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Her Monster

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  She chuckled, her arms going around his neck. “I know.”

  “Do you like me like that?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I think I prefer all of your bad guy tendencies to be directed elsewhere. Did you get done what you needed to do?” she asked.

  “Yes. Everything is done.”

  She stared into his eyes, and he didn’t look away. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  Faith teased the hair at the back of his neck. “You lie quite easily.”

  “There’s nothing to report, babe.” He ran his hand down her back, gripping her ass. “I don’t like you in jeans.”

  “What do you like me in?” she asked.

  “Skirts, dresses, nothing. I like anything that makes it easier for me to touch you.” He rested his face against her neck, breathing in her scent. “You smell so good.”

  “I don’t think you’d have appreciated me coming here naked.”

  “No, you’re right. No one else gets to see what belongs to me, and you do belong to me, Faith. You’re all mine.”

  She pulled away, and he stared into her green eyes. “I wasn’t flirting with him.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m pleased you came in when you did. He was kind of boring, and I love to people watch.”

  “You do?”

  She chuckled. “Why do you look so surprised?”

  “You’ve been at my place for so long. Anne told me you weren’t into shopping.”

  Faith wrinkled her nose. “First, I hate shopping for anything. I find it boring and dull. Secondly, I love watching people. You can make up stories or just be curious about what people are thinking about.”

  He spun her around so that she was facing people. “I’m intrigued.”

  “What do you see when you look at people?”

  Staring straight ahead, he saw a tall man. “One punch in the gut and he’d easily go down.”

  “We’re not talking in a fight.”

  “How about you do what you think you’re doing and I’ll listen?”

  He was sure she rolled her eyes.

  “That table in the corner. It has two men and two women. Now, the guy with the blond hair keeps looking at the redhead like he wants to eat her, and the brunette at his side is giving her deadly looks. They’re so having an affair, or they’re having a four-way.”

  “This is lame,” he said.

  “A lot of people do this, and it’s fun. That guy there is having an affair with his dog’s groomer. She’s totally screwing her kid’s teacher.”

  This time he just laughed. “You’re a weird one.”

  “They’re just stories, and they pass the time.” This time she turned in his arms. “I was waiting for you.”

  “When I look at people I find them boring,” he said. “I don’t care what story they have to tell or even if it’s any good.”

  “What do you care about then?”


  She gasped.

  They didn’t say anything, and he gripped her ass, pulling her close. “When you’re in the room, Faith, you’re the only person I care about. Everyone else can go and get fucked.” He squeezed her ass and rubbed his cock against her stomach. “Do you hate me now?”

  She shook her head. “I really like your answer. Do you hate me?”

  “For what?”

  “Pulling a gun on you.”

  “I don’t hate you, but I know what you can do to make it all better.”


  Faith collapsed to the bed completely naked as Caleb gripped her hips. She gasped as he spread her open and his cock lay against her pussy. Closing her eyes, she bit her lip as the tip of his dick began to probe her pussy. At the same time, he moved down to her ass, spreading the cheeks wide.

  “All I can think about when I’m with you is how good you’re going to feel on my dick.” With that he slammed deep inside her, making her moan. The hands on her ass moved around, and he touched her pussy, stroking her clit. “I want you to come all over my cock.” He rubbed her nub, and she cried out.

  All too soon, he released her and spun her around on the bed, spreading her legs and plunging his cock back inside her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning as his fingers touched her pussy once again.

  “I’m so indecisive tonight,” he said, pulling out of her again.

  She released a whimper. “Please, I need to come.”

  “I want to taste you.” He lifted her hips, and she gasped as his mouth was poised just above her pussy. “If you want I can stop.”

  “No, don’t you dare.” She cried out as his tongue attacked her clit. Gripping the sheets beneath her fist, she moaned as he kept working her nub. He circled the bud then slid down to plunge inside her before pulling back and teasing her some more.

  She was so close.

  Caleb wasn’t done with her yet. He had her at the edge, about to hurtle over the peak, but once again he stopped, lowering her down onto the bed.

  She felt like she was going crazy, the need consuming her body, making her ache all over.

  “Please,” she said, not ashamed of begging him.

  He thrust inside her, his cock feeling like a dream to her heated flesh.

  Caleb stroked her pussy, and this time he didn’t stop. When she found that peak, he threw her over the edge as at the same time, he fucked her hard, consuming her with need.

  When she finally came down from her orgasm she realized that Caleb was still very much rock-hard inside her.

  Opening her eyes, she stared at him, confused.

  “There’s something that I want,” he said.


  He pulled out of her pussy and moved her so that she was on her knees.

  Caleb pressed a kiss against her neck as he found her entrance and plunged inside. “I want to own every single inch of you,” he said.

  “Okay.” She felt like a broken record, repeating herself.

  His hand traced down her back, going to her ass, and he ran his finger across her anus. “I want to fuck your ass, Faith.”

  She trusted him more than anyone else in the world. Reaching behind herself, she grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them. “I’m yours, Caleb. You can take what you want. I belong to you.”

