you think I would mark you now? You have marked the leech and were marked back by him. Why don’t you both have the happily-ever-after?”, he asked.

  I felt the bond with Asher break.

  “Because both of us have someone we love. So if you can keep your jealousy aside, it would be the best. Asher has finished his part of the deal. Now it is you who is delaying us. We have only 50 seconds Raden, act quick.”, I shouted at him looking at the watch.








  “Act fast”















  “Ra-”, I was cut short by a piercing pain down my neck. Soon it turned into pleasure.

  He slowly raised his head sighing.

  “I am sorry. I was jealous that he got to mark you.”, he said pulling me to him.

  “You are mine, no one gets to have what is mine other than me.”, he said nuzzling into my neck.

  “I know”, I replied putting my arms around him.

  After we settled everything between us, we went out to meet the rest.

  Asher and Sophia, who looked better then, left shortly after along with Carter, who decided to leave since his work was done.

  Tired from the day’s events, I passed out in my room, skipping dinner.

  ~Next Day~

  I woke up hazily with the pain in my neck gone. I looked into the mirror to get yet another surprise in the last 24 hours.

  I rushed to the room where Raden stayed at, bursting through the door.

  I woke him up hurriedly. Once I knew he was awake enough to comprehend my words, I shouted my surprise.

  “The mark is gone...”

  Chapter 59

  Vampire Meet

  Third person’s POV

  After Asher King successfully took up his throne alongside Sophia Edward, he saw to it that all the werewolf prisoners were released and made sure that all the scientists, who had worked under the previous vampire king, were executed. The vampires who exercised bullying were banished from the clan and declared that any clan that accepts them shall be wiped off. The vampire heads of other clans were startled by their king’s decisions.

  After a rollercoaster month, Asher King called for a meeting with his subordinates, ruling different clans, representing their subjects.

  Asher was already settled inside the meeting room he had set up, when the first set of vampires started to trickle in.

  By fifteen minutes, all the vam
pire heads were present and the meeting was ready to be started.

  “Hello, my fellow leaders. It is nice to meet you all, officially after my coronation as the King. Keeping that aside, does anyone have idea why we have gathered here?”, he asked looking at each and everyone.

  Everyone remained silent except for one, who dared to mutter under his breath.

  “For yet another witless resolution of yours.”

  What he didn’t expect was to be heard out loud.

  “That’s right. But I also know something else, the door is to my right.”, Asher replied pointing to the door.

  Ashamed, the vampire left the room instantly.

  Once he left, Asher turned to the ones in front of him.

  “So is there anyone else who wants to be smart-mouthed like him?”, he asked quirking his eyebrows.

  Silence answered him.

  “That’s what I thought. Now that we have come to an agreement, let’s focus on other pressing matters. As he told, we are here to discuss about one of my resolutions, except it is not half-witted. We are here to settle on unanimously to not fight with the werewolves without reason. We -”

  “I knew this would be a crazy meeting, but I didn’t expect this from you. Obviously, you are not a royal blood. You wouldn’t know how to take up things. He made a -”

  “At least he didn’t choose you. He was intelligent in that way right?”, Asher asked him.

  That cut him off. Asher didn’t bother about going against anyone, after all he was the king there and no one gets to order him around.

  “You are crazy, do you think you can last, seeing you don’t think much before you send us out. I will do myself a favor by leaving here while I still have some dignity left.”, he said going towards the door.

  “Step out of the door, you forget your clan. Not just him, but everyone in here. You get to choose either of the options: you take me up on my warning or agree to my resolution.”, he said shrugging.


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