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Endgame (Book 1)

Page 70

by W. A. R.

  “You were right. I didn’t understand, and now I do. I know I can’t keep you from the pain, or from mourning in your own way, but I can at least help ease the pain, which is what I am doing.” He told her and she turned away, glancing at Katie as she readied some bandages on the table. “Hey,” he said, wanting her attention. She slowly turned back to him. “Do you know what amazes me?”

  She looked at him curiously. “Should I guess?” and he chuckled. She felt the tight band around her heart ease a little.

  “You and Brian; how after everything you have been through and have done, you have refused to let it make you bitter.” He told her and she shook her head in response.

  “We are bitter, or didn’t you see that today?” she asked him and then sighed. He simply smiled at her, pouring warm water over her hands to remove the soap.

  “No, you were hurt and angry…maybe a little bitter and hardened…but not like the rest of us.” He told her and she pulled her hands from his, reaching for the used towel that rested on the counter beside her. She began drying her hands off, staring at the counter in thought before turning her eyes up to him sadly.

  “You don’t know how broken I really am.”

  “Yes I do.” He told her softly. His words brought a fresh pain of doubt to her. Why did life have to be so damned hard? She was tortured by her own mind. She had just buried her father, her role model. She was beyond broken; she was irreparable.

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Then why do you bother with someone so damaged and beaten?” she asked, expecting him to lash back at her. Instead, he leaned a hip against the counter smiling at her gently.

  “Why do you?” he countered and she felt her jaw go slack. She quickly shook her head, turning from him and wincing as the rough cloth rubbed against her raw hands.

  “You know it will only get worse as time goes on.” She told him, refusing to answer his question. He sighed then, reaching out for her. She resisted only for a moment before letting him pull her close to him. He tilted her chin up to meet her eyes, his expression serious and yet assuring.

  “I know you are going to harden your heart in the ways of this world. There will be times when the pain seems like too much and you are going to do things that would have before merited question, things you will regret doing. I will too, and with that knowledge we will always have an understanding with each other. I can’t stop those things from happening. What I can do, even after that happens, is be there for you to push you forward and bring you back home, back here.” He told her gently, poking his finger against her chest, her heart beating against his fingertip. His eyes searched hers deeply, past her walls and barriers before bringing his hand up to brush a stray strand of hair from her face. “And I can see that today was one of those days, the pain is too much, and you regret not being there to save him. And for that, I am so very sorry.” He told her and he could see the pain flash across her face before it quickly vanished. He smiled sadly at her. “And just as you have always done, you are going to force today away, suppress it and that is okay. Harbor that anger, because one day it will benefit you…use it as an asset…but don’t let it lead you away from where you belong with your family. Don’t let it lead you away from me…” he told her, his eyes stern yet sad. “…because I am not going anywhere…and if I have to break down every single wall you build against the rest of the world to get you back, I will.” She stared up at him tenderly, wanting nothing more than to cave and be vulnerable to him. The marvel with which she stared at him reminded her once more how incredibly wonderful he was. She opened her mouth to speak, to tell him, no, promise him that she would let him bring her back, and that she would do the same for him when Katie interrupted them.

  “I have already bandaged Brian’s hands. I need to do yours.” She said and Amber turned from Miles, stepping up to Katie with her raw and red palms out. She glanced back at Miles, who stood watching her intently now, arms crossed across his chest.

  “Thank you, Katie.” She said roughly and Katie grinned at her.

  “It is the least I could do. And Miles is right. Your family gives us hope for a better future.” She said, and then her expression grew grim. “I am sorry about your father. He was a good man. You and Brian are a lot like him.” She said and Amber offered her a sad smile.

  “Thank you.” She replied as Katie began wrapping the bandages around her palms. Buddy walked in from the front door then, his eyes darting around the house curiously before settling on them. Amber returned his curious stare and Miles shifted on his feet, walking over to him.

