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Hostile Vengeance

Page 15

by Tamala Callaway

  “Bring your face back up to me, babe. No risks,” he whispered breathlessly.

  She did as he told her, but her body shivered violently at the intensity of the danger of what they were doing. It was just like before, when they were in the elevator at his firm. While she'd thought the door opening at the top floor was revealing their sexual activities to an entire department of some business, a fire burned deep down inside of Symóne. She was reaching her peak, her moans harder to contain. She gripped him tighter, biting down on her bottom lip harder, piercing it. He kissed her, helping her to muffle the sounds as he began to swell inside. He was releasing with her, glidiing his hand up the back of her neck, holding her face to his. He grunted, shivering until he was emptied. They both panted; Trevor using what little strength he had left at the moment to lift Symóne from his nature. When her feet touched the floor of the pool, she looked up into his eyes and mouthed, “Oh my God!”

  She was thoroughly satisfied, exhausted, and now hungry. It became known to Trevor when her stomach gurgled and whinged. They both snorted a quiet chuckle, then Trevor took Symóne by the hand and walked her out of the pool.

  His guard completely up, shielding her with his body. When they stepped inside the house, three of the security guys, waiting with guns in hand as a backup of protection for them, seemed to all be blushing. They had no choice but to keep an eye on the two of them while watching for any signs of Lori. Needless to say, they all looked a little relieved that the show was over.

  “Sorry about that guys,” Trevor smirked, fighting back a full blown grin.

  No one said a word. They all nodded emotionless and continued to watch the back yard from hidden stations in the great room. As long as the sun was out and glaring against the glass of the patio doors, no one could see inside the house.

  “Alright guys,” Trevor spoke in a low tone, but loud enough for them to hear him. “It will be getting dark pretty soon, and I think we've accomplished that part of our goal,” he stated, then led Symóne upstairs to get comfortable for the night.

  He had sent his mom and brother on a day trip to Six Flags Over Texas, a theme park where they would enjoy the day filled with rides and games, then end the day accompanied by security at a five star hotel. They would not be coming back to the house until it was safe to do so.

  As the sun began to set, and Symóne and Trevor had eaten for the night, the anxiety became too much for Symóne. She needed a distraction, a chatterbox best friend kind of distraction. She called Faye, who was impatiently waiting to hear from her.

  “Symóne! Oh my God, is it over?” she pressed for information.

  “Not yet,” Symóne sighed.

  “Okay, so what's going on then? I can't take this Symóne. I'm worried sick about the two of you.”

  “I know,” Symóne sighed. “It's frustrating, but I can't say much about it now. But…for the moment, Trevor and his team seem to have everything under control. I just needed to hear your voice, and…my husband is urging me off the phone. I'll call you later, or tomorrow…or whenever I can,” she fumbled her words. Trevor was shaking his head no at every option she gave Faye.

  After ending the call, she looked to him curiously. “What's that supposed to mean? Why won't I be able to call her tonight?”

  He moved to stand closer to her, leaning in to whisper in her ear, “We don't want to give Lori any ideas that may send her on a man hunt to hurt anyone else close to us to get her way. As long as she's only focused on the two of us, we can handle her more effectively,” he held her close.

  Symóne wrapped her arms around Trevor's waist and lay her head on his shoulder. After taking a few deep breaths, she decided that maybe a nap would be good for her right now. If at all possible, she would sleep right through the entire thing, but that was hardly imaginable. If she slept a full thirty minutes, she will have accomplished a major feat.

  Chapter 18

  Tears poured from Lori's eyes, as she held back sobs of sadness. Watching them—him, Trevor, the love of her life, make love to his pregnant wife right there, less than fifty feet away.

  Although she couldn't see below the water, she could very well tell what was happening by the movements and body language of the both of them.

