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Luna: the predator of revenge

Page 15

by Rasi K

He looked in front of him, waiting for their reaction.

  As expected, everyone settled down in their previous positions, including the one who had gone to the door.

  “So, as I was saying, I am planning to write down a treaty regarding this, with the werewolves. Neither the werewolves nor the vampires shall disturb the other party unnecessarily. There shall be no fight of any sort. So do we agree?”, he asked.

  Chapter 60

  Alpha Meet

  On seeing that my mark had vanished, Raden contacted Carter immediately. He said that the mark was just to neutralize the previous mark, so it was just a temporary one. He was so casual about it. I mean, in the whole process, he had told us about the consequences only after it was done. Who does that? I stared at the mirror for a long time, looking at the place I had had the mark on, the previous day.

  It felt odd seeing the mark gone, even if it had been only one night.

  I got adapted to it slowly. Day by day, Raden and I started spending time together at his pack, getting to know each other, while he governed the pack alongside. It was a known fact that Raden was a softy when it came to me. He was very sweet to me all through the time we had spent together.

  The other fact I discovered was that he was a romantic. The other day, he took me out, saying he had something to deal with and wanted me to accompany him. When we went there, he went on his knees and proposed.

  “What are you doing, Raden?”, I asked.

  “Will you stay quiet for a moment?”, he countered back teasingly.

  When I remained silent, he took it as his answer and continued on.

  “You are a sweet girl. Smart-mouthed sometimes, but I can handle that. You bring out the best in me, like now. This proposing and all is new to me. So seeing that I am already in lack of words, I will get to the main matter. So Caroline, will you do me the honors of becoming my Luna?”, he asked.

  I swear I fainted at that moment. It was a given that I would be becoming the Luna of the pack, but the fact that he prepared so much to actually ask me that, made me giddy on the spot.

  It’s been one month since all the chaos got over. Today we were heading over to grandpa’s pack to attend the meeting held there. Yesterday, grandpa contacted us, informing about the meeting that is to be held today. He also told that Asher had already conducted a meeting of similar kind yesterday and that it was a success. He didn’t tell us what the meeting was about. I wish I knew though.

  Once we arrived at the pack house, Raden went to put the car in a free spot while I went in to join the meeting.

  Grandpa sat at the center with a few other alphas on either side of him. I had seen some of them from when they had come to meet grandpa. Of course, one of them was alpha rude. I went past all of them and sat in one of the two seats vacant to the immediate right of grandpa.

  I greeted grandpa, uncle and settled on waiting for Raden to come join. He did, in a short while.

  Once grandpa made sure everyone was present, he started the meeting.

  “We are gathered here to discuss upon an important issue. I called you all here to come to an agreement on not to involve in disputes with the vampires. If anything we should try to be acquaints with them. Even -”, before he could precede further, alpha rude interrupted him.

  “First rogues, now you ask us to cooperate with the vampires. Doing it within your pack was shameful enough, at least then it was just the rogues who are in any case werewolves only. But now you ask the whole werewolf species to join with the vampires. I would like to remind you of something you seemed to have forgotten about. It was the vampires who made you lose your pack, your family. Don’t you think that it is poor of you to fall back in old steps?”, he asked.

  “First of all, I remember the one who was responsible for my loss. It is definitely not the new vampire king. And secondly, not all rogues were banished because they were found guilty.”, he said looking in Jude’s eye.

  News around is that, he had banished many for not acting along by his wishes.

  That shut him up. He grunted and slumped back in his chair. Grandpa smirked at that before continuing.

  “As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted, the vampires have agreed to this condition. Now it is up to us to accept to it or not. I personally like for all of us to agree to it. If we do so, there is one thing less to worry about. So do we agree?”

  Chapter 61


  June 10, 2019

  Vampires and werewolves shall not cause any problem for each other. If any of the parties fail to abide the treaty, the vampire king or the representative of werewolves get to punish the person or group depending on which party is at fault. Vampires and werewolves are not restricted from entering the territories of the other, unless the pack or clan leader says otherwise. The vampires shall be given respect when they are in the werewolf territory. The same is applicable to werewolves when they are at vampire territory. There shall be no fight of any sort between the two parties. Any problem will have to be brought into the notice of the representatives who will have the final verdict in the case. The vampire king and the representative of werewolves hereby accept to the treaty drawn and pledge to have notified everyone in their groups about the same. The treaty drawn shall be applicable through generations unless the representatives of both the parties of then agree to disagree. The treaty is drawn under the witness of Caroline Dunbar who stands in the middle grounds, representing both vampires and werewolves.

  Vampire King (Asher King)Werewolf Representative

  Asher King(Matthew Sharp)

  Matthew Sharp

  Witness (Caroline Dunbar)

  Caroline Dunbar

  The treaty was officially drawn along with us signing it. Finally, a successful thing was done with, after facing so many trials.

  Chapter 62

  Alpha Daniel

  After signing up the treaty, grandpa and I left to the pack, saying our goodbyes to Asher. On the way back, grandpa informed me about his next plan.


  “Yes grandpa.”