  “What’s going on?” Amber asked as the two men talked in hushed voices. Miles turned to her as Katie began wrapping her second hand. Katie looked away, her eyes darting everywhere but on Amber. Amber furrowed her brow in curiosity. “What’s wrong?” she asked, noting the defeated look on his face.

  “Buddy, Derek, Damien, and George have been combing the woods, the perimeter, but they are calling it quits for the night. They have been searching all afternoon. They have no choice but to stop. It’s too dangerous.” He explained, more to Katie than to Amber. She could feel Katie’s hands tense as she settled the bandage on her hand, nodding.

  “Why are they in the woods at night? What are they looking for?” Amber asked him and he sighed, staring at her with a million apologies swimming around in his eyes for having to tell her something she did not want to hear.

  “Rick’s missing.”

  Chapter Thirty One

  “Don’t go. Wait another day.” Amber’s voice came out unintentionally harsh. She was desperate and terrified of what could happen. Miles and Brian both looked at her sadly. What more could they endure before their fragile state of sense and security was officially broken?

  “We can’t wait another day. We have to check this place out. If we wait any longer we could lose more people.” He paused for a moment, registering what he had just said. His words stung, the bitter reminder of the loss of their father the day before dripping from his words. Amber looked at him hopefully. Maybe he was thinking the same thing she was; what if their father’s accident was related to the people who had created the hybrids…was related to Rick’s disappearance? Quickly he continued. “We have no idea who or what we are up against.” Brian said with unconvincing bravado. Amber turned back to George, who stood against the wall with his arms crossed. He lifted a brow at her. What?

  “You said you didn’t lock the gate back when you came to get Katie and mom yesterday and yet it was locked whenever we came back.” Her voice pleaded with him. She visibly winced at her own mention of her mother, her heart dripping with sadness. Her mother had yet to leave her spot beside her husband’s grave. She had been there since the night before, and now it was the wee hours of the morning, and yet still, she sat there, lost in oblivion.

  George sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “He could have locked it on his way out. We don’t know.” She looked at him in disbelief. He doubted her; he doubted himself. They had barely discussed what had happened, and though she had struggled to go off into the night to search for him they wouldn’t let her. She suddenly felt helpless.

  Amber’s eyes were wild, her gut feelings of disaster making her feel sick. “What if someone took him? Either way we should all be out there looking for him.” Please stay. She mentally begged of them.

  “What if he left on his own? He and Brian did get into an argument yesterday morning.” Miles suggested, and though he was trying to assure her, she could tell that he didn’t even believe his own words.

  “That is not how Rick is. And regardless of whether he left on his own or not, he is on crutches for crying out loud! How long do you think he can survive out there like that?” she asked and she could feel every single one of their uncomfortable gazes on her. “You know I’m right.” She said softly, her words cutting Brian like a razor; clean and deep. Brian sighed.

  “Amber, we can’t. We have to get this done before it is too late. You, George, Buddy, Derek, and Katie
can form a search party while we are gone and look just around the fence line. We will keep looking deeper in the woods when we get back.” He told her and she lowered her eyes to the floor. She wanted to scream, to yell, to force them not to go. She could feel the beginnings of hysteria rising in her stomach. It hurt.

  “Guys, just stay for a while. We just…we feel like something isn’t right out there. We shouldn’t split up.” Buddy admitted, glancing at Amber. At least he had finally agreed with her about staying and fighting. Amber shifted, feeling Cassie’s and Kyle’s eyes on her back from the stairs. Amber felt Buddy brush against her arm as he came to stand beside her. She felt a small bit of relief at having someone understand.

  Miles looked at her, and she knew that he could feel it too; but if Brian needed him, he would be there. Brian gave her a pointed look of uncertainty. “Is this true?” he asked and George stepped up at that time to their defense.

  “Yes. We all feel that way.” George said and Damien scoffed, adjusting the straps of his pack on his shoulders.

