Piennes, Marquis de, 326
Pietism, 115
Pinkerton, Allan, 48
Pius IX, Pope, 244
Plato, 201
Plutarch, 49
Pocahontas, 240
Pocasset River, 204
Poetry, 49, 187-188, 279, 361, 375
Pole Star, The (Herzen), 97
Pomerania, 88, 291, 300
Pope, Alexander, 357
Pope, John, 124, 129, 130, 134, 140
Porter, David Dixon, 239
Porter, Fitz-John, 107-109
Potsdam Palace, 5
Pottawatomie Creek, 24
Powell, Lazarus, 22, 23
Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, 143
Preobrazhensky Guard, 27, 96
Presidential elections
1832, 228
1860, 16, 22, 24-25
1864, 228, 229, 233
Preston, Caroline, 151-152, 165-166, 220
Preston, John, 150, 165, 220
Preston, Mary, 165-166, 193, 194, 248
Preston, Sally Buchanan “Buck”. See Lowndes, Sally Buchanan “Buck” Preston
Prim, Don Juan, 292
Prince Imperial. See Lulu
Protestantism, 228, 294
Pugachev, Emelian, 55, 134
Puritans, 17, 18, 22, 36, 66, 122, 307
Pushkin, Aleksandr, 98
Putbus, Isle of Rügen, 279
Quarenghi, Giacomo, 27
Rabelais, François, 49
Radical Reconstruction, 318
Radziwill, Prince, 299, 305
Railroads, 73, 102, 115, 295, 319
Rainer, Archduke, 246
Randolph family, 239-240
Randon, Jacques Louis César Alexandre, Comte de, 268
Ranke, Leopold von, 201
Rapidan River, 224
Rappahannock River, 101, 176, 193, 224
Rasputin, Grigorii Efimovich, 82-83
Rastrelli, 153
Razin, Stenka, 55, 134
Reagan, Ronald, 358n
Reconstruction Acts, 318
Red brigades, 99, 103, 155, 328-329, 330, 346, 366, 367
Redpath, James, 149
Reformation, 67
Reinfeld estate, Pomerania, 88
Bismarck and, 115, 227, 228, 252
Lee and, 123, 334, 335
Lincoln and, 227-228, 235-236
in Russia, 37, 83, 99, 329
slave, 150
Tolstoy and, 346-347
Representative Men (Emerson), 53
Revolts of 1848, 45-46
Rhine River, 268, 269, 271, 323
Rich Mountain, Virginia, 93
Richard III (Shakespeare), 315
Richardson, Albert Deane, 357
Richardson, Henry Hobson, 320
Richmond, Virginia, 73, 79, 101, 102, 107-110, 121, 124, 140, 177, 192, 196, 215, 217-219, 231, 233, 239-241
Ricketts, James B., 76, 85
Rigaud, Hyacinthe, 200
Rigault, Raoul, 362
River Queen (steamer), 239, 241
Robb, Phillip, 195
Robespierre, Maximilien-François-Marie-Isidore de, 238, 363
Roepke, Wilhelm, 273
Rolfe, John, 240
Romanov dynasty, 2, 28, 70n, 89, 90, 251, 314
Romantic nationalism, 28, 189, 263, 361, 367
Romanticism, 139-140, 199, 206-207, 355
Roon, Albrecht von, 42, 69, 72, 86, 106, 107, 120, 132, 244, 304, 306
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 358n
Rosecrans, William S., 194
Rostovtsev, Jacob, 31-32, 39
Rothschild family, 273, 330
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 34, 123, 340
Rubinstein, Anton, 33
Rudolph, Crown Prince of Austria, 245
Ruffin, Edmund, 249
Runciman, Lord, 191n
Russell, Lord John “Johnny” (1st Earl Russell), 125-128, 140-141, 168, 190-191, 255
Sadowa, Bohemia, xiii, 265-268, 271, 274, 277, 350
Saint-Cloud, Château de, 267-268, 271, 274, 275, 295, 296, 303, 309, 325
Santo Domingo, slave insurrection at, 79, 134
Sass, Marie, 310
Savage’s Station, Virginia, 117
Saxony, 257, 258, 273
Saxony, King of, 174
Scharnhorst, Gerhard von, 57
Schleswig-Holstein, 189-192, 213, 214, 247, 253, 256
Schlieffen, Alfred von, 372, 373
Schönhausen estate, 45
