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Protect Me, Cowboy (78th Copper Mountain Rodeo Book 2)

Page 12

by Shelli Stevens

Wyatt scooted closer and leaned his head toward hers, though they kept their gazes on the river.

  “What I do know is I can’t stop thinking about you, Claire. Can’t stop thinking about how it felt having you in my arms last night. How I want you there again tonight, but without a reason to stop at just holding you.”

  His rasped admission liquefied her. Her heart quickened and she ran her tongue over her suddenly dry lips. She could envision it all too easily in her mind. How it would feel to have Wyatt touching her. Tasting her. Inside her.

  A heated flush spread up her neck, and she hated he chose that moment to turn his head and look at her.

  Instead of teasing her, he reached out and cradled her cheek, turning her head to face him.

  She drew in a slow breath and slid her gaze to his mouth. She wanted to kiss him again. She wanted to feel his firm lips against hers. But she wasn’t brave enough to do it with half the town sitting nearby, stuffing their bellies with pancakes.

  Fortunately, he was.

  Wyatt lowered his head and caught her mouth in a slow, but thorough kiss. If anyone nearby had any doubts about them, he’d just erased it. It was a kiss that claimed as much as it aroused, and Claire could do nothing but surrender to it.

  She kissed him back without hesitation.

  When he finally lifted his head, both were breathless.

  “But first I’ve got a rodeo to win,” he muttered with regret.

  “Yeah. You do.” She stood up from the bank and brushed away any dirt that might’ve gotten on her jeans.

  He stood up and stared down at her through hooded eyes. “Will you be there watching again?”

  She couldn’t help but smile a little. “Yes. I’ll come cheer you on. Besides, that bull riding stuff is no joke and kind of addictive to watch.”

  Wyatt scowled and caught her hand, leading her back off the riverbank. “Chicks always love the bull riders.”

  She giggled, feeling giddy and flirty, like she was sixteen again. “Don’t worry. I’ve got my sights set on a tie-down roper.”

  He cast her a sideways glance, his eyes twinkling. “Better not be Shelby.”

  Now she full on laughed. “Well the announcer did call her the prettiest girl in rodeo.” She gave him a hip bump. “But if it’s not clear by now that I’m hardcore into you, cowboy, then I’m going to have to rent a billboard. And that’s really not in my budget—”

  He leaned down and kissed her again. A quick, full kiss to shut her up.

  “The feelin’ is mutual, honey,” he muttered unevenly, before they continued walking to the truck.


  Wyatt glanced at Shelby as they prepared the horses for the rodeo.

  Right now the bareback competition was going on. He cast a glance over at the arena to see how the riders were faring.

  “I’m nervous,” Shelby admitted quietly.

  “Are you?” He slid his gaze sideways. “No need to be. We did great yesterday, and I figure we’ll do just about the same today. Which, hopefully means we’ll walk out of here champions.”

  She shook her head, eyes narrowed, but with a glimmer of respect in them. “How is it that you’re so confident, Wyatt Marshall?”

  “Confidence is the only option. You let the doubt slip in and that’s when you start screwing up. Fake it until you make it, isn’t that what they say?”

  “Yeah, something like that.” Her gaze slid off to where Ty was prepping his horse.

  Wyatt jerked his chin toward the other man. “How are you two doing?”

  “We’re good. Real good, actually.”

  Maybe it was his imagination that she sounded like she was trying to convince herself. He gave a short nod.

  “I’m glad. I want you to be happy, Shelb. You deserve it.”

  “Thanks.” She glanced at him. “You, too. Now what’s this I hear about you making out with the singer in the band from last night?”

  “Gossipmongers.” He scowled. “The whole damn town is.”

  She laughed. “Well don’t go putting your tongue in her mouth at the pancake breakfast, and maybe people wouldn’t be gossiping.”

  “Brat.” He flicked her braid over her shoulder. “Anyway, stop worrying. You’ve got this today. You’re the best heeler I’ve worked with, honestly. Better than, Cal, but don’t you tell him that.”

