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Her Monster

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Dwayne still had a long way to go, and Caleb only ever trusted his guards to a point. They were paid for their loyalty, and anything bought with money he didn’t trust.

  He drove home, thinking about Faith and what had happened between them. He’d not fucked her yet, but he’d moved her into his bedroom as he wanted to hold her.

  Anne was happy about their change in relationship. The older woman was convinced that all he needed in his life was a woman’s touch. Caleb didn’t know what he needed anymore.

  Parking up outside of his home an hour later, he suddenly felt extremely tired.

  Faith was so young, and she had her whole life ahead of her. She shouldn’t be with him, or part of this life.

  Entering his home, he didn’t stop or linger. Instead, he went straight to his en-suite bathroom and stared at his reflection. The jacket didn’t have a speck of blood on it, but the white shirt he wore beneath did.

  He threw the jacket on the floor, knowing he’d have to torch it.

  “I heard you come in,” Faith said.

  Before he could tell her to leave or close the door, she stood in the bathroom, staring at his blood-soaked shirt.

  She released a little gasp. “Are you hurt?”

  “No. It’s not my blood.”


  He opened each button, and his gaze focused on her.

  “Did the person deserve it?” she asked.

  Caleb chuckled. “I don’t know. Do you think traitors who sell your secrets deserve to die?”

  She didn’t believe in love, and he’d promised her that he couldn’t give it to her, but what if … he wanted both?

  “In your world, yes.”

  “What?” He turned toward her, aware there was blood on his flesh that had soaked through and dried.

  “You don’t live with the same rules as normal people. If you’re threatened, then you have to take action,” she said. “This man, whoever he was, earned his death sentence. In this world and this life, your decisions have consequences. If you let this man live, then he could have killed many more. The men who work for you, people’s families rarely go unscathed by the actions of selfishness.”

  Okay, he wasn’t expecting that.

  He’d anticipated her upset or her judgment.

  Yet, here she stood with a shrug of her shoulders.

  “I killed your father.”

  “You’ve said that already.”

  “You don’t care?”

  She shook her head. “Does that make me a bad person because I don’t care? He sold me because he’d taken your money. I’m sure he’d have used me many times over if he could get out of trouble himself.”


  “I like being around you, Caleb. Being near you.” She stepped close to him. Her hands curled around the back of his neck, gripping him. “I feel something.”

  “I don’t do love.”

  This made her smile. “I know.” Her gaze dropped to his lips. “I’ve got nowhere else to go.”

  “You’re not going anywhere else.”

  He cupped her face, his thumb stroking down her face exactly where the scar was. “You became mine, remember? Right now, you’re not exactly helping your cause to get away.”

  “I don’t want to leave.”

  For several seconds he did nothing but stare at her. The scar seemed more pronounced now than ever before, and he didn’t care. To him, Faith was beautiful with her lack of trust and love in everyone else.

  He’d seen his brother fall in love. But the way Hope seemed to draw that emotion out of Beast, he didn’t understand it.

  Gripping the back of Faith’s neck, he tilted her head and claimed her lips. She tasted like fucking heaven, and he was a man that didn’t want to let her go, not for a second.

  She gasped, her lips opening, and he plunged inside, tasting her. She was so fucking sweet, like a drug that only he was addicted to. Running his hand down her back, he gripped her ripe ass, holding her close.

  Lifting up her shirt, he broke from the kiss and began to strip her. The clothes she wore were going to get burned as he wouldn’t risk any traces on her. She didn’t deserve that. Once she was completely naked, he turned on the shower and held her hand.

  Helping her inside, he followed her.

  Neither of them spoke.

  Words were not needed right now.

  Grabbing the soap, he lathered up his hands, and staring at her body, he got to work on soaping up his prize. The water from the shower landed on his back. He guarded Faith’s body, starting at her chest.

  For the longest time he didn’t touch anywhere intimate, soaping her arms and neck, then her stomach. He couldn’t wait a second longer, so he cupped her tits, holding them up and running his thumbs across each beaded nipple.

  She let out a gasp, and he couldn’t resist pinching the hard buds.

  Her moans echoed around the bathroom, and he relished each sound. With some soap still on his hands, he lathered up the fine hairs of her pussy, and then knelt down to deal with her legs.

  Once he was all done, he stepped behind her and let the water wash away his hard work, the suds slowly going away down the drain.

  With his hands on her hips, and the suds gone, he kissed her neck, right over her pulse. Running his hands up her body, he cupped her tits.

  “I don’t deserve you.”

  She relaxed against him.

  “But I’m not going to let you go. I’m keeping you as my prize.”


  Caleb’s touch was setting her on fire. Faith was so wet, and all he did was touch her breasts and she wanted so much more. He had a day’s worth of stubble around his lips, and the light scratchiness was driving her crazy for his touch.

  Reaching behind her, she sank her fingers into his hair, needing him. Both of his hands were working her tits, and it wasn’t enough.

  “What do you want?” he asked, breathing the words against her neck.

