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Sweet-Loving Cowboy--A Kinky Spurs Novel

Page 15

by Stacey Kennedy

  A sudden bark snapped him from his thoughts. When he glanced into deep green eyes, he realized a bigger problem on his hands now. “Actually,” he said, looking at his brother. “There is one thing you can do for me that would help a lot.”

  “Name it.”

  Chase gestured at Houdini. “Take care of my dog during the day, so he’s not stuck in these cabins with nothing to do.”

  Shep’s brows shot up. “Your dog?”

  Chase picked up Houdini, who was climbing at his legs to get up. Houdini walked in circles on Chase’s lap, finally plopping down on the file folder and giving a big sigh. “Harper and I took him to meet a foster family today, and then somehow I ended up walking out with him.”


  Chase lifted his gaze to Shep’s. “Harper looked sad. Houdini looked sad. And I just felt like shit.”

  Shep’s mouth twitched. “I see.” He rose, taking a sleepy Houdini off Chase’s lap, tucking the puppy in his arms. “I’ll take him home with me until after dinner tonight, then I’ll bring him back. All right?”

  “That’s perfect. You’ll have to drop by my house and grab his food. One scoop at five o’clock. He’s all good for insulin until tomorrow, and I can handle that.” But none of this felt good. He had only just decided to keep Houdini. Off-loading him was the last thing he wanted to do.

  Obviously unaware of Chase’s sinking mood, Shep nodded. “Perfect. See ya later.”

  When Shep turned, heading toward his truck, curiosity got the better of Chase. “By the way, what did you mean by ‘I see’?” he called.

  Shep stopped in his tracks, glanced over his shoulder, and grinned from ear to ear. “It means that instead of telling Harper you’re in love with her and don’t want her to go, you’re clinging onto something you two had together.” He held up Houdini. “This guy.”

  Chase frowned. “He’s grown on me, that’s all.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, brother. You seem very good at lying to yourself lately.” Without waiting for a reply, he continued on toward his truck.

  Chase did the only thing he could do in his defense. “You don’t know shit,” he called out.

  Shep waved his hand, his shoulders shaking with silent laughter.

  * * *

  The clock on the bedside table read three o’clock in the morning when Harper woke to the heat and hardness of Chase’s body sliding against her while he climbed into bed. He smelled of rain and soap, and all the things that made her happy. She had meant to stay awake like she had last night, planning to be laid out in bed naked for him, welcoming him home to the warmth of her body. Now, she realized she must have fallen asleep after her long day of packing. She slowly opened her eyes, staring out at the dark night, the bright moon visible through the window.

  “I need you,” he murmured, pressing his warm lips against her pulse point.

  She sensed the strain in his muscles and heard the tension in his voice before she turned over to face him. He slid his hand over her hip as his lips met hers. Their tongues swirled in a kiss that brought heat and pleasure and the desire for so much more. His groan brushed over her when his hand slid down past her stomach, finding her naked, wet flesh available to him.

  He broke the kiss, and she opened her eyes, but the room was bathed in darkness, only his shadow visible hovering above her. The only light at all was the moonlight from the window casting a white line across his chest, but that was all she needed to see.

  This man—he was her dream come true.

  She moaned when he widened her thighs with his, running his hands up her arms until he had her arms above her head, his fingers tangled with hers. Excitement surged through her when she felt the latex on his cock caress her inner thigh. Urgency filled her when she closed her eyes as his mouth moved to her neck. Then she moaned again when he began kissing down her chest until he reached her breasts. He sucked on both nipples, and she lifted her hips, grinding against him, wanting him deep inside.

  Tonight, though, she sensed he would not be hurried along. His lips on her neck never changed speed. And the longer that passed, the more she felt the rawness in his kiss, the desperation. Because in the darkness, there was the two of them. No distractions. No obstacles in the way. Just two souls fighting to be together in an impossible situation.

  By the time he entered her, she sensed that, for once, Chase was allowing himself to want her. Fully. Completely. Without restraint.