  Amusement flashed on her face, followed by self-assurance. “Thanks, Wyatt.”

  While she straightened the saddle on her horse, he lifted his gaze to the stands. Claire sat in the front row this time, hands resting on her knees as she stared over his way.

  Their gazes locked and she smiled and gave him a thumbs up, which he took to mean you’re going to freaking nail this.

  It was a unique sensation. The pride and stronger-than-usual determination to win because Claire was there watching.

  And by tomorrow it would all be over, and Claire would be driving out of town back to Bozeman. Damn, but if this just didn’t give him another reason to hate Mondays.

  He and Shelby sat in silence, preparing mentally to compete. By the time they rode into the boxes on either side of the shoot, he was ready and self-possessed. He hoped Shelby felt the same and her nerves had settled.

  A moment later the gate lifted, the steer went running, and soon after they were giving chase—without speculation about breaking the barrier this time.

  It was always a blur and a rush of adrenaline. The stampeding hooves. The audience screaming.

  Wyatt threw his loop, deftly catching the steer around the neck and dallying him. Shelby was right behind the steer, throwing her loop around the hind feet. She dallied her rope around the saddle horn.

  They both were facing the steer, ropes taut, as the flag was dropped.

  It was a good time. Wyatt knew it before they even announced the results.

  Five seconds. That was a damn good time, and going to be hard to beat.

  When they started handing out prizes, he was proven right. They’d won. Just like he’d won tie-down roping, too. When they announced the team roping winners, Shelby was nowhere to be seen.

  Wyatt accepted the award, wondering where she’d gone off to.

  “Okay, I take it all back. You have every right to be cocky.” Claire bounded up to him. “You were amazing.”

  He loved that she’d sought him out after the awards. Loved the mixture of pride, excitement, and admiration in her eyes. But most of all he loved the hint of heat beneath it all. It brought everything primal out in him.

  “Thank you, Claire.” He looped an arm around her waist, jerking her against him.

  Her eyes went wide, but before she could say a word he swooped down and claimed her mouth in a heated victory kiss.

  His blood already pounded with testosterone from competing, and now a sharp, possessive instinct slammed into him. A need to stake his claim on her in front of all the other men in town who had been checking her out all weekend.

  Her murmur of surprise coincided with her arms looping around his neck. Then she was kissing him back, just as ferociously.

  The hunger that had been simmering inside him became a violent boil. His body started to respond and the crotch of his jeans grew tight.

  He tore his mouth from hers and stared down at her. Her lips were swollen and damp, her eyes remained closed. When they slowly opened he groaned at the glassy-eyed need reflected in their dark depths.

  “We need to go,” he rasped.

  “Oh.” She nodded. “Yeah. We should. I mean, you’ve got the horses to take care of. And I think Katie said she was making a big dinner to celebrate, and I offered to help.”

  Maybe it made him a shitty cowboy at the moment, but he wasn’t thinking about his horses. And he definitely wasn’t the least bit concerned about dinner.

  “Let’s finish packing up and head back to the ranch,” he said briskly.

  Fifteen minutes later he was pushing the speed limit to get home. Claire sat quietly next to him, shooting occasional glances his way.

  “Did you ever doubt, even for a second, that you might not win?”

  “Nope.” He gave a small shake of his head. “I prefer to go in prepared to win, and if I don’t, then I’ll deal with the disappointment at that point.”

  She made a soft murmur of awe. “I can’t decide if that’s super smart or just super arrogant.”

  “Probably a little of both.”

  “I’ve never met anybody like you, Wyatt.”

  He tore his gaze from the road for a moment to give her a considering look. “That a good thing?”

  “I think so.” She scooted closer to him on the bench seat of the truck, laying a hand on his leg. “A little intimidating, to be honest, but I like it. Someday maybe I’ll have that kind of confidence.”

  Wyatt sucked in a breath. That hand on his leg—she had to know what it was doing to him. If she didn’t yet, she soon would by the way he was starting to get hard.

  “I don’t know,” he replied, his voice a little strained. “The woman I see singing on stage sure doesn’t seem one bit insecure.”