  “I have been thinking for some time. I have come to a decision.”

  “What is it grandpa?”

  “I am going to step down from my post.”

  “Who are you going to make the next alpha as?”, I asked, not surprised.

  I mean, grandpa was getting old and he would have to dethrone someday.

  “I was thinking of making you -”, he started.

  I opened my mouth to protest when he motioned for me to remain silent.

  “Since you found your mate who happens to be an alpha too, I thought against it. Now my only option is Daniel. I hope he accepts my offer.”, he said.

  “Of course, he will accept. He hasn’t taken up the role as the beta of Red Moon pack yet, so he should be able to do so. But, he was trained as a beta, so will he be suitable for it?”, I asked.

  “He sure will be. He has alpha blood in him, no matter what training he had been put through, it doesn’t change the fact that he is a natural. So that shouldn’t be a problem.”

  I nodded.

  “I will talk to him once I go back.”, he added.

  The rest of the journey went by talking about how things were working with me and Raden and other general topics.

  Once I reached grandpa’s pack, I left with Raden, who had come by to pick me up.

  I told him about how things went on that day, including the conversation with grandpa.

  He was happy with grandpa’s decision, for he didn’t want us to be apart while having to manage the packs.

  ~Two days later~

  I got a call from grandpa in the early morning, saying he wanted me to come to the pack immediately for he was planning to do the ceremony the next day. It was good to hear grandpa being so happy.

  I went to Raden’s office, since he had been staying there for the past two days doing some important pack matters. I was doubtful as to whether he would come along at all.

n”, I called out knocking on his door.

  “Come in”, a gruff voice came from inside.

  “How many times do I have to tell you that you needn’t get permission to come inside?”, he chided once I entered.

  “How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want walk in on some important discussion?”, I shot back.

  He shook his head at me with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

  “Fine, what is it that has got you up early in the morning?”, he asked keeping aside his papers.

  Even though I would protest for him doing that in other times, this matter required how much ever attention he could offer.

  “Grandpa is holding ceremony for Daniel tomorrow. He is asking for us to come there as soon as possible. If you could not make it, I would understand.”, I said throwing the ball at his court.

  “Why would I not come? These pack issues can wait for a day or two. So do you have a dress to wear for the ceremony?”, he asked.

  I was shocked at the sudden change of topic. I mean, it was good to know that he would be accompanying me, but couldn’t he give me some time to process his words before jumping to another topic?

  “Nope, I don’t need one either. I put on normal clothes for Noah’s ceremony, same will do for Daniel.”, I said shrugging.

  “No, go get ready. We are going for shopping.”, he said in a tone that told that he wouldn’t be convinced no matter what.

  I sighed and left to the kitchen to get something to eat before going to my room, to get ready.

  ~Three hours later~

  We were on our way to grandpa’s pack, with the new dress that I had bought, in the backseat.

  He made me buy two dresses saying I might need it anytime and it was his first gift, so I can’t say no.

  On arriving, I took the bags out and waited while he parked the car.

  Once inside I went straight to my room to keep the bags while he went to greet grandpa.

  When I was almost done, I heard a loud squeal before I was ambushed by four slender hands.

  I turned around t come face to face with Tah and Kira.

  “Can’t- can’t breathe”, I said trying to slap away their hands.

  They let go of me to allow me to sit up.

  “Carol! How are you?”, Tah shouted while Kira simply shook her head at her antics.

  “Yeah, yeah, I am good.”, I said smiling.

  “So, Luna, how is the pack running? How come you left your pack and came?”, I teased Kira.

  “Oh stop it. I came here to witness someone I know become the Luna, and I took the chance to meet my friend who went MIA for the past months.”, she said smiling before lying down on the bed.

  “Sweeth-”, Raden stopped midway when he noticed that I had company.

  Kira immediately shot up at the new voice.

  “Sweetheart, huh?”, Tah teased him. I slapped her hand at that.

  “So, you are the famous mate that my grandpa speaks of?”, she asked him.

  “I don’t know what you have heard from your grandfather, but I do hope they are good. Anyways, I am Raden Cox. And you?”, he asked stepping inside the room.

  “Tahliya Jones”, she said stretching out her hand.

  “So you are the infamous friend my mate speaks of, are you?”, he mimicked her words shaking her hands.

  “The one and only.”, she said bowing down mimicking a royal.

  “And you must be Kira, right?”, he asked, turning to Kira, still smiling at Tah’s behavior.

  “Yes, nice meeting you.”, she said taking Raden’s extended hand.

  “I came here to inform that your grandfather called you down for dinner.”, he said waving, before leaving.

  Shortly after he did, we followed suit.

  “Dani!!!”, I shrieked, running to him, who was having a talk with Raden and Noah.

  “Sis, I know I am missed, but could you tone it down a bit, my ears are hurting.”, he said hugging me.

  I slapped playfully on his chest, while still hugging him. I unwrapped myself from the embrace and gave a short hug to Noah, before standing next to Raden.

  Tah and Kira joined soon, and we listened to the men, while disturbing them once in a while, until we were called out for dinner by mother.