  “You, I want you. I need you.” She didn’t care if she had to beg. She’d willingly do it for him.

  “Are you wet for me?”


  One of his hands left her breasts, and he touched between her thighs. She spread herself open, and he slid a finger between her slit. He stroked her clit, and it made her cry out, desperate for more of his touch. Caleb tortured her, though, as he glided down, and even she could tell how wet she was and it had nothing to do with the shower.

  He plunged inside her, adding a second finger. There was a slight burn from his fingers, and he groaned inside her ear. “You’re so tight.”

  She’d been with one guy before she’d even met him, and even then, just one experience.


  “You want me to stop?”

  “No!” She yelled the word. The last thing she wanted him to do was stop. She wouldn’t be able to handle him stopping.

  He chuckled. “You sound like a little slut, baby. Do you want my cock?”

  The moment he called her slut, she shouldn’t have been aroused. She couldn’t help tensing in his arms.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I’m only your slut.” She glanced behind her, needing to look him in the eye.

  “You’re mine, Faith. I don’t share.” The hand that had been playing with her tit wrapped around her, holding her close. “If you don’t want me to say stuff like that, I won’t.”

  “I don’t mind just so long as you know I’m not like that. I’ve never responded this way to anyone else.”

  “Good. I don’t want you to. You’re all mine.” He bit her neck, his tongue trailing up to her ear as he sucked on her lobe. “And you can be a slut for me all night long.”

  This time she did whimper. Even though she didn’t want him to get the wrong idea, the names only served to arouse her even more.

  “Do you want my cock, Faith? Do you want it slamming inside you?”


  Her pussy clenched, and the arousal almos
t too painful for her to bear. The desire for him was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Caleb broke down her walls and made her desperate for him.

  “I love your body, Faith. You’ll be able to take the fucking that I want to give you. I don’t feel in a good mood right now. I never do when I’ve had to take a life, and right now, all I want to do is hear you scream my name as I take you, giving you pleasure, but above all else, taking my own.”

  “Then do it.” She reached behind her, gripping the back of his neck and turning her head slightly so that she could look at him. “I won’t break.”

  When she was in Caleb’s arms she felt safe, safer than she’d ever felt in her entire life, even around her father.

  Caleb released a little growl, pressing her against the shower. He took hold of her hands and placed them on the wall.

  She stared at the black tiles as his hands glided down her back, holding onto her hips. His thumbs pressed against the base of her back, and suddenly his lips were at her neck, trailing down.

  Closing her eyes, she felt the stubble as it scratched down her back. She didn’t care. He placed a kiss near each of his thumbs.

  His hands moved, and she gasped as he spread open the cheeks of her ass. His touch was incredible. “Open your legs a little.”

  She did as he asked, and then his fingers were working her flesh, and she couldn’t focus or think on anything else. All that mattered was Caleb and his wicked caresses.

  “You’re so wet for me, Faith.”

  All too soon his fingers left, and she wanted him. She wanted his touch more than anything.

  He moved her so that she bent forward just a little.

  Then the hard ridge of his cock pressed against her entrance, and she lost all focus. “You can back out right now, Faith,” he said. “Just tell me to stop and I will.”

  She didn’t want him to stop, so she didn’t say a single word.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  He slammed every inch inside her, and her entire world went off kilter, and she lost focus to the pleasure of his touch, needing him more than anything. His hands returned to her hips, his cock pulsing inside her.

  She’d never felt so full in her life. He was so hard.

  Caleb’s hands went from her hips to cup her tits, squeezing them. He pinched the nipples before moving down between her thighs, teasing her clit.

  She cried out as he stroked her nub.

  Pleasure shot through her in all different directions, making her ache for more.

  She didn’t want him to stop what he was doing but to keep going, and for the pleasure to never end. She couldn’t handle it, not for a second, yet she couldn’t imagine not having his touch.

  “I want you to come on my cock, Faith. Then I’m going to fuck you hard. I’m not going to be able to go slow this time. Maybe next, but not this one. I need to feel your cunt, and watch as I fill your pussy with my cum.”

  His dirty words drove her need higher.

  “I see you like that. You just got tighter around my dick. You want me to fuck you harder, don’t you?”

  She whimpered in response, and he chuckled.

  “All you ever have to do to get what you want is ask me, Faith. You like it hard, I’ll give it to you. You like me to treat you like a lady outside of our bedroom, I will. You want to be my dirty little slut inside the bedroom where no one can see, I’ll grant your wish.”

  “Please,” she said.

  “Please what?”

  “Make me come. Please.”

  She’d never experienced it like this, and he was keeping her at the peak. His skill surprised and delighted her. She didn’t want him to stop, and as he stroked her clit with two fingers while his cock stayed hard within her, she felt overwhelmed.

  Her nipples tightened, and she fisted her hands as her orgasm struck her hard. She screamed his name as her body tightened around him, and stars seemed to explode around her temples.

  His lips pressed against her neck, and she shook within his arms. Caleb, as always, was in control, and she didn’t have a problem with that.

