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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 46

by Maia Starr

  When I released inside of her, I became bonded to her. She was so fragile and delicate, and I wanted to protect her. This was a problem: a big problem. She belonged to Cyro, and he was my leader. What I had done with Vera was treachery against my leader, and if I were found out, I would be put to death. Considering that I was already planning to overthrow him and take over command, being with Vera was the dumbest decision I could have made. It made things more complex than they already were.

  Yet, after being with the human female, I only wanted to protect her. It seemed to be the only thing that mattered now; I could not stop thinking about her ever since I was inside of her. It was stronger now than just wanting to help the human female by telling her the secret about her husband; this was stronger than just wanting to help her. Now I wanted to protect her at all costs.

  This was a problem for me because how could I plan to overthrow the leader Cyro while trying to protect his human female? It was not possible. In fact, it made everything worse. The warriors that were on my side in support of my overthrow of Cyro would not believe that it was because I could be a better leader. They would think it was because I wanted his human female, and having them think that would not be good for their support.

  We would have to keep our friendship a secret. We would have to keep what we have done together a secret. I would have to keep the fact that my life had now been extended beyond the 22-year cycle a secret because there was only one human female on this asteroid that could grant that for me. It was too risky. We both risked a lot, but damn if it wasn't worth it.

  Two days had passed since I’d had the intimate experience with Vera. I went to the secret spot every night around midnight to make sure that she was not waiting for me, but she was not. I figured she must be feeling guilt and shame over what had happened. Perhaps now she was more frightened than ever. But I had to know if she was okay, so I periodically checked on her in the courtyard, waiting for her to come to the window. Then I would know that she was safe and I could continue on with my plans.

  "Jin has called a meeting,” Sitione whispered into my ear as I sat at the table feasting with the leader Cyro. I noticed that Vera was not at his side and she must still be telling him that she was ill. This made me happy. This meant that he was not mating with her.

  "He has never called one before,” I whispered to Sitione.

  "I am aware. Will you be there?” he asked.

  "I will be. Same time,” I whispered back. I looked around the room to see if any other warriors were watching us. Everyone seemed to be feasting, and our secret interaction went unnoticed.

  At the hour of 10, Jin and Sitione met with me in the underground passage room.

  "I have doubts,” Jin said.

  "Yes, that is understood,” I said to him.

  "Unseating Cyro from leadership may cause unrest in the tribe here on the asteroid. The High Council might look down upon it,” Jin said nervously.

  "I understand your concerns, Jin. But the bigger concern is that the leadership of Cyro will cause the extinction of this tribe. If he cannot produce an heir to his leadership position, there will be unrest anyway. I am the next in line to take the leadership seat. I should take it now before the unrest happens. The High Council would be on my side in this and force Cyro to resign his seat once they know that he cannot produce offspring,” I said to them. “They already disagreed with what he did on Earth. He took a human female and a male that were already wed together and killed the male. It was unnecessary violence, and our war with Earth is already taking its toll. The council was very upset with Cyro because of this, yet they let him off. One more problem with his rule and they will unseat him. I know they will.”

  "It is all the secrecy that is making me nervous. We do not yet have the High Council on our side. You have not met with them in order to request that Cyro resign his seat. Because of this, what we do is treachery,” Jin said.

  "Yes, but you knew of that from the very first meeting,” Sitione added.

  Sitione and I both looked at each other. Jin was growing too nervous for our comfort. He was on edge. I had to tell him something that would calm him and stop him from telling anyone about our secret meetings.

  "I have met with ten other warriors who are on our side. They are ready to accompany me to plead to the High Council that they should force Cyro to give up his seat in leadership. They want to attend the next meeting with us down here in secret, but they prefer to keep their support hidden,” I said, lying to Jin.

  Jin sighed in relief, “Why did you not say this before? That gives me hope. That we three are not the only ones involved in this dangerous game that we are playing,” he said.

  Sitione looked at me as though he knew that I was lying in order to stop Jin from betraying us, and then he added, “Yes. And I have talked with many that have been concerned about the fact that Cyro's wife, the human female Vera, is not yet with offspring. It is a major concern for them. All our lives depend on it. Although they did not put into words that they doubt Cyro’s leadership because of the circumstances, they were all thinking it. It was very obvious in the way they spoke about their disappointment that he had not yet planted an offspring in the human female after a month time of mating."

  "This is good news,” Jin said. “This is more support for our efforts. The more warriors on this asteroid that agree that Truo should be leader, the more likely it is that a smooth transition can happen.”

  "Yes, I agree. As I said before, I am working on a plan, and I have leave to capture human females to bring to the asteroid for the high-ranking warriors to take as a wife. When I leave, I will go to the High Council instead and plead my case to become leader,” I said to them.

  "Until then, we will say nothing,” Sitione said as he looked at Jin.

  "That is understood,” Jin said.

