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Girl Next Door

Page 9

by Erik Schubach

  I stood up and put my tablet into my bag and put it over my shoulder then scooped up my sleeping puppy from her lap. Daisy opened her eyes and gave a huge yawn, then she buried her face in my shirt and went back to sleep.

  Robin stood and walked us to the door and leaned in and I kissed her cheek. “Night Goldilocks.”

  She grinned ear to ear. “Night Bran.”

  Then I said, “Remember, we have someplace to be at ten AM.”

  She rolled her eyes and mimicked my voice from earlier, “Yes mother. You have harped on it all week, I couldn't forget if I wanted to.”

  I giggled. “I'm sticking my tongue out at you.” I stuck my tongue out at her and left to her chuckling as she shut her door and locked it.

  I was so excited for morning to come, I almost skipped home. I woke Daisy to go do her thing out back in the freshly cut grass... Robin had hooked me up with the Dunlop boy down the street. He agreed to come by every time he cut Robin's lawn and do mine for five dollars. I always gave him a five dollar tip.

  While Daisy was outside I went to take a shower and get ready for bed. Daisy was waiting there for her airlift when I got out. She is getting more and more active and growing quickly, I have no doubt in a week or two she will be able to make the jump herself. I closed my eyes and smiled, then grabbed my cell off the nightstand on the first ring and answered, “Hi Less!”


  In the morning, I did my morning run then got ready quickly, I don't know why I was so excited.

  I gave Daisy an extra treat, after I checked her food and water, since I felt guilty for having to abandon her today. I told her, “Sorry girl, but I'm flying this one solo. I'm already pushing my luck with Mia Jacobs as it is.” I went into the garage and pulled the car out to in front of Robin's.

  I had to smile when I got out. She was already out, weeding her flowerbed. I skipped over to her. She smiled in my general direction. “Somebody is in a good mood.”

  I rocked from side to side. “Maaaybe. Come on woman, we can't be late.”

  She grinned and shook her head as she stood with her garbage bag half full with weeds. “Ok, ok. Let me go wash my hands.”

  I grabbed the bag from her and started toward her garbage can at the side of her house near her garage as I called out, “Off with you.” I had to smile at her as she made her way to her porch and up the stairs. She looked so cute today in a violet sundress and white sandals and a light white jacket to stave off the slight morning chill.

  I hopped up onto the porch and paced, I had waaay too much energy just then. I moved quickly to her side when she came out of the house and locked the door. She chuckled as she took my arm. “Somebody needs to lay off the sugar.”

  I led her to the car and then ran around to the driver's side as she mounted up. I hopped in and started the car and then turned to her as I took the hand she offered on the center console. “Ready Goldilocks?”

  She nodded and scrunched up her nose. “Where are we going? And why so much mystery Bran?”

  I shrugged and said with humor filling my voice, “Were going to shoot some pool and maybe do some barn dancing.”

  She squinted an eye and replied with, “See? Right there, I can't tell if you are kidding or not because you're such a weirdo.”

  I giggled which brought a warm smile to her shiny lips. Wow, if she weren’t my neighbor I would be so tempted to... I shook the thought out of my head and gave her hand a squeeze. “You will just have to wait and see. I swear you are as impatient as Less. It is a surprise.”

  She held her right hand up in a gesture of surrender as she tilted her head cutely and chuckled lightly as she said, “Sorry. Lead on McDuff.”

  We spent the time on the drive downtown discussing her newest painting that she is working on, Birdsong. I love that most of her inspiration comes from cheerful sounds or warm feelings. It never ceased to amaze me how she could capture things and convert them into a tactile medium.

  Our topics were fluid and we wound up on the one subject I always avoid talking about. Relationships. She gave me a sad smile as I told her again that all relationships end, so I'm starting to think they are not worth perusing. She shared that she really hadn't ever dated. That she preferred to hide in the background and work on her art. Then she said softly, “You really should take more chances on people Bran.”

  We parked and I gave her one last look. “Pot and kettle Robin... pot and kettle.”

  She stuck her tongue out at me and we hopped out, to my giggling. With a flick of her wrist, she extended her cane and waited until I put her other hand in the crook of my arm then asked, “So, where are we besides downtown lady?”

