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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 90

by Maia Starr

  Moments later I was taken inside of a building that was very technologically advanced. Every thing looked almost the same as it would on Earth, but much more futuristic and progressive. They were definitely an alien race that was more advanced than we were. The door swished open and the guard push me into an office. It looked very familiar to me. It was obviously the office of someone that studied the land. There were projected maps all over the walls. I was in my element. I walked along, excited to be looking at the maps although I could not read them. It was in the Drackon language, but the markings on the map that marked elevation were the same as on earth. I was looking at maps of Sala, until I came to one that was drastically different. It was a map of the area surrounding Cerista on the planet of Mooreah. I was intrigued and I went over it thoroughly, trying to memorize as much of it as I could. I picked out a few areas that seemed to have ravines and could be a good place to hunt for the flagion rocks.

  I sat down in front of the map to study it while I waited. I was in the office for a long time and I was tired. After all, I had been on a spaceship for weeks traveling from Earth. I pulled my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around them and dozed off. I did not know how long I was asleep until I felt a warm hand on my arm nudging me awake.

  "Dr. Adams, Dr. Adams, wake up," the voice whispered.

  I slowly woke up almost forgetting where I was. I looked up straight into the gorgeous brown eyes of Sentinel Vuna. His gorgeous face and a strong physical form looming over me immediately snapped me back into reality.

  "Oh Sentinel Vuna, I am sorry. I am very tired from the journey. I did not mean to doze off. It was my first time traveling into deep space."

  "Get the doctor some water," he said to one of his guards who left the office. I stood up and stretched and tried to wake myself up. The Sentinel’s eyes were on me the whole time.

  "Sentinel…" I began to say but he interrupted me and said, "Call me Terik."

  "Very well… Terik. What is to be done with me? I don't understand what has happened."

  "I do not have answers for you yet, but I do have questions," he said as he moved around to his desk and sat behind it.

  "All right. Ask me anything you'd like," I said sitting back down in a chair in front of his desk.

  "Are you aware of why Captain Mordikye is in trouble?"

  "No, only what I vaguely heard when you fought each other. Something about cargo?" I said suddenly realizing that I was under interrogation. I guess I should've expected as much but it was still a bit frightening.

  "Yes, that is exactly right. We believe the captain has been smuggling illegal cargo from other planets onto Sala and Mooreah. These are unauthorized deliveries and could be dangerous. He is breaking the law, the Drackon laws. He is under investigation until we figure out the truth."

  “That is unbelievable,” I said trying to make myself seem innocent.

  "Now tell me. What do you know?" He asked me.

  "I don't know anything," I said to him honestly.

  "How was it that you were not in the same cargo hold as the other wives?"

  "It is sort of a long story," I said to him.

  "I am here to listen. I am here to gather the facts. Leave no detail out. If the captain’s story does not match yours then we have a problem," he said sternly.

  I began to panic realizing just how serious the situation was. The Land Sentinel thought I had something to do with it, the illegal cargo. The irony was I did have something to do with illegal cargo, but not this particular event with Captain Mordikye. My illegal cargo had yet to be found in the land of Mooreah, excavated, and shipped to Earth. But I should not feel guilty about something I had not done yet. This was about Captain Mordikye and nothing else.

  "Water for the female," the guard said as he walked in carrying a large cylinder filled with water and a smaller cup.

  "Thank you, I am parched," I said grabbing the cup and filling it with water. The water tasted differently than the water on earth, but in a good way. It was clean and crisp.

  "I'm listening," Terik said.

  "I went to the registration building on Earth to be registered. When I arrived I ran into Captain Mordikye in the courtyard of the building. I went inside and registered and made my choices," I said emphasizing the word choices. I did so to see how he would react. Had he received my file? Maybe it would jog his memory that he had seen me before? He only flinched for a second but said nothing so I continued, "After I registered I ran into Captain Mordikye once again in the elevator inside the building. He asked me if I had registered, to which I replied yes. That was the end of our exchange. The very next day I received a call from the registration office letting me know that Captain Mordikye had picked me and was a match."

  "A match? Meaning he was one of your choices?" Terik asked me.

  "Yes, Captain Mordikye was one of my choices. I made three choices that day," I said to him, once again trying to get a rise out of him.

  “Continue," he said.

  "With such a quick match combined with the fact that Captain Mordikye was on Earth and I had already met him, I accepted his offer and was on his ship when he departed, destined to be his wife."

  "So on Earth the only contact you had with the captain was at the registration office? You never met with him or any of his constituents before that?"

  "No, I had never met him before or even knew of him until that day. Now I am here with you," I said to him.

  "Did anything unusual happen while you were on the ship with the captain on your travels to Sala?" He asked me.

  "Yes, it did," I said to him. He looked up at me in shock. I don't think he was expecting me to be so cooperative in his investigation. But I had to protect myself. I had no loyalty to Captain Mordikye and I was not going to let his illegal involvements stop my own mission. It seemed that we were going to be unable to marry anyway.