  She saw nothing but shadows around her, and yet she felt everything so much more. She heard nothing but her moans and his groans, and it was like she heard all she needed to hear. She felt every slide of his cock rubbing against her inner muscles. She listened to every breath by her ear, raising goose bumps across her flesh. She snuck her hands out of his and explored him, running her fingers over the strength of his forearms to his shoulder, feeling every muscle flex as he thrust forward. The weight of his body against her chest made her feel safe, protected, and cherished—things she had never felt before.

  For the first time, her heart opened in ways she had never allowed. She belonged right here. Her breath hitched, and her heart rate seemed to slow. “Chase—”

  “Don’t say it, Harper.” In the darkness, he slowly withdrew, only to enter her again, his low voice brushing against her ear. “You don’t need to say it.” She arched her back as his cock slid in and out so very slowly, allowing her to feel every spectacular inch of him. “I already know.” His thrusts began picking up, and he moved his mouth right over hers. He tasted like sin and happiness. “And you know too, don’t you?” he asked.

  Tears welled in her eyes, leaking down her cheeks onto the pillow. “Yes, I know.” Chase’s honesty was love. His respect for her was love. His wanting her to be happy was love. His heated touch was love.

  One of his hands slid around her nape, holding her to him, then his thrusting picked up more speed, and this was love.

  Feeling closer and more connected to him than ever, she tucked her legs around his thighs, urging him deeper, needing to feel all of him. He growled in her ear, and the rough masculine sound speaking of lust and hunger made her shudder, her breath hitching.

  The strength of his body encased her all the same when his mouth returned to hers. His kiss became so much more than anything he’d ever given to her. There were no barriers between them anymore, just the two of them, in the darkness, their bodies being connected in this moment, their souls and hearts exposed.

  The truth finally laid bare between them.

  She sensed herself slip away beneath his kiss, losing a bit of herself to him that she would never get back. Something that would forever belong to Chase, and only him. Maybe he felt it too, because then he growled, a sound full of hot possession, and he pumped his hips hard and fast.

  She froze beneath him, her breath catching in her throat as his cock hardened. And with his pleasure came hers. Deep inside her, he rubbed against the perfect spot, over and over again. Her eyes shut, chin lifting to the ceiling, toes pointing as he rode her hard. His deep groans filled her ears as he thrust feverishly and frantically, grunting his pleasure. And in that high of him releasing all his stress, strain, and finding everything he needed to ground himself again, she crashed over the edge alongside him.

  When they were left a tangled mess in the sheets, she lay breathless, watching him slide off her, grabbing a tissue and removing the condom. She tingled from head to toe, movement of any kind impossible now. He returned to her, shifted her back onto her side as if he hadn’t ever woken her, and wrapped her in the strength of his arms.

  “Are you okay?” she asked before they drifted off to sleep.

  He snuggled his face into her neck, locking his arms around her. “I am now.”

  Chapter 11

  When Harper woke the following morning, it was to an empty bed. Luckily, her disappointment faded fast when she rolled over, spotting a note on Chase’s pillow in his handwriting.

  Can’t wait to see you tonight.—C
br />   Right, today was Brody’s wedding.

  With thoughts of all the things she needed to do for the wedding, on top of getting ready, as well as packing the final boxes for her flight tomorrow, she made a quick stop at the grocery store. She grabbed everything she needed to make all the appetizers for the reception tonight.

  Forty minutes after leaving Chase’s house, she returned home, finishing off the final bite of the warm croissant she bought at the store, ready to begin cooking. She placed the grocery bags on the counter by the stove, thoughts of last night a constant tease replaying in her mind. Chase’s hot body grinding against her. Those deep, low moans. Yes, all of that was right there in her thoughts, but then there was so much more. Most of all, how he craved her and needed her. Heat flooded between her thighs as if Chase were right there kissing her, readying her for him. She had liked being in his bed when he got home last night. In fact, if she was being honest with herself, she wanted every night to be just like that.

  One day, that’s all they had left. It didn’t seem fair. It wasn’t long enough. Why had time gone so fast?