  Her orgasm slowly ebbed away, and Caleb’s grip returned to her hips. She opened her eyes, and moaned as he slowly began to pull out of her until only the tip of his dick remained. She didn’t want him to pull out or stop, so when he drove inside her, she called his name. Even as he fucked her, the pleasure was unlike anything she’d ever experienced.

  His cock was so long and thick as he took what he wanted.

  “You feel so fucking tight, Faith. I’m going to have to fuck you regularly to get you used to having me inside you.”

  “I don’t mind.” She panted out the words and heard him chuckle once again.

  Over and over he fucked her hard, the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoing around the shower stall. He drove to the hilt each time, and her own pleasure began to build.

  Caleb took his time, working her body, stroking her, bringing her to new heights as he found his release, his cock throbbing as he pulsed deep inside her.

  “I’m protected,” she said.


  “I’m on the pill. I take them regularly.” One of the women her father had been with had helped take her to a family clinic. She’d recently gotten a prescription when her father had given her to Caleb. They were mostly to help her periods. She turned her head, and saw him staring at her. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know if I’m happy about that or not.”

  “I’m not ready for kids.” He didn’t do love, and she didn’t believe in it. She didn’t want a kid in that kind of environment. “This is fun, right?”

  The wicked smile on his lips let her know he was in agreement.

  “You’ve got the tightest pussy, baby. I’m already addicted to you.”

  “Good.” She didn’t want him going anywhere else. For the first time in her life, Faith wanted to keep him all to herself.

  Did that make her selfish?

  She didn’t care if it did.

  Chapter Seven

  “I like your ink,” Faith said, stroking his back, and Caleb smiled. He found himself doing that a lot more with her around. Her fingers traced down his spine, and his cock began to respond to the touch. He’d already fucked her in the shower, and afterward, she’d been so exhausted he’d carried her to bed and demanded that she sleep.

  Faith followed instruction really well.

  Now they were both awake, and it was late.

  Rolling over, he stared at her body. She had the sheet wrapped around her, and he gave it a tug, releasing it.

  Cupping one of her heavy breasts, he fingered her nipple and watched the pleasure cross her face. He pinched the hard bud before moving down to touch her clit.

  He’d already washed his cum from her body in the shower.

  When she said that she was on the pill he didn’t know if he was happy or sad about that. There really wasn’t much for him to say. It was her body to do with as she wished, even if he didn’t like it.

  “I’m hungry.” Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he climbed off the bed. “Come on, I’ll go and fix us something to eat.”

  “I’ll just get dressed,” Faith said.

  He reached for her hand, pulling her to her feet. “Nope. Come down with me.”

  “But what if your men—”

  “They’re not here, so they won’t see you. Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone see you, and if they do, they’ve left their post and will be dead long before they can say that they ever saw you.”

  “You’re really deadly, aren’t you?”

  “I command respect, and my men give it to me as I’ve earned it.”

  “It feels kind of naughty to be in Anne’s kitchen naked.”

  He laughed as they walked down the long staircase.

  Caleb didn’t let go of her hand, and the few mirrors he passed, he couldn’t help but look at her. To some men, her curvy body would offend, but to him, she was perfect. He’d fucked her hard in the shower, and she�
��d taken every single thrust without complaint. There were a couple of bruises on her hips, but they made him feel possessive as fuck.

  He loved the sight of them, and wanted to see more of his pleasure marks on her.

  They entered the kitchen, and he released her hand as he went to the fridge. He found everything to make them a cheese and pickle sandwich.

  “I like Anne,” she said, drawing his attention to her.

  She was staring at one of the pictures Anne kept with her. It was one of his brother and himself, along with his other brother.

  “Who is that?” she asked, pointing at the guy in the middle.

  “He’s one of my older brothers. He’s been dead a few years.”

  He didn’t speak his name as it was a wasted effort as far as he was concerned.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Don’t be. He was a fucking asshole that would have easily shot you in the back. He wasn’t a good man.”

  “Wow.” She tucked some hair behind her ear. “Do you think people ever really live normal lives?”

  “Yeah, but I bet they’re boring.”

  He cut the sandwich in half and offered her one. She took it as he bit into his half, watching her.

  Her cheeks were on fire, and he noticed she kept turning her body away from him.

  “Look at me,” he said. She did as he asked, and her cheeks were a beautiful shade of red. “I like looking at you.” He stared down the length of her body, admiring her rounded hips and stomach. Her thighs were nice and juicy as well.

  He liked that she was all his.

  Finishing off his sandwich, he waited for her. “Another?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “You don’t talk a lot, do you?” he asked.

  She chuckled. “I thought men didn’t like to hear women talk.”

  “I guess some guys don’t. I want you to talk to me. Tell me about your day.”

  “I’ve not got a lot to tell, to be honest. I’m either in the garden or the library. My studies are going slowly. I forgot how hard it was to learn. Hope is an amazing tutor though. She seems to know everything.”


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