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The Pleasure of Pain 3

Page 3

by Shameek Speight

  “Uggh!” Marina groaned in pain as blood came gushing out of her nose dripping down the sides of her mouth. She raised her MP5 submachine gun, but before she could aim; she felt her legs leave from under her and fell to her ass as Iris swiped kicked her. Iris wasted no time to continue the attack and kicked the gun out of her hand then pressed her foot on Marina’s neck applying pressure. Marina gasped for air and struggled trying to remove Iris’s foot from her neck.

  “See, I never saw you in my plans to kill the Teflon Divas. But hey, you didn’t see my ass coming either did you?” Iris said while looking down at Marina’s face. Marina looked up at Iris in pain, “Tess always thinks she’s a step ahead of everyone, planning things for years to come. Who are you, one of her projects? You know she’s saving hoes from the streets thinking that she can change them and choose them over me?” Iris said with bitterness in her voice.

  With so much chaos going on in the refugee camp Iris released some of the pressure off of Marina’s neck letting her breathe. “You’re a stupid bitch to cross Tess and shoot her daughter. Hahaha, I don’t even feel sorry for what’s going to happen to you. You could never beat or outsmart her. Look at you. You chose to ride with her enemies and to cross your best friend after all the blood she shed. Tess would give her life to help the people that she love. It's psycho paths like you that causes people to move the way they move and not trust anyone. I've learned to keep my circle tight. Remember, even the devil was an angel. You know, you can’t win. People like you never win.”

  The sound of an automatic handgun cut Marina’s words short. The Santiago Cartel surrounded the camp and fired at everything and everyone. Vanessa and the Asian Mafia returned fire and stood low taking out any henchmen that was foolish enough to get closer.

  “Uhmm, people like me never win, huh? It seems to me as if I’ve already won. There are only a handful of you all against a whole army,” Iris said with a smirk on her face.

  “You must be really stupid and just don’t look like it, Iris. Yeah, you have an army behind you, but did you forget it was just the three of you all against a whole damn drug cartel? Now that Tess has a little more help you really think that you will win? No, I think you should be scared,” Marina replied.

  Iris took a second to let Marina’s words sink into her brain and knew that she was right. Before Iris knew it, Marina wrapped her legs around her waist and pulled Iris down to the ground then popped up and ran quickly to the MP5 machine gun Iris had knocked out of her hand. “You may look and dress like a Teflon Diva, but you are not one of us!” Iris shouted while throwing a knife.

  The knife cut through the air spinning and ripped through Marina’s hand that she was trying to pick the gun up with. “Ahh!” she hollered in pain as she raised her hand to her face and stared at the knife that went straight through the palm of her hand.

  Her face expression twist up in despair, “Just because you wear the body armor doesn’t mean you trained with us bitch,” Iris said while laughing.

  Marina screamed as she yanked the knife out of her hand and blood pumped out of the open womb. “Fuck you, bitch!” Marina shouted and threw the knife back. The knife cut through the air heading straight for Iris’s face.

  Iris smirked and caught the blade in between her index finger and middle finger as if it was nothing. “I’m done playing this game with you, mami,” Iris said while pulling out her chrome 40 caliber handgun and squeezed the trigger twice.

  Marina's heart slowed down as her life flashed before her eyes. Both bullets crashed into the center of her forehead cracking it open like a walnut. She fell to the ground sideways and her brain oozed out to the ground.

  Iris smirked while watching Marina’s body twitch for a second, “Yep bitch, you were not a real killer,” Iris said as she stuffed the gun back into her thigh holster then picked up the machine gun. She stared at her dead body for a second. It was as if hot steam was seeping out of the crack of her head. “I wonder why Tess had your ass guarding?” Iris said out loud to herself as she stared at the chaos that was taking place around her. People were running and screaming. And guns were firing left and right outside of the refugee camp. She focused her attention on the tent that Marina’s body was next to, opened it, and walked in.

  “Please! Please, don’t hurt me,” a heavy set, dark skin, Dominican man in his early fifty’s with the doctor coat on said.

  “Shut the fuck up and put your hands on your head!” Iris ordered.

  Doctor Sanchez nervously did what she asked. 'Damn, please don’t let her kill me. She looks more deranged than Tess,' he thought to himself and felt a warm wet sensation run down his legs. He looked down to see a wet spot.