  She hesitated, sliding her hand higher up his thigh. “Music is different.”

  “No, it’s your thing. Just like roping is mine.”

  “Hmm. Don’t ever change, cowboy. Confident and cocky suits you.” She leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

  The air whistled out from his clenched teeth as his burgeoning erection strained at his jeans.

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about you the whole time you rode. How sexy you were. How much I wanted to kiss you again.” She toyed with the collar of his button up denim shirt, sliding her fingers in to touch his chest. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love your sister’s cooking, but I wish we didn’t have to wait until after dinner.”

  He slowed the truck as they approached the ranch, and glanced over at her.

  “We’re not waiting.”

  Her eyes widened, but he was already focused on parking the truck back by the stables. He turned off the engine, climbed down from the truck bed and went to open Claire’s door.

  “Wyatt—oh!” She gasped as he lifted her out of the truck and to the ground.

  “Got your text, boss. We’ll take care of the horses.”

  At the sound of Tim’s voice, Wyatt gave a nod in the direction of his stable hand.

  “Appreciate that, thanks.”

  He caught Claire’s hand in his and walked briskly toward her cabin, only slowing when she stumbled to keep up.

  She went inside first and he shut the door behind him. Her eyes were still wide, a mix of nervousness and excitement mingling.

  “What about dinner?” she asked breathlessly.

  He took a deliberate step toward her. “Dinner can wait. We can’t.”

  With the blood pounding in his veins, he crashed his mouth down on to hers again. She whimpered, her lips parting to accept the exploration of his tongue. When he lifted her off the ground, her legs wrapped around his waist.

  Finally. Tonight. He would have her.

  One thought rang strong and primitive in his head.

  She’s mine.

  Chapter Eleven

  Claire couldn’t catch her breath, and it wasn’t just because Wyatt was kissing it away. Her heart raced from exhilaration and anxiety.

  She wanted this. Oh, God, did she want this. But she couldn’t deny she was a little bit terrified.

  Wyatt kneaded her butt as his tongue stroked against hers, and the hungry moan of need was instinctual.

  He carried her to the bed, never breaking the kiss, and then lay her down on top of the comforter.

  She was feverish. Needy. There were too many clothes between them and she wanted them gone. When he lifted his head, she decided to start with his hat.

  “Whoa!” He snatched it back from her when she would’ve laid it on the bed.

  She blinked. “I’m sorry—”

  “You’re fine. Hang on. I’ll put it on the dresser.”

  Dismay swept through her as he broke the moment completely to climb off the bed and set the hat on top of the dresser across the room. She sat up, watching with furrowed brows.

  “Sorry, honey. It’s just bad luck, is all.”

  “What is?”

  “Putting your hat on the bed.” He gave her a slow smile as he returned to sit beside her.

  She burst into laughter, her nerves easing a bit. “I’ve got to be honest. You cowboys are undeniably sexy, but a little weird at times.”

  “Yeah, we are. At least the undeniably sexy part.” He tucked a curl behind her ear and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “And you’re only talking about me, I assume?”

  “Only you.” She sighed softly, her insides turning molten as he rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip.

  Possessive triumph flickered in his eyes and he dipped his head and kissed the side of her neck. She shivered, pressing a hand against his chest.

  “You sure about this?” He kissed the pulse beating wildly in her neck.

  Her throat tightened and she gave a small nod. “I’m sure.”

  She hadn’t meant to sound hesitant, but the way he paused and lifted his head she knew she must’ve.

  “Claire?” His gaze searched hers.

  “It’s just…” She bit her lip. How did she explain it without sounding like a complete idiot? It came out in a nervous rush. “I’m not sure I’m going to be very good at it.”

  He sat back a little, confusion and then awareness dawning in his eyes.


  “I’ve never done this before. That’s what I’m saying.” She drew in a shaky breath. “I told you earlier that I didn’t have a dating life in Vegas because of Alfredo. And before I ran away from home, not really much either. I mean, I had a boyfriend for a couple months, but we never… There’s just never been the opportunity.”

