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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 9

by Maia Starr

  He groaned and got tense. He was wild on top of me, and then I felt his warm liquid fill me.

  I sank deeper into the soft sand as he lowered his body on mine. I moved my hands up and down his body. In the back of my mind, I knew that we had done something wrong, but my body wasn’t allowing me to admit it yet. I still had the sensation of orgasm and hunger going through me. But I knew that we could never, ever do this again. This was a one-time mistake, a big mistake. It would have to stay our secret. But for now, all I could do was enjoy the feeling of not being alone while his body pressed onto mine and he filled me.



  The new information about Commander Harkin was sent to the king for emergency consideration. Now a mission to Tiok could be granted by the king. But this was good; it gave me some free time after not having any time at all. I knew exactly what I was going to do with that free time; I needed to see Alexandra. It had been almost ten days of not having a real conversation with her other than the quick run-in in the village where I was pulled away, and watching her sleep at night. I needed her. I needed to feel her kiss, and I needed to reacquaint myself with her. I did not want any more distance to grow between us.

  I landed on the platform outside her home. She must have heard me because she opened the door. She looked surprised to see me.


  “Alexandra,” I said with a smile. “How are you this morning?”

  “I am fine. What brings you to me now?” she asked. She looked away from me. She was acting a little odd, but I assumed it was because we had not seen each other in so long, that we were like strangers again instead of two creatures that had been intimate.

  “I have the entire day free. I wanted to make good on my promise to show you around,” I said stepping toward her.

  “Oh, well I have already seen the village. Lisa has shown me everything that I need to know really,” she said.

  “Is that so? Then I will just have to show you something not on the island,” I said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I will just have to show you,” I said, scooping her up into my arms. I ran off the platform and jumped. My wings spread out behind me and I glided across the ocean breeze. I heard a delightful laugh escape her mouth.

  We flew over the village and straight out over the ocean.

  “Did Lisa show you this?” I asked playfully.

  “No, she did not.”

  I finally landed on a small isolated island called Utica.

  “This is beautiful,” she said as I put her down on her feet and she took a few steps in the sand.

  “Yes, no one is allowed to live on this island. It is only for the creatures, but we are allowed to visit. I thought you would like to see it and have a meal with me,” I said.

  “A meal?”

  “Yes, did you already eat morning meal?”

  “No, I have not. And I am very hungry,” she said putting her hand on her belly.

  “Good, take a seat in the shade of the large trees. I am right on top of our meal,” I said as I began to gather firewood. I gathered it in front of her on the beach. She watched me quietly. She was being unusually quiet for someone that was always at odds and arguing with me. There was something going on with her, but I did not know what.

  After I had piled the wood, I gave her a look. Then I took off flying over the ocean. I dove straight down into the deep water, searching for our meal. I reimage straight up into the air with a large fish in my arms. I threw it on the sand in front of her. She looked at me as though she was impressed, but she did not say so.

  “Stand back while I start the fire,” I said. She got up and took a few steps away.

  “Start the Fire? Do you mean…”

  “Exactly,” I said as I took a deep breath. My belly grew warm in my torso glowed yellow, then I shot fire at the pile of wood. It bursts into flames. I heard a gasp come out of her mouth. I grinned and threw the fish on the fire. I gathered a few large clamshells and filled them with fresh water from the nearby stream. I gave her one to drink.

  “The water is so crisp and fresh. I can't believe this is straight from the land,” she said.

  “Yes, I can understand that considering the Earth has become so dirty you cannot drink water straight from the land. It is sad, really; I don't know why you would choose to live there,” I said.

  “Well, it is the only planet I have so I have to choose it,” she said.

  “Not anymore. You have this planet for your home now, if you want it. If you want to be with me,” I said sitting next to her and leaning in. She looked up at me with her big brown eyes.

  “I do. I do want to be here. I do want to be with you. I thought you had forgotten about me,” she said sadly.

  “How could I forget about you? You are all that I think of.” My voice grew husky as I leaned closer in. Her lips begin to tremble as though she waere about to cry.

  “But, you never came to me. You abandoned me. I thought you had your way with me and were done with me?”

  “No, never. You don't understand, Alexandra. I have been very busy trying to get the king to grant a mission to go get Camilla. There has been a lot of information coming in lately that has taken all of my time. I had to make sure that everything was right in order for us to get your friend.”

  “You are doing that for me?”