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 139, 340, 345-346
Scott, Sir Walter, 20, 164, 188, 329
Scott, Winfield, 59, 93-96, 123
Sea of Japan, 263
Second Army of Prussia, 258-259, 265-267, 271
Second Empire, 180
Second Great Awakening, 68
Second Manassas, 129, 130, 134, 135
Secret police
under Lincoln, 146-147
in Russia, 29, 103, 110-111, 146, 160, 260, 261, 365
Sedan, France, 338, 342, 343, 350
Seeckt, Hans von, 374
“Self-Reliance” (Emerson), 313
Senate Committee of Thirteen, 22-24, 26, 40
Senatorial race, U.S. (1858), 51, 68
Sequel to Drum-Taps (Whitman), 279
Serfs, emancipation of. See Emancipation of serfs (Russia)
Seven Days before Richmond, 112-113, 116-118, 124
7th Heavy Landwehr Regiment of Horse, 277, 330
7th Regiment of King’s Hussars, 258
79th New York Regiment, 65
Seward, Frances, 40-41
Seward, William Henry, 24-25, 85, 87, 133, 134, 140, 145, 146
Lincoln and, 26, 40, 41, 59, 69, 203-204, 234
Shakespeare, William, 46, 87, 144, 241, 315, 331, 357
Sharpsburg, Maryland, 141-142
Shaw, George Bernard, 54
Shenandoah Valley, 224
Sheridan, Philip, 226, 246, 353
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 75, 224, 232, 233, 249, 283
Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, 320
Shiloh, Tennessee, 222, 223
Shirley, Virginia, 239
Shuvalov, Peter, 70, 103, 261, 287-288, 314-315, 368
Siberia, 97, 104, 183-184
Sigel, Franz, 224
Silver Age, 17, 18, 22, 133
Singleton, Mrs. John Coles, 215
69th New York Regiment, 65
Slavery, 7, 17-18, 23-25, 34, 366, 377
abolitionism and, 18, 24
Chesnut family and, 78-79, 148-150
emancipation of slaves, 6, 7, 132-135, 143-147, 149, 150, 167, 197-198
Lee on, 122
McClellan on, 118, 132
reactions of slaves to freedom, 148-149
territorial question, 24-26, 40-41, 50-53, 133
treatment of slaves, 149-150
Slidell, John, 128, 182
Smith, Adam, 98
Smith, James, 176
Solon, 156
Sophie of Bavaria, 354
South Carolina, secession of, 16, 26
Southern “Redeemers,” 318
Spanish Crown issue, 292, 295, 297, 300, 302, 304-306, 309
Sparta, ancient, 149, 216
Special Orders, No. 191, 141, 142
Speed, Joshua F., 144, 232-235
Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, 225
Sprague, Kate Chase, 66, 202-205, 307-308, 375
Sprague, William, 66, 202-205, 307-308, 375
Sprague, Willie (son of William), 307, 375
Springfield, Illinois, xiv, 4-5, 50
Stanard, Mrs. Robert Craig, 122
Stanford, Leland, 295
Stanton, Edwin M., 109, 117, 133, 135, 140, 146n, 233, 235
Starling family, 74
State in its Relations with the Church, The (Gladstone), 158
States’ rights school, 34
Statute on the Peasants, 55
Steam engine, invention of, 7
phens, Alexander H., 198
Stoeckle, Baron de, 40
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 149
Stuart, Gilbert, 34, 376
Stuart, Jeb, 85, 177, 219, 225, 226, 258, 277
Sue, Eugène, 237, 329
Suez Canal, 367
Summer Garden, Saint Petersburg, 152-153, 251
Sumner, Charles, 24, 34, 204
Sumner, Edwin Vose, 130
Supreme Court of the United States, Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), 24
Swift, Jonathan, 358
Tableaux vivants, 188
Tacitus, 20, 78
Taft, Bud, 67
Taft, Holly, 67
Taft, Horatio N., 66
Taft, Julia, 67, 68, 75, 100, 144n
Tammany Ring, 357
Tannhäuser (Wagner), 19-21, 138, 200, 310
Tashkent, 263