  “This is some bullshit. Y’all can’t take care of yourselves?” he spat and Amber narrowed her eyes at him, taking a step forward. Miles quickly intercepted her, but Brian shoved Damien back.

  “Watch your mouth. You are still on our shit list.” He told the young man, who merely glared back at him. Both Brian and Amber had been bitter towards Damien after yesterday’s incident, and coincidentally, it made Damien very…testy; which was new, considering how reserved he had always been. Amber attributed his newfound attitude to guilt and regret. Brian then turned back to Amber sadly. “I’m sorry but we do have to go. If someone did take him, we need to find safety. You are my sister; you know better than anyone that I wouldn’t go if I didn’t have to. We will be extra careful and will be back before nightfall, alright?” he said and she sighed in defeat. They weren’t going to listen, and it was futile of her to even try.

  “Fine.” Was all she could say before he pulled her into a tight embrace, hugging her tightly.

  “I promise, we will be careful. Promise me that you will be too.” He asked of her and she nodded, hugging him back. Regardless of their differences, she adored her brother, and he her. She wasn’t sure who she would be without him. They had both lost people dear to them and they understood that of one another. She reluctantly left her brother’s embrace and then went to hug Shelly, who waited by the door patiently and nervously. Miles stepped up to Buddy, offering his hand.

  “Remember our conversation yesterday?” he asked, and Buddy nodded, taking Miles’s hand in his own. Miles stared hard at the man, pressing his point. “You’ll do whatever it takes?” he asked, his eyes flicking between Amber where she stood at the front door, and then past Buddy to the kids who stood on the stairs, watching them all.

  Buddy nodded. “I put my life on it.” He replied, the two men reaching an understanding. Miles shook his hand and pulled back, nodding.

  “Thank you.” He said sincerely before turning to George. He shook George’s hand before George pulled him into a brotherly embrace. He hugged his back tightly, feeling the intensity of what was happening, recognizing the pain that was embracing them all at their leaving.

  “Be careful.” George told him and Miles nodded, swallowing back whatever emotion threatened to come out.

  “Shells, please…be careful…” Amber told her, her eyes glancing briefly at her small belly before meeting her eyes once more.

  “I will.” Shelly replied gently. Amber sighed, turning and smiling sadly as Miles knelt, wrapping Kyle and Cassie into his arms, whispering to them. If it were at all possible, her heart broke a little more. They hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. Amber turned back to Shelly. “This is really intense, considering everything that’s happening…and well, has happened…but I promise we will be okay. There is no need to worry. This isn’t goodbye, so stop acting like it is.” Shelly tried to assure her, grinning widely from ear to ear and Amber merely shrugged, and Shelly knew that her words were meaningless. The thought made her anxious. And just a moment later, Brian was ushering Shelly and Damien out the front door and to the truck they had pulled from the garage. Miles released the kids, giving Elliot one last hug before turning to Amber. She stared up at him as he placed a hand on his pistol handle.

  “Don’t go.” She pleaded softly, and he sighed. She knew he could feel the tension, the foreboding that was driving her mad. If anyone could understand her, it was him.

  “I wish I didn’t have to.” He told her gently and she crossed her arms.

  “Then don’t do it.”

  “Brian needs me.”

  “Then talk some sense into him and make him stay too. He won’t listen to me.” She told him and he offered her a small smile.

  “Because he knows we have to do this run and check this building out.” He told her and she glanced away towards the red Dodge that they were climbing into. “We will be back.” He tried to assure her, but she only looked at him with cold eyes. He swallowed roughly the lump of emotion in his throat before reaching up to caress her cheek. She turned her gaze to him, and he knew that she could still feel the sparks between them at just a simple touch. Staring down at her, he knew she needed hope, she needed a reminder. “I’ve never loved anyone more than I love you, remember?” he asked of her and slowly she nodded. He grinned down at her. “Then how can I not come back to you, one way or another? I always have, haven’t I?”

  She stared up into his expectant eyes. “I’ve waited this long...’” She trailed off, trying to make herself feel better.

