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Endgame (Book 1)

Page 58

by W. A. R.

  “I definitely am Bud. Show me what you got.” He told him and the boy smiled in return before pulling back his bow and aiming. Within a second, the arrow flew into the face of a Biter, causing its lifeless body to collapse on the ground. He turned back to Miles and Amber, grinning triumphantly.

  “Did you see it?” he asked and Amber smiled warmly at her son. A part of her couldn’t help but feel grateful for the horrors of the world. It certainly made her children stronger, and not only that, but Kyle now had more than just Brian as a positive role model for a man. Every man in that house was a good man, with her own personal reservations about Damien and as much as she hated to admit it…Rick. But whenever one was down, Kyle had another to follow and imitate, and though it would have worried Amber before, it certainly had no effect on her other than pride she held for the people that were brought into her life.

  “That was incredible. Keep practicing and show me more about how it’s done.” he told the young boy, who turned without another word to practice. He then turned his attention to Amber, who was shifting the weight of her bow in her hand. She could feel his eyes scorching the back of her neck. The feeling became so heated that the spring coiling in the pit of her stomach finally released and she turned to face him, her eyes narrowed in challenge. He gazed down at her with such intensity that she shuddered.

  “What is it that you want?” she asked him lowly and he only stared back at her determined. It had been weeks since the night they found Rick, and the only thing she had regretted of that evening was how things between the two of them changed. Amber could no longer be alone with him without feeling the tension pull between them, urging them to discuss what needed to be discussed. Amber felt more bitter and unsure than she had been of anything in such a very long time. She wasn’t sure whether she should approach the subject or not…then again, why should she? He was the one that had told her those words that continued ringing out in her ears and then ran.

  “To talk.” He said firmly to her and she shifted on her feet. He wanted to talk? After everything he had put her through for the past month or so he wanted to talk? She wasn’t angry, she told herself; no, she was hurt that he had run. If it were on her own terms, she wanted nothing more than to talk to him and make things right again. Her heart ached every single day from the loss of his kind and reassuring words and every now and again his gentle touches that reminded her how much of a woman she really was.

  “No.” she told him just as firmly and she saw the defiance in his eyes, but even more so the pain that rested there in their depths. There was no worry there, and she knew that he paid no mind to the memory of the Biters or the possibility thereof of people creating Biters. Amber sighed, considering the pros of this ‘memory lapse’. It didn’t hurt any that their worries about other people had pretty much diminished, considering it had been about a month and a half since the incident with the gargantuan Biters and still no sign of anyone. She, however, still felt the foreboding that told her that it was far from over…in fact, she felt as if the creations they had destroyed were only the beginning…and yet still, it didn’t hurt that the others were able to let it go and move forward with their lives; even Miles. He ran a hand through his hair, exasperated. He bit his lip and looked to the right in thought. She glanced down at her feet. It was the first time they had been alone since he had run, and she felt the nervous apprehension prickle along the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

  He suddenly jerked his brown gaze back to her, catching her by surprise. “I miss you. I miss my friend. So…please…hit me…yell at me…do whatever you need to do so we can move past this.” He pleaded and she sighed, shifting the bow in her hand. His words rolled over her like a thin veil of ecstasy, providing her with a small thrill of pleasure she tried to tamp down in his presence. She turned from him and watched the bow move. Truth be told, she missed him too…much more than she was willing to admit. They would have to come to grips with their situation sooner or later, and she knew that.

  “Miles…” she began then and he sighed, placing both hands firmly on his hips. He watched as she shifted on her feet, clenching and unclenching his jaw.

  “You have been angry.” He reminded her and she grimaced. Yes, she had been upset at herself, upset with the situation. “You have avoided me ever since…” he started but Amber cut him off, not able to hear what he was going to say.

  “I wasn’t sure what to say.” She admitted to him, and there was no mistaking the heartache in his eyes with her words. She knew that he would misunderstand what she had meant by those words but right then wasn’t the time to discuss that. They needed to reach past their emotions and disagreement to find their peace with each other once again. “You ran from me. You didn’t even try to hear what I had to say and after that I just…I couldn’t find the words that needed to be said.”

  His eyes darkened and she suddenly felt as if she were on display. “And what would you have said if I hadn’t taken off ?” he asked and she shivered. It wasn’t what she said that would have bothered her. It was what she would have done. Yet, she was unable to say the words just then, glancing sideways at her children as they practiced with their bows. No, now was not the time. Until they reached the point where they could discuss such…thoughtful…matters, she could try to ease the heartache that stretched between them. She sighed before putting the bow in his free hand. His face dropped and confusion settled over him. “You can’t be serious…” he told her and she stepped back, allowing him passage to where she had previously stood.

  “I am serious…very much so.” She told him and for a moment she witnessed the small flash of hope that came across his face before he turned from her and faced the fence in an awkward stance. “We need to get everyone we can into the practice of bows, guns, knives, and combat, just in case.” She told him in explanation for her actions and though the look he shot her told her that he wanted to disagree, he conceded, grabbing the release she held out for him and attempting to strap it on his wrist. She stepped forward, her knowing fingers taking over and adjusting the strap for him. Her fingers tingled from where they brushed across the sensitive skin of his wrist. He looked down at her almost pleadingly.