  “You have no idea how fucking hot that is right now.”

  His fingers stroked across her anus, and she closed her eyes, enjoying his touch. Caleb used some of her release to smear across her ass. His cock slid inside her, and they both moaned. He didn’t stay there though.

  He pulled out, and the tip of his cock pressed against her anus. She tensed up, and he stroked her back.

  “You need to relax.”

  She didn’t think it was possible to relax with a man trying to fuck her ass. For a second, she truly thought it was a bad idea. Then he pushed past the tight ring of muscles that were keeping him out, and she really thought she’d made a mistake.

  When he stroked between her thighs and began to tease her clit, however, something changed. She began to feel the rising need for another orgasm, which totally took away the brief shot of pain as he worked every single inch of his cock inside her ass.

  “I’ve got you, baby. You’ve got all of me now.”

  He didn’t stop stroking her clit.

  Caleb worked her ass, pushing in and out at the same time, he teased her, bringing her closer to another orgasm. It wasn’t long before she began to thrust toward him, begging for more, not wanting him to stop.

  She whimpered as the hand on her hip tightened even more, but it wasn’t down to the brief feeling of being completely taken. It was so much more.

  Caleb had completely shattered her entire world.

  Not only did he possess her, own her body, her heart was also his, and she couldn’t keep denying it.

  She didn’t believe love existed, but right now, with his cock balls deep inside her ass, she couldn’t deny that when it came to Caleb, she wanted everything, and that scared her a

  He teased her toward an orgasm, and as she went over that edge into mind-consuming pleasure, she cried his name, hearing him call hers. His cock pulsed inside her, filling her ass with his cum.

  When it was all over, they both collapsed to the bed, panting. His arms wrapped around her, and his breath fanned across her neck.

  “You’re amazing, Faith,” he said.

  “You’re not too bad yourself.” She didn’t want him to know that she was reeling from her own revelations. She didn’t know what to think right now as everything just seemed to be too much. If she loved Caleb, then she was doomed. He didn’t do love, and it would only be a matter of time before she got her heart broken.

  He was one of the sweetest guys she’d ever known, and kinky as well. She knew it was completely stupid to think of him as sweet when he was, in fact, a killer.

  Faith wasn’t stupid though.

  She knew how the world worked.

  There were good men.

  Bad men.

  Corrupt men.

  When it came to Caleb though, he was a monster that did bad things to people, but to her, he was so sweet.

  He kissed her neck, drawing her out of her thoughts. “Stay here.” He pulled out of her ass, and she gave a little wince. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He kissed her again, and she turned her head, watching as he entered the bathroom.

  Seconds later she heard the sound of water running, and he returned. “What are you doing?”

  He lifted her up in his arms, surprising her with his strength.

  “It’s time for a bath.” He claimed her lips, and she wrapped an arm around his neck, holding on as he carried her toward the bathroom. “I’m going to take care of you.”

  He lowered her into the bath, climbing in behind her and pulling her close so that her back rested against him. “Do you always clean up your women?”

  “I always clean up the good girls that hold their ass open for me. You’re really something else, babe.” He kissed her neck.

  She waited as he reached for the soap and began to lather up the sponge.

  “You’re very quiet,” he said, working the sponge over her body.

  “I’m fine. I’m just basking in what we just shared.”

  “I hope I wasn’t too rough with you.”

  “No. It was perfect.” She tilted her head back and smiled at him.

  He cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her lip. “You’re really something else.”

  He didn’t say anything more but continued to soap her body. When he went to rinse it out, she took it from him and spun around, taking care of his body.

  “You look like you’re enjoying that a little too much.”

  “Maybe I am,” she said with a smile.

  “I like that you smile more.”


  “When I first met you, you always looked so sad.” He reached out, cupping her cheek. When she was with him it was like her scar didn’t exist. At least, he didn’t seem to see it with her. “I don’t like to see you sad.”

  “You give me a lot to smile about, Caleb.”

  “Are you happy, Faith?” he asked.

  His question took her by surprise. “Yes, I’m very happy. Are you?”

  She loved his wicked smile. “I’ve never been happier than I am right now.”


  Faith intended to keep him that way. Soaping up his body, she felt possessive of him, and for the first time ever, she didn’t want to give him back.

  Caleb was hers, and she intended to keep him.

  Chapter Ten

  When he first got back home from Vegas, Caleb had to deal with sending a message to all the men on their payroll. First, he discovered everything about each of them, especially the men that were close by. He even picked one of their kids up from school and made the man in question meet him in the park, letting him know that he could have buried all of the man’s kids, and to make it a warning to all of them. Fuck with the Carsons, and they wouldn’t just kill them. They would keep the men responsible alive while they tortured every single family member, and only when they were begging for death, hurting in more ways than they could imagine, would they bring death to them. Caleb had a gift for getting the message across.

  After that, he was able to relax, knowing that only a stupid fucker would try to test him. Beast was always the first to know whereas Caleb was just the messenger, and he didn’t mind that. He’d never wanted Beast’s role in their world.

