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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 25

by Maia Starr

  “Ariella Klein,” she offered the woman’s name to me. “She and the Weredragon who chose her went missing less than a year after their match. She was with child when they disappeared, yes.”

  “Do you know what it was?” I asked innocently. “The child?”

  “The sex? A girl,” she said dismissively.

  I stared numbly at the screen for a moment and gave an understanding nod, staring away from her gaze now as I ran my hand along the wood grain of my desk. “A bit rare, wouldn’t you say?” I asked. “A female Weredragon.”

  She raised a cocky brow and smirked into the screen. “Why do you think she’s hidden?”

  My mouth twisted into a half-smile and I looked into the screen. “You are a naughty girl.”

  She bowed her head and then pressed her finger to her lips. “But that’s our little secret,” she warned.

  “Of course,” I nodded.

  “But if he wanted to know about her, then it’s likely that the rebellion is after her. Making it all the more important for us to keep this under wraps; do you understand?”

  “I do.”

  I did.

  She nodded for a few moments and then looked back into the screen as though she were there in person, looking directly into my soul. “And on that note, I believe a promotion is in order for you, my dear.”

  “Really?” I beamed; guilt washing over my sudden happiness.

  “I have an assignment for you. A new charge. But it’s going to take a while.”

  I smiled. “I think I can handle that.”

  We talked for some time more in a way I always wished we would. She spoke to me as a friend and a respected colleague, not just the girl who ran her coffee. She expressed genuine interest in my relationship with Haden and confided in me about her hopes for the future of our alliance.

  I wondered if maybe this was possible afterward. To have both sides. To work for Riddell and be with a man who would abolish the alliance I believed in. It sounded ridiculous, but I loved him too much to believe it was impossible.

  Was this it for me? When talking to Zaphira, would I tell her about the dealings with the Koth and their unsteady structure, secretly hoping to repair their bonds before Haden had a chance to tear it all down?

  When reporting to Haden, would I tell him Zaphira’s plans for the future of our alliance? Was this my new role… a double agent?

  As I stared into the screen, Zaphira’s words seemed to fade into the distance; her lips were moving, but I could no longer hear her voice. I watched her elegant lips and charismatic demeanor and suddenly felt renewed vigor. Of course I could have it all. After all, when it came maneuvering events in my favor…

  I’d had the perfect teacher.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The stale gray clouds loomed for miles as if they were warning of another flood. I stood in the growing ruins of Old Udora and stood in her waters. The deep moss that was filling with water with each passing day. Where my feet once hit the ground now sat warm waters, overflowing in an ancient city.

  I couldn’t fathom for what reason the Koth was choosing to let our city die, but I wasn’t about to let it go. Not without a fight.

  Unless she asked me to, I’d concluded.

  If Sarra willed it, then I would so whatever I could to make her happy. I had been so sure. So certain that this was the right thing to do, and now I hadn’t a clue. If she came back to me and said she wanted to return to the Earth, I would have no choice but to submit to her wishes. To stop.

  I’d hoped she would come to me and say she believed me. Tell me she’d done her best to get whatever information she could from Zaphira. I wanted her to tell me that soon there would come a new Weredragon who would lead us to peace and prosperity. I wanted us to both believe in the legend and justify the lies we’d both been telling, been keeping.

  But… if she wouldn’t come… if she wouldn’t relent… then I would give it up to have a lifetime with her before I made my move in the rebellion.

  Looking out over the mossy field, I felt my anger let go. For all the wrongs the Koth had bestowed upon its loyal people, for all the hell Zaphira and Riddell had wreaked on my people, I would let it all go for Sarra.

  And then I heard it, the most beautiful sound of all: splashing in the distance. I knew she was coming. What she was coming to tell me still remained a mystery, but as the splashing grew louder my heart began to soar.

  “You were right,” came the smoothest tone of my beautiful love.

  I turned around to see Sarra’s pale skin and raven hair, a mess of bangs falling in her eyes as she looked at me with a resigned smile. She wore a long white dress that was slowly becoming enveloped in the rising sea water. I could see through the layers of fabric to catch a glimpse of her perfect skin below.

  “Come again?” I teased as I raised my hand to my ear. “Sorry, I’m going to have to get you to repeat that. It’s not a phrase I’ve heard often, especially from one so beautiful.”

  “Stop it,” she batted me away as she approached. We looked into the distance at the crumbling city and suddenly there was an overpowering connection between us.

  “You look beautiful,” I breathed as though I couldn’t hold the thought in any longer. She gave a passive smile at the compliment and came right up next to me.

  Sarra grabbed my hand and turned her head to me, her bangs falling to the side and revealing her beautiful green eyes as she rested her head on my shoulder. “You were right,” she repeated with emphasis. “It’s a girl.”

  My eyes went wide, and I looked down at her with a fascinated smile. “Well, I’ll be…” I gasped. “So the legend is true.”

