Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 53

by Maia Starr

  I knew then that she would be back.

  Chapter 3


  After my meeting with my father and him showing me around the basic labs, I saw very little of him. The following day I was left to my own devices. I wandered around the research facility grounds, using the gym, using the lounge, and using the commissary. Then I went to the various labs on floors one through six. I found myself very fascinated by the advanced technology being used for experiments. And I had many questions to ask the scientists that were involved in various projects on every floor. I thought I was going to find it boring, but I had worked out an agreement with the scientists. I would say off the record whenever I wanted to know the answer to a question that was merely for my ears only, and not to be recorded in my thesis. Then I would say on the record to let them know that it would be going in my thesis, possibly. This seemed to work out well because they understood that as a scientist myself, I was very curious about a lot of things just as they were.

  It was during my third day of visiting labs and asking questions that I saw something very strange. I was walking around the sixth floor of the research building and came to a room where I saw a scientist working on a large glass container. I walked in. It was a scientist that I had spoken to before and was very friendly.

  "What is that?” I said, peering into the container.

  "Oh, Trish. I did not know you were coming to this lab today,” the scientist said.

  "Well, I haven't really made a schedule; I just sort of walk around and see what I find interesting. What is that that you have there?”

  "This. Off the record?” he said.

  "Yes, off the record,” I said. “My father doesn't allow me to put into my thesis any specific work going on here, mostly just about the techniques used to research.”

  "These are scales from an unknown deep-sea fish,” he said.

  "Really? It does not look like fish to me,” I said, looking at it. It almost looked like skin with hard blue scales.

  "Yes, it does not look like fish. That is why it is such a mystery. That is why we are studying it to understand it more. But the mysteries of the ocean, especially the deep ocean, are completely unknown to us still, even to this day. It is a whole other world down there," he said nervously.

  I knew that he was lying because he was fidgeting.

  "Now if you'll excuse me, I have too much work to do today to be disturbed. I wish you well on your thesis,” he said, pushing me out the door.

  "All right,” I said while getting another look at the container. I memorized the label on the side. It read 10-Z. I already knew what this meant. Another scientist had graciously told me the labeling system used at the research facility. The first number meant the floor that the specimen was either housed in or came from. The letter was from the room number. So that specimen with the hard blue scales came from a fish that was being stored on the 10th floor in room Z.

  I knew then as he pushed me out the door that I would have to get a look at it. I was a scientist after all, and once my curiosity was opened, I could not close it until I satisfied that curiosity. But how would I get to the 10th floor? I had not tried to use my card to get there because I did not want my father to find out and send me home. But now I was very curious.

  As I walked around the sixth floor, I noticed something that I had not noticed before: the emergency stairs. They were to be used in case of a fire. I looked around the hallway to make sure that I was alone and I pushed open the door that surprisingly did not need a card to open it. I guessed in case of a fire they did not want to lose a human life simply because someone left their card in the lab. In the stairwell, I could see that it went straight up, all the way to the roof. I quietly climbed the stairs on my tiptoes, careful not to make any sound that would echo in the empty stairway.

  Finally, I was on the 10th floor. There was a small glass window in the door. I peeked in. There were a bunch of people in the hallway. It was then that I realized that in 30 minutes, it would be dinner time. Not all scientists went to dinner, especially those that were in the middle of an experiment. But I would say that more than half of them made it to the 7 o'clock dinner time in the commissary. So I moved to the corner behind the door and slid down the wall, sitting on the floor. All I had to do was wait 30 minutes, and then the hallway would be a lot emptier.

  I was a nervous wreck as I waited those 30 minutes. Should I leave and come back later? If someone found me here, they would tell my father, and he would send me home. But I could not move. Fifteen minutes had passed, and then 20; what's another 10 more minutes? I told myself. Finally, 35 minutes had passed and I looked into the small window again. Surprisingly, the hallway was empty. I quietly pushed the door. It did not move.

  "Shit,” I whispered. This whole time I waited for nothing. I could not open the door. I guess it made sense that the emergency doors opened from the hallway, but not from inside the stairwell, because if you were evacuating for a fire, you would be going down to the first floor. I looked at the door carefully. Then I thought I would try something that I’d never tried before, but it worked in movies, so why the hell not? I slid my ID security card into the area where the door lock met with the door hinge. I jiggled and jiggled, trying to get it to push back into the door. Finally, the door opened.

  "Shit, I can't believe that worked,” I whispered to myself. I quietly and carefully moved forward into the empty hallway. I could not hear any voices at all, or the ruckus of lab equipment. I looked at the door directly across the hall from me to find that surprisingly it was labeled with the letter Z. I guessed that made sense; the emergency stairway was at the end of the hallway.