  God, this conversation was embarrassing.

  He gave a short nod and understanding filled his gaze.

  Maybe she should’ve just kept her mouth shut and faked it. Hoped he didn’t notice if things got awkward. She grimaced, knowing her cheeks were red.

  “Anyway, I hope this isn’t a deal breaker.”

  He swore beneath his breath and cupped her jaw gently. “A deal breaker? Honey, not at all. Actually, now I feel like kind of an jerk for rushing you, though. For that night in Vegas. I made all kinds of assumptions—”

  “We both did.” She scooted closer and pressed her hand to his chest, letting her fingers toy with the button on his shirt. “My only regret is we didn’t get to make love that night. But, hey, we get that chance tonight. And if you even consider leaving this cabin without—”

  “Oh, I have no intention of leaving you right now, Claire. Unless you ask me to. Anytime you want me to stop, you just tell me.” His words were thick.

  “I don’t want you to leave. I just want… you. That’s it.” She tilted her head up to look at him through her lashes. “Make love to me, Wyatt Marshall.”

  “Jesus, woman. You’re killing me.”

  He kissed her again. Thoroughly. Deeply. And with more tenderness this time.

  She was so swept up in sensation, she wasn’t aware of him laying her back on the comforter until she felt it press into her.

  He trailed his lips down her jaw and back to the frantic pulse in her neck. “You be sure to tell me to slow down or stop any time you want, honey? All right?”

  Not on your life. “All right.”

  Her mind went fuzzy when he slid a large hand beneath the hem of her lace tank top and pressed it against her belly. She wanted that hand to move up higher and yet, at the same time, slip lower beneath her jeans.

  Actually, just having him touch her at all was pretty incredible.

  He kissed her again, removing her ability to think clearly. Finally, he moved his palm up to close over her bra-clad breast. It was almost enough. Enough.

  Wyatt must’ve been just as frustrated with the barrier as she was, because in an instant he’d moved to un
fasten her bra.

  Ready to just be done with all the layers, she eased away from him enough to pull off her tank top and pluck the bra off and toss it to the side.

  She didn’t miss the uneven breath he drew in as he stared down at her with desire in his gaze. He was lying beside her now, half propped up on one elbow.

  He cupped her breast and she sighed and closed her eyes. Her pink nipple pebbled against his calloused palm and she bit her lip. Then his mouth covered her breast.

  Pleasure exploded inside her at the sensation of him drawing on her nipple. The hot need inside her became a blazing fever. There was an urgency between her thighs.

  She arched against him, sliding her fingers into his hair and holding him to her as he suckled her. Worshipping one breast, then the other.

  He traced his hands over her stomach, and ribcage, exploring her body that he’d undressed. When he finally eased his hand beneath her jeans and into her panties she was mindless with need.

  He delved into her hot, aching flesh, finding the spot she most needed him to touch. He stroked her slowly, then harder, until she rose to the peak. She cried out, clinging to him. Flying over the edge that no man had ever brought her to.


  Wyatt watched in fascination as Claire climaxed.

  Her eyes were closed tight and her mouth rounded as she made soft cries of abandon.

  Damn, but she’d never been more beautiful.

  He was rock hard from wanting her. From needing her. He’d never wanted a woman this much. But he was overridden with determination to be patient. To make sure she was ready, both physically and mentally. It was going to be her first time—that still blew his mind—and he wanted to bring her as much pleasure as possible.

  Struggling to keep control of himself, he pulled his fingers from her hot, slick folds and pressed a kiss to her trembling belly. The smell of her almond lotion mixed with the sensual scent of her arousal.

  God. He wanted her so hard it hurt. He stood up to make quick time of undressing. Her gaze—content and languid—followed his every move. Hunger flicked in her eyes and she visually traced his body.

  “You’re perfect, cowboy,” she said softly.

  His chest swelled with pleasure at her words. After grabbing the condom from his jeans pocket, he lay down on the bed beside her. “Funny, but I was going to say the same about you.”


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