  "Then this meeting is over. Take separate passages back. You cannot be seen together emerging from the underground,” I said to them.

  They nodded goodbyes to me and I waited for them to be completely out of sight. Then I went to check on my secret. I was not speaking of Vera: I was speaking of my secret emergency escape. From the secret underground meeting room, I took three narrow passages that snaked beneath the fortress. It was a passage that only I knew of, and it led to a very opportune section of the fortress. At the end of the last passage, I climbed several steps that led to the outskirts of the fortress directly onto the asteroid. Here is where I hid a small escape pod. As soon as I had decided to overthrow Cyro, this was the first thing that I implanted. It was crucial, just in case I was found out before the coup was successful. This was here in case everything went wrong, and I could escape the asteroid and Cyro quickly.

  I opened the space pod and went through the checks that I went through once a week. I made sure that the fuel had not leaked out or evaporated. I made sure that it would turn on and that all of the systems were online and working. Then I shut it down and hid it once more.

  I made my way back through the underground passage and back inside the fortress. I climbed the stairs inside the fortress to the courtyard and hid in the shadows. I peered up at Vera's bedroom window. Her light was on. I could see the flicker of light as she moved back-and-forth in the room. Just knowing that she was moving around and well made me feel good. It was something that I needed. It gave me a fix of Vera, like a dose of medicine.

  I found myself needing this dose more and more. I fantasized about taking her away from the asteroid to Earth. How happy that would make her, but I would have to leave her. I was the rightful leader of Seeduon and I could not let my Corillion brothers down over a human female that I had become infatuated with. I forced myself to turn from her window.

  I left the courtyard and went to my own chambers high in the fortress towers on the east side of the sprawling complex. As a second in command, I had ample space and a well-built living quarters that looked out toward the edge of the asteroid.

  I sat there in my quarters waiting out the ex
tra hour until midnight when I would go once more to the underground passage to see if Vera would come looking for me. I secretly hoped that she would not, simply because it was too dangerous. I secretly hoped that she would, simply because I could not stop thinking about her. I wanted her. I needed to touch her again. My body was obsessed with being inside of her. My heart was obsessed with comforting and protecting her from Cyro and all of her pain. It was a complicated situation to be in when trying to overthrow the leader and create a revolution.

  Chapter 7


  I couldn't believe what I had done! I had willingly given myself to a Corillion alien warrior while I was in deep mourning for my husband. I did not plan on doing it, but once I was in his arms, I could not stop myself! It was as if my body took over my mind. I had no control over myself. I could not stop. It felt damn good. Not just in a sexual way, but in a safe and secure way. I was all alone, millions of miles from Earth, and finding comfort in the arms of a Corillion alien warrior made me feel better. It gave me hope. It made me feel less alone. It must be why I did it, or maybe a part of me did it out of spite toward Cyro. Being with a Corillion of my own choice proved that Cyro did not own me, I owned me. That felt good. Damn good.

  But I was not expecting the explosive experience that came with it. It was unlike any other kind of have sex that I had ever had in my life. Of course, I should've known that sex with an alien warrior would be different than with a human man, but I didn't realize just how different. Being with Cyro was not the same as being with Truo, and Cyro was an alien warrior of the same kind. It did not make sense at all.

  Adding to that fact was being in a secretive place that was under the fortress. We had to be quick before being caught. It was exciting. It was fast, messy, and erotic. Having him inside of me was thrilling and sexy.

  It had been a few days since the encounter with Truo and I had not risked going to meet him at midnight again. I was worried. I did not want to be caught. I did not want him to be put to death simply because of me, not after what had happened to Marcus because of me.

  But there was a problem now. I missed him. The afterglow of the experience was starting to wear off. I needed more. It was as if he were a drug and I needed a fix. I started to find myself wanting to go to the underground passage once more.

  But if I went a second time, it wouldn't just be a one time experience; it would be an affair, a secret affair. If I went again, then it would make me want to go again and again. I knew that it would cause me to create a bad habit of meeting up with him. The longer that we did not get caught, the more relaxed I would become. I knew that I only had about ten days left before Cyro would start to expect that I should be well. I only had ten days of freedom left before Cyro would be visiting my bedchamber on a nightly basis again no longer afraid of catching the flu that I pretended to have. I would not be able to meet up with Truo after that.

  Because of the realization that I only had a few days of freedom left, I decided that I had to do it. It would be the last few days where I would feel any sort of happiness, if you could call finding solace in the arms of an alien in a moment of grieving happiness, but it was all that I had.

  So I found myself going once more at midnight to the underground passage to search for my new lover, my alien warrior lover. I snuck out of my chambers, making sure that the empty tray of food was set on the table outside my door, as to not give anyone a reason to go into my room. Not that anyone would as everyone feared the human sickness that I had.

  "I didn't think that you would come again,” Truo said as I approached the bottom of the stairs.