  "Go on," he said to me.

  "I would like to, but I am scared. What if what I tell you makes Captain Mordikye very angry and he tries to punish me for it? He is supposed to be my husband soon," I said to him.

  "Dr. Adriana Adams, I offer you complete protection as long as you tell the truth. You will be under the direct protection of the king, and there is no reason to suspect that Captain Mordikye would ever find out that you have told me anything," he said.

  "You promise the protection?" I asked him.

  "I promise on my honor," he said, sitting up straight and in a regal manner. It was quite adorable.

  "Very well, I was having a moment with the captain on the ship," I began to say but was quickly interrupted.

  "Moment? What sort of moment?" He asked.

  I smiled and felt my face blush, "Kissing, we were kissing and in a passionate embrace."

  "Did you couple with Captain Mordikye while on your trip?" He flat out asked.

  I gasped, "I don't see how that is any of your business," I said angrily.

  "It will be the king’s business if you are carrying the captain’s offspring," he said sternly and with the tone of jealousy.

  I sighed, "No, I did not couple with the captain."

  He sighed in relief and then continued, "Continue with your story."

  "The captain and I were interrupted when his lieutenant came in and mentioned something about all the cargo ships being checked on Sala. The captain seemed to panic and he sent me away to my living quarters. That is all. I didn't see him after that. I assumed he was very busy, and it seemed to take longer than expected to arrive on Sala."

  Terik stood up from his desk and paced back-and-forth. He was thinking. Then he said, "And that was it? You didn't notice anything else unusual? Did you notice any large cargo being carried on the ship?"

  "No, I did not wander around the ship. I mostly spent my time in my living quarters, visiting some of the other females in the cargo rooms, and having meals with them. Those are the only areas of the ship that I was in. Plus I don't think I would know what was unusual; I am not Drackon. I do not know
what would be unusual to you. I am a human female, remember?"

  "How could I forget," he said very quickly as he stared at me. Then he quickly recovered and returned back into an official tone.

  I was tired of this game with him. I wanted to tell him that I had chosen him as my number one choice for husband, but I could not get the words out. I wanted him to know because I did not know what was going to happen now and I didn’t want to be sent back to Earth. But my pride was keeping me from saying it out loud. He was being such an ass to me. I did not want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I had wanted him above the captain.

  "Very well, Dr. Adams, that is all for now. I will fetch you if we have more questions. I am very busy. I will have my assistant show you to your living quarters," he said as he pushed a button and said, "Send in Luqan."

  "What is to be done with me? If Captain Mordikye is sent to prison forever, what is to be done with me?" I asked.

  "You will be sent back to Earth," he said matter of fact.

  I gasped. That was unfair. I could not let that happen. "But that is so unfair! It is no fault of mine that my match ended up being a criminal. I should be able to choose another. That is what would happen if I were still on Earth. I really had my heart set on seeing Mooreah," I said standing up and getting in his face, but the Drackon warrior towered over me. I tilted my head back trying to still be stern but it was hard when he was so tall.

  "Why is it so important to you to see Mooreah?" He asked looking down at me.

  "Back on Earth, I am a geologist. I am a lover of the land and I like to study it. I had my heart set on seeing the land of a different planet. It would be very exciting for me, and now you are robbing me of that experience for something that I had no control over," I said to him.

  "I am sorry Dr. Adams. But that is the law; you will be sent back to Earth. There's nothing I can do about that. We follow the laws here, the strict Drackon laws. Unlike Captain Mordikye, who seems to make up his own laws. There is nothing I can do for you. It is likely that Captain Mordikye will be persecuted for his crimes, and you will be left without a match and sent back to Earth," he said to me.

  "You called for me?” A tall Drackon female with long blonde hair and cat like sea green eyes entered. It was the first Drackon female I had ever seen. So far in walking around the planet of Sala, I had only seen Drackon warriors. She was stunning. I was envious, who was she?

  "Yes, Luqan. This is Dr. Adams, the match to Captain Mordikye. See her to the red room living quarters. That is where she will stay until this is sorted. Give her anything she needs and show her the way of the quarters."

  The female turned and got a good look at me. Her eyes widened with shock. Then she looked back at Terik. What the hell was going on here?

  "This is Dr. Adams? But… How is that possible when earlier we…" She began to say.

  "Say nothing more of that. Do you hear me?" Terik said to her sternly. She quickly closed her gaping mouth and followed orders and said, "Understood. Dr. Adams, if you will follow me."

  I looked at Terik and he quickly looked away from me. Why was he avoiding me? I followed the female Drackon out of the office but as I did I turned over my shoulder and said, "Thank you, Sentinel Vuna, for your hospitality."