  “I am not very good at this. I’m better with a gun.” He told her by way of trying to get out of it. Instead of complying she stepped behind him, his eyes following her and she clapped him on the back reassuringly. It was so easy, their friendship, and they fell right back into it as if no time had passed. Why hadn’t they done this long before? Instead, they had to step around one another, watching and admiring the other from their distance. Hadn’t it always been like that, at least to an extent? She knew she was guilty of it, as was he, and the past months being right beside him, being part of the same team, had really emphasized how she felt and what she thought of him. She was part of him, just as he was a part of her; one in the same.

  “All the more reason to practice. Now,” she began placing her hands on his hips and turning him. Her face burned as she did this and yet he allowed her to move him where he needed to be. “…get your feet steady, get your arrow ready, and clip the release onto that loop on your bowstring.” She told him, pointing to a spot on the string. He did as she told him and then looked at her expectantly, a smile playing on his lips. There he was; Miles Preston in his own bliss. She envied that about him.

  “This is payback for what happened. I can feel it.” He told her and she shoved his arm playfully.

  “Pay attention.”

  “You’re trying to embarrass me aren’t you?” he asked her and she reached up to pull his shoulders back. His shoulders came back fluidly and she felt her fingertips tense against him.

  “Now pull back and aim your arrow, through this hole” she said quickly, pointing once again and ignoring his question with a smile, “lining it up with where you want to hit. Then all you do it pull back on the trigger of the release and let it fly.” She told him and he grudgingly did as she said. She studied him, feel
ing her heart pick up its pace. Damn did he look good holding that bow. His muscles were tight and tensed, his stance sturdy. Yes, he had been right when he had said that he was hers and she was his…or at least with the latter part. She was his and always had been; hell, he had her completely enthralled watching him steady his aim and he had no idea he did so. Fluidly, he released the string. The arrow flew through the fence, hitting the Biter in its forehead, effectively killing it. He then turned to her, a smug smile on his lips. She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “What?” he asked her and she bit back a smile. Yes, they had spoken in group situations within the past month, but they had barely spoken one on one, and she wondered then how they had done so. She realized just how much she really had missed him.

  “You said you weren’t any good at this.” She accused him and all he did was shrug, dropping the bow to his side. She lifted a brow at him, waiting for him to explain.

  “Maybe I just like it whenever you feel like you are in control.” He told her, flashing one of his devilish smiles at her. She felt a flush run across her chest at his words. That wasn’t fair at all.

  Still, she firmly planted her hands on her hips. “I’m not sure why.” she stated, flustered and he chuckled, turning his brown eyes to hers, effectively locking her in place with just his piercing stare. Where was this coming from?

  “Because you have no idea what I see whenever I see you that way…or any way for that matter.” He told her and she shook her head at him, feeling very scrutinized. He sighed and reached up, gripping her elbow as if stopping her from running, even though she had no intention of doing so. She realized that he had gotten brave since that night. “Amber…” he began and her eyes widened. She jerked her eyes to him and she saw the determination that she had witnessed every single time she locked eyes with him in the past month. It was the same look he held every time she tried to avoid him, the look that said there was something very important that he needed to say. Why had she avoided him? Because she worried he thought he had made a mistake and she wasn’t sure she could handle that, not from him. She wanted to keep his words, the feel of his body pressed against her, his lips moving over hers with her for the rest of time without the feeling of regret that would come if he admitted he had made a mistake. She knew that it was coming; the acceptance and admittance of regret that came with his actions. She prepared herself for heartache. From the corner of her eye, she saw Cassie grinning at the two of them before jerking her head to the sound of the backdoor shutting. Cassie ambled closer to them, watching the back of the house and Miles slowly released his hold on her. It was a blessing and she sighed with relief. From the blush that covered her cheeks, she could instantly tell that her daughter liked Jacob and inwardly she decided that she should have a talk with the boy. She was reminded of Kyle’s words just a few days before about Cassie and Jacob. “I’ll talk with him soon. Don’t worry about it.” Miles told her softly as if reading her mind, offering her a gentle reprieve.

  “How did you learn to shoot a bow anyways?” she asked of him, hoping to change the subject and push back the sting of tears that threatened to fall. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.

  “You seem to think that this southern man never hunted before.” Rick said, sauntering over to them on makeshift crutches. He grinned widely at the two of them and Miles returned the humor.

  “I was thinking the exact same thing.” He told him on a laugh and Amber shook her head. Rick was indeed one of the few that she worried about. After he had woken up, he claimed that he remembered everything from Charlotte’s house to being found delirious and left for dead in the woods; however, he would not discuss it. He said it was irrelevant, and at times he seemed a little paranoid about the strange new people, but over time he grew accustomed to them with the exceptions of Katie, Buddy, and Damien. Amber wanted to ask about what happened, just as everyone did, but no one dared ask. Then again, no one had told him either of the Biters or major happenings; they simply explained how they had gotten there together in the first place. The group feared that should they discuss their losses, the probability of people creating new creatures and bound to invade them, that his fragile sanity would come into question; so instead, they said nothing, aside from obvious matters: food, work, practice, and needs. And then there was Brian. Brian was scarce at first after Rick woke up, but over recent weeks he had started becoming somewhat comfortable being in the same room as him. Amber hoped that their tension would eventually ease.