  Knowing she would get nowhere if she kept thinking about him and all that happened between them last night, she focused on the task ahead of her. She took out what she needed from the grocery bags and got started.

  An hour later, lost in her work and with the radio turned on low, the rock station keeping her entertained, she placed the final pieces of the basil on top of the bruschetta. She was shaking her hips to the beat, belting out the chorus of the song, when she realized she wasn’t alone.

  A quick look over her shoulder revealed Emma standing in the doorway of the kitchen, her hair in a ponytail.

  “I am your sous chef; put me to work,” said Emma, entering the kitchen holding two paper coffee cups in her hands. “But be prepared for me to ruin your beautiful food with my shitty cooking.” She offered Harper a paper cup and smiled. “Caramel latte, your favorite.”

  “I could kiss you right now.” Harper grabbed the tea towel off the counter, wiping her hands, then accepted the cup. “Thank you.” She took a sip, her eyes fluttering closed at the sweet frothy milk and the sugary syrup. “You have no idea how much I needed this right now.”

  “Late night?” Emma asked, waggling her eyebrows.

  “You could say that.” Harper licked the frothy milk off her top lip.

  Emma laughed, obviously reading between the lines. She placed her coffee cup down by the sink. “What can I help with?”

  Harper took another sip of her latte, examining the remaining items on the counter. “Honestly, there isn’t too much to do. Since Brody and Faith are getting married at sunset tonight, they’re not doing much food-wise. They didn’t ask for anything specific, so I thought things like cheeses, meats, breads, nuts, fruits, fig jam, and all that yummy snacky-type stuff would work best for tonight.”

  Emma glanced at the items on the counter and then rolled her eyes. “I love how simple you made that all sound.”

  “It is simple.” Harper frowned.

  Emma pointed to the bruschetta. “When I make bruschetta, it looks like tomatoes piled on toast. You might need to instruct me on this art you call bruschetta.”

  “Don’t you fret, buttercup. It’ll be easy. Promise.” Harper picked up the Italian dry salami. “Want to start cutting this up, nice and thin?”

  “Yes! That’s doable.” Emma moved to the sink and turned on the faucet, washing her hands. “Is this your mom?” She flicked her chin at the photograph on the windowsill above the sink.

  Harper reached for the frame, staring down at the two people who were so much younger in the photograph than what Harper remembered her parents looking like. “Yup, that’s Mom and Dad on their very first trip to Vegas. Right after they got married, I believe.” While Brody had gathered up most of the family pictures, packing them away after the funeral, Harper had refused to let him pack this one away. For her, the photograph was a reminder of her Vegas dreams and her parents.

  Emma grabbed the cutting board and the knife. “They really loved Vegas, huh?”

  “Actually, my dad hated Vegas.” Harper took the prosciutto out of the fridge. “Vegas was my mom’s thing.” She sidled up to Emma at the counter, then began rolling the thinly sliced meat and arranging it on the large wood serving board. “She used to talk to me about moving to Vegas right here in this kitchen.”

  Emma cut a slice and held up the salami. “Is this thickness good?”

  “It’s perfect.” Harper nodded then reached for another piece of prosciutto, rolling the meat tightly.

  The knife clanged against the board as Emma sliced another piece. “What about Vegas did she like so much?”

  “The excitement, I imagine.” Harper leaned over the board and placed the rolled-up meat down, fiddling with the angle until it looked just right. “Mom always said she was made for Vegas.”

  “If she loved it so much, why do you think she never moved there?”

  Harper had often wondered the same thing. Now, as adult, she thought she had it all figured out. “I’m sure because of Brody and me. It’s not really the place she would want to raise her children.”

  Emma sliced two more pieces, then asked, “Do you think she had regrets about that?”

  Happy with the layout of the prosciutto, Harper straightened. “I don’t think so. The life she had with us made her incredibly happy. It was just another life she could have had, and I think sometimes she dreamed of that, you know?”

  “Do I ever.” Emma laughed softly. “I totally get that two-life thing. Been there. Done that.” Which she totally had. Emma had moved to River Rock from New York City after her grandmother passed away and left the farm to Emma. She had recently been faced with a fork-in-the-road moment, choosing between her life in River Rock and her life in New York City.