  I hugged her hand to me as I led her. “The Downtown Seattle Gallery, I heard rumors that there was a Mia Jacobs exhibit here.”

  She stutter stepped a bit and seemed to sigh in resignation. I'm glad she couldn't see my smile. We stepped up to the grand entrance with it's heavy oak doors and beveled leaded glass inlays. I knocked on the locked doors right beside the “Closed for private showing until noon.” sign.

  Robin tilted her head. “They are closed?”

  “They have a private showing until noon.”

  Before she could ask more, the curator, my Aunt Missy opened the door. She said in a munchkin voice, “What's the password?”

  I crinkled my nose at her and said, “Ummm... Aunt Missy is awesome?”

  She chuckled and said in her normal voice, “Close enough, because it is true. Get in here stinker.”

  I dragged Robin through the door and Aunt Missy locked it behind us then gave me a hug. I grinned, she doesn't hug many people. If you don't know her, you would have to say her personality was hateful and acidic. But really she is just afraid to make connections and let people in. The few that could see through that deception know of the huge heart she hides inside and how far she will go to protect the people she lets in.

  I have been to the gallery a few times, and it amazes me how she can switch off her abrasive attitude and trade it for a super professional businesses woman guise. Though she still keeps her individuality... I glanced down at the sneakers she wore with the smart business suit and skirt. That's Aunt Missy.

  I put a hand over Robin's and gave a little squeeze. “Robin, this is my Aunt Missy. She is the curator of the Downtown Seattle Gallery. Aunt Missy, this is my slightly imbalanced neighbor, Robin.” Then I added because I had not let her in on it before, “Robin Hartford.”

  As my aunt shook Robin's hand, she blurted out, “Holy shit! I've been trying to get some of your work in here for months! Pleased to meet you.”

  Goldilocks gave her a 'Robin v1.0 adorable smile' and said, “It's nice to meet you. Brandye has nothing but nice things to say about you.”

  Missy blushed a little then turned to me. “You've been holding out on me Bran!”

  I blushed back and shrugged. “Sorry, to me she's just my neighbor and best friend.” I was rewarded by a gentle squeeze of my arm by the cute blonde one.

  I got the patented Missy glare then she couldn't do it anymore and her face cracked into a smile. She turned to Robin and said in a humorous tone, “Well, we're going to have words later Miss Hartford.”

  Robin responded quickly, “Oh Gawd... please, call me Robin. I get the shivers thinking of my ummm... over-helpful teachers in public school when I hear Miss Hartford.” She comically shivered.

  Aunt Missy nodded to herself. “Fair enough Peepers.” I stiffened, but Robin gave a reassuring squeeze to my arm. I had told her about Aunt Missy's personality. She wouldn't tease her inappropriately if she didn't like her.

  Then my aunt turned on her heel and said, “Shall we go meet her? Remember she is extremely shy, you two stress her in any way and the meeting is over, got it?” I smiled warmly at my aunt, she was in protective mode again.

  She led us into the gallery and to the central viewing area where the sculptures for sale were commonly displayed under the skylight high above so natural light could bathe them.
Missy told me once that the skylight and all the windows of the gallery were specially treated to filter out the harmful ultraviolet light that can damage and fade the artwork.

  There was a short woman with straight black hair that hung down to her waist nervously pacing by some sculptures there. She stopped walking when she saw us coming. She had some startlingly green eyes. I had to smile at the combat boots she wore with the midnight blue dress she was wearing. I don't have a clue how, but she made the look work. I had heard the stories about those boots from Aunt Missy and from June, it just made my smile warmer.

  Then Missy said to the woman, “Hey freak. This is my other niece Brandye, you met her twin Lessa a couple times before. And this is her friend, Robin Hartford. The girl I told you about.”

  The woman hugged Aunt Missy and whispered, “Hey skank.”

  My aunt grinned hugely at her then turned back to us and said, “Girls, this is Mia Jacobs. Artist extraordinaire and all around pain in my ass.”