  “Yes, of course. I would do anything for you, including this meal. I think it is ready,” I said standing up and attending to the meal. I grabbed a large palm leaf and lay it next to the fire. I put the fish on it and served it. We sat on the sand and ate. She was very quiet the entire time, again. It made my heart ache that she thought I had abandoned her. I should have been better about letting her know I had been visiting her at night, the only chance I had to briefly see her. I did not want to alarm her, but it would have been better than her thinking I was not thinking of her. In fact, she was the only thing I could think of; it was very distracting to my responsibilities as a captain.

  “I have one more surprise,” I said.

  “Another? You are being too nice today. I don't deserve it,” she said with a frown.

  “Why would you say such a thing?”

  She looked at me and opened her mouth, ready to speak. Then she changed her mind. She smiled and said, “Let’s see this a surprise then.”

  “As you wish,” I said, scooping her up into my arms. I flew off the beach deep into the island. Then ahead of us was a waterfall. I flew straight through the falling water to the other side. Alexandra squealed with delight. On the other side of the waterfall was a clear pool. I set us down in it. The water came up to her waist. She was laughing.

  “It is very cold water!”

  “Yes, I can see that,” I said.

  She laughed and submerged herself in the water and swam away from me. I hungrily swam after her, swimming at her side. She swam for the waterfall. I watched as she stood up underneath it and let the water fall on her. She was breathtaking as the material of the sheer dress stuck to her wet body. I was growing hard, fucking hard. I was thirsty for her. I had wanted her again since the last time we were together on my ship. I had waited long enough.

  I pulled her wet body to me and pressed my lips against hers. I devoured her with my hunger and lust. She moaned in my mouth. Her wet body leaned against mine.

  “Oh, Ineq, I thought you did not want me anymore,” she whispered between kissing.

  “You are all that I want,” I said.

  She put her hands on my chest, rubbing them up and down my wet skin. I folded my wings behind my back. I put my hands on her back, going lower and lower until they were on her plump bottom. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me. Her arms went up around my neck and into my hair. She was kissing me back with such hunger, and I regretted waiting this long. I should have woken her up every single one of those nights that I came to her. The heat of her body pressed against mine in the splashing waterfall. We
kissed and allowed our bodies to grind together as I carried her. Then she pulled her mouth away from mine. She looked at me with a strange look. With the water hitting her face, I could not tell what was going on. She unwrapped her legs from me and slid down my body. She plunged into the water and swam away from me.

  “What is it? Did I hurt you?” I dove into the water and swim after her. She climbed onto the bank of the pool.

  She was breathless.

  “What is it, Alexandra? Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

  “No, but I did,” She said.


  “Nothing, just take me back home,” she said stomping away from me.

  “I don't understand. You have to tell me what is going on,” I said.

  “Just take me home,” she said.

  “You are not going to tell me what's going on?”

  “Please, just take me now. I want to go home,” she said in anger.

  “Fine,” I said, swiftly picking her up into my arms and taking off into the air. I flew hard and fast. I was angry. I wanted her badly, and I did not like that she had stopped when we were in the middle of reacquainting. She would not tell me why, and that only made me angrier.

  Finally, the village was in view as I flew over the ocean. I landed on the platform outside her hut. She jumped out of my arms and immediately went for the door. I followed her.

  “Oh no, you are not getting away so easily. You have to tell me what is going on. I will not leave your home until you do. Clearly, it is something really bad that is bothering you. Is it Camilla?”

  “Yes, and no. I don't know,” she said, pacing back and forth inside her hut. She was frantic.

  “Well, what the hell is it? You are driving me insane, Alexandra,” I grabbed her arm to stop her from pacing. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I did not know what to make of all of this.

  “I thought you were done with me. You never came to me. It was a big mistake. I was vulnerable and drunk, and I did not know what I was doing. He was drunk too and…”

  I was beginning to understand what she was saying. I felt my belly growing hot, as though I was about to spit out fire. My torso glowed. I was in a rage.

  “Who? Who did you get drunk with? Who did you make this mistake with?”

  “I slept with him. I am sorry. I want you, Ineq. I care for you, but I thought you had abandoned me. I feel guilty over this, not just because of you, but because of Camilla.”

  “Why would she matter? Who are you talking about?” I roared.

  “Commander Vrerkin Roan. We slept together. Only once; I promise it was a drunken mistake. He was so sad about Camilla, and so was I, and we only had each other to confide in—”

  A growl exploded from my throat. It was all I could do to restrain fire shooting out of my mouth. I leaped out of her window and shot fire in the air, a streak of it across the sky. I was thankful that nothing caught fire, but I was in heated anger. I would kill him.

  “Ineq! Don’t! It wasn’t his fault,” I heard her shouting from above me in the trees, but nothing was going to stop me.