  “I’ve been wrestling with that myself,” she admitted.

  “And you didn’t invite me to watch?” I joked, and my love rolled her eyes my way. “So, what do you think?”

  “I think… you were right. She’s coming.”

  I looked down at her hand, her warmth covering over my scaled and calloused fingers. As I watched her long fingers, I couldn't help but feel rejuvenated. I had been fighting for so long, moving for so long that it was hard to feel comfortable. But she'd made me the happiest I had ever been. And best of all, she was ready. She was ready now to believe with me.

  “What about Zaphira?” I asked warily, knowing the love Sarra had for her.

  “I think I have her in line,” she said confidently.

  “I know she’s important to you.”

  “Yes, yes,” she dismissed. “I’ve made my peace. As it turns out, I may be able to stay in her good graces and save the world all in one go.”

  “What can I say? You’re a talented woman.” I snapped my fingers in jest.

  She narrowed her eyes at me and threw her head back with a laugh. “And I’m a lucky woman, isn’t that right?”

  “That depends,” I said slowly and she knew my question was coming. “Sarra, did you find out where she is?”

  She flinched under my question and narrowed her brows pointedly. “She’s young.”

  “That’s a yes.”

  “That’s a yes,” the black-haired woman admitted. Looking up, she spotted some stray hairs falling down from my mess of a mane and boldly reached over, pushing the strands away from my face and smiling down at me.

  “But that means there’s still plenty of time before we act, right?” Her tone sat somewhere between pleading and warning as she carefully watched my eyes. “There’s no reason to find a child to enthrone, is there?”

  “Well, the legend didn’t exactly specify that she would be a grown adult…”

  “Legends are vague like that,” she shrugged.

  “And we can probably assume that a little baby Weredragon taking over a civilization would probably not be a wise ending to the story.”

  “It would probably lead to some pretty bizarre requests as well.”

  “There’s time,” I nod, dropping our banter for a more serious tone. I watched her sigh in relief. If all s
he needed was time before she stood at my side and made things right with Udora again, then time she would get.

  “But eventually…”

  She gave a single nod and smiled. “Eventually, we’ll find her. I promise.” Then she looked at me sternly and pointed a finger in my direction. “But that means no funny business until then. You stay quiet with the rebellion, and I stay quiet with Zaphira. We live our lives together. We start a family. We take care of our alliances… Okay?”

  “Okay,” I said.

  “If this is really going to work, we’re both going to have to play our parts perfectly, especially if the Koth is already suspicious of a rebel in their midst. Understand?”

  I gave a hearty laugh and wrapped my arm around her. How good it felt to feel her warm skin touching mine once more. To know that she was mine and I no longer had to worry about secrets. That our lives would be full of peace until the moment arrived. That I could start a family with the woman I had chosen to be mine.

  “And what about us?” I asked solemnly, never daring to look into her eyes for fear I might see some falsehood there. “Are we pretending?”

  “Us?” She smiled and turned my face to her. “We never pretend. We never lie. We… are all we have. Got it?”

  Her stern expression soon doubled over into flirtatious laughter as I smiled down at her. “Got it,” I said. “Gee… is that what having a real wife is like? Eddrys has told me some pretty big horror stories about getting lectured, but I didn’t think it would be as scary as this.”

  She batted me playfully on the arm and laughed into the air. “Better get used to it now, Haden. Because this is you and me forever.”

  “Then I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  The water continued to rush up under our feet, and I knew within just a few minutes we would be forced out of the ruins. We could see the purple glowstones beneath the surface of the water lighting up with a wild ferocity, shining brighter than I’d ever seen them before.

  Regardless of our standing now… I believed one day we would find each other again, even if we had to fall in love with these newer versions of each other. From here on, I would continue to love her, refusing to let go of what we were building together.

  My faith in our love, in my choosing, was only strengthened as she stood with me in the deep waters of a soon to be glowing city and kissed me.

  The End

  Dragons Of Udora COMPLETE Box Set(Books 1-4)

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  Corillion Mates: BOX SET(1-6)

  By Maia Starr

  BOOK 1: Duron-Corillion Mates

  (Corillion Mates)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1


  "We are under attack!” I shouted into the intercom of the research space station that I had lived on for over a year. “I repeat, we are under attack!”

  Boom! I was thrown across the experiment station room as the space station violently shook. I didn't know if this was because it had been bombed or had been rammed, but either one was very terrifying.

  Sirens blared into the air and red and blue lights flashed off and on in the chaos. I could only think of one thing. “They found us” I said out loud to myself.

  By they, I meant the alien warrior race known as the Corillion. Earth had been at war with this warrior race for the last ten years, and yet we knew nothing about them other than the fact that they were physically dominant to the human male species. They were taller, at almost 8 feet tall, stronger, had blue scales on various parts of their body, and they were ruthless, brutal fighters.

