Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 54

by Maia Starr

  "Scientist? What is a scientist? What is a laboratory? If this is not a prison, then why am I here?” I asked her.

  She sighed, “So many questions; where to begin?” she said, looking down at her feet.

  "A scientist is a human that wants to learn things. They learn by doing experiments and recording the information. They study. I am a scientist, well, I am studying to become a scientist, but I will be done with my schooling soon.”

  "So you are one of them? You are one of the scientists that torture me. You are like these scientists that take knives to my skin and cut off my scales,” I said in restrained anger.

  "No. I mean yes. I mean, I am not exactly like them. I do not agree with what they are doing to you. Not all scientists practice those types of techniques. In fact, it is very wrong to do so; that is why they do it in secret, way out here in the mountains in the woods."

  "The woods? Are we surrounded by woods, trees?” I asked her. I was gathering information about my surroundings. She had no idea what I was up to.

  "Yes, we are deep in the woods on the mountain side. There is nothing for miles. It is very secluded out here."

  "If there is nothing for miles, then how do the scientists live here? How can they have the resources to survive and to do these things to me?” I asked.

  "This place is very large. It is a large complex with many buildings; there is a lot of storage of food and things needed for survival out here. It is very advanced. Do you mean to tell me you have never been outside this building?” she asked.

  "I was in a battle. My ship went down into the ocean. We were captured. My copilot was killed by the humans. I was put under in a sort of sleep. When I woke up, I was here on this table, strapped to it. That is all I know."

  "I see. I am very sorry for the way that you are being treated here. I have nothing to do with it. I only stumbled upon this room; I am a visitor here,” she said to me.

  "You do not stay here?” I asked her.

  "No, I am visiting while I am on break from my schooling. I leave in a few days back to where I came from,” she said to me.

  It was good information. This meant that I had to move fast if I was going to use her to escape. She would not be here for very long, and I would miss my opportunity.

  "Where do you come from?” she asked.

  "I come from the Corillion galaxy. I came to Earth in peace; I did not think that my presence would be noticed. My planet is called Glomer. I am the ruler of that planet. If I do not return, then my entire Corillion warrior tribe will die,” I said to her.

  She gasped. “Is that true?” she asked.

  "Yes, it is true. But do not tell the others. I have not told them what I have told you. They asked me many questions, and I answered none. Please do not share this information with them. I trust you,” I said to her.

  "I will say nothing," she said with a soft smile. Her smile made me weak immediately. Damn, how was she doing that? She was so petite and fragile. How was this delicate female able to make me feel weak? It did not make sense to me.

  "What happens when you do not answer their questions?” she asked.

  "They hit me with a jolt of electricity that burns my body,” I said to her with restrained anger.

  "What?! How could they!"

  "It is the truth,” I said to her.

  She looked sad and mournful, if only for a moment. Then she looked at the clock. She began to panic. “I really should be getting back. I must go,” she said.

  "Must you really leave? You are the first human I have talked to that has actually had a conversation with me. It is nice. It makes me feel like less of an animal in a cage,” I said to her. She looked at me sadly. Her eyes began to water. Then she looked away and said, “I have to go. I could get in a lot of trouble for being here. Please say nothing about my presence here. No one knows I'm coming here and I would get in a lot of trouble if they knew,” she said, taking a few steps away from the glass and toward the door.

  "I will keep your secret if you keep mine. Do not tell anyone about who I am and where I am from. They may take advantage of the fact that they have a leader of an entire planet in captivity. That could be very dangerous for everyone,” I said to her.

  "You have my promise. I promise to keep your secret. You keep mine. Now I must go.”

  "Will you return? Will I see you again?”

  She stopped before she opened the door and turned to me and said, “I will be back. I promise that I will return.” Then she was gone.

  The next day it was easier to get through the bullshit that I had been going through with the scientists, for that is what the young woman had called them. I realized that she knew my name, but I did not know hers. It only added to her mystery. I was becoming intrigued with her. Not only was she mysterious, but she could also provide me with the information I needed to escape. She would be my means of escape.

  "You actually look cheerful today,” Dr. Maxwell said as he wrote down notes at my side.

  "I assure you that I am not," I glared at him.

  "I think you are. Has anything changed?” he asked. I looked at him suspiciously. Did he know? Did he know that the young female was visiting me? Or even more so, was he the one that sent her? Was this part of the experiment that they were doing on me? Had they sent in a female to pretend to be a friend in order to get information from me? If it was, then it had worked, and I had been a fool.

  "Nothing has changed. Unless you have decided to let me go,” I said to him.

  "No. Consider this your home forever.”

  I was very angry at his words. I would sooner die than live here for the last few months that I had of my 22-year cycle, even if I had to take my own life.