  I quietly closed the stairway door, careful that it did not slam. I walked on my tiptoes toward the lab room. I looked at the card scanner by the door. If I scanned my card and it did not open the door, would it set off an alarm? Or would I simply be denied entry? I tried the door handle. It did not open. I took a deep breath and scanned my card; surprisingly the light turned green, and the door opened. I was shocked. Perhaps they did not think to block a standard card like mine from opening the door, considering someone with my limited access would not be able to get onto the tenth floor.

  I slowly opened the door just a crack and looked in to see if anyone was in the lab. I could not see anyone because the lab set up was very strange. I slowly opened the door wider and walked in, gently closing the door. There were glass walls on my left and my right that went all the way down the entire length of the room. It was not what I was expecting. I was expecting to see fish tanks, aquariums, or frozen lockers to keep frozen fish fresh. But that was not the case.

  I looked at the glass wall to my right as I took a few steps in; behind the glass it looked like an operating room. There was a gurney with heavy straps and tables full of tools. There were microscopes and other machines for analyzing. I kept walking, looking in awe at the lab. Then I looked to my left behind the glass wall. There were more tables with tools and shelves full of devices. But then I saw something that made me stop in my tracks.

  The gurney behind this glass was not empty. There was a very naked Corillion warrior strapped to it! He stared at me, staring at him. I gasped. What the hell was going on here?! Was I seeing things? This was no fish specimen. This was a living breathing alien, a Corillion warrior. I looked at his arms and legs bound to the gurney. Then I realized he was a prisoner. I looked at the tools beside him; they were frightfully medieval looking, and it was obvious that the lab had been conducting experiments on him. My heart sank, but the curious scientist in me became very thrilled.

  I looked at his long dark hair down to his shoulders. It was in disarray. He had a beard that was short but fully grown on his face. He looked barbaric. My eyes moved lower over his broad, strong shoulders. There were the obvious hard blue scales that were on the right side of his body. That was how I knew that he was a Corillion; that and his unusual long body of almost 8 feet.

  Then my eyes went lo
wer over his six-pack abs, and a hard, toned stomach. Then they went lower and lower until they were resting on his cock. Even in its unaroused state, it was big. I allowed my eyes to linger there, and I suddenly felt my body responding to him. I felt my nipples become erect in my tight sweater. I was actually enjoying the view.

  Then I realized how wrong it was to do this. I was gazing erotically with desire at a lab experiment that was obviously being held against his will. I put my hand up to my mouth as I realized this. I was a terrible person. I looked into his brown eyes, and he locked eyes with me. He stared at me as though he could see right through me.

  I couldn't handle any more of this interaction. I turned and ran out of the lab room. I ran to the stairwell and pushed open the door and ran 10 flights down to the first floor. I could not get to my little cottage apartment fast enough.

  I unlocked the door to my apartment, went inside, and locked it behind me. What the hell kind of research facility was this? No wonder my father did not want me wandering around on the seventh through tenth floors. How many Corillion warriors did they have locked up at this research facility that they were doing experiments on? I walked back-and-forth in my room, freaking out. What the hell was I going to do after seeing that? What could one do?

  I knew that one thing was for sure: my father was involved in some very top-secret, unethical shit. No wonder he was very strange about me writing about the work being done here and only wanted me to write about the actual facility and nothing more. They had a lot to hide here.

  I could not get a grasp on what I had seen. I was experiencing inner conflict; a part of me felt sorry for the poor creature. This was wrong, very wrong. But the other half of me was very curious in scientific terms. I could understand why they would want to experiment on an alien race. They wanted to find out as much as they could about the aliens that Earth had been engaged in a war with off and on for several years. I bet there was a lot to learn from this one Corillion warrior. But at what cost? It was turning all of the scientists here into monsters. It was wrong; it was very wrong.

  The entire incident had me flushed. Part of it was excitement over the work they were doing here, the other part was knowing that I had stumbled upon some top-secret information and now I could get in a lot of trouble for it. Then of course there was seeing the naked Corillion warrior. I closed my eyes and pulled up every detail that I could remember. Then something stood out to me: the bandages on his shoulder.

  "Shit. That is where the scales came from. They had removed his scales, those bastards,” I whispered to myself as I put the pieces of the puzzle together. I was really worked up over this. What if someone was watching the log of my security card and reported the use of it on the 10th floor to my father? He would be furious. He would either banish me from the facility or keep me here forever as a prisoner so that I did not tell anyone what I saw. I was feeling very paranoid. My heart rate was over the top, and I was sweating.

  I needed to relax. I ran the hot water in the tub to get ready to take a relaxing bath in order to calm myself. I needed to figure out what I was going to do. I knew that I had to act like nothing had happened, but that was easier said than done.