  “You nasty motherfucker. What kind of man pisses on himself?” Iris said with disgust on her face.

  Different emotions filled her heart as she really looked around the tent for the first time to see Isis and Ayoyna on the respirator machine with IV's in their arms. Their beds were pushed close together and their tiny arms hung off of the bed as they held each other’s hands. “They’re still alive,” she said out loud.

  “Yes señora, they’re doing well and can make it if they get to a hospital in forty-eight hours,” Doctor Sanchez stated.

  A tear slowly creeped down Iris’s cheek, “What kind of monster have I become to try to kill my child and niece. No, I am not to blame for this. It’s all Tess’s fault. If she would have loved me, we wouldn’t have even been here. She had to love everyone more than me first Bless, then came Vanessa and Layla, now Ayoyna and Isis. She put everyone before me and my feelings. So, now I’m going to take everything that she loves on this earth. It’s all about me! Fuck everyone else including my own child!” Iris said and wiped the tear off of her cheek with the back of her hand then aimed the gun at Ayoyna and Isis bodies.

  “Oh no, Tess isn’t going to like this,” Doctor Sanchez said with panic written all over his face.

  “Fuck Tess!" Iris shouted and began to pull the trigger.

  “No, fuck you!” Tess shouted and swung her chain whip blades around Iris’s wrist as she pulled the trigger causing her to miss Ayoyna and Isis and shoot up the tent.

  Iris dropped the gun and faced Tess, “Mmm, I missed you baby,” she said in a seductive tone and pulled a knife and tossed it at Tess’s head.

  Tess dodged it to see three more flying towards her. She yanked the chain whip free from Iris's wrist and swung it making a beautiful figure eight blocking all three knives knocking them to the ground. She stood there with anger and hate in her eyes.

  “Well, I could never beat you with that damn whip in your hand, unless I was up close and personal with one of my friends,” Iris said while throwing knives in both her hands, “Since I know this is a fight I could never win, I will just go kill the rest of your team off one by one,” Iris stated.

  “The rest of my team off? That team was once your family. The only family that you had for years. The very same team that has shared sweat, blood, and would have died for you, you weak ass ratchet hoe!” Tess replied while trying to control her emotions. Everything inside of her wanted to rush Iris and rip her guts out with her bare hands, but she knew better. Iris was the second best killer on the team and just as deadly as Tess and even more deadly one she had knives and explosives. 'I must play this bitch like a game of chess and think of each attack before I move. One mistake, would cost me my life,' Tess thought to herself.

  “I can tell your mind is racing a thousand miles per second as you try to figure out how to kill me,” Iris said with a know it all smirk on her face before she began to speak again, “You forgot baby, I’m not only your lover, but your best friend. It was my job to know what you were thinking before you even thought of it,” Iris said.

  “Oh really bitch? Did you think of this?” Tess shouted and swung the chain whip blade at Iris's feet.

  Iris leaped up and did a back flip dodging it and tossed two more knives at Tess. Tess blocked them with ease with the chain whip blade. “Hmm, I
just realized something. You had more than enough time to pull out one of your guns from the holster and take a shot at me. The fact that you didn’t, only leaves me with two reasons. 1. Either you love me more than you thought and don’t really want to kill me. 2. Or you don’t want to shoot at me and miss and start a damn shoot out in this little tent when we both know stray bullets have no direction and one of these pretty little girls may end up with more bullet wombs,” Iris said while smiling.

  Tess tried not to show emotion. 'Damn, she’s on to me. I can’t chance getting into a gun fire with her crazy ass, especially not while the children are so close. She has already tried to kill them and I refuse to let her do it again,' Tess thought to herself.

  “Seeing that this is a lose, lose situation, I’ll make my exit,” Iris said.

  “You’re not going anywhere bitch!” Tess shouted.

  “Oh, yes I am,” Iris replied with a smooth tone as she pulled a grenade off of her belt holster and pulled the pin. Iris threw the grenade between Isis and Ayoyna’s bed. Iris looked at Tess with the circle ring still on her finger from the grenade. “So, what’s it gonna be? Me or them? And we both know you'll never choose me,” Iris said then used her knife to cut open the back of the tent and slipped out.