  That night, we spent taking about this and that, while recollecting previous memories.

  ~Next day~

  I had to wake up early and get Tah ready. After which I got ready along with Kira. Mother was happy about the fact that Tah was going to become a part of the pack, Luna at that. She was all happy tears ever since she was told about it.

  Soon we arrived at the ceremony area, with the pack members gathered around.

  “I, Matthew Sharp, alpha of Harath pack, rightfully pass my position as the alpha to my grandson, Daniel Dunbar.”

  “I, Daniel Dunbar, grandson of Matthew Sharp, accept the position as the alpha of the Harath pack and pledge to act up to it.”

  “I, Matthew Sharp, alpha of Harath pack, mate of Amelia Sharp, rightfully pass her position as the Luna to Tahliya Jones, mate of Daniel Dunbar.”

  “I, Tahliya Jones, mate of Daniel Dunbar, accept my position as the Luna of the Harath pack and pledge to act up to it.”

  “I officially announce Daniel and Tahliya as the alpha and Luna of Harath pack.”

  Chapter 63


  After the ceremony ended, Raden and I left shortly.

  Once back in the pack, he immersed himself into work again. I didn’t disturb him seeing he was busy with whatever he was doing.

  Later in the night, while I tossed around in the bed, Raden came into my bedroom.

  “Sweetheart?”, he asked in a low voice.

  “Yes Raden.”, I asked giving him my full attention.

  He sat next to me on the bed before speaking.

  “Tomorrow we have an important ceremony in the morning. Wear the other dress I bought you yesterday.”, he said combing through my hair.

  “But -”

  “Shush, sweetheart. Sleep, it’s a big day tomorrow.”, he cut me.

  I nodded as my eyelids began to drop.

  ~Next day~

  I woke up to a note in the nightstand saying: ‘Be ready by 8’o clock. Meet me at the ceremony hall once you are ready.’

  I looked at the watch to see it showing five to seven. I dashed out of my bed and made my way to the bathroom, giving up on the idea of finding Raden.

  Once done with shower, I changed into the dress he had told and sat in front of the mirror to do make-up.

  I curled my hair and put it in an elegant bun. By the time I was done with everything, it was ten to eight. So I gave myself a once over before leaving the room to find Raden.

  When I entered the room, it was dark. I could smell many people, but I brushed it off seeing people come and go past this room all the time. I could sense some movements in the room, so I called out for him.

  “Raden?”, I called.

  I got no response. Instead, even the little movements I had sensed stopped.

  “Raden?”, I called out again while moving towards where the light switch was present.

  The moment I switched on the light, loud shouts echoed through the room.


  I turned around to see that all the pack members were present there along with Tah, Daniel, grandpa, Gabriel, mother, dad, uncle, Noah and Kira standing behind Raden, who stood there with a nervous smile on his face.

  “What is happening?”, I asked him when I saw Raden coming towards me.

  “Sweetheart, don’t be angry, but I actually planned out for your ceremony today. I wanted to surprise you. If you don’t want for it to happen today, I will understand it completely.”, he said. It was eminent that he was nervous about this whole thing.

  That was when it struck me. He had planned for my ceremony, meaning, that day was my Luna ceremony. That was why he had told that it was a big day.

  While I was thinking about
all these, he took my silence as refusal and retreated back to send back everyone.

  “Raden…”, I called out moving to where he stood frozen.

  “I would love for it to take place. I am happy that you decided to give me such a surprise. So, my man, shall we begin the ceremony?”, I asked extending my hand for him to take.

  He instantly smiled, all his nervousness vanishing, before taking my hand.

  He led me up the stage, where grandpa stood along with dad, uncle, mother, Gabriel.

  I smiled at all of them before turning to the front and doing the same to all those who stood there.

  “I, Raden Cox, alpha of Parish pack, in the presence of the elders, propose for my mate, Caroline Dunbar, to take up the position as the Luna of the pack.”

  “I, Caroline Dunbar, mate of Raden Cox, accept the position as the Luna of the Parish pack and pledge to act up to it.”

  “I, Matthew Sharp, grandfather of Caroline Dunbar, declare her as the Luna of the Parish pack.”

  Everyone howled in happiness at that.

  “Now that the official ceremony is done, let’s move on to the next part.”, he said before signaling Levi.

  I understood where things were heading to once I saw Levi coming up with knives and a cup.

  It’s a known fact that we are half vampires, so why not do it that way?

  I smiled at the mind link he sent.

  Levi passed us each a knife and held the cup in his hand.

  We cut our palms before placing it above the cup.

  Once a few drops had gotten mixed, we held each others’ hand in a tight clasp.

  I could feel his blood getting mixed with mine before the wounds closed up.

  “Welcome home, Luna.”


  Seven months later…

  The last seven months have been the best. The night after the ceremony, he finally marked me, this time a permanent one. That day was full of joy. Every one of the pack members came and congratulated me and was happy for having gotten me as their Luna.

  Levi came up and talked to me for the first time since I had been there. He introduced himself and congratulated me like others before leaving, as it was turning awkward.


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