  I heard Robin's breath catch as she haltingly laid her cane against her chest and offered her hand. Mia shook her hand and then mine, saying, “I-it is a pleasure t-to meet you ladies.”

  Robin turned her head toward me in distress. I smiled and put a hand on the one grasping my arm in a death grip. Robin opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. I giggled and translated, “She says likewise Mrs. Jacobs.”

  The woman grinned evilly at us with a glint of mischief in her eyes. “Oh poo... N-none of that. I told you on the phone. Call me Mia.”

  Robin turned her head toward me. “Bran... what did you do?”

  I shrugged and said, “I'm just along for the ride, this is your day.”

  Aunt Missy stepped back into the shadow of a fluted marble column and made herself unobtrusive. No doubt from years of practice running the gallery. I took Robin's hand out of the crook of my arm and placed it in the crook of Mia's instead then stepped back out of the way with my Aunt.

  Before Robin could say anything, Mia started walking with her to the three sculptures on display. She put her hand on the post and then unclipped the velvet rope keeping people away from the artwork as she said, “Brandye tells me that you wanted to see m-my artwork.”

  Robin just nodded, was she even breathing? I called out to her, “Robin, breathe.” She exhaled then took another deep breath and I giggled.

  Then blondie said, “Yes, I most definitely do.” She just kept nodding. Gawd she was cute.

  Mia led her up to her first sculpture and gently took Robin's cane from her and placed her hand on the sculpture. Robin stopped breathing again and turned her head toward Mia and almost whispered, “I... I can touch them?”

  Mia was nodding with her hands pressed together at her lips like she was in prayer and said, “Of course. I had never thought of that before Brandye contacted me a few days back. I want everyone to experience my work. Sighted or not.”

  She stepped back and we all watched as Robin ran her hands almost lovingly across every facet of the sculpture. I liked the way this one flowed. From a distance of about ten feet if you put your eyes level with the piece and walked around it, the seemingly random angles and shapes looked to be a flowing river that morphed into the hair streaming from a beautiful woman's head like the wind was whipping it. The Jacobs Effect was almost impossible to quantify, which I guess is why they call her a modern master. I idly wondered how that translated to what Robin was experiencing.

  She had a look of wonder on her face then she crinkled her nose with a lopsided smile and she asked, “It is almost like there is a pattern to it. But it isn't any pattern I have ever felt. But is this...” She paused and her eyes went wide upon realizing something. “Is this a face?” She covered her mouth.

  Mia said softly, “My wife.”

  I watched as a tear rolled down each of their faces. Then Mia said, “There is a pattern to it all. I see the world in patterns... in math. This is just my way of using that to show the world my memories.”

  Robin nodded in understanding then stepped back from the sculpture. Mia was instantly at her side and leading her to the next sculpture. I sat in the bench beside me and it was my turn to press my hands together against my lips as I watched Robin truly experience the art. I felt a hand on my shoulder as Aunt Missy gave it a loving squeeze.

  I have never seen a person so filled with wonder like this. I just watched as the women spoke together while Robin examined the last sculpture. Then Mia returned her cane and led her out of the roped off area. She left the velvet rope down and flipped a sign to face outward that said, “Please feel free to touch the sculptures.”

  Then she led Robin away from us and to a piece of art on the wall that looked like a silver photo of that same woman from the sculpture standing beside a tiny woman with a huge contagious smile. I stood and followed them over with Aunt Missy and almost gasped when I got close. Now I could see it for what it was, a large sheet of foam with hundreds of thousands of chrome headed pins pushed into it. There looked to be some sort of epoxy holding each pin at a particular depth. It gave a three dimensional relief to the piece.

  Again, Mia took Robin's cane and placed her hand on the artwork and stepped back. She said quietly, “My wife and my... ummm, my Vicky.” She seemed to blush a bright red and lower her head when she said Vicky's name. I caught Missy smiling at that.

  It felt like a religious experience as I watched my neighbor, my best friend, my fuzzy grey crush, run her fingers over the art. I don't know if I can describe the look on Mia's face as she watched someone so completely immerse themselves into one of her pieces. It was a mix of wonder, sadness, joy and... and vindication?

