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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 4

by Maia Starr

“Not to strangers. You will be my mate and Camilla will be the commander’s. We are monogamous. Once we have a mate, we are with that mate forever. I have chosen you. You will produce my offspring, Alexandra.”


  She was silent.

  “It is necessary. You are needed to help keep our race from going extinct. I was given permission to go to Earth to find a mate and bring her back to Kelon. It is my duty as a Draqua, and you are now going to help me fulfill that responsibility. It lies on you as well; the entire future of a race relies on you. You should be honored. Kelon is a beautiful place.”



  I could not believe that this was happening, yet a part of me had given in to it. What else could I do? Camilla and I had been abducted. But now I was being told the reason why and it was even more astounding. I sat there listening to the alien dragon shifter known as Captain Ineq Shun, distracted by his good looks, yet infuriated by his words.

  “I don’t understand all of this. Where are we going again?” I asked.

  “You will see. It is paradise and Earth cannot compare.”

  “How far is it?”

  "In another galaxy far across the reaches of space,” he said.

  "That far? Another galaxy! Why is this happening to me? Just because I got drunk in Mexico with Camilla? This was supposed to be a vacation, damn it.” I rambled on. None of this made sense to me because it was so absurd.

  "Do not worry, human. You will instantly feel love for my planet. The ocean is crystal clear and sparkling. There are islands are of white sand, fine and soft. The scented breeze floats thick on the wind. You are a very lucky to be taken from your dirty planet with dirty air and water to a pristine clean one,” he said arrogantly.

  "What is it called again?”

  "It is called Kelon, and it is my true home. I would die for it.”

  I turned to him, surprised. He really was an honorable warrior. I don’t think I had ever said I would die for Earth.

  "This planet sounds like it has anything you want. You really love it there, don’t you?”

  "I do. But it does not have you, human,” he said.

  "And so you took me? That is wrong. How do you not see that? I want to go back to my own planet, Captain,” I said to him.

  "It is too late to go back to Earth. We are very far along on our journey and near Tiok. Call me Ineq.”

  "Ineq. I want to go home.”

  “How about this: I will show you how to fly this ship and if you can successfully point it in the direction of Earth, then you can fly it home.”

  “What?” I said narrowing my eyes at him.

  “Fine. How do I do it?” I asked.

  “Come, sit here,” He said.


  “Yes, right here” he slapped his hand on his lap. “This is the pilot chair. I cannot move because I have to be here just in case you put us in danger when you take the wheel.”

  “Fine,” I said as I timidly moved over to him. I stood in front of him and looked at his face. He was not smiling. He was almost unemotional. It was a very alien thing to me, but then again, he was an alien.

  I slowly sat on his lap. I put my fingers lightly on the joystick, just on top of his hands. Our hands touched slightly.

  “That's it. Good. Touch it lightly,” he said.

  I could not help but to think of sex when he was telling me things like that as I grabbed hold of the joystick. I swallowed hard.

  “Like this?” The words came out of my mouth before I could think about how it would sound. It sounded very sexual.

  “Yes, like that,” he said, his voice full seduction. I shifted on his lap because I felt uncomfortable. But I felt something rub against me, something hard. I realized it was his hard cock. He sucked in a sharp a breath of air. I did not know what to do. A part of me wanted to jump up in outrage, but another part of me wanted to stay there enjoying it. I was also fascinated to be in control of a spaceship. When would I get another chance like this? No, I would stay put. But I could feel my nipples growing hard and pressing against the fabric of my dress. I was being betrayed by my body. Then he let go of the joystick and put his hands at his side, but they brushed against my hips as they did so. I sucked in a sharp breath of air. It was an involuntary response, and I hated my body for doing so.

  “Now try to turn left a little. Go slowly,” he said.

  “Like this,” I said a slowly and gently moving the stick. The ship started to veer left. I let out a sound of delight and accomplishment. He laughed. “Yes, that's a good job.

  “Now, which way is Earth?”

  “That is for you to figure out,” he said.

  “What? How am I supposed to know that?” I said.

  “The same way I do,” he said.

  I looked down at the console. There were lots of blinking lights and gadgets. There was a screen like radar, and all of it was written in a language that I could not read. I would never figure it out. That was his entire point.

  “You knew I would not be able to figure any of this out. You tricked me into sitting on your lap.”

  “Maybe, but you did it.”

  I gasped. “How dare you!” I stood up.

  “Yes, I dared,” he grinned. His dashing grin made my knees feel weak. Then he looked directly at my breasts. I realized that my nipples must be showing through my dress. I was angry, but my body was showing him that I was turned on and I was so embarrassed by it.

  “If you want to dare me to do more, I would be happy too. I think you want me too,” he said looking at my breasts.