  He nodded to the other young man and said, “Begin taking collections.” The other young man nodded and went to work.

  "Collections? What collections?” I asked.

  "You tell me what you think collections mean?” Dr. Maxwell asked. He did this. He did this often. He was trying to understand how a Corillion warrior thought about things. So every time I asked him a question, he would answer me with another question. He was learning and observing everything about me. I was quiet. I was not going to give him any more information.

  The young human male came over to me and stuck a big needle into my arm. I groaned. He suctioned out some of my blood. The blood was collected into a tube of glass. This is what they meant by collections. They were going to collect things from my body. First it was the blood. Then the young man took clippings of my hair and put it in a glass container. Then they picked up my hand and turned it over and painted it red. Then they pressed paper against my hands and took my handprints. They continued on for another hour before they finally left me alone. I was glad to see them go, but it was only the first session of the day. They would be returning, and the last session of the day was always the worst. I dreaded it, but I knew that it was coming and I knew that I had to stay strong.

  When they returned for the third session, I had calmed my mind and made myself ready. Plastic circles were attached to my skin, mostly on my left side where I did not have the coverage of my scales. Then the questions began?

  "What is your name? Who are you?" Dr. Maxwell asked me.

  "I have told you before that I will not give you such information. So get on with it,” I said.

  A jolt of electricity went through my body. I went into convulsions, shaking violently on the table. Dr. Maxwell nodded at the young human, and he stopped the treatment. I lay there limp. Saliva was pouring down my mouth on my chin. It hurt. It fucking hurt. But I was not going to give them what they wanted. If I did, they would continue to use this treatment. I had to show them this method was not effective. So I said nothing and I endured the pain.

  "Why did you come to Earth? Why were you on such a large ship, yet there were only two of you on board? Tell me what happened,” Dr. Maxwell asked.

  This time I did not have the energy to give him a smart ass remark. Instead, I looke
d at him and narrowed my eyes at him. I mumbled something to him, letting him know that I was so beaten by the last jolt that I could not speak.

  "Turn down the voltage. The last one was too much; he can't even speak,” Dr. Maxwell said to the other young man.

  "Yes, Dr. Maxwell; right away.”

  Chapter 5


  I was running on pure adrenaline. I could not believe that I had successfully left my small apartment cottage in the middle of the night, to sneak in to see the Corillion warrior. My nerves were on high, but I knew that if I did not go, I would not stop thinking about it.

  It was a very dangerous mission for me to take on, but I was glad that I did. Talking with the Corillion warrior was a better experience than I thought it would be. He was not a rogue, brute warrior like I thought he would be. He was a very intelligent being, and he was in pain. So when I made it back to my apartment after speaking with him, my mind was made up. I was going to go through with my secret plan. I had to. It would help me, and it would help him. It was the least that I could do for him while also making a name for myself in my career. I was going to set him free, but not after having a few more deep conversations for my work.

  The next day after dinner in the commissary and making light conversation with anyone that wanted to chat, I went back to my small cottage early and got some sleep. I took a six-hour nap and woke up at 2 AM. I made myself some coffee and woke up. I prepared the questions that I wanted to ask the Corillion warrior. I had recorded everything in my notebook that he had told me the night before, but I wasn't going to show it to anyone, especially not my father. They were my own personal notes; I thought of it as my own personal diary marking my experience as a human female visiting a captive Corillion warrior. It would have nothing to do with my thesis. These notes were for myself, and my secret project. I planned to publish my own scientific report on the psychology of a Corillion based on my conversations with him. It was going to make me a very important prominent scientist.

  Tonight, I would be getting more information for that project. I once again found myself creeping through the research facility heading to the 10th floor. I was glad that the lab was empty again. I gathered my courage and walked into the lab, peering through the glass. But I was not expecting to see Jedrian asleep. He was still strapped to the table, but he was not in an up-and-down vertical position. The table had been placed horizontally, and he was asleep. I opened the glass door and stepped inside. I had never been this close to a Corillion warrior before. I got closer and looked at his face; I realized that he was not asleep. He was passed out. He looked terrible. I placed my hand on his arm and nudged him carefully. “Jedrian, Jedrian, are you all right?”

  A soft moan left his mouth as he finally came to. His eyes opened, and he looked directly at me, “Oh, it is you.”

  "What happened to you?” I asked him.

  "I didn't want to answer their questions, that is what happened,” he said quietly.

  "Do you mean they did the electricity again?” I asked him, feeling very angry that my father would do such a thing. He was cruel, very cruel.

  "Yes, it must have been a very large amount of electricity because I blacked out,” he said to me. Then he quietly whispered, “Water.”