  Then Robin turned from it and whispered, “Thank you. I never thought I'd get this chance.”

  Mia moved quickly up to the piece and took it off the wall, with a frantic look on her face. She was almost babbling under her breath. “I made this for you this week after Brandye's call so you could experience it here. But it truly belongs to you... I can see that now. You've just made me happier than I have been in years.” She placed Robin's hand on the frame.

  Robin was at a loss for words, but Aunt Missy wasn't. “Hey, spaz. We could get at least a hundred thousand for...” I swear I saw Mia's green eyes flare as she glared at Missy. I almost giggled when my Aunt backpedaled. “Which doesn't really matter because it is a... gift?” Mia nodded once with a dangerous gleam in her eyes. Aunt Missy gave her a toothy grin and then softened with a caring look toward Mia.

  Robin's voice was hoarse and her eyes were welling up, “I couldn't.”

  Mia leaned up and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Too late hon, it's done.”

  I could tell, there was no arguing with this woman, she was a force unto herself. I could clearly see how she had somehow made her way into my aunt's inner circle. Then we took the piece out to the car and then the four of us decided to get some lunch. Mia made a quick call. She seemed to be shyly grinding a heel into the ground as she was saying to whoever she was talking too. “W-we're getting some lunch. Do y-you... do you want to join us... maybe?” Then she smiled cutely and hung up. I grinned, it was hard to believe that she was in her forties, she looked and acted much younger.

  Shortly, a tiny blonde woman joined us outside. She had this smile that forced you to smile back, and this glint of intelligence in her eyes that was almost frightening. Mia introduced her to us as, “Victoria Davenport, owner of the gallery and my... umm... she's my Vicky.” Vicky stuck a silly pose at that then grabbed Mia's hand. I caught the laced fingers and had to smile, they obviously liked each other more than just friends, but neither seemed brave enough to say it.

  That had to be one of the most surreal lunches ever. I was amazed and happy to be a fly on the wall as two of the most inspiring artists of our time discussed art as the rest of us ate and listened in rapt fascination. Vicky's sparkling eyes rarely strayed from Mia's face. I couldn't stop the warm and content feeling inside me, just seeing how happy Robin was.

p; We dropped the three women back at the gallery then as we drove off. Robin laid her head on my shoulder as I drove. She was shaking a little and I realized she was crying. I almost panicked and started pulling over. “Are you ok Robin?”

  She nodded, still facing forward and she smiled. “Better than ok. Thank you Bran.” I exhaled and tried to relax again. As I pulled us back into traffic, I kissed the top of her head and whispered, “Anytime.”

  Then she cutely said, “Bring me to a movie? I hear the Royal has Heartsong Warriors playing.” I almost snorted. That was one of the movies Kylee had produced under her Babette Stevenson persona. Wait, she wanted to go to a movie? Well, I guess you can catch enough from the dialogue and sound effects to enjoy it. I have never thought about it before.

  I grinned at her expectant look. Gawd, like I could ever say no to her? She knew that too the evil woman. I said, “I get the tickets, you buy the popcorn?”

  She nodded once with a grin. “Done.”

  Once we got to the ticket window, I paid for the tickets and Robin said to the cashier, “Could I get a descriptive video headset, please?”

  I looked at her the woman who was reaching behind her to grab a headset, I looked at her then Robin. Now I was beyond curious. I said, “Two, please.” The woman smiled and handed two headsets through the small hole in the window. I put one in Robin's hand and she put it around her neck and collapsed her cane, stuffing it in her purse then grabbing my arm with both hands.

  I turned the headset over in my hands and was about to ask when she grinned and said, “There is an additional audio track transmitted with most movies now, that describes the action happening on the screen as the movie progresses.”

  Oh wow. That's pretty cool. I put mine over my neck for now like she did and gave our tickets to the kid at the door then led her up to the concessions. After loading up on popcorn, candy and cola we made our way to our theater. I started asking, “Where do you want...” Then I stopped feeling like an idiot.

  She answered my unasked question. “Doesn't really matter to me, sit wherever you can watch most comfortably. Don't hesitate around me Bran. Please don't treat me any differently than anyone else.”


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