  Then I walked out. I followed the Drackon female quietly until we had moved down three different hallways away from Terik’s office. Then I finally said, "Are you going to tell me what that was all about?"

  She smiled and said, "No, I'm sorry, but I'm not at liberty to say."

  "Alright, I guess I will have to accept that. I have not seen a female Drackon before. Do you work for the Sentinel?"

  "Yes, I am his assistant. You may call me Luqan," she said.

  "Assistant? So you must handle a lot of his affairs, especially intimate ones. Did you know that today is not the first time I have seen Sentinel Vuna?" I said, trying to get information out of her.

  "Oh, is that so?" She said as she pressed her hand against the wall and a door opened. I followed her inside.

  "Yes, I saw his photo at the registration office. I put him down as one of my choices for a match. In fact, I put him down as my number one choice, but it didn't exactly work out under the circumstances with Captain Mordikye."

  Luqan turned to me and smiled a big grin, and said nothing more of the matter. Instead she began to give me a tour of the living quarters, which were a lot like my living quarters on the ship. "Here is what you humans call the kitchen, there's fresh food and water to drink. Over there on the other side of that half wall is a resting bed. And through the door is a private washroom facilities. Here on this panel is a communication line that will connect you with an operator. If you ask the operator for me, Luqan, I will get in touch with you shortly after. Have a good rest, you must be very exhausted after such an intense trip with Captain Mordikye. I know how intense he can be," she said with a mysterious smile as she left the room.

  I was suspicious of that smile, what exactly did she mean? Had she been intimate with Captain Mordikye? Had she been intimate with Sentinel Vuna? I don't see why either of them would not partake in indulging with her. She was attractive and available, working with them side-by-side as one of the only females around. I went to the washroom and was excited to see a bathtub. I quickly fill the tub with hot water and took off my clothes to sink into a hot bath--my first since I had left Earth. As I allowed myself to rest I began to think of my circumstances. I had to come up with a way to stay and go to Mooreah. I had to come up with some sort of plan. What if I was able to have direct contact with the registration office on Earth? Surely I was not the first human female to be matched with a Drackon warrior only to arrive and find that he was not available for marriage. They must have a system for this. They should be able to match me quickly because I was already here. That had to be it. I was not going to give up on my mission to find the flagion rocks. It was a start to a plan. I would ask to meet with Sentinel Terik Vuna after I had some rest and some food. Now that I had a plan I allowed my mind to wonder. As it did it wondered to Terik Vuna. Before I knew it my hand was between my thighs rubbing my clit. I could not stop once I started and after seeing the alien warrior in the flesh I needed some release. My mind replayed the image of him in dragon form. He was strong, fierce, and fast. It was overwhelming me as I thought about the scales on his body and his silver wings behind him. He was a beast of an alien, and it was such a turn on. It was exactly the thought I needed as I felt the pulsations in my body grow more intense until I exploded into ecstasy. I breathed hard in the tub trying to catch my breath as I let out a soft moan of sweet release. It was what I had needed.

  Chapter 5


  I smiled smugly to myself as I paced back and forth in my prison cell. This was not the end for me. I was proud that I had charged and attacked Sentinel Vuna the way that I had. It had been coming for a long time, because of our past. But I had never seen him so angry. In those last few moments he had me pinned and was bashing me on the head as though there was some other source to his madness, besides being angry about illegal cargo. He had let loose an anger that came from the heart, and I could only assume it was from the past. But I had my suspicions. I had to admit that his beating was severe, and my head was pounding. But I would heal quickly; I always did. I knew that this prison cell would not be my home forever. I had already made arrangements. When I met with my buyer for the plutonium, I made sure to make another arrangement just in case this happened. A good captain was always prepared.

  When I exchanged the plutonium for wealth, I made sure that the wealth was stored on another planet, one not owned by the Drackon. It was a distant planet called Riolb that was two galaxies over. It was a planet full of outlaws and one could get lost there and create a new identity. I had already had a second life set up for me, my warriors that were devoted to me, and of course my new wife Adriana Adams. She would still be mine, Earth contract be damned.

  "Captain, over here," I
heard a voice whisper. I looked around my locked prison cell and out of the bars to the hall. The hall was empty.

  "Who is there?" I whispered back.

  "Captain, the window. Over here," I heard the voice say. I looked over to the window to see my Lieutenant Rix hanging upside down. He was shifted into dragon form, and must have his entire body on the roof. Only his head was hanging down from the high window.

  "Lieutenant Rix, what news? How did you escape?" I whispered as I went over to the window.

  "It seems that the king himself has ordered Sentinel Vuna to arrest you. They know about the cargo, the plutonium. I think you will be indicted and sent to prison forever," he whispered.

  "Shit. How could they know? It does not matter now I guess. I must escape."

  "Yes, precisely. I escaped and came directly here. If we pull on these bars together, I think our strength can set you free. We must go quickly. We must go now," he said.


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