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Tyler's Transformation [The Men of the Crazy Angle Ranch 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 9

by Bellann Summer

  “How in the world did he manage to get you to agree to two of them? One was enough for me.”

  Tyler chuckled one last time. “He kissed me through the first one. I was just about to tell him that was enough when he grabbed my cock and by the time I came down from flying, I had two.”

  “Shit, we’ve both managed to snag pushy assholes, haven’t we?”

  “Yep, and I for one am so glad I did,” Tyler answered.

  “Me, too,” Tony agreed.

  The rest of the group came back into the room led by Shane, who went right over to Tony and lifted him onto his lap. “You okay, baby?”

  “Yeah, I’m good,” Tony answered and lifted his head for a kiss.

  Graham sat down next to Tyler and put his arms around him. Tyler melted into his cowboy, feeling protected, safe, and most of all, home.

  Shortly after, Tony and Shane left. After some small talk, the rest went to bed. In the morning, after hugs all around and kisses for the little girls, Tyler and Graham headed to the airport and flew home. Their next trip would be to meet with the doctors concerning Tyler’s future.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tyler was so nervous he was squeezing Graham’s hand so hard that his knuckles were turning white. As the days had moved closer to the big meeting, Tyler became even more tense and stressed out. He just wanted it to be over. The first time Tyler snapped at Graham, he was hauled over his lap and given three good wallops. Needless to say, there was no more snapping going on from Tyler. He was also kept busy learning how to work with the horses and helping the high school baseball team at their practices. Graham also did his part keeping Tyler busy in the bedroom, on the office desk, in the pool, and about ten different other surfaces around the house. And Tyler couldn’t forget the barn, the truck, and the four-wheeler. Damn, he loved how that man loved him.

  Now the scene in front of him could be a reenactment of the same meeting from a few months ago. Tyler, Graham, his parents, and his agent sat across the table from the doctors, who had spent the day performing a multitude of tests on his arm. The good news was that he had only had to take an over-the-counter pain pill after the tests were finished.

  The lead doctor of the hospital staff cleared his throat and shuffled the papers in front of him. “Let me begin by saying that I believe, we as physicians have made the right decisions in repairing your shoulder, arm, and hand. I also believe you have worked as hard as you could to rehabilitate the damage.

  “That being said, I have no doubt that your shoulder and elbow will get stronger and more stable as time goes on and you should have no restrictions in using them in everyday activities. Your hand, as everyone can see just by looking at it, is damaged. You have regained about forty percent of its motion back since the accident. I think you will regain more motion and strength as time goes on. Overall I am pleased at the results of the all the tests we ran today.”

  Tyler could see his mother was about to jump in and start firing off questions at the doctor. That wasn’t happening. This was Tyler’s show, and he was going to finish it.

  “Doctor,” he said, getting everyone’s attention. “I think the big question we all want to know is, will I be able to play professional baseball again?”

  “In my opinion, Tyler, the answer to that question would be no.”

  The rest of the meeting for Tyler passed by, in one huge blur. Tyler knew his parents asked a lot of questions. His agent had a few of his own. To Tyler, the question that needed answering was answered, and he just wanted to get out of there. His rock of a cowboy kept holding his hand, giving him all of the support he needed.

  When the meeting was finally over, he heard Graham tell his parents that they were flying right back to Texas. Tyler was a little confused, because he knew that their flight was scheduled for the morning. But he hugged and kissed his parents good-bye, assuring them he was okay. Then he shook his agent’s hand and the next thing he knew, they were back in their hotel room alone.

  Graham poured them both a drink when they reached the hotel room. Yes, he had lied about their flight leaving right away. But he knew how this worked and he knew Tyler would need some time without other people around to process what had happened and what Graham had a feeling was about to happen.

  And just like clockwork Tyler’s phone rang. Graham listened as Tyler greeted Richard. There was a long silence as Tyler listened to what his agent had to say and then Tyler agreed to sign some paperwork that would be overnighted to the ranch. When Tyler ended the call, he turned to look at Graham and just stood there.

  “How did you know? That was why you told everyone we were leaving right away, wasn’t it.”

  “It seemed logical. They don’t feel you can play any longer. Why keep you on injured reserve?” Graham went over to Tyler and pulled him into his arms. “You told me you only had a year left on your contract. It’s nothing for them to pay you off and set you free.”

  “That’s just what they did, Graham. You’d think they could have waited more than a half hour to make a decision.”

  “I know, honey, but it’s just a business to them.”


  “Yes, honey.”

  “I want to go home.”

  “We’re both exhausted. Let’s go to bed and go home tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Graham?”


  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, honey.”

  * * * *

  Three months later…

  Tyler was making his way down to the barn. The bright, shining sun matched his mood. Today, he was going to start working with his first filly. She was two weeks old and was ready to learn to wear a harness. Tyler was also going to run his hands over her from top to bottom, getting her used to a human touching her.

  Pausing for a moment, he turned to watch the floppy golden retriever puppy that was following him get distracted by a butterfly and started chasing it. Poor Barney’s feet still didn’t always do what he wanted them to and soon he was rolling head-over-heels in the soft grass.

  What a day that had been when Graham had brought a large cardboard box into the house with the beautiful golden-red puppy in it. What a night that had been, when Tyler had expressed all of his love for his cowboy at the wonderful gift. Both of them had ended up walking rather stiffly the next day.

  Finally, Barney decided it was time to follow Tyler again, and they started off. They had almost reached the barn when a tall, broad-shouldered, dark-haired cowboy came out of the barn, catching Tyler with his green-eyed gaze. Tyler couldn’t believe how much he loved that man.

  Without Graham, Tyler knew the transition from baseball wouldn’t have been as easy as it was. They had ended up having to hold a press conference the next morning, after the final meeting with the doctors. Tyler had held up his hand for everyone to see. Graham jokingly said he heard the gasp from around the world. Since that day, Tyler had received nothing but support and well wishes from his fans.

  “Are you ready to learn something new today, honey?” Graham asked.

  Tyler stepped up into Graham’s space until their chests touched. “Can you show me how to handle the filly in the barn first, before we go back to the house and I take on the big horse?”

  Green eyes gleamed with speculation, laughter and lust. “I think that can be arranged.”

  Their lips met in a kiss that lasted for some time before the two men, hand in hand, disappeared into the barn.





  Bellann Summer lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband and children surrounded by lakes and woods. In the summer Bellann enjoys fishing, camping, gardening and growing flowers. Autumn is spent out in the woods exploring the beautiful colors and nature at its finest. In the winter there is ice fishing, snowmobiling and sitting in front of the wood fireplace. She has always loved to read and any free time
is spent with a book in her hand. When major life changes occurred, she decided to try writing what she liked to read. And it worked.

  For all titles by Bellann Summer, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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