  I gasped. “Ugh, you are frustrating.”

  "There are sleeping rooms in the back of this ship if you are tired. You sound like you need rest. If you’d like, I can join you in a bit,” he smiled again.

  I was annoyed by his obvious avoidance of my request to go back to Earth. I had enough. I was going to go find Camilla. I turned sharply to go to the back of the ship, but I forgot my legs were weak from being turned on by him. “Ah!” I fell across Ineq’s lap with my tummy flat against his thick thighs. I could feel his hard cock underneath me.

  The feel of his thick body was distracting to me, and I could not focus or process the fact that I needed to get up. In those few seconds, I almost wanted him to spank me. My short club dress hemline was showing a peak of my ass cheeks, and I was very aware of this as the cold air hit it. I heard a light groan escape Ineq’s mouth.

  “What are you doing to me? Why do you tease me like this?” his voice was thick and husky.

  “I do no such thing,” I said, struggling to remove myself from this position.

  “Oh, um, are we interrupting?” I heard Camilla’s voice. I turned to see her and Commander Vrerkin Roan standing at the edge of the room as though they had just entered. I quickly fumbled to my feet. Ineq put his large hands on my waist and helped me get upright. My face flushed red.

  “No, I fell,” I said as I walked straight toward her, wanting to escape the two dragon aliens out of sheer embarrassment. I grabbed Camilla’s arm and led her toward the back in search of these sleeping rooms the captain had spoken of. I finally found one and pushed her in with me, closing the door behind us.

  “You two look liked you were getting along,” she said with her brows arched at me and her arms crossed.

  “Oh shut up. I fell. That was not what it looked like,” I said, pacing the room.

  “Sure, whatever you say, Alexandra,” she said.

  “Stop. What are we going to do? How are we going to get out of this? We need a plan,” I said.

  “A plan? Okay, let’s knock them out and fly the ship back to Earth. Oh, wait, we don’t know how to fly a spaceship. Oh, and we don’t know where Earth is,” she said sarcastically.

  I sighed and sat down on the bed. “I have to tell you something. I have to tell you why they took us from Earth,” I said, trying to prepare her for the shocking news and ready to handle her freaking out.

p; “Because they need us to mate with,” she said calmly.

  “You know!”

  “Yeah, V told me,” she said smiling. “He explained the whole thing.”

  “V?” I asked.

  “V for Vrerkin,” she shrugged her shoulders.

  “Dear God, you already have pet names for each other.”

  “I don’t know. He’s nice and funny and hot as fuck. Come on, Alexandra, you can’t say you haven’t checked them out with their perfect bodies.”

  “They. Are. Aliens!” I said.

  “Yeah, well honestly, I’m intrigued.”

  “Are you still drunk, Camilla? You do know that this is real life and not a drunken nightmare?”

  “Yes. I am sober now. I had lots of water and food. You should eat something. Or take a nap. You will feel better,” she said calmly.

  I felt like I was alone in this. Why was she not freaking out?


  “What? Look, okay, I know this is some weird shit. But what can we really do? Nothing. So might as well go with it. They are not brutal and scary. I mean, we are getting to be in space and see other planets. It’s rad!”

  “But they want to mate with us!”

  She shrugged her shoulders again. Ugh.

  “I think V is awesome. I mean, I’ve been talking with him, and I don’t know what it is, but when he’s near me, I can’t focus. I can feel the heat from his body all over me. I want to run my hands all over him. It’s wild, I know. But it is true, Alexandra. I mean, I think I might have experienced love at first sight,” she said with a big cheesy grin on her face.

  “Okay, that’s it. They had to have drugged the water or food something.”

  “I only had water.”

  “Me too.”

  “And you are not in love with Ineq, so I don’t think we are drugged.”

  “No. Ineq is arrogant and a brute! He talks about mating with a monotone voice saying it’s a responsibility. There’s no talk of love or anything. He doesn’t answer my questions, and he’s rude, and—”

  “Sounds like you like him to me,” she said.

  “What? No! Hate. I hate him!” I said, annoyed that maybe she was right.

  “But how does your body feel when he’s near you? Awake? Aroused?” she asked.

  I was silent. I didn’t know how to answer that.

  “That’s what I thought. Now if you will excuse me, I want to see out that windshield and get a good look at space. So freaking rad!” she said as she walked out.

  “Ugh, what the hell?” I whispered to myself. Why was I the only one acting like this? I knew Camilla was wild and adventurous, I mean she was going to go be hedonistic on Wall Street as a banking career, but this was too much. She should be appalled and demanding to go back to Earth just as I was. I didn’t understand her. We had been abducted by aliens, for Christ’s sake! It was an obvious thing to be angry at and yet she was not angry. She was having a good time. In fact, she was acting like she was on a road trip with some awesome dudes from college. It blew me away. Was I in some kind of bizarre world where it was normal to want this? I would never ever want this. I did not want to be with these aliens, and I wanted to go back to Earth. I would never want anything different than that. It would never change.