  Harper began to frown, a tightness in her chest forming that hadn’t been there before. “You know, it’s so funny. My whole life I was surrounded by people who wanted to leave this small town. Then you come here, and you chose to stay. It’s like you always want what you don’t have. You know, the whole grass-is-always-greener thing.”

  Emma piled up the salami. “Ain’t that the truth.” She glanced at the picture on the windowsill again. “It’s crazy how much Brody looks like your dad.”

  “I know.” Harper could really only see her mother in Brody’s eyes, just like she could see her mom in hers too. “My parents would have been so happy for Brody today. They really liked Faith.”

  “I’m sorry they’re not here for the wedding,” Emma said softly. “This must be hard for both you and Brody.” She paused. “Actually, if I’ve never said it before, I’m sorry that you lost them at all. It’s just so terrible.”

  Harper inhaled deeply and blew it out slowly, picking up the salami and arranging the meat onto the platter. “It was a horrible time for both me and Brody. Now it’s more just sad when I think about it. Sad that my mom never got to see all these moments that would have made her so happy. It’s so tragic.”

  “It really is.” Emma hesitated again. “Is that why you’ve seemed a little sad lately?”

  Of course, Emma had noticed Harper hadn’t felt quite like herself lately. That’s what made Emma such a good friend. They were in tune in ways Harper never experienced with a friend before. “I’m okay. It’s just that everything is changing. It’s a bit hard to catch up.”

  Emma began slicing again. “Are you having doubts about leaving?”

  The hints of spice coming from the pork filled Harper’s nostrils as she inhaled another deep breath. “Not doubts, necessarily. I guess it’s just harder than I thought it was going to be.”

  “Is that because of Chase and everything?”

  Harper glanced up, finding Emma watching her intently. She shrugged. “Not only because of Chase. But now . . . with you, and our friendship . . . with Brody getting married, and maybe they’ll have kids soon . . . It’s so much harder to leave now than it was when I le
ft for Denver before. Back then, I had nothing but Brody, and I wanted a little freedom. Now it’s different.”

  Emma dropped the knife with a clang on the cutting board and turned to face Harper fully. “Listen, I have no idea if this is my place, but I’m going to say it. I, out of anyone, understand how hard it is to move away from home. It’s a big deal and emotional and crazy. I love you, Harper. And I see that you’re struggling with this move to Vegas now, even if you’re not ready to talk about it yet.” She reached for her hand and squeezed it. “But please, whatever you do, make your choice for you. Not for Chase. Not for Brody. For you. Because this is a huge opportunity you have. It’s your shot at something you’ve worked incredibly hard for. You can’t forget about that.”

  Harper shut her eyes a moment, absorbing everything Emma had said, knowing there was a lot of truth in her statement. When she reopened them, seeing the concern on Emma’s face, she said, “I won’t forget about me in all this. Promise.” In the comfort of her best friend, the woman who got Harper more than any other woman in the world, she added, “But what if what I wanted all along was the wrong dream?”

  “Just be sure, Harper.” Emma’s hand squeezed hers tight. “A hundred percent sure.”

  “But how do you do that?”

  Emma’s eyes softened, and silence spread out between them. Because sometimes no matter how hard you tried, there wasn’t an easy answer.

  This was one of those times.

  * * *

  Strands of twinkling lights hanging from the branches of the trees spread throughout the backyard, breaking up the dark night. The mountains that had been the view behind Brody and Faith when they’d said their vows were now mere shadows. Chase stood near the back door of his house, with more than fifty people enjoying the reception. From old high school friends, to Faith and Brody’s coworkers, to family, everyone who mattered to Brody and Faith was there, and Chase was glad for it.

  With a long sip of his beer, he relished the cool, crisp ale, his gaze falling over the people at the fire pit. Emma and Shep stood with Nash and Megan, laughing about something, the glow of the big bonfire casting an orange hue over their faces. On the other side of the yard, by the oldest tree, was the speaker where the country music had kept people dancing for the last hour.


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