  “Noooo!” Tess screamed knowing she wouldn’t make it to the grenade in time and that would be the end of her daughter’s life. Her mind thought faster than a speeding bullet. She flicked her wrist sending the chain whip blade snapping the tip of the long whip around the grenade. Tess yanked back the whip and pulled the grenade straight towards her. She unwrapped the whip with sweat pouring profusely down her forehead. She tossed the grenade as fast as she could out of the tent.



  The grenade exploded as soon as it left her hand. The blast from the grenade sent her flying backwards onto her ass. “Ugh!” she groaned in pain. Her ears were ringing and her head throbbed. She looked over to see that the explosive went off far enough, not to put Ayoyna and Isis in any danger. And did a fast look at herself to make sure nothing was broken or injured. The sound of crying caught her attention as she turned around to see Doctor Sanchez in fetal position crying like a newborn child. Tess popped up off the ground.

  “Doctor get up and help me get the girls out of here!” Tess shouted.

  “No, no! I can’t. Your lifestyle is too much for me. It’s no good for my heart,” Doctor Sanchez replied still crying.

  Tess walked over to him and leaned down, “Listen Doctor, my daughter may not survive without your help. I’m truly sorry for how I have been treating you, but any parent would lose their damn mind in a situation like this. I was raised to be strong and a leader. For once in my life, I feel lost and afraid, not for my safety, but for the people that I truly love. I cannot fail them and if I do that means death. People are depending on me and in return I'm depending on you, Doctor Sanchez. I promise, once those two are safe in a hospital, I will reward you for your work. Now, I need you to man the fuck up and help me get these babies out of here. We don’t have much time. And Doctor, I won’t ask you nicely next time,” Tess said meaning every word. Doctor Sanchez stood up and began to help Tess.

  “Fuck!" Vanessa shouted as she watched the chest of an Asian Mafia soldier explode next to her, “Tess, we’re out numbered and running low on ammo fast,” Vanessa said in the two-way receiver while letting a burst of automatic fire loose sending bullets crushing through the Santiago henchmen flesh. Sounds of the henchmen hollering could be heard over the gunfire in the jungle.

  “It’s time to kick this up to the next step in Tess’ plan,” Bless said in his two-way receiver as Vanessa, himself, and the Asian Mafia soldiers stopped shooting. They all pulled out black grenades and tossed them.

  “Grenade! Grenade!” one of the Santiago Cartel henchmen yelled as a grenade landed next to his feet. His life flashed before his eyes until he looked down and could see smoke coming out of the grenade instead of an explosion. “Hahaha!” he laughed, “It’s a smoke bomb,” he said to the other henchmen.

  “They’re on the run,” another henchmen said as the smoke bombs now covered the jungle making it impossible for them to see and hard to breathe. Coughing sounds could be heard echoing and the gun fires came to a complete stop. Iris knew something was wrong. She removed a small gas mask from her holster and covered her nose and mouth.

  “I love this part of my job,” Bless mumbled through his gas mask while screwing on a silencer to his chrome 45 handgun. He turned his head and glanced at Vanessa and Layla. They both gave him a head nod.

  “It’s on. I’ve been waiting on this part,” Vanessa stated. They all grinned and made their way through the thick orange smoke with ease. The Santiago Cartel had no chance. Henchmen were still coughing and choking on the smoke, not to mention they couldn’t see a thing. Vanessa squeezed the trigger to her Uzi sending a spray of bullets into four henchmen unsuspectedly. The silencer on the gun made it sound as if it was whistling. Bullets filled the four soldiers as their bodies jerked and hit the ground. Layla aimed her trigger at more henchmen and squeezed repeatedly watching their heads explode. Bless walked up to a couple more of the henchmen and blindsided them with bullets from his 45 handgun. The first bullet slammed into the chest of one of the henchmen and the other the bullet crashed into the back of his head causing him to die before he hit the ground.