  I submerged myself into the hot water and relaxed. “Come on, Trish; you have to pull yourself together. You are a smart scientist. You have to figure something out here. You can't let the shock of an unethical lab experiment throw you off. You will probably go through a lot of things like this in your career," I whispered to myself. I was giving myself a pep talk. I did this often. Being the daughter of a father that was never around and a deceased mother, I only had myself to talk things through with.

  Any hard scientist would use this to their advantage, to further their career. But I never thought that way; I had always been the good girl. Where has that gotten me? I thought to myself. Then, it hit me: I knew exactly what I was going to do. I was surprised at how devious I was willing to be. I would have to keep it a secret. I would have to keep playing along like the good daughter, writing a very simple thesis about this research facility and nothing else. But I was going to do more, so much more. It was going to advance my career beyond any other in my field. I smiled to myself thinking about it.

  "You are a genius, Trish,” I whispered to myself and then allowed myself to relax even more into the hot water. I was feeling good. I was feeling really good. I closed my eyes, and the naked warrior popped into my head again. I remembered just how strong and toned he was.

  His skin was tight against his hard muscles. His arms were strong and thick, and his dark shaggy hair and rough beard made him look dangerous, rugged, and like someone that had seen battle. It was attractive. It was very taboo.

  Before I knew it, I found myself touching my knee ever so slightly. Then I moved my hand down the inside of my thigh farther and farther. I thought about the alien warrior as I released the locks on his wrists and legs. I imagined him pulling me into his arms and throwing me onto the lab gurney. Then he would voraciously put himself on top of me, his weight would be very heavy, and he would tower over me. My hand moved in the bath right over my center, my very wet center. I moved my fingers back and forth, back and forth as my excitement built. All the while I was imagining this stranger, this alien stranger that was being kept prisoner by my father.

  He would take me. It would be dangerous; if we were both caught, we would be in trouble. In the lab surrounded by science equipment, he would drive me over the edge as he moved on top of me. I moved my hand faster and faster over me until I was moaning loudly in the tub. I felt the build up of tension and then finally released as I kept my leg up in the air, stretching my toes. I released. I released such built up tension that my entire body convulsed. I opened my eyes. I was surprised at just how much thinking about that Corillion warrior turned me on. Although I had released into sweet orgasm, I was still hungry for more. It only made me want him more now that I had fantasized about it.

  I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around me. I needed to make an appearance at the late dinner. I didn’t want anyone to think I had been prowling around. I laid down on the bed with the wet towel wrapped around me, thinking.

  Now with my decadent plan in place, I would have to make sure that all the pieces of the puzzle came together before I took any action. This was going to be a very, very delicate situation. It would be dangerous. But it would be one that would make me the most famous biologist of all time. It was going to be completely worth it.

  Chapter 4


  After seeing the petite human female, I was filled with hope. I now knew that I was going to get the hell out of there, and she was going to help me whether she wanted to or not. All I had to do now was wait and gather everything that I needed. Then, when the time was right, I would make my escape.

  But there was something else; I could not stop thinking about her. I kept telling myself it was because she was the key to my escape, but I knew that it was so much more than that. She was stunning. I kept picturing her petite body with perky breasts and slim thighs. Her long brown hair pulled up high on her head and her wide blue eyes that sparkled. She was lodged into my mind, and I wanted to touch her. I wanted her to touch me. But this was not my fault. She was a human female, and I was biologically designed to want her. I was designed to want to mate with her. My life depended on it. It was very distracting.

  I was expecting to have to wait several days before I saw the human female again, but I was wrong. She came to me that very night, late in the night. When she appeared in front of the glass wall, the device known as the clock was pointing to the number three.

  "Hello again,” I said to her as she stared at me.

  "Who are you?” she asked me.

  "I am called Jedrian Glomerorum. I am a Corillion,” I said to her.

  "What are you doing here?" she asked me.

  "I do not know what I am doing here. I do not know where I am. I do not know what kind of prison this is,” I s
aid to her in a very calm, soft voice. I was trying to gain her trust. I did not need her to fear me.

  "Prison? This is not a prison," she said as she stepped closer to the glass. It was a good sign.

  "If this is not a prison, then what is it? Where is it? Am I on Earth?” I asked her. I tried to seem as dumb as I could, as though I was completely clueless and a victim.

  "Yes, you are on Earth. You are in an area that we call Virginia. It is high in the mountains. This is a laboratory where scientists do work and learn. But it is not a prison where criminals are kept,” she said as she put both of her hands up on the glass and leaned against it. Good. She was having a conversation with me, and that was a good start. But her information was puzzling to me.


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