  I stayed in the room and laid down on the bed going over everything that happened in my mind. Before I knew it, I fell asleep. I did not know how long I had been asleep, but it felt like a good long sleep. It was from being drunk and then being on the ship. It must have been about noon in Mexico, and we had been up for over twenty-four hours or so by now, so when I fell asleep, I slept hard. I estimated it had been ten hours or so, but how could I tell?

  I sat up on the bed and wiped the sleep from my eyes, remembering that I was on an alien ship. I took a deep breath. I needed water. I saw my cup from before and picked it up; it was empty. I would just have to go out there and pour some more. Then my stomach grumbled. Shit, I should eat something.

  “Yes! Yes! Fuck me. Fuck me harder!” Camilla’s muffled voice shouted. I suddenly heard pounding. It was coming from the other side of the wall. My mouth fell open. I pressed my ear against the wall and heard the distinct groaning of fucking.

  “Yes! Fuck!” I heard a deep male voice say. I could only assume it was Commander Vrerkin Roan. Shit, I knew she said she liked him, but this was a little fast, wasn’t it? Why was Camilla so open to this? And I did mean open.

  “Yes, don’t stop,” she moaned.

  I was astounded. Then I wondered, was she with both dragons? A sense of jealousy passed through me. I didn’t know why. But the thought of Ineq with her made me green with envy. I had to know. I opened the door and walked out to the front of the ship, all the while hearing Camilla having sex.

  I sighed in relief when I saw Ineq sitting in the pilot chair. I poured water in my cup and joined him. I sat next to him quietly. We could still hear them, fucking.

  “So, I guess they are getting along well,” I finally said.

  Ineq laughed. I looked at him. His grin was dashing. A smile looked good on him. It was an emotion. He was looking forward out the windshield as he pressed buttons and moved levers.

  “Yes, so it seems,” he said.

  “How long was I asleep?” I asked.

  “About twelve hours,” he said.

  “What?! Seriously?”

  “Yes. I told you that you were tired,” he said.

  I narrowed my eyes at his know-it-all attitude.

  “How much longer before we are on your home planet,” I asked.

  “We are not going straight there,” he said.

  I looked at him with wide eyes. “What? Why? I thought—”

  “Yes that is our final destination, but we are stopping on Tiok first.”

  “Tiok?” I said, trying to pronounce the strange word.

  “Yes, ‘Tee-ok’” he said, helping me pronounce it.

  “Why? What is that?” I asked, suddenly feeling scared of this news.

  “It is a planet, and there is a village, a trading market village called Pacu. That is where we are going.”

  “A market?”

  “A trading post. It is a very vast market of goods from all over the galaxies. Many different species congregate there and do business,” he said.

  “Holy shit,” I said, realizing I was about to not only go to another planet, but I was also going to see many different aliens.”

  “Yes, it is a very dangerous place, especially for humans,” he said.

  “What? Dangerous? Then why the hell are we going?”

  “Because the king has ordered us to. We have a short mission there,” he said.

  “King? You have a king?”

  “There is much for you to learn, human female. You will in time,” he said.

  “Apparently. But I would like to see this market. What if we wear robes and cover our heads and—” I began to ask.

  “No! Absolutely not. You will be locked inside the ship while the commander and I go do our duty,” he said in a very dominant way again.

  “You cannot tell me what to do. I am not one of your warriors!” I said.

  “No, you are not. But you are to be my mate, and you will do what I say, human!” he barked at me.

  “I will not!” I shouted. I got up from the chair and moved to the back of the ship. I was so angry, but I was hungry. I grabbed some strange food and took it to the room I was in before. Camilla and the commander had finally quieted down and I was glad for it. I sat there brooding over some delicious fruit. I realized just how dangerous these aliens were. They seemed to be military-like with a king and missions. That meant that we were on a dangerous mission with them. This could not get any worse.



  It was almost time to arrive on Tiok: twenty-four hours to go. I had to battle restraining myself from taking the human female Alexandra after she fell on my lap. It was at that moment that my fire for her really ignited i
nside of me. Seeing her ass on my lap like that, her tanned skin of her bottom peeking out from under her dress, left me hard. I was glad that she left at that moment because my cock was stiff. But after that, I could not stop thinking about her in that position. Maybe I did not have to just breed with her out of responsibility. I could enjoy it. Why shouldn’t I? She was very sexy, and I wanted her.

  “I will take over now,” Commander Roan said.


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