  Iris stood a few feet back with her gas mask on. The night vision contacts she had on were also designed to help her see through the smoke. “Fuck!” Iris said out loud watching Layla, Vanessa, and Bless use the thick orange smoke as cover to take out the henchmen. “I got something for ya’ll asses,” Iris said out loud to herself as she walked a few feet deeper into the jungle, where the other henchmen were standing with fear in their eyes scared to enter the orange smoke. “Move out of my way, pussies,” Iris said while walking over the three men carrying a long case. She shook her head in disappointment. “I can’t believe ya’ll so damn weak. No wonder you motherfuckers had no chance catching us. God damn pussies, drop the fucking case, pendejo!” she screamed. Iris bent down and unlocked the grey case. It popped open and revealed a thousand-shot, six-barreled mini Gatling machine gun. She picked it up and aimed at the smoky area.

  “What are you doing? You can’t use that. We have men in that area!” one of the henchmen shouted.

  Iris looked at him, “Are you testing me? Do you want me to show you and everyone else the size of your balls as well?” Iris replied.

  The henchman took a second to think about what she meant and finally understood. He looked down at his pelvic area, “No señora, please don’t cut off my balls. I was just updating you that we had men out there.”

  “Well don’t. Just do as I fucking order. Ugh, I swear the men with the smallest dicks and balls have the most to say. Always trying to prove something. I don’t have time for this bullshit,” Iris said loud while stepping closer to the thick, orange smoky area. She gripped the Gatling machine gun tightly holding it at waist length and squeezed the trigger. Rapid fire went off and a hail of bullets disappeared through the orange smoke. “Ahhhh!” screams and cries could be heard from the Santiago Cartel henchmen.

  “Oh shit! Get down!” Bless ordered while pulling Vanessa down to the ground as bullets entered the henchmen, “Come on, follow me. Crawl back to the camp,” Bless said while using his forearms to help crawl faster.

  Layla and Vanessa followed his lead.

  “Hahahahahaha,” Iris laughed like a maniac while continuing to spray bullets at the orange haze. The henchmen that standing next to her started to fear her and looked at her as if she had lost her mind. “I see you fuckers!” she hollered while noticing Bless, Layla, and Vanessa crawl on the ground using the thick bushes as cover. She aimed down hoping to shoot them until she heard a clicking sound. Iris looked down at the gun to see it was out of ammo, “Fuck! Fuck! And more fuck!” she shouted and tossed the Gatling gun to the ground. The orange smoke began to th
in out. “Let’s move in now for the kill!” Iris ordered the sixty henchmen that were left.

  They screamed as they entered the refugee camp charging at full speed only to see that it was completely empty. “What the hell? Where did they all go? They couldn’t have gotten that far. I was just here and it was filled with people. That smart ass Tess must have used the orange smoke as a distraction for everyone to escape,” Iris said to herself,

  “Everyone check the tents and search the area! They have to be close,” Iris ordered. The Santiago Cartel henchmen ransacked the tents. “This just don’t feel right,” Iris said out loud as her instincts went wild.

  Tess sat behind the wheel of a dark green range rover with Doctor Sanchez in the passenger seat looking nervous. The back seats of the range rover were folded down to make for made beds for Ayoyna and Isis. The morphine in their systems had them fast asleep and unaware of their surroundings. Bless and Layla, along with three Asian Mafia members, sat in the range rover behind Tess. Vanessa was parked on the opposite side with one of the leaders of the Asian Mafia and three more trucks behind her. “I got you, hoe,” Tess grinned and watched the camp keeping an eye on Iris. She pressed a red button on a black device.

  “Something is wrong,” Iris said and took off running at top speed out of the refugee camp just as a loud explosion went off. “Ahhh,” some of the Santiago Cartel henchmen hollered in pain while others dropped dead without knowing what just happened. Body parts flew everywhere.

  “She caught on at the last second. Everyone move out!” Tess said in the tiny two-way receiver then started the truck and pulled off.


  Tess stepped on the gas racing through the jungle trying to keep her head clear. She repeatedly checked her watch knowing that the forty-eight hour countdown had started and in this timeframe she had to get Ayoyna and Isis to the hospital to save their lives. 'Was I wrong for not trading my niece's life for my daughters? No, I wasn’t. That would have made me no better than Iris. I may kill people for a living, but I still have a heart. I choose to kill those wack ass, drug lord people, who have so much power and abuse it,' Tess thought to herself. Tess looked through the rearview mirror to see Bless following close behind in the white Range Rover.


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