Taylor, A. J. P., 372
Taylor, Bayard, 156, 228
Teutonic Order of Knights, 58
Texas Brigade, 113, 193
Thadden, Maria von, 115
Thiers, Louis-Adolphe, 361-363, 371
III Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, 225
3rd Neumarkt Dragoons, 258, 277
Third Republic, birth of, 343
Third Section, Russia, 110-111, 146, 160, 260, 261, 365
Thomas, Clément, 362
Thomas, George, 249
Thompson, Jacob, 16
Thouvenel, Edouard, 106
Times, The (London), 128, 132, 140, 159
Timofei (putative son of Tolstoy), 163
Tobacco, 17
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 188
Tolstoy, Alexandra, 370
Tolstoy, Count Leo Nicholaievich, 61-64, 91-92, 97, 313, 340n
Alexander II and, 110, 112, 160, 346
Anna Karenina, writing of, 345
on Bismarck, 276
children of, 163, 207, 209
death of, 371
feelings of dread of, 345-346
on Lincoln, 348
marriage of, 160-163, 207-208, 370
raid on Yasnaya Polyana and, 110-112
religion and, 346-347
War and Peace, writing of, 208-210, 345
Tolstoy, Countess Mary, 111, 370
Tolstoy, Countess Sofya Andreyevna, 161-163, 207-210, 370, 371
Tolstoy, Ilya, 209
Tolstoy, Sergei, 207, 209
Tolstoy, Tatyana, 209
Toombs, Robert, 23
Tory Democracy, 175
Toryism, 158
Trajan, Emperor, 46
Transcontinental railroad, 295
Traveller (Lee’s horse), 129, 186, 333, 334
Treaty of 1839, 316
Treaty of 1852, 191, 214
Trent (royal mail steamer), 128
Trepov, Fyodor Fyodorovich, 262-263, 367
Triebschen villa, Lake Lucerne, 288, 289
Tristan und Isolde (Wagner), 138-139, 200-202, 288
Trollope, Anthony, 166
Tsarskoe Selo, 153-154, 237, 287, 367-368
Tuileries, 105, 106
Tuileries, Paris, 309, 325, 327, 342, 343, 344
Turgenev, Ivan, 98, 102-103
Turkestan, 263
Turkey Island, Virginia, 239-240
Turner, Nat, 134, 149
Twain, Mark, 2, 154
Tweed, William Marcy “Boss,” 357
20th South Carolina Regiment, 164, 226
26th North Carolina Regimental Band, 185
27th Indiana Regiment, 141
Twesten, Karl, 77
II Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, 177, 185
Tyler, Daniel, 75
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 149
Une Vie (Maupaussant), 370
Union Army. See American Civil War
Universal suffrage, 175
Ussuri region, 263
Valerian, Emperor, 342
Van Quaade, Chamberlain, 190
Vane-Tempest, Lord, 127
Varennes, France, 344
Varina, Virginia, 239
Varzin estate, Pomerania, 300
Vaughan, Henry, 321
Venable, Charles Scott, 193
Venetia, 273n
Vera Cruz, Mexico, 245, 246
Verdun, France, 335, 373
Versailles, Treaty of, 374
Versailles Palace, 200, 348, 358
Vicksburg, Mississippi, 222, 223
Vicky, Crown Princess, 88, 119, 191, 255, 259, 353
Victor Emmanuel II, King of Italy, 7n, 180-181
Victoria, Queen of England, 12, 88, 126, 128, 140, 191, 255, 259, 353, 364
Vienna, Austria, 255, 269-271, 274
Villa Eugénie, Biarritz, 245, 247, 252
Villa Pellet, Bavaria, 201, 202
Villette, Colonel, 364-365
Vincent, Strong, 185
Virginia Military Institute, 334
Vladimir of Kiev, Prince, 37
Vladivostok, 263
Volkonsky, Prince Nicholas Sergeyevich, 61
Voltaire, 261
Vosges, France, 325
Wade, Benjamin “Bluff Ben,” 24, 101-102, 109, 203, 318
Wagner, Cosima (von Bülow), 138-139, 202, 288, 354, 374
Wagner, Richard, 56, 188, 339, 354
Cosima and, 138-139, 202, 288
death of, 374
Wagner, Richard, (cont.)