  Flashbacks and memories flooded Lori's mind, realizing Trevor learned everything he knows from practicing with her. It was heart breaking and maddening that she now felt like a used science project. Anything Trevor wanted to do to her, she allowed it…willingly, because she loved him. It didn't matter that he always stated that he wanted to learn everything about sex, that whatever he learned to do, he wanted to perfect it. She welcomed it, and Trevor always made her feel like she mattered. He became so in tuned to her inner most desires, conquering her awkwardness and turning her into his prided trophy. He owned her while they were in high school, carrying her books for her, walking her to every class he was able to, driving her to and from school, and taking her on lavish dates.

  He was it for her; no other man could compare to Trevor, even after all these years. Everything he did, he did with purpose and perfection. Anything less, just wasn't Trevor Harrison.

  She held her breath, watching them exit the pool while Trevor seemed to be guarding…no shielding her; from what?

  He'd wrapped a towel around Symóne's body, then led her back inside without drying himself off? That was something that was out of character for him. Why would he walk inside his pristine clean house soaked, when he clearly had another towel?

  “Was he…? Nah…was he putting on a show—for me? Does he know I'm here?” she mused.

  Once he was inside, she dried her face, then tried to see through the glass patio doors. The sun was setting now, but it hadn't gotten dark enough to see past the glass reflection of the back yard.

  The replay of their little escapade kept circulating in Lori's head, Trevor's back faced her the entire time. Symóne seemed to be hidden within his frame, protectively.

  The more she thought about it, their behavior, it seemed to be calculated, intentional. Her breaths became harsh while her forehead creased in a hard line. Her chest began to rise and fall with deliberate breathing patterns.

  “On purpose? Rubbing it in my face?” she growled under her breath as she dug her nails into the soil beneath her, clenching her fingers into fists, squeezing the pile of soil until it became grooved rocks. Her jaw clenched and unclenched with anger increasingly growing inside of her.

  Her eyes suddenly snapped open, a hollow, yet eerie glare toward the place in the pool where Trevor and Symóne had orchestrated a show for her, was now the focus of her change of plans. He'd meant for her to see him—them, making love to each other.

  The plan had changed tremendously. She had no chance of starting a new life with Trevor. She was nothing to him, an educational experience that Symóne is, and always will be the recipient of. He used me to make her happy, she thought.

  Her contemplation was interrupted by a sudden soft glow of light from a lamp in the great room being turned on. The security team was trading out for the night, and Trevor was in his kitchen preparing dinner, for her.

  She wanted to kill him now, but not without making him suffer first. What would break Trevor down like nothing else? Of course, that would be watching his precious Symóne and baby die before his own eyes. Torture was the key. He'll pay, and I'll get my revenge she vowed.

  Lori pulled the gun from her backpack and checked the chamber for a bullet. The chamber hadn't been cocked yet, and she looked around for listening ears and eased the bridge back, loading the weapon with a bullet from the clip that was already in it. She then put a second loaded clip into the side cargo pocket of her pants. If she had to kill every person in the house to get to Trevor and Symóne, it would be worth the time she would further spend in a psychiatric prison.

  Taking another deep breath, she grabbed a handful of tranquilizers and stuck them in the side cargo pocket on the other leg.

  Now prepared to put an end to Trevor and
Symóne, she would wait a few hours more, giving them time to fall prey to enervation. She would take them by surprise in the early hours of the morning, when their reaction would be dawdling.

  Chapter 19

  Trevor's phone rang, revealing Drew's number. He answered quickly, thinking something was wrong.

  “Hey Drew, what's up?” he answered quietly.

  “Trevor…Momma's sick. She didn't want me to tell you because she said you have some important things to deal with right now, but I'm scared,” he sounded as though he were whispering as well.

  “Where is she?”

  “In the bedroom. I came in the bathroom to call you so she won't get mad at me.”

  “Okay Drew, I need more information. Is she nauseous, throwing up—or is she cramping? What's going on?” he asked. When he got the call, he had stepped inside the hallway where there were no windows.