  Amber shrugged at the two men defensively. “Team up on me and I’ll knock you off your crutches and Miles, I’ll damage your pride beyond belief.” She told them both as Rick limped towards her. She felt guilt and comfort grip at her heart. She had found it difficult to talk to Rick since he woke up and she chalked it up to feeling guilty about how he had been…left. Then again there was the comfort that came with having him back, having him approach her daily to try to talk and laugh like old times. He was still a brother in heart to her and she, a sister to him.

  “You would hurt a crippled man? How awful a person you must be.” He tsked her, looking at her with a goading spark in his eye and she pointed a finger at him playfully. And though it was playful she couldn’t help but feel the guilt rise up at his words, as if he were blaming them for whatever had happened.

  “I never claimed to be a saint.” Amber replied and she shifted uneasily on her feet.

  Miles rolled his eyes and Rick chuckled heartily. “That’s right. You are the devil incarnate.” Miles teased her, rolling his eyes, and she turned her glare to him.

  “Someone’s in trouble now…” Rick said with a sing-song lilt in his voice. Miles’s eyes widened as he turned from Rick to Amber.

  “Then what does that say about you?” She asked off-handedly. Heat gripped the air at her words and she understood what her words had insinuated. She caught Rick’s lifted brows and the surprise in his eyes as his jaw went slack. It was the first that he had heard or seen any relationship between the two that was anything other than friendship. She turned from him, cheeks red, and focused on Miles. Miles glanced at her as if offended.

  “Well, that hurts.”

  “Trouble in paradise?” George asked as he and Derek ambled over to them. Amber rubbed a hand across her face.

  “Doesn’t anybody have anything else to do other than give me a hard time?” George shoved both hands into his pants pockets as Derek shook Rick’s and Miles’s hands in greeting. George inhaled deeply and glanced up at the sky and then around at the activity around them before turning back to Amber with a mischievous grin on his face. Something dark passed briefly in his expression and she felt as if he were reading her expression, determining what had occurred that morning. It wasn’t long before he found the answer he was looking for and just as quick, the expression was gone.

  “No. Not really. What are y’all doing out here anyways?” he asked her, glancing down at the bow in Miles’s hand.

  Amber crossed her arms across her chest. “Mobilizing.” She said defiantly, as if daring him to disagree with her.

  George leaned back on the heels of his feet. “Mobilizing or goofing off?” he asked and she wrinkled her nose at him.

  “I was out here practicing, and they decided to come out here and mess with me.” Amber told him and he laughed, walking around Derek to position himself next to her. He slung an arm across her shoulders, pressing her to him reassuringly. She knew then that he was remembering their conversation from a few days before.

  “They wouldn’t do that. Stop lying on them…that is very unbecoming of you.” He told her, running to Miles’s and Rick’s defense, causing both men to smile triumphantly. Miles’s eyes darkened and George smirked at him. “You don’t lie…do you?” he asked of himtestily. Before he could respond, Kyle’s voice chirped up.

  “George! Hey George!” he called and George turned his smile and attention to the small boy who stood about twenty yards away with a big grin on his face.

sp; “Hey buddy, what’s up? You any good with that thing?” George asked him and Kyle nodded vigorously.

  “Watch this.” The boy declared before pulling back on his bow. Amber turned and studied her son’s actions, noting how his hand twitched only the slightest in his fit of nervousness. He really wanted to impress these guys.

  Cassie must have noticed as well. “Kyle! Aim for the heart.” she told him, stealing a smile at Amber, who grinned knowingly in return. If he aimed for the heart, it would give him a broader area with which to aim and get close enough for it to be a well-meant shot. He released the string, and for a split second Amber wasn’t sure if he had heard Cassie or not, but only a moment later did the arrow penetrate directly below the heart. She clapped her hands for her son as George whistled in astonishment, Kyle beaming as he turned to face his audience.

  “Who taught you how to use that bow boy?” Rick asked on a smile, limping over to his side. Instinctively, Amber jerked to help him and then stopped herself, sure that he wouldn’t accept it.

  “Uncle Brian.” Kyle replied, and Rick laughed out loud, catching Amber by surprise.

  He ruffled Kyle’s dark hair. “Well he did a damn good job.” He said and Amber felt her heart grow warm at Rick’s praise of both Kyle and Brian. After so much inner turmoil between the two of them, he had seemed to ease into the acceptance of whatever demons he was fighting against and Brian was slowly getting there. Maybe things between the two of them would be alright after all.

  “Well, he didn’t learn it all from Brian. We are after all a…” Amber began but Buddy’s gruff voice from behind them cut her off.

  “If you say team I might just pull my hair out.” He grinned at her, and she could feel Miles’s tension from beside her as they watched Jackson and Buddy make their way over to all of them. Amber glanced at Buddy and smiled another genuine smile ts him, one that, just as George before him, he gladly returned.


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