  The days, weeks, and even months blended together, and throughout it all, Caleb’s life began to change. It wasn’t anything big. Faith stayed in his bed, and was always home when he got there. Hope helped her to catch up on most of her studies. She still had several exams to take in order to actually graduate. Hope and Dwayne already had graduated from high school.

  His nephew decided to stick around close to home and go to a local college. He’d also moved out of Beast’s home. At first, he asked to move in with Caleb, but Caleb liked dismissing all of his staff so that he could fuck Faith in every single room of the house. He didn’t like to do that just once either. He enjoyed doing it regularly.

  Anne was all for their relationship, and whenever Faith wasn’t around and he stood in the kitchen, she encouraged him to take it to the next level.

  “You’ve got to stop your meddling,” he said, taking a grape from the bowl on the counter next to Anne.

  She slapped his hand away and he chuckled, moving toward the window to watch as Faith once again replanted another rose bush. She had a love of planting roses. They were her favorite.

  “I’m not going to stop until you realize that you love that girl, and that she loves you.”

  He turned toward the older woman, who was now chopping up some chicken breasts to put into a salad.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “And you’re both blind. She’s worried because she was a debt. You can’t see past your own nose to what is right in front of you. Both of you are too damn stubborn. Faith could have gone months ago, but she doesn’t. She moved into your room, didn’t she? She sleeps in your bed every single night, and you wake up with her in your arms. That girl does nothing now but smile, and you’re the reason that’s happening.”

  “You’re getting way too romantic in your old age.”

  “It’s about time you start to realize that you’re lovable, Caleb Carson. Faith is a one of a kind woman. She can handle every single part of you. The soft parts and the hard parts.” She finished the salad and served them up. “One day I want to have little Calebs and Faiths running around. You’d make the cutest kids in the world.”

  He took the salad and joined Faith in the garden. She washed her hands and sat at the table with him.

  Caleb watched her. Her dark hair was pulled back, and she no longer tried to hide that scar, not that he minded. Her scar never bothered him.

  He always found her to be utterly breathtaking.

  Like now, he could just sit and watch her. She gave him peace when nothing else could.

  “Are you happy here?” he asked.

  “I’m starting to get a complex with how often you ask that. Do you expect a different answer?”

  He chuckled. “You’re right. I just … you don’t have to stay here if you don’t want.” He didn’t like how his chest seemed to tighten, and there was a spike of pain rushing through him at the thought of her leaving.

  Caleb couldn’t ever remember wanting someone with the kind of passion he felt for Faith, and this wasn’t just about bout sex either. This was about something far more.

  For a long time, he’d been denying his feelings for her. He didn’t like to get attached to people. When he was younger, he’d found some kittens in an old barn, and brought them home. He took care of them for eight weeks. Then one day he came home, and found they were missing. His father taught him a stern lesson that day as he’d drowned each one of the kittens in the bath, and made
Caleb clean them up.

  On that day, he’d vowed never to love, never to want, and yet, he sat before a woman who threatened that vow.

  “I like it here, Caleb. I like being with you, and I don’t want to leave. Please … don’t make me.”

  Staring at her, he remembered feeling so hopeful over those kittens. He wasn’t going to be his father. He refused to be like that bastard.

  “I’m not going to make you go. I don’t want you to leave.” He got up from his chair and cupped her face. “I love you being here.”

  He dropped a kiss to her lips and made his way into the office.

  Taking a seat behind his desk, he dropped his head into his hands, knowing that if he wasn’t careful, he was going to fuck up. For a long time, he’d not let anyone in. Life had been easier being alone.

  Opening his eyes, he stared at the picture on his desk. It was one of Faith in the garden. She wore a white summer dress, one that she hated and Anne made her wear. He’d thrown some water on her, and she’d attacked him right back. They’d had a water fight. He was standing with Faith, and they were both laughing. Anne had taken the picture, and as he stared at the two of them, he saw that he was in love, that he’d fallen for her.

  He would do everything in his power to protect her.

  Yes, he loved her. There was no denying that.

  The life he lived was a dangerous one, but he’d make sure that she was always protected.

  For the rest of the day, he had to take care of some business with Beast. His brother was on cloud nine with the birth of his child, and Caleb had to listen as he showed pictures.

  “You’re in a miserable mood,” Beast said.

  “Doesn’t it bother you that both Hope and your kid are at risk every single day?” He turned toward his brother.

  “It does, Caleb. It’s why I make sure she’s protected at all times. I love Hope. I’m just too much of a selfish bastard to let her go. You can have Faith, you know. You can live in this life, and you can protect her.”

  “It’s too much risk.”

  “No, it’s really not. I know our father did a number on you. He took everything that you’ve ever cared about away from you. It’s given you this complex that you can’t have anything without something being taken. Our father’s dead and gone. You can have what you want, Caleb. It all depends on how hard you want to fight for it. If you want Faith with every single fiber of your being, then you’ll make it work. If you don’t, you’ll get rid of her.”


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