  "Yet here you are expecting me,” I said to him.

  "Not expecting, but hoping,” he said as he reached out for my hand. I placed my hand in his. His large, strong hand gave me comfort almost instantly. He led me along the underground passage until we were inside the secret room.

  "Did Cyro say anything to you? Did he suspect anything?” he asked.

  "No, he did not say anything to me out of the ordinary. He has been to my room very little because I told him I was ill. But I do not think he suspects that I have been leaving my room at midnight,” I said to him as I looked up his towering physical form. His kind brown eyes look down upon me with sincere kindness that I craved.

  "Has he hurt you? Does he strike you?” he asked me getting anxious.

  "He hurts me with his words. He hurts me by forcing me to lay with him. But he does not hit me,” I said to him.

  "I do not like knowing that he hurts you in any way. He has to be stopped,” he said.

  "But he is the leader on this asteroid. No one can stop him. It is hopeless,” I said to him, feeling a rush of sadness as my destiny of being stuck on this rock with Cyro hit me. Then I continued, “Do not remind me of the pain and anguish of what I am going through here. I came here tonight for escape from all of that, if at least just for a few hours. You can give that to me, just like you did before,” I said as I moved toward him and placed my hands on his chest, trailing my fingers over his scales.

  "I am sorry to bring it up. We will not speak of it anymore tonight,” he whispered the words to me as he groaned underneath my touch.

  "Good. It is all that I ask,” I whispered back. He reached down from his tall height and pressed his lips against mine. He kissed me softly. There was something different in his kiss. Before, his kiss was out of hunger and extreme desire to quench a thirst. Now, it was soft and sensual. It was a dangerous kiss. It was dangerous because it had meaning and emotion behind it instead of a raw sexual passion. What was worse was that I kissed him back in the same way. My kiss was full of emotion, and I could no longer blame my irrational actions on grief. My actions were now out of strong feelings for my alien warrior companion.

  "Make love to me again,” I whispered to him.

  "I thought you would never ask,” he said in return with a playful grin on his face.

  He kissed me again and then he put his hands on my shoulders. He spun me around until my back was to him. He pulled me back against him and the portion of my back that was exposed through the bareback dress pressed against his hard chest and scales. I sighed in ecstasy as our flesh made contact. I enjoyed feeling the hard scales against my back. There was something about them that made me feel like I was with a very strong warrior, and that gave me relief.

  He kissed my neck, right in the soft spot that gave me chills. Then he trailed kisses down my neck, over my shoulder, and then back up again. He gave me goosebumps all over my skin.

  “I have been thinking of this over and over again. You have taken over my mind, Vera,” he whispered as he untied the dress that wrapped around my neck. He pushed the straps off of me, and the dress fell to the floor. I was now completely naked standing with my back to him. I could feel his hot breath on my neck as his breathing grew rapid. He put one large hand between my shoulder blades; it stretched completely across. Then he slowly slid it down to the small of my back and around my bottom as he moaned Then he moved his hand back up, retracing his steps. I was wet almost immediately. I could barely handle this anymore; I wanted him inside of me, but he wanted to savor every moment and every inch of my body.

  He kissed my back lower and lower until he was on his knees behind me kissing every inch of my body. I was growing wetter and wetter. I turned around and faced him. He had a very seductive grin on his face as he looked at me. Then he kissed my breast, licking and sucking on each nipple. I was astounded that he knew what to do, but I guessed it was just primitive. I grabbed his hand and slid it down my belly. His hand was so broad that it was practically the same size as my waist. I slid it further and further down until it was over my wet center. I moaned. He looked at me with wide eyes, as though confused.

  "Touch me here. It will please me,” I said to him.

  "I understand. Just as the way you touched me when you wrapped your hand around mine, the pleasure it gave me…” he said.

  "Yes, exactly like that,” I said to
him as I put my fingers on top of his and guided his thumb onto my clitoris. “Oh yes," I moaned. Then I moved my finger on top of his in a circular slow motion. He caught on quickly.

  I looked at his gorgeous body in front of me. He was a warrior alien. It was very hot. I put my hand on his blue scales and felt the hardness of them underneath my fingertips. This combined with the movement of his hands on me sent me over the edge, and in seconds, I was releasing in an orgasm.

  But he was not done with me. He made love to me three times that night until it was only an hour away from the sun coming up. I had to go back to my chamber quickly before I was caught. It was risky.

  It was dirty. It was worth facing death for. I thought I was getting away with it all. I thought that Truo was the perfect solution to my isolation and grief. But the next day something happened that made me doubt everything that I had thought about Truo. Was I wrong about all of it?

  The next day after I had eaten the second meal of the day and placed the tray on the table, I heard my name.

  "Vera!” Cyro shouted at me from the stairway. I turned from my bedroom door as I stood in the hallway just having placed the tray on the table. I coughed violently.


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