  “She keeps holding her head and her chest, like…when she has really bad visions of stuff.”

  “Okay,” he breathed. “Well go back to your room, and I'm going to call and check on her, that way you won't get in trouble, and Drew…thanks for calling me. I'll take care of it,” Trevor promised.

  He ended the call, then gave his brother time to get to where he needed to be before calling his mother. A few minutes had gone by and he decided to make the call to his mom's hotel room. The phone rang several times before she answered, but she eventually did.


  “Mom? How are things going?”

  “Everything's fine Trevor. We had a blast today,” she sounded fine to anyone else's ears, but Trevor knew better. He could hear it, a slight tinge of worry and her typical overkill of sounding way too chipper for his sake.

  “Good, I'm happy you guys had fun. Do you need anything…are you okay?” he questioned her. His mother would never out right lie to him, so he hoped to get some idea of what's really going on with her.

  “Your brother and I are fine,” she became vague with her answers and this was a red flag for Trevor, so he had to be more specific with his questioning.

  “Is something bothering you?”

  “Yes, but I think you can handle things son. I don't want to worry you,” she sounded more tense in the last sentence.

  “Mom, please tell me what's on your mind. If you have something to tell me, just say it.”

  There was a long pause. She cleared her throat and sighed. “Son, I'm afraid that things are going to become a lot worse than you expect. I feel that you are going to have to do something against your beliefs, quite unimaginable at that, to get through what you're about to go through. You have to put Symóne and yourself first at all costs, and there's no second guessing that. Trouble is coming Trevor, and you can't get away from it unless you put an end to it,” she breathed sadly.

  Julia knew full well what her son was about to face. Heartbroken at the possible resolution if he makes one wrong move, sickened her; literally.

  “Duly noted mother. I hear you, and I'm ready.”

  “I don't think so Trevor. But for your sake, I pray that you are.”

  Trevor inhaled deeply, letting his head fall back. He'd worked hard to keep calm for what's to come. It's how he would normally deal with a court case for a client. Calm, cool, collected, and in control. If he became stressed, he may make quick irrational decisions.

  “I have to go. It's getting late, and I need to check on Symóne,” he breathed, clearly frustrated with his mom's intuition. Not at her, but what she unmistakably has a talent for reading.

  “I love you son. Please be safe,” she sounded choked up.

  “I love you too mom. I'll call you soon,” he vowed.

  In his words, she read a lot. He was definite about his promise, meaning he would do whatever is necessary to deem his words true.

  The pressure is on, and Trevor walked through the great room and headed upstairs to his wife. Thankfully, she was still asleep and for the moment, he could only stare at her. Gazing upon her peaceful face as she cuddled his pillow.

  He took a step closer, easing his way to her side of the bed. He collapsed emotionally, then physically. He was on his knees, elbows propped on the bed, and his head resting atop his intertwined fingers. He said a prayer for his wife, his life, and his unborn child. When he was done, he stood to his feet.

  He began pacing the floor, going over possible scenarios in his head again. It was dark in his room, and he only heard the soft whir of Symóne's breathing, which was fairly soothing to him. He was on his fifth scenario when he heard the voice of one of his security members call quietly up the stairs to him.

  Trevor opened his bedroom door and walked out to the top of the stairs and saw that the guy seemed stressed.

  “What is it Charles?”

  “Davis hasn't checked in yet, and he isn't answering his check-in request,” he breathed. “Would you like for me to go check on him?” he asked.

  “What about the rest of the team?”

  “Everyone is posted and checked, Sir.”

  “Okay. I want someone from outside to check on Davis. The inside crew needs to stay inside so we don't have to deactivate the system,” Trevor ordered.

  Charles spoke into his transmitter to one of the team members from the front of the house, sending him around back to check on Davis. He responded instantly, then went to check.

  Less than a minute later, he was calling through the transmitter to Charles.