  He grinned at her. “Don’t give up on me. Keep that faith. Always; and only this time I will bring them back with me.” and as soon as the words left his lips he knew they had struck some chord with her as she leaned forward pressing her forehead against his chest. He sighed, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. He really didn’t want to leave her, leave the kids, but being the man he was, he was going to. He tightened his hold on her, reassuring her of his presence, and he drank her in, relishing in the feel of her. The sound of the truck door closing made them slowly pull away and Miles sighed, pressing a gentle kiss against her hair. She didn’t want to release him, and having been forced to do so she felt the beginnings of hysteria settling in. “I’ve got to go, love. I’ll see you soon.” He promised her before turning and leaving through the front door. She wanted to rush after him. She wanted to tell him finally that she loved him and yet, she didn’t. She would wait.

  Amber, Buddy, and George watched as they cranked the truck and backed away, driving towards the front gate where Derek stood with the gate open. Amber and Buddy shared a look of disgust, of pain, as the nervous apprehension pulled at their nerves tighter. She fought back the urge to run after them because she knew that it would do no good. She understood Brian’s logic, she really did, but something in the dark recesses of her mind told her that nothing but terror awaited them past that fence. Once they were through, Derek closed the gate and locked it back, watching with the rest of them as the red Dodge disappeared down the road. Once they were out of sight however, Amber immediately turned on her heel towards the house, whistling in a high pitched lilt. She was determined. Try as she might have, they wouldn’t listen, wouldn’t stay, and since they didn’t she knew what she had to do. The men immediately noticed and raced after her, watching as she strapped on her knife holster and shoved her gun into the waistband of her jeans.

  “Oh no. Amber, what are you doing?” George asked cautiously and she tossed him a determined glare as Zeus bounded toward her in response to her whistle. He wagged his tail ferociously at her feet.

  “Something happened to Rick and I am going to find him.” She declared, turning and aiming for the garage door. She shoved past them, refusing to hear what they had to say. They wouldn’t stop her and she wouldn’t let them. George felt his already taut nerves tighten even more so. He and Buddy followed her and Zeus, struggling to find the words to stop her.

  “You can
’t know that something happened to him.” George argued with her as the kids rushed by them, searching for some items in the dimness of the garage. “We looked for him for the better part of yesterday! I told you last night I wasn’t sure.” He argued and Amber turned to face him angrily. “We’ve talked about this.”

  “I know we talked about it; which leads me to believe that the whole lot of you is in denial.” She paused only for a brief moment before continuing. “My keys are missing.” She told them and Buddy sighed in what appeared to be irritation.

  “Amber, he could have taken them with him.” He told her as Kyle adjusted a rope around Zeus’s neck and shoulders. The dog sat patiently, watching curiously as Kyle secured the rope around his like a harness.

  She shook her head. She was a woman on a mission; they saw that and her determination worried them. “Rick wouldn’t have done that, even if he did leave on his own. He would have left them for us and if Brian’s mind wasn’t so clouded he would realize that too. Instead, they are doing what they have to do and I am doing what I have to do. You can either join me or stay here. I don’t care either way.” she said harshly and firmly as Cassie pulled some clothing from a drawer. George looked between the three of them curiously, fed up with all of the movement around him.

  “What are y’all doing?” he finally asked as Cassie handed the tattered clothing to her mother and Kyle handed the end of the rope to her. Cassie then went to the far wall, retrieving the gun that Buddy had used the day before. She helped Amber pull the strap on her shoulder before turning and grabbing both hers and Kyle’s bows from the shelf.

  “You idiots didn’t think of using Zeus. And if I had known Rick was missing sooner, I could have helped. Better late than never.” She declared, shifting the clothing in her hand. The sound of footsteps came to the door and Derek appeared, watching the scene with interest. Amber jerked her eyes to him, changing hands with the rope. “Keys?” she asked and Derek nodded, walking past her to retrieve the gun that Damien had used the day before.


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