  I flew into the military barracks. “Roan! Where is he? Has anyone seen Roan!” I roared.

  “Here! What is it Captain?” he said as he walked out of a building into the dirt courtyard. I charged flying straight at him and hit him in the gut and fell to the ground with him.

  “How dare you touch her!” I roared. The look on his face changed from shock to acknowledgment. He knew what he had done.

  I punched him in the jaw a right, and then a left. I raged on him, and I knew that I should not because he had just received a beating at the hands of Aeriwanas.

  “Captain!” warriors shouted as they grabbed me by the arms, pulling me off the commander. The commander stood up, but he did not say anything.

  “Why? She is mine!” I shouted at him.

  “Commander, you should get out of here so that the captain can cool off,” I heard another captain tell the commander.

  “No, he has every right to be angry,” Commander Vrerkin said.

  “That might be true, but right now it looks like he can kill you. You are still in a healing stage. We need you healthy and sound to fight the Aeriwanas. Get out of here,” the captain said to him.

  Commander Vrerkin shifted. He gave me one last look, an apologetic one, before flying away.

  “What is the meaning of this?” my superior officer Nankara said as he came out of a building.

  “This is personal, sir,” I said.

  “Then you deal with it personally. You do not come in here and assault one of my warriors. You know what we are facing soon. You are the one in charge of preparing to deal with the Aeriwanas. You need Commander Vrerkin; don't take him out before he can do his duty,” he said.

  I was trying to get my rage under control, but all I could think about was commander Vrerkin with Alexandra, and it was driving me insane.

  “Jin, take the captain to cool off.”

  “Yes sir,” Jin said.

  “Captain? Ready?” Jin said.

  “Ready,” I growled. He shot straight up into the air, and I followed him; two warriors followed behind me. Cooling off was a punishment of sorts, but a good way to let off steam. It meant that we were to fly to the outer islands do a loop around them and back. The entire flight took an hour, and it was the equivalent of running laps, only flying. I only hoped it would help to get rid of some of the rage I was feeling.



  I felt extreme amounts of guilt. After I was with Commander Vrerkin, I felt the shame set in. For days I could not come to terms with what I had done. I had betrayed Camilla, she was not there and was experiencing an awful fate with the Aeriwanas. And to make things worse, her best friend had slept with her lover. I felt very alone dealing with all of it. I couldn't tell anyone, not even Lisa, the human female that had been showing me the ropes of the village. I took a lot of alone time in my hut to think things over.

  But then it was a complete surprise when Ineq showed up. I thought he had forgotten about me completely. The one time I talked to him in the village, he was very cold. At that moment, he made it very clear that he wanted nothing to do with me. He got what he wanted from me; he mated with me. Then I was nothing to him. It hurt like hell.

  So when he showed up at my door, I was in complete shock. His words about wanting to be with me but he was short on time because he was working on trying to get Camilla back was a piercing sting. He had been avoiding me simply because he was too busy trying to do something that would make me very happy, get my friend back, and how did I repay him? I slept with his best friend.

  So when he flew off incomplete anger after I told him I slept with Commander Vrerkin, I felt very sick to my stomach. I ran to the washroom and threw up. What was he going to do to him? I was scared he was going to kill him. Then Camilla really would never forgive me. Not only did I sleep with her lover, but I also got him killed. It was too much for me to take in.

  “Alexandra? Are you all right?” I heard Lisa's voice. She ran to my side as I puked.

  “I am fine. I just feel nauseous. I'm sick to my stomach,” I said.

  “I came up here when I saw fire shooting from a Draqua leaving your home. Who was that? Did he hurt you?” she asked.

  “No, he did not. I hurt him. I made him angry. It is nothing; don't concern yourself with it.”

  “Is it because you are pregnant?” she asked.

  I turned to her with wide eyes. I was shocked. “Why would you say that?”

  “Because you are puking and because it is the number one reason of why we are brought here in the first place. You have been here plenty, and the time you spent in space with the Draqua, it would be normal for you to be showing the symptoms of pregnancy.”

  “Oh my god!” I said.

  “Oh, sorry, I did not mean to catch you off guard. But it is possible, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” I said.

en let’s go to the healer. He will run a test and make sure. It is better to know now,” she said.

  “Yes. Okay,” I said wiping my mouth with a cloth. She poured me a glass of water. I drank it and waited for my stomach to settle. Then we were off.

  I followed Lisa across several rope bridges that linked the trees together. We walked into the healer hut.

  “Jrarka, this is Alexandra… oh, I am sorry. I did not know you were attending a patient,” Lisa said.


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