Ludwig II and, 200-202, 374
Nietzsche and, 288-290, 375
Parsifal by, 375
Tannhäuser by, 19-21, 138, 200, 310
Tristan und Isolde by, 138-139, 200-202, 288
Wagner, Siegfried, 288, 374
Wagner, Winifred, 374
Wahnfried Villa, 374
Waldersee, Alfred von, 372
Wallenstein, Albrecht, 77
War and Peace (Tolstoy), 208-210, 277, 345
Warrenton Pike, Virginia, 75
Washburne, Elihu, 48, 341-342, 363
Washington, D.C., 64-65, 140
Washington, George, 17, 34, 78, 94, 121, 217, 221, 348, 376
Washington, Martha, 78, 123
Washington College, 333-334
Webster, Daniel, 17, 18, 25, 40, 41
Weed, Thurlow, 26
Welles, Gideon, 133, 235
Wentworth, Thomas (Earl of Strafford), 77, 136
Wesendonk, Mathilde, 19, 139
Wesendonk, Otto, 139
“When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” (Whitman), 279
Whig interpretation of history, 358
Whigs, 125-126
White Terror, 261, 262
Whitman, George, 186
Whitman, Louisa Van Velsor, 187, 242
Whitman, Walt, 49, 186-188, 242, 278-279, 295, 361, 365-366, 376
Wide Awakes, 16, 68
Wigfall, Louis Trezevant, 249
Wilbourne, R. E., 177
Wilde, Oscar, 376
Wilderness, 224-225
Wilhelm I, King of Prussia, subsequently German Kaiser, 43, 71, 77, 146, 174, 229, 244, 292, 356
assassination attempt on, 88, 105
Bismarck and, 74, 87, 88, 105, 106, 120-121, 132, 135-137, 215, 254, 272-273, 304, 311, 359
death of, 373
influence of wife on, 88
proclaimed Kaiser of German Reich, 358-359
at Sadowa, 265-267
Spanish Crown issue and, 302, 305, 306
Victoria and, 255
war with France and, 311
Wilhelm II, German Kaiser, 374
ascends throne, 373
Bismarck and, 5-6, 373
character and personality of, 5
as child, 259
Wilhelmstrasse gardens, 257, 257n
Wilson, Edmund, xiii, 376
Winter Palace, 2, 11-12, 15, 27-29, 70n,104, 286, 314, 367
Winthrop, John, 235
Witherspoon, Betsey, 149
Wittelsbach dynasty, 349, 354-356
Wodehouse, Lord, 190
Woerth, France, 325, 339
seley, Viscount, 122
Work of Art in the Future, The (Wagner), 200
Workers International, 330
World as Will and Idea, The(Schopenhauer), 139
World War I, 373-374
World’s Fair, Paris, 285
Worth, Charles Frederick, 308
Wrangel, Field Marshal, 212
Württemberg, 355n
Xenophon, 58
Yasnaya Polyana estate, 61, 64, 91, 110-112, 160-163, 209, 276-277, 345-348, 371
York River, 101, 107
Yorktown, Virginia, 108
Young Men’s Lyceum, Springfield, 205
Zasulich, Vera, 263, 367
Zelinka, Mayor, 270
Zhukovsky, Vasily, 12, 156
Zola, Émile, 179
Zouaves, 1st Fire (11th Regiment New York Volunteers), 85
About the Author
Michael Knox Beran is the author of a study of Robert Kennedy, The Last Patrician, a New York Times Notable Book of 1998, and a study of Thomas Jefferson, ’Jefferson’s Demons, a selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club and the History Book Club. Born in Dallas, Texas, he was educated at Columbia, Cambridge, and Yale Law School. A lawyer, he lives in New York with his wife and daughters.
1 Upon her conversion to the Orthodox faith, Dagmar took the name Mary.
2 As well as on the banks of the Po. In 1859-60, Cavour, Garibaldi, and Victor Emmanuel unified Italy on the basis of free-state principles.
3 Did Saint Andrew foretell the sovereign’s violent death? During the coronation, in 1896, of Nicholas II, the last of the Tsars, the Order of Saint Andrew slipped from Nicholas’s shoulder and fell to the floor. Two decades later he was murdered.
4 Music, the ancient Greeks believed, goes deeper into the soul than utterances that lack melody: it molds the spirit more completely.
5 The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was the most durable of the Silver Age compromises. Under this law Maine was admitted to the Union as a free state; Missouri was admitted as a slave state; and slavery was declared unlawful in the remaining Louisiana Purchase territory north of latitude 36°30’.
6 Alexander’s collection of erotic drawings was discovered by the Bolsheviks when they invaded the Winter Palace in 1917.
7 Walpurgis Night, the eve of May Day, was a witches’ Sabbath, an interlude of daimonic excess.
8 Moltke’s fears were realized when, in the 1890s, the Franco-Russian Alliance was concluded.
9 The Teutonic Order of Knights was a chivalrous body whose adepts, distinguished by their characteristic habit, a white cloak adorned with a black cross, embraced the twin vocations of arms and piety. In the era of the Crusades the Order formed, with the Knights of the Temple of Solomon (or Templars) and the Knights of the Hospital of Saint John (Hospitallers), the bulwark of the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem.
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