  I ran to the side of the room and brought him a glass of water with a straw. I took it to him and gently placed the straw in his mouth, and he drank of the water. I found myself wanting to nurse this Corillion warrior. He did not deserve this type of treatment. He would waste away here. He would die.

  I sat with him giving him water until he seemed a little stronger. I did not want to bombard him with my questions after the scientists had done that to him already in a very negative way. But that did not mean I could not have a conversation with him; I was very curious about everything Corillion. But I wasn't going to pull out the list of questions from my pocket.

  I pushed his black hair away from his forehead. I could tell that he had been sweating profusely underneath the shock treatment. He looked at me with his big brown eyes as though to say thank you, but said nothing. I moved back to the side of the room and found a clean washcloth and poured some water into a bowl. I carried it back to him and said, “May I?”

  "Yes. Thank you. I am very grateful. They only let me out from this table for a couple of minutes a few times a day. I don't exactly get to indulge in the shower,” he said as I used the wet washcloth to wipe his face.

  I moved the cloth down his strong chin and over his strong neck, then to his shoulders. I did the left side, and then I moved over the right. I looked at him and then looked back at the blue scales on the right side of his body. I allowed my fingertips to move over them, feeling the hard texture of them. I found it completely fascinating. I dunked the washcloth into the bowl of water again and moved it over his six-pack abs. I felt my mouth watering as I moved over the toned muscles. Then I moved farther and farther down, stopping just above the dark curls between his thighs.

  "It's all right human female. Do not be shy. You are a scientist, are you not?” He said.

  He was right. I should not be shying away from such a thing. It was all in the name of science. “Yes, I am a scientist,” I said looking up at him.

  "Then this should be normal to you,” he said.

  I swallowed hard gulping down the extra saliva that was gathering in my mouth. I dunked the washcloth in the bowl and wrung out the excess water. I did this twice. I was procrastinating out of embarrassment. Then I moved the washcloth over his large cock. I wiped it up and down trying not to think sexually. That was impossible. It was so large, thick, and perfectly smooth. I washed it delicately and then the area around it, over his soft, dark curls. I allowed my finger tips to fall from the cloth and lightly grazed them over his cock. He moaned slightly. I couldn’t believe this was happening. What the hell was I doing? I took nurturing and nursing a wounded Corillion to sexually assaulting him!

  I noticed that he was growing hard. I quickly pulled the washcloth away and gasped. “I think that is enough of that,” I said as I stood up and put the bowl and washcloth back on the other side of the room. I stayed there moving stuff around, but not really doing anything. I was just too ashamed to turn back toward him.

  "Thank you very much, human female. I would thank you by your name, but I do not know what you are called,” Jedrian said.

  I walked back to his side and said, “My name is Trish. I am Trish Maxwell.”

  The slight smile that he had on his face faded. “You are of a relation to Dr. Maxwell? That is the same name.”

  "I am. He is my father,” I said to him.

  A look of shock crossed his face as he said, “But you are nothing like him.”

  "We are not close. I am not like him; that is true. I hope that I am never like him,” I said to him.

  "So you agree that what they are doing to me is wrong? You agree that what your father does to me is wrong?” he asked.

  "Yes, I agree that it is wrong. I am all for learning in the name of science, but I do not think that this is the way to do it. Just having conversations and learning from each other should be enough,” I said.

  "Then if you think that this is wrong, help me get out of here, right now,” he said.

  "What?! I cannot do that! We would never get out of here. We would be caught in the hallway, and we would both get into trouble," I said, rambling on as I walked back-and-forth in the small space.

  "Leave that to me. I will get us out of here, but I need your help,” he said.

  "What could I possibly do?” I asked.

  "You can do a lot. I would need to know the surroundings outside the building. I would need to know how close the woods are that I could disappear into. I don't even know anything about this building that I am in,” he said to me.

  "And if I gave you all of that information, you would still not be able to get out of here. It is a well-guarded place. There is a giant fence wall that surrounds the entire place. You would never b
e able to get over it. They would catch you, and I would be responsible for the punishment that they would give you. They would probably do something drastic, like break your legs so that you could never run away again. Do not underestimate what they are willing to do to keep you here. You are a very valuable scientific specimen. You are worth billions of dollars in research for them, not to mention a doorway to understanding the Corillions, which we are in a constant war with. Do you understand all of this?” I said to him in anger even though helping him escape eventually was also my plan, but it was more of a fantasy. To have him say it out loud and to want me to do it at that moment was impossible. It freaked me out. I was way over my head in this!

  "Yes, of course I understand, Trish. I am a warrior. I am a fighter. I can get myself out of here once I am loose from these restraints.”


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