  Male humans did not stand a chance against them in hand to hand combat, and our technology was not as advanced as theirs, but this didn't stop us from trying to figure out a way to stop them from what they had been doing: abducting human females.

  "To the escape pods! Now!” the captain of the space station shouted over the intercom. My eyes grew wide as I realized just how far away I was from the escape pods. I was on the complete opposite side of the space station. I would never make it.

  "I'm on my way!” I shouted as I grabbed onto the counter to press the intercom. A few other voices of the crew joined in confirming they were headed to the escape pods. There were only fifteen other people on the space station, including myself in that number. I and one other woman were the only females. The rest of the crew was men. The space station was still violently shaking, and I had to hold on from one counter to a table and onto the walls in order to stand up and try to make my way out of the experiment room and into the hallway.

  Boom! I was knocked off my feet again. It seemed all but impossible to make it to the escape pods. I cursed that I had fallen asleep during my experiment. If I had not, I would have been in my sleep bunk, which was located very close to the escape pods. If that had been the case, then my entire life would have turned out differently, but I couldn’t have known it then.

  "They have locked onto us!” I heard Lieutenant Marksman shout over the intercom.

  "No,” I said out loud to myself. I felt so alone and so terrified of being in this part of the space station all by myself. We were doomed. Once an enemy ship locked on to a vessel, there was no escape. The ship that locked on had complete control with manual override of the space station. They would lock onto the airlock and board us easily. It was all over. We were in no shape to defend ourselves. The space station was a research vessel, not a military one. We were not equipped to fight for ourselves, and we were very, very, far from Earth. No one would be coming to our aid. Even if they were warned, they would never get here in time.

  "Dr. Elmore launching escape pod number three!” I heard Dr. Elmore's voice say over the intercom. He had made it to an escape pod. I wondered how many more had made it there. Would I be the only one left on the space station? I hated the thought of it. I looked around the room for a weapon of any kind, but I knew that it would be no match against Corillion weapons. I stood up and tried once more to run down the hallway, but just when I got some traction, the ship would jolt again, knocking me off of my feet. My best bet would be to hide somewhere, and hope that they did not find me before finally leaving. I crawled into a cabinet and awaited my fate.

  I knew taking this assignment aboard the space station was a risky move. But I never thought that we would be attacked in such a way. I never thought that I would find myself in such a terrifying moment waiting for the dominant alien male warriors to take me into deep space, never to see Earth again. But how could I have known that when I first started on this mission?

  It all started when I, Dr. Shia Heton, joined the space station mission in order to conduct my sound experiments. I studied deep space sound. I recorded all kinds of activity that traveled across deep space. This space station was going into incredible depths of deep space in order to gather information that could help Earth understand and find out more information about the Corillion race. My studies fit with that agenda because I would be able to pick up any transmissions that the Corillion aliens would be making that crossed our path. Therefore I was granted permission to participate in the research mission.

  Joining us were one other female scientist studying astronomical gases, Alexis Scott, and Andrew Diaz, who was studying space biology. There were two more general scientists on board, and the rest of the crew were astronauts that managed the day-to-day needs of the space station. A few of them also had their own science experiments, but they were astronauts first and scientist second. Together, we had set off from Earth a year before and were taken to the space station just outside the solar system. Then once aboard, the space station was set into a spin motion to spin into the far reaches of space toward the asteroid belts.

  It was an unknown area that was rarely studied. That was until the Corillions appeared in our lives. It had been complete chaos since they did. At first, it was a peaceful interaction,
but once Earth refused to share human females with them willingly, the Corillions became hostile. That was when a war eventually broke out. It inspired many people to suddenly become interested in the sciences. It was as though science was now a military defense against the alien warrior race.

  No one knew where the Corillion came from. They just appeared out of nowhere. It was said that they had spawned from an asteroid in deep space, but those were just rumors. That seemed highly unlikely to me, but they were a very mysterious race of males. All kinds of rumors surrounded the alien warrior race about their powers and incredible fighting skills. They were beyond mysterious, and I found myself drawn to their mystery.

  I had seen a Corillion warrior before, but only once many years before. But that one time was enough to have his image burned into my memory forever. I remembered seeing the warrior with blue scales on half of his body. I remembered the long, dark hair, dark eyes, and extremely tall, muscular physique. I had never seen a male like it before. It stunned me. It intrigued me. That was how I became fascinated with these creatures from deep space. It was after I saw one that I wanted to know as much as possible about them. But I wanted to do it from afar, not to have any immediate interaction with them. I wanted to study them from a distance and not interact or be in their world. So I applied for and was accepted to conduct my studies on the space station mission.

  “Dr. Shia Heton, your field of studying sound in space is very intriguing to us. Only a few scientists are doing what you are doing. We think you might be the perfect candidate for the space station missions,” the Earth Science Council said to me as I stood in front of them with my red hair pulled into a bun and a black pantsuit covering my petite body.


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