  “I don't have a visual on Davis. No one is back here,” he said as he cautiously glanced around the back yard. It was night, but the array of solar powered lights made the yard completely visible. However, the outskirts behind the hedges and trees were completely blacked out.

  Charles relayed the message to Trevor and waited for further instructions.

  He had gone into thought mode. There are two security team members inside, and six outside. One is missing, and…we have to find him, he may be hurt. Okay Trevor, think, think, think…he was pacing the floor.

  He came up with a plan that wouldn't jeopardize the security of the house.

  “Charles, ask the agent that's out back now to stay put, keep his eyes and ears open for anything, and call if there is any type of movement. Then call one of the guys from the road watch to cover the front of the house, then get the second road watcher to go out back and do a perimeter check while the other one that's back there now, watches his back as he does so. You and I both will watch from inside.”

  “10-4,” he replied and set the plan in motion just as Trevor had ordered. Trevor had joined Charles and went to a back window to watch as the road watcher headed through the back yard and acknowledged the team member there. As he scoped the perimeters he became tense. His gut feeling was to double check the thicker bushel of hedges. The ones right behind the gazebo that would give a secret view of the entire house. This particular area was black dark and no longer visible to anyone close to the house.

  He looked, squinted, took a step closer, squinted harder, then stopped. The hand that held his flashlight rose slowly, then just as he clicked the light on, he felt a sting to his chest. He went down and so did the flashlight which suddenly went out.

  The team member at the back of the house watching, stood to his feet, hearing a whimper and a thud of some sort, spoke into the receiver in a whisper.

  “I think something happened to Spencer. I heard something and I can't see him anymore.”

  Charles then called a check into Spencer's earpiece, but didn't get a response. He called a second time, and still no response. At that time, he shook his head no at Trevor and awaited further instructions.

  “Send all the outside team members to that location while I call the police. I think she's using the tranquilizers on them,” he issued his order, then called 911. He gave them a quick run down of the situation so they'd send more than one unit, then rushed to look outside for activity.

  Just when the member at the back door started for the gazebo, the remaining three members al
l caught up to him, taking cautious, yet hurried steps toward where Spencer had gone missing.

  It was truly black dark beyond the hedges, so one of the guys flicked on a flashlight and shone it right above the shrubbery, when a black silhouette came into view and four shots were fired in a row. All four of the remaining security members were down, and the black figure had disappeared.

  Chapter 20

  Trevor rushed to check his gun, then told Charles and the other member inside to stay put and stand guard.

  Symóne had awaken at the sound of the gun shots and jumped to her feet.

  “Stay here!” Trevor demanded as he rushed out to the landing at the top of the stairs.

  Only seconds later, glass shattered at the patio doors and the door opened. The alarm sounded and Charles was first to approach her.

  “Stop right there!” he shouted his warning, aiming his pistol at her, his position guarded.

  Lori paused, looking directly at him. Then she began glancing around the house, scouting it out, seeing the other security member, then spotting Trevor at the top of the stairs. She started toward him, when Charles shouted out at her again to stop.

  In the blink of an eye, she had raised her hand and fired a shot at him, hitting Charles in his collar bone. He fell to the floor and the other member fired a shot at her, but she was in motion headed towards Trevor, and he missed her. He was taking aim at her again, when she ducked behind a large chair.

  He moved cautiously, aiming in her direction, prepared to take her out. She suddenly stood and he fired another shot at her, but she'd moved swiftly. Her dark clothes in a dark house made it hard to pin point her target areas. When he fired at her, she turned the gun on him and fired a more accurate shot, hitting him dead center of his forehead.

  Trevor cocked the chamber of his gun, aiming it at her. She heard it and ducked behind the wall of the dining room. She was fast.

  “Lori…don't do this!” Trevor demanded.

  He had started down the stairs, taking guarded steps, looking for any sign of movement from her. Lori had taken her approach of attack to a different